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My Own Daddy (Daddy Series Book 1)

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by Lila Fox

  He and his group of friends had many talks over the years about their preference to have a woman look to them for everything. They wanted to control every aspect of their lives. But they also wanted their women to call them daddy. To look to them for everything they needed.

  They didn’t want children. The thought of pedophiles always infuriated them. The children didn’t have a choice in those kinds of situations. They wanted adult women with adult bodies who wanted to give themselves over to them.

  The title daddy was just that. Something they wanted their women to call them. They also seemed to be attracted to women who didn’t want to grow up in the sense that the world thought they should. They liked playing games, playing with dolls, dressing the way the men asked. They liked being instructed on what to do for everyday things. They needed a father figure to take care of them, but they were one hundred percent women.

  Most of the world didn’t understand, but there were so many different lifestyles. Most people probably didn’t know about many of the kinks out there. People nowadays married their dogs, cars, or a blowup doll. Some people liked to act like ponies and some like babies with pacifiers and bottles and oversized cribs. There were all different types of people, and he’d found different kinds of people all the time. He didn’t begrudge anyone what made them happy. As long as they weren’t hurting anyone, they were fine.

  The bottom line, they got what they needed out of the relationship, the girls did also, and they weren’t hurting anyone. Just living their lives.

  Chapter Eight

  “Sweetheart,” Darian murmured as they pulled up in front of the house. “Larkin, we’re home.”

  Larkin pushed her face into the side of his neck, whimpered, and went back to sleep.

  Darian grinned.

  Hicks opened the door. “Can I do anything, sir?”

  He shook his head at his driver. “Larkin, wake up, now,” he said in a hard, stern voice that got her attention.

  Larkin sat up abruptly, almost hitting him in the nose with her forehead. “What?” she said and looked around in a daze.

  “We’re home.”

  “Home?” She still sounded bewildered.

  Darian huffed out a laugh, lifted her onto the seat beside him, and then slid out of the car. He reached back in and grabbed her hand. “Come on, sweetheart.”

  Larkin nodded and let him maneuver her out of the car to stand by him.

  “Thank you, Hicks.” Darian started walking Larkin toward the house.

  “Thank you, Hicks,” she parroted as she walked docilely next to Darian.

  Darian heard Hicks’s chuckle and smiled. He looked up when the heavy door opened before he got there. “Hello, Elder. What are you still doing up?”

  Elder closed the door after them and locked it. “I heard the driveway alarm go off and thought I’d meet you.”

  Larkin stared at the man.

  “Larkin, this is Elder.”

  She reached out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Elder grasped her hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you also.” Elder turned to Darian. “Is there anything I can get for you, sir?”

  “Are you hungry?” Darian asked Larkin.

  “Can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

  Both Darian and Elder grimaced. Darian couldn’t remember ever seeing peanut butter in the house. His parents, especially his mother, had an aversion for the stuff. He knew it had to do with his mother’s upbringing but had never asked. Now he’d have to have some on hand for Larkin.

  “I don’t think so. How about some scrambled eggs?” Darian suggested.


  Darian led her into the kitchen.

  “Would you like me to wake Ella, to make you something to eat, sir?” Elder asked.

  “No, I can make it. Go back to bed.”

  Elder bowed. “Yes, sir. Call if you need me.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Why don’t you sit here, sweetheart, and I’ll make you some eggs.”

  He watched Larkin look around and slowly come out of her sleep-induced haze. “Where are we?”

  “We’re at my house.”

  “It’s very … large.”

  Darian chuckled. “Yes. It’s been in my family for a few generations.” He quickly scrambled up a few eggs. “Do you want toast, sweetheart?”

  Larkin shook her head. “No, thank you.”

  Within a few minutes, Darian set the plate and a glass of juice in front of Larkin and sat down beside her. He was tickled when Larkin took a few bites and then scooped up a bit and raised the fork to his mouth.

  Darian smiled and opened, taking the bite and chewing.

  Larkin went back and forth until the eggs were gone.

  He lifted the plate and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. “Thank you for sharing, sweetheart. Would you like anything more?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “So polite,” he teased.

  “One of my foster moms was big into manners.”

