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The Highland Duke

Page 29

by Amy Jarecki

  She curtsied. “Your Grace.”

  He caught her hand and pulled her inside. “To me you will always be my only true duchess. You will never want for anything.”

  Melting into his arms, she closed her eyes and kissed him as he swept her off her feet and carried her to the hearth.

  She unfastened the brooch at her neck and allowed her arisaid to drop to the floor. “The fire’s warm.” Hardly aware of her surroundings, she glanced back at the four-poster bed. Aye, that was all they needed for now.

  He sucked in a sharp inhale as she tugged the laces on her kirtle. “I want to see you bare.”

  Akira’s body shuddered. She wanted to be naked with this man, skin to skin. So many times when she’d lain abed at night, she’d ached to be with him, ached to join with him as God intended a man and a woman to share passion. She wanted to feel him wrap her in his arms and love her like she was the queen over all the fairies.

  She stood very still while he removed layer after layer. As every piece of clothing dropped to the floor, the insides of her thighs quivered a bit more. The heat surging in her nether parts grew more intense, and the tips of her breasts became ever so sensitive, craving his lips upon them.

  And after he swept her shift over her head, how erotic it felt to be completely naked and standing in front of Geordie while he was still clothed. She liked it when his lips parted with a gasp as he stood back and made love to her with his eyes.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  She ran her hands down his hard stomach, feeling ripples of muscle beneath her fingertips. “Now you.”

  He grinned. “I’ll give you a wee bit of help.” Before she blinked, he slipped out of his doublet, unpinned his plaid at the shoulder, released his belt, and sent his kilt sailing to the floor. He reached for the hem of his shirt, but Akira stilled his hands.

  Her hips swished as she stepped into him, every inch of her skin firing with desire. “I’ll do it.”

  Very slowly she exposed him, tugging the shirt higher and higher until he had to help her pull it over his head. She stood back and regarded him—chiseled male perfection—as the firelight danced across his skin. She couldn’t help but touch him, moving both hands over his velvety soft skin, swirling her fingers down the dark trail of hair running from his navel to the tight curls above his swollen manhood.

  But she didn’t touch it—not yet. Stepping a bit closer, she placed a finger in the center of his chest, her tongue slipping to the corner of her mouth. “This time I want to ravish you.”

  He growled—a low, feral moan that told her how much he liked her idea.

  She moved her finger down, down until she met his navel, then swirled circles inside.

  Again he let loose a rapturous moan—a sound that pulsed through her body as if he’d touched her between the legs. “You’ll bring me undone if you keep teasing me like that.”

  Drawing out the moment, she slowly moved her finger lower and chuckled. “But that’s what I want.” Her voice came out deep and breathless.

  When she wrapped her fingers around his manhood, his eyes rolled back and his knees flexed. “My God.”

  She could scarcely inhale as she smoothed her hand up and down. “Can I kiss it like you did to me?”

  He shuddered as he gazed into her eyes. “If you’d like.”

  Licking her lips, Akira dropped her gaze. “Will I hurt it?”

  He smiled. “Nay, you cannot hurt me with a kiss.”

  He backed to the bed and lay on his back. Akira slid beside him. Taking his enormous member in her hand, she pressed her lips to the tip. Geordie released a deep rumbling moan, his hips moving jolting reflexively. His reaction making her hotter, she timidly licked him.

  “Aye, that’s it, lass.”

  Emboldened by his encouragement, Akira opened her mouth wider and swirled her tongue around and around, up and down. His breathing grew labored, his moans more frequent, as he shuddered in concert with her licks.

  Panting, Geordie tugged her up. “You want to ride me, woman?”

  She gulped. “Aye.”

  “Then mount me like you would a horse.”

  Akira straddled him, her body completely afire, her womanhood clenching with need. Rocking her hips back, she rubbed her wetness along his length.

  “You’re so wet for me, I have to feel my cock inside you.” Grasping her hips, Geordie moved so his member pushed against her, hard and thick. She wanted him to make love to her. And the more he panted, the hungrier she grew.

