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Changing Masks

Page 29

by Nicholas Metelsky

  'What are you gaping at?'


  'What are you staring at, dork?'

  There I realized that my ‘blank’ look was directed towards Toremazu’s sister's breast. Oh, God.

  'You're a perv,' I said to her.


  'You have twisted thoughts from overthinking.'

  'Are you... I'll...'

  At that moment, the teacher walked into the classroom, and we had to take our places at the desks. I have to resolve this. I don't know her too well. What if she's a vigilant witch, looking for a reason to start messing with my life. She didn't look like it though, but who knows?

  During the next recess, I apologized to Kameko. Next time, she'll think twice before accusing men of something like that. I earned her forgiveness and went outside. There was still time left before the next class.

  Five minutes after the end of the fourth class when Rydon and I were preparing to go to the dining room, Aniko called and graciously agreed to spend that evening with me. I was shocked. As soon as I hung up, I imagined myself, all dressed up, walking up to Okhayashi's house. The equally beautiful Aniko was coming out to meet me, and we took public transport to get to the party.

  'Pf, ha-ha-ha.'

  'What's up?' Rydon responded to my sudden laughter.

  'Oh, nothing. Thinking I need a car with a driver.'

  'Don't you have one?' The guy asked, still not understanding the reason for my laughter.

  'Do I look like an Okhayashi golden boy?'

  'You look like a Sakurai dork who wears a suit that costs as much as a car with a driver.'

  'Ah ... ah ... ah ...' I waved my hand. 'What can I say? I can’t afford a car. Not because of the finances, but because of ... eh, well, other reasons.'

  'I'm not even gonna ask what your reasons are.' I believe you, Rydon. Because you're a high-class, intelligent person.

  'How about you take a spot for us in the cafeteria? I'm gonna call someone quickly. I’ll be right there.'

  Tarot wasn't answering, which was strange. What has happened there? Then I called Tanaka and found out that Nemoto was in hospital. But the exciting thing was that he took Yamashita with him, ensuring the absence of my main competitor at the auction. I didn't know if I should praise or scold him. What should I do about the car? I told Tanaka to send a phone to Tarot, and then I dialed again.


  'Funtik, are you busy?'

  'Umm, no. Why?'

  Put everything on pause for tonight. I need you. I’ve got to have an expensive car with a driver by 8 or 9 P.M. at the latest. Take a car rental in your name. Go right now. Tell Vas-Vas that one of them will be driving a respectable person tonight. That is, me.'


  'This is important, so don't ask.'

  'I just wanted to say that Rymov doesn't have a driver's license.'

  'That means it's Goro's responsibility.'

  'What if he has something going on?'

  'I hope that’s not the case but otherwise, we have eight more guards there. Call them up and see who wants to make some extra money tonight.'

  'Why don't you find someone from Shidotemora?'

  'I don't have many trustworthy people there.'

  'You're paranoid.'

  'Those, who I trust, have a low rank in martial arts.'

  'Okay, consider it done. I'll get you a driver and a car.'

  'A luxurious one by 7.'

  'Yeah, yeah. Wait, by 7 now?'

  'Well yeah, I have to pick up a girl at 9.'

  'What girl... alright. I'm going.'

  'See ya.' Okay, that's done, and I can eat now.

  I should actually buy a car to prevent situations like this arising. It could just sit in a garage until I found a driver.

  'Sakurai Shinji!'

  'Who is so hyper here?' I turned around and saw Vakia Tejdzho, standing in the middle of the corridor and pointing at me.

  'Hey! Stop ignoring me! Where are you going?'

  'Go away, Vakia. I just want to eat quietly,' I said to the guy running up to me.

  'I need a rematch.'

  'And I need a million.'

  'Just for sparring?'

  'That was a joke. Actually, it wasn’t! If you want a rematch, bring money! If you don't have it, get lost!'

  'Poor, miserable commoner. I'm afraid to think what you have to do to pay for your schooling.'

  'Then don't think. Well, you don't think anyway. Just sit and be quiet.'

  'You probably sell your clothes. If they’re as expensive as your uniform, you could live off them.'