  Darian stomach twisted and he turned from the sink. She had told him before about the foster homes, but he hadn’t been able to come to grips with it. “One of your foster mothers?”

  “Yes. She was probably the best one we had. Brylee and I lived there together. I miss living with Brylee.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She lives with other girls across town. She got a job at a strip joint.”

  “She’s a stripper?” he flung the question out.

  Larkin giggled. “Oh, heavens no. She has absolutely no coordination. She’s just a waitress, but she makes good money.”

  “Why don’t you live together?”

  “Because our jobs are on opposite sides of the city. We tried to find ones closer together, but it never worked out. We also decided to live apart and hope that would help us to grow up.”

  “We talked about this a little that first night,” he told her.

  “We did?”

  “You said you needed to grow up, and that’s why you were out in the bar.”

  “Brylee and I thought we depended on each other too much, and so we thought living apart would help us to mature.”

  “Is it working?” he asked.

  Larkin looked down and shook her head. “No. We’re always going to be retarded.”

  Darian grasped her chin and turned her head. “Don’t ever say that. You are perfectly normal.”

  He saw her shiver and tried to pull back the hard, cold, anger in his tone.

  “It’s just what we’ve been called most of our lives. That’s why neither of us got adopted.”

  His heart broke for her. “What makes you different?”

  “We don’t want to do what grown-ups do, and people don’t understand it. Heck, we don’t understand it.”

  “What would you say if I told you I’ve been looking for someone like you for years?”

  “A child in a woman’s body?”

  “You’re not a child, sweetheart. You just like having someone else in control and making decisions for you.”

  “What about the fact we don’t want to do the things grown-ups do? That we’d rather color in books or read?”

  “If everyone were the same, it would be a very boring world, don’t you think?”

  He watched the wheel turning in her head and then nod.

  “You’re right. Brylee and I used to feel sorry for ourselves until we decided we weren’t bad people, and we had each other.”

  “I know several people that live in a lifestyle like you two need.”

  Her brows puckered in question. “What do you mean? Lifestyle?”

  “It’s called a big/little relationship.”

  Larkin tilted her head to the side. “Big/little? I don’t understand.”

  “It’s a relationship where the man is like a father figure, and the girls are usually like you two. Not children in woman’s bodies but actual women who are never going to be street smart and adventurous, and th
ey like someone else to have to deal with the day-to-day problems. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.”

  “Not street smart?” She tipped her head to the side. “That makes sense. Brylee and I both have above average IQs, but we will get lost in a large department store.”

  Darian chuckled. “We can talk more about this tomorrow. You look like your sinking again,” he joked.

  “I am tired,” she agreed.

  “Let’s go.” He helped her up and led her down a hallway and up a long flight of steps. He opened double doors and urged her into the room before closing them behind him.

  “This is where I’m going to sleep?” she asked in amazement.

  “We both are.”

  Larkin twirled toward him. “Are you going to have sex with me?”

  “Eventually, but not tonight,” he said as he started to unbutton the cuffs of his shirt.

  Larkin watched him intently. Her eyes widened when he pulled his shirt off and showed her a broad chest with a bit of hair in the middle.

  Darian huffed out a laugh. “Haven’t you ever seen a man’s chest before?”

  “In the movies, but not in real life.”

  Darian swallowed back a groan. He had so much to show her and teach her. “Why don’t you get undressed, sweetheart?”

  She gasped. “In front of you?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “I bathed you and put you to bed that first night, so I’ve already seen you naked.”

  Darian caught the panic in her eyes and walked to her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her against him. Then he cupped her face with his hand. “Hey, everything’s okay.”

  Larkin held on to his arms.

  “How about I get you a shirt to wear?”

  She relaxed.

  He had to guess the whole night was surreal for her. It was understandable that she was nervous about being in his house and his bedroom.

  “Yes, please.”

  He came back with another shirt like she’d worn the other night. “You can go into the bathroom first.”


  “Go.” He nodded toward a door.


  Larkin scrambled into the bathroom. She threw off her clothes, jumped into the shower, and washed the stench of cigars away. After she dried off with one of the fluffy gray towels, she slipped into the shirt he’d given her and buttoned it up. Then she rolled up the sleeves so she was able to see her hands.