  Needing friction, needing him deeper, she brazenly grabbed his shoulders and impaled herself on his erection.

  His eyelids heavy, those hazel eyes full of lust, he looked like a god of passion. “Do. Not. Stop,” he growled, commanding the tempo with his powerful fingers sinking into her buttocks as he plunged in and out.

  Ripples of wild need quaked through her body. Her mind focused only on Geordie and his magnificence as, faster and faster, her hips rocked in a frenzied motion.

  “I’m coming,” he said, bucking into her and quaking against her.

  With two more thrusts of her hips, the world burst into a maelstrom of raw passion. She arched her back and cried out, while shudders coursed through her body.

  Then at once she dropped atop his chest, fully spent, fully satiated, fully loved.

  Geordie smoothed his hand up her spine. “Was it good for you, wife?”

  “Unbelievably wondrous,” she said, her insides still quivering.

  “Ye ken the best part?” He captured her mouth with a wee kiss. “We can do it again and again. For a lifetime.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Two days later, Geordie and Akira caught up with the Gordon retinue not far from Huntly. Ma, Scota, and Kynda rode in a wagon, while Annis rode a horse all by herself, taking up the rear alongside Oliver.

  Akira smiled and waggled her eyebrows at her husband. “I think my sister is flirting with your man-at-arms.”

  Geordie glanced over his shoulder. “Mm hmm. Oliver is a good man.”

  “You approve, then?”


  “Then I shall not worry.”

  An easy smile stretched Geordie’s lips. “We shall ride into the courtyard first to greet Alexander and Jane, then we will take your family to the dower house.”

  Akira didn’t have to see the castle in the distance to know it was in sight: The resumption of Geordie’s commanding tenor indicated they were near. Mayhap he needed a wee adjustment so he’d be her Geordie even when at Huntly. “What if I think we should do it the other way around?”

  He frowned. “But Alexander and Jane will ken we’ve arrived.”

  “That’s not my point. What if I disagree?” She arched an eyebrow. “Will you take a moment to listen to my side?”

  “As long as it is something that won’t hurt my children’s feelings, I’ll listen to anything you have to say.”

  “Excellent.” She smiled. “Then I think we should definitely stop by the courtyard and collect Alex and Jane afore proceeding to the dower house.” She twisted her mouth. “Are you certain Lady Elizabeth will not be there?”

  “That I can vouch for. I received a missive from Mr. Wallis before leaving Dunkeld, and she has returned to Flanders.”

  “Thank heavens.” She clapped her hands. “I can barely wait to see Ma’s face.”

  Geordie returned her grin with a devilish one of his own. “Me as well.”

  The stop in the courtyard didn’t last long. Geordie didn’t say anything to the children about the fact that they had a new stepmother, but the pair were delighted to see them and anxious to accompany the retinue to the dower house. Alex hopped up behind his father, Jane behind Akira.

  The young lass wrapped her arms tight around Akira’s waist. “I kent you’d come back.”

  “You did?”

  “Aye, because Da loves you.”

  Akira looked to Geordie. “I think you should tell them.”

  “Tell us what?” a
sked Alexander. “Did you find a way to marry Miss Akira?”

  Geordie snorted. “Where did you come up with a notion like that?”

  The lad rolled his eyes. “Good God, I’m nearly twelve years of age, Da.”

  “Watch your mouth, son.”

  Akira covered her lips to hold in her laugh. Aye, she’d heard the duke use such a curse far too often.

  “Well then, aye. Lady Akira is now your stepmother.”

  “I knew it!” Jane squeezed tighter. “You will be staying with us forever.”

  Arriving at the dower house, the entire retinue stopped. Akira and Jane dismounted and dashed to the wagon. Akira made the introductions all around, which seemed to take forever.

  Jane grasped Kynda’s hand. “Would you like to see the rooms abovestairs?”

  The wee lass who’d stolen the key from the captain to set her sister free grinned like she’d just been kissed by the queen. “There’s more?”