  'Stop making a fool out of yourself. It's funny to you, perhaps. I already have a bad rap around here. What do you need from me?'

  'So rude. I don't need anything. I just wanted to have lunch.'

  'It's not rude but adequate. I can be rude too.'

  'Alright, alright. You can't even take a joke.'

  'I don't like jokes like this in front of other people.'

  'Alright, I get it.'

  'Hundreds of years of building a reputation can go slipping into the abyss because of one family member and an hour of joking around.'

  'Why are you so boring?'

  'Never mind…' I grumbled. 'By the way, They stitched you up pretty good. There is not a trace left of your past glory.'

  'Oh yeah!' We are an ancient, wealthy family, and not just some... Okay, I'll be quiet.'

  Rydon and Tejdzho knew each other, so I didn't have to introduce them. They were similar in some way. Perhaps, it was their optimism. Some people have too much of it, some don't have enough, and these two had just the optimal amount. The rest of the lunch was calm and cheerful, and wasn't ruined even when Shina and Mineh came.

  'Have you figured out what you're gonna do about the car?' Rydon asked, swallowing a piece of fish.

  'I gave orders.'

  'Even though my sister isn't a gold digger, you're going to a place, where it wouldn't be appropriate to turn up in a redneck's truck.'

  'Don't worry about it. I have a specialist dealing with it.' I should call Funtik and remind him about the car class. Otherwise, as a specialist, he usually looks at quality.

  'A car? Sister? What are you talking about, Shinji?' Shina asked. It would have been nice if the senior Koyama had told her about it rather than throwing me under the bus.

  'I'm going out with Rydon's sister tonight. Since I don't have a car yet, I'm going to rent one.'

  'So, a sister.' Darn the old man! 'Well, Aniko-san is a fine lady,' Shina added in a steady voice.

  'Poor Aniko-san,' Mineh started but then stopped after noticing that all three guys were staring at her in surprise.

  'Since when?' Rydon asked.

  'I don't get it... What do you mean?' 'Don't worry, Mineh-san,' I smirked. 'She'll be fed there.'

  'That's not what I...'

  'Oh, so that's what she means,' Tejdzho said, picking up a piece of meat with his chopsticks. 'Where are you going, by the way? Do they even have food there?' The guy said putting a piece of meat in his mouth.

  'Crystal Eve.' What a silly name.

  'Is that the one organized by Prince Oama?' Vakia asked. I nodded and he continued: 'Then you'd better not show up hungry there.' My father was there once and said that the food was horrible, both hors-d'oeuvres and drinks.' He picked up another piece of meat after he had finished speaking.

  Okay, I'll keep that in mind. What was important was that right now, Tejdzho was picking the meat out of my bento!

  'Vakia, you're pushing yourself into debt.'

  'These poor commoners,' Vakia sighed.

  'And spotted aristocrats who steal their food.'

  'Even I don't let myself do that,' Rydon inserted. 'Even though I want to really bad.'

  As a result, they split my bento between the two of them, and I got the leftovers. Shina must have settled down and, looking at us accusingly, shook her head. Mineh looked sad and was probably feeling like an outcast. I doubt that she or ev
en her father were ever able to go to a party of that kind of level. Even if, like me, she'd never heard of Crystal Eve before, she had to know the name of Prince Oama.

  'By the way, Shinji, I hope you have thought about your suit beforehand and haven’t left it to the last moment like with the car?' Shina asked at the end of lunch.

  'Hey. Let's do without the insults. I only found out about this party last night.'

  'Really? So you’re going there for business? I thought you just wanted to spend 10 million on something,' Tejdzho said.

  'Hahaha,' Mineh almost choked on her tea.

  'Are you out of your mind?' I answered him, looking at Mineh sideways. 'I'm not an idiot or a poker lover to throw away such money.'

  'Shinji, so what about the suit?'

  'Yes, I have one. Even a few.' Oops, I shouldn't have said anything.

  'Don't go anywhere after school. We'll try to pick something out for you.'