  She caught sight of the new toothbrush and paste on the counter and assumed it was for her. After she finished brushing, she unclipped her hair that she’d had up for work, and then finger-combed it.

  Larkin inhaled deeply before she opened the door. Her breath caught in her chest. In just a pair of silk sleep pants, Darian sat on the side of the bed.

  He looked up and reached out a hand. “Come here.”

  Larkin walked to him and let him pull her in between his widespread legs. She raised her hands and touched his hair to find it damp. “You took a shower?”

  He nodded. “In another room.” He pulled back the blanket. “Get in.”

  Larkin got under the sheet and pulled it up to her chin.

  Darian snorted, turned off the light, and slid in beside her. He adjusted her until her back was against his chest. There was just enough light from the moon coming through the window to see her.

  “Good night, sweetheart,” he murmured against the back of her head.

  Larkin looked at him over her shoulder. “Night.”

  All of a sudden, he tipped her onto her back. “I can’t take it another second,” he murmured and then bent and took her lips.

  She arched closer, clutched the back of his head, and kissed him back. He used his tongue to open her mouth and then dove inside. They both groaned.

  Darian lifted his head. “We have to stop, baby. I don’t have a lot of control with you.”

  Larkin nodded, even though she wanted to beg for one more kiss as her tongue swiped over her lips to taste him. He tasted delicious, and she wanted more.

  He groaned and turned her away from him but kept her tight against him. He bit back a moan when she wiggled her ass against his cock. “Stay still, baby. Good night.”

  “Night,” she said.

  Chapter Nine

  This time, when Darian woke, his arms were full of woman instead of being empty. He took a moment to savor it, hoping it was the first of many mornings they would wake together.

  Although on the small side, she fit perfectly into his arms. He burrowed his nose into her hair and inhaled the sweet floral scent of her. He wanted to make the day perfect for her and thought about what might please her the most. Darian first wanted to show her the house and the lake beyond. Maybe he should have Ella, his cook, make a picnic lunch for them?

  “Mmmm,” Larkin murmured and rolled onto her back. She looked up at him, and a sleepy smile crossed her face.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  Larkin caressed his arm with her fingertips, making goosebumps stand out on his arm. He cleared his throat, ready to talk about the day, but he couldn’t get over the look on her face and bent to take her mouth.

  She immediately opened for him and let him control the kiss. Before long, her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and he had her tucked underneath him and he was between her legs. The shirt she was wearing had ridden up to her waist, leaving her bottom naked, and the sleeping pants he wore were so thin he could feel the heat and moisture as he rubbed his hard cock against her cunt.

  Darian jerked his head up. “We need to get out of bed,” he told her breathlessly.

  “Why?” she murmured with her eyes closed.

  “Because I’m too damn close to losing it and fucking you.”

  Larkin gasped. “That’s dirty talk.”

  Darian grinned at the blush that covered her face. “Yes, and you need to get used to it because I’m going to use it a lot.”

  Larkin giggled.

  “I also want you to call me daddy when we’re at one of the homes or with our friends.”

  Larkin’s eyes widened. “I never thought I’d have a daddy.”

  “You do now, but remember, I’m not the traditional type of daddy. I’m not your father. I’m your man. It’s a term of endearment.”

  She skimmed her fingertips over his cheek and grinned like an imp. “I think I’m really going to like that, daddy.”

  Darian’s eyes slid closed, and he rested his forehead against hers. “You’ve no idea how happy that makes me.”

  “I’m glad because I want to make you happy.”

  He bent and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips. “You do, sweetheart.”

  She scrambled out of the covers and away from him. She screeched and giggled when he lunged for her. “Daddy, stop. I have to go potty.”

  Darian chuckled and watched her sprint to the bathroom. He reluctantly moved from the bed and called down to the kitchen before he pulled out shorts and a shirt for her to wear and jeans and a polo for him. “Larkin, I have your clothes ready.”

  She opened the door as she was brushing her teeth. “What?” she slurred.

  Darian laughed. “I have your clothes.”

  She quickly rinsed and walked to where he had placed some women’s clothes. “Where did you get these?”

  “I had someone do some shopping for us yesterday.”

  “Really?” She frowned