  “Ever so much more. Come with me—we can go exploring.” Jane tugged Kynda’s hand and they disappeared into the manse with delighted squeals.

  Geordie lifted Ma down from the wagon. Once she had her crutch ready, he offered his elbow. “Would you care to see your new home, m’lady?”

  Ma blanched, her gaze shooting to Akira. “This?”


  Geordie strengthened his grip as Ma swooned a bit. “Holy fairies, I think I need to pinch meself.”

  Alexander offered his elbow to Scota. “May I escort you inside?”

  “Ah.” The lass blushed, but she slowly took his arm. “My thanks.”

  “I’m practicing to be a duke,” the lad said, puffing out his chest.

  Scota grinned like it was Christmas morn. “I reckon you’re doing a fine job of it, too, m’lord.”

  Akira watched, a smile playing on her lips.

  Goodness gracious, so many possibilities and they’ve all only just met.

  Uncle Bruno slapped Akira’s backside as he followed the entourage into the house. “I kent you’d land a big fish.” Then he leaned in and whispered, “You are the queen of the fairies.”

  * * *

  When at last everyone was settled in the dower house and Laini had recovered from the shock of moving from a hovel with a dirt floor to a manse decorated in the latest French style, Geordie was able to spirit his bride away from all the excitement and steal a moment alone.

  He pulled her into his immense castle foyer festooned with antlers, with displays of medieval weapons on the walls, and kissed her. “I’ve been wanting to do that all afternoon.”

  “I’m ever so glad you did.” Rising up, she kissed him again. “Do you realize I’ve never been in your bedchamber afore?”

  Geordie swept his Gypsy rose into his arms. “That is something I must rectify straightaway.” She felt featherlight in his arms as he started up the stairwell. “Would you prefer to see the duchess’s chamber or the duke’s chamber first?”

  Her lips twisted. “I kent you and—well, that other woman—were in discord, but isn’t the duchess supposed to sleep beside the duke?”

  “Mayhap not when the marriage is for lands and riches rather than for love.” He chuckled, his gaze sweeping down to hers. He would never grow tired of looking into those deep blue eyes, made more prominent by Akira’s black lashes. He liked that she wanted to stay with him. “But the duchess has her suite of rooms just as I do.”

  “Oh.” She looked away, pursing her lips.

  “Though I’d like it very much if you shared my chamber.”

  “You would?”


  “Then what should we do with the duchess’s chamber?” she asked.

  “Whatever you wish. You must order new tapestries and new furniture and make it your own.”

  He thought that would make her happy, but a furrow formed in her brow.

  Geordie stepped out into the passageway. “Is something troubling you?”

  “It seems there is so much to learn. Last time I was here, I felt out of sorts—like I didn’t belong.”

  “Believe me, you belong. You are the love of my life and I want you with me wherever I go.”

  “I worry the servants will laugh at me.”

  “If anyone dares, I will turn them out on their ear. I’ll not tolerate anyone in my household who is disrespectful to you or your kin.”

  Her teeth grazed her bottom lip. “It’s not going to be easy at first.”

  “I think you’ll take to being duchess of Huntly like a queen bee to her hive.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  He kicked the door open and carried her across the threshold. “Our chamber, Your Grace.”

  Akira blinked, looking at him rather than the impressive suite. “That’s the first time you’ve called me Your Grace.”

  He set her down and kissed her forehead. “Do you like it?”

  “Not sure.”

  “Then I shall only refer to you thus when we are being very serious.”

  “Good.” She grasped his hand and stepped further into the chamber, taking in everything. She stopped at the four-poster bed with its red silk canopy. “I do believe this is big enough.”

  “Are you jesting?” He chuckled. “That’s the largest bed between Inverness and Aberdeen.”

  “’Tis a good thing,” she said with a wicked sparkle in her eyes. “I think we need a bed this size for all the fun we’ll be having.”

  His heart took flight and soared. “I’ve waited all my life to hear such words.”