  'What about the school club?' I knew to ask that was no solution, but still...

  'I don't think it'll be a big deal if I miss one day.'

  'Okay, I'll give you a call.'

  We picked out a suit fairly fast. I was worried over nothing. You may be wondering why it is a problem to pick one suit out of five?' That’s because you don't know Shina! Fortunately, she could differentiate between business and entertainment. This time, I tried on all the suits, and she chose two. After trying those two a couple more times, she finally determined ‘the winner’ — a black three-piece suit with a faint pattern on the vest.

  'Okay, this one is fine. It’s so annoying! Do you even know what your Aniko is going to wear?' My Aniko?

  'No idea.'

  'What if she wears something... something like... You should have asked her. Oh, I'm a fool. Why would she tell you? She probably doesn't even know herself.'

  'Shina, cutie, settle down. This suit will match any lady's dress. It'd be different if I was dressed like a peasant and she was wearing an evening gown.' In a second or two, the room was filled with girlish laughter.

  'Yes,' said the girl, still chuckling, 'that'd be an unforgettable moment. You can't even imagine. No offense, but your upbringing, Shin-chan is very basic. I'm not just talking about manners but knowledge, too.'

  'Sure, no offense,' I snorted.

  'Well, now that we have picked the suit,' Exactly, we.'Let's wrap it. You aren't gonna wear it all day, anyway.'

  'Smart girl.'

  'Oh yeah!'

  'Shi-chan, can I ask you a question?' There is a saying: don't trouble until trouble troubles you. Curiosity is a strange thing though...

  'Go ahead,' the heiress to the clan said, wrapping the suit by herself just as she had done when picking it out.

  'When we were in the cafeteria, it looked like you had some questions,' I said carefully. 'But I didn't get any from you.'

  'I understand everything without needing your answers. I’m not a complete fool, thank God,' Shina said without taking her eyes off the suit. 'Although actually, I do have one that deserves an answer,' she said looking at me. 'What's the big deal of you being associated with Koyama at the higher levels of society? You'd only benefit from it.'

  She knew how to ask questions. How was I to respond? That I want a coat of arms which the old man could use as leverage against me? Ugh.

  'Think of it as a stupid man's pride.'

  'A man... It makes sense that mom sighs and says, 'Oh, these men.' There, it's ready, man.' She straightened up with the suit wrapped and ready for transportation, then rested her hands on her hips: 'What time is your car arriving here?'

  The car, permitted into the grounds by Koyama Kagami, who was the only adult clan member here at the moment, arrived in an hour. Funtik worked swiftly. Tanu Goro, aka Vasya-chan, was behind the wheel dressed in a formal suit and smiling from ear to ear.

  'Maybach 57, boss. Length is 18.7 feet; maximum speed is 170 mph; acceleration is up to 100 within 5 seconds; engine displacement—1.6 gallons, horsepower capacity—612. That's nothing, boss. Look inside.'

  'How does it feel to drive this beauty?'

  'Oh!' Goro grabbed his head. 'I have no words to describe it, boss.' I didn't know that Vasya-chan was a car maniac. That was good to know. The vehicle was nice, but it shouldn't evoke such emotions. This is the same car I had in my other world with the exception that mine was dark silver. Nostalgia.

  'I should buy one like this.'

  'You'll need a driver! You won't even have to look for one. I'm right here!'

  'You know, Goro,' I said, looking at him. 'The driver, my driver, has to follow rules that are somewhat stricter than those for the guards—even if it's my guard.'

  'So...what do I need? Do I have a chance?'

  'You do, so does Rymov.'

  'Wow. I'm assuming this is not the place and time to discuss it?'

  'Smart boy. By the way, the place is loaded with cameras. Act appropriately.'

  'I'll sit in the car and play it safe.'

  'Okay, sit here. We'll leave in 10 minutes. Funtik did so well. Let's stop at a few more places.'

  There I stood, leaning on the hood of the car, across from the massive gates of Okhayashi mansion, waiting for the girl who was going to be my date for the night. The Okhayashi neighborhood was different from Koyama in that it didn't have any modern houses. They were all built in traditional style and they were all surrounded by stone fences.

  It's been 10 minutes since she told me she was 'almost ready.' Women! Why do they have to be this way? Finally! Wow! Okhayashi Aniko looked terrific. Even in the school uniform, she looked lovely, but in this white, flowy dress, she could conquer any man’s heart. A man could kill to have a woman like that. Her shape, grace, luscious hair— I almost fell in love... with her breasts. I shouldn't stare at them so obviously, although Aniko would understand better than anyone else.

  'You look breath-taking, Aniko-san. Will you allow me to call you by your name tonight? I'm so jealous of your future husband.'

  'We already agreed on that earlier today,' the miracle smiled. 'We can do without suffixes tonight, Shinji. Then, we'll see. Depends on your behavior.' I'm melting.

  'In that case, please—,' I opened the door of Maybach. 'I hope I can make your evening unforgettable.'

  Chapter 10

  Crystal Eve took place in one of the skyscrapers in the heart of Tokyo City. Our car stopped in front of the main entrance, flanked by Imperial guards, wearing light mobile infantry armor designed to resemble Samurai armor. The armor was developed by the design bureau 'Sejmicu Kiko,' the State engineering company. As far as I know, they perform ceremonial and representative functions. Looking at the awkward pile of metal and ceramoplastic, that was the impression it gave. The guards here looked out of place and were probably only standing there to show that a member of the Imperial line was in the building. Actually, I lied, a member of the Imperial family. An ordinary member of the line could not afford to place guards wherever they went.

  I waited until Goro let Aniko out of the car, and then I stepped out. I looked around and offered my arm to the girl. After that, we went inside the building. We passed the statue-like guards and entered a huge hallway with two spiral staircases with a gold and marble finish. There weren't a lot of people around, and these were mostly local personnel. Also, here and there, I could see people that looked alike, but nothing like personnel or guests.

  'Neat,' I noted.

  'What is?' Aniko asked.

  'All the guards here are foreigners, Indians, if I'm not mistaken.'

  'So what? The Prince can afford it. If you're right, they are most likely from 'Dral khochna,' the best security agency.

  'That's a controversial statement, but the fact is that the Prince himself could not afford this.'

  'The Prince? The third son of the emperor? Could not afford it?' In response, the girl looked at me in surprise.

  'Correct. It's strange that you don't know that. The problem is not to do with finances but politics. A member
of the Imperial family line cannot be surrounded by representatives of another State. It's unpatriotic. In addition, 'Dral khochna' is a purely private organization, not affiliated either with states or with clans. If it was the other way around, they would never have risen to such a level. As a private business, they don't have people with high ranks. Of course, they have Masters and Virtuosos but not very many. I doubt that they lend them out. It turns out that the Prince wouldn't benefit from working with this company. Not to mention the third Prince, who wouldn't even get a Virtuoso.'

  'I see. Who are they then?'

  'There are a bunch of options. Think of one, and I'm sure you will hit on the right answer.'

  'I didn't know you were aware of such things.'

  'Just like I didn't know that the eldest daughter of the head of the Okhayashi clan did not know that.' I felt like a little fool who was showing off in front of a cute, silly girl.

  'You have a biased opinion of the aristocracy. We don't need to know about everything and everyone. I just didn't care. I'm sure my father and older brothers know these things. What would I need to know it for? Perhaps, I'd have found out later, or perhaps not.'

  We checked at reception where to go and went to the elevator, which took us to the twentieth floor. The elevator doors opened and, in the hallway, we saw the guards, just standing around.

  'Good evening, gentlemen,' the reception girl put on a social smile. 'How can I help you?

  'Shinji Sakurai.

  She lowered her eyes to the keyboard and started tapping on the keyboard, trying to find my name on the guest list.

  'Sakurai-san, welcome to Crystal Eve. The tournament will begin in half an hour. Chips can be purchased at the checkout, which is located behind the opaque counter. The cash register accepts both cash and cards. Please,' she pointed out to the side,' the guard will show you how to get to the hall. Have a good time and good luck in the game.'


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