  Akira squealed as Geordie swept her into his arms and tumbled onto their enormous bed. “Let the games begin, lady wife.”

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for joining me for The Highland Duke! This story was incredibly fun to write. It’s very loosely based on George Gordon, the first Duke of Gordon. I exercised a plethora of literary license when I discovered he was, in his day, considered a libertine and fop. Indeed, his wife and duchess, Elizabeth, divorced him and retired to a convent in Flanders.

  Among other things, I adjusted the duke’s age to fit with the timeline of the Lords of the Highlands series. The Duke of Gordon was a Jacobite, and in 1689 he held Edinburgh Castle against Protestant Conventionists. He gained favor with Queen Anne when he was recognized by her as a Knight of the Thistle, though the duke, being a true Gordon, couldn’t stay out of trouble for long. In March 1708, he was arrested with several other lords for being implicated in the “Old Pretender’s” failed Jacobite invasion. Fortunately, they were all released (this time) with no lands or titles forfeited.

  But all fallen angels deserve a second chance, and I saw it as my duty to provide His Grace the Duke of Gordon with a fresh affair in which he could exonerate himself and give his heart once and for all. Akira Ayres is a fictional character. Interestingly, in the late seventeenth century the Privy Council did vote to ban all Gypsies from Scotland. Many people of Romany blood either fled to England or melded into society, giving up their traveling “tinker” ways and settling into Scotland’s burghs as Akira’s family did.

  The Battle of Hoord Moor is fictional, but Sir Coll of Keppoch is not, though I did alter his age by a few years. I also took literary license with his last name, changing it from MacDonald to MacDonell, because the hero in The Valiant Highlander was Donald MacDonald, and I felt it would be less confusing if I employed Coll’s clan name of MacDonell. Besides, I do believe there might be a book for Sir Coll on the horizon.

  I hope you’ll join me for the next in the series, The Highland Commander, about Aiden Murray, the handsome young man with a cameo appearance in this book, who met with Geordie while he was awaiting an audience with the Marquis of Atholl (who became the Duke of Atholl).

  Please see the next page for a preview of


  the second book in the Lords of the Highlands series.

  Available in Summer 2017

  Chapter One

  31 December 1707

sp; After riding from the port of Stonehaven to Dunnottar Castle, First Lieutenant Aiden Murray stepped out of the coach and stretched. Dear Lord, it felt good to be off the ship.

  “Bloody oath, ’tis so cold my cods are about to freeze.” Second Lieutenant Tearlach MacBride must have received top marks in complaining at the university, for he never ceased to have something unpleasant to say.

  “Then you’d best keep moving, else someone else will be plowing your wife’s roses,” said Captain Thomas Polwarth—God love the man, he could be counted on for a stern retort to any complaint.

  Aiden had heard tales of the magnificence of Dunnottar, but even beneath the cover of darkness, the dramatic fortress dominating the expansive peninsula ahead left him awestruck. A steep path led down to the shore, and from there torches illuminated hundreds of steps climbing to the arched gateway, looking like something straight out of medieval folklore. On the wall walk above, sentries stood guard, their forms lit by braziers with flames leaping high on this chilly eve.

  “This way.” Aiden beckoned, leading the men down the steep path. “I’m starved.”

  “Have you been here afore, Your Lordship?” Aiden’s superior officer, the captain, only used his formal address to be an arse.

  “Never, sir.”

  “I would have thought the duke and the earl would have been best mates.”

  Aiden looked skyward with a shake of his head. “Not likely. My da’s a Whig and the earl sides with the Tory party.”

  “Bloody Whigs,” said MacPherson.

  Aiden chose not to respond to that remark. Since the Act of Union one year past forced the merger of Scotland’s navy with England’s, he’d grown more sympathetic with the Tories as well. Though he’d rather not let his loyalties become common knowledge at the moment. He’d be the one to break the news to his father in due course.

  As they started the steep climb up to the gates, the captain slipped and crashed into Aiden’s back. “God’s teeth, ’tis slicker than an icy deck.”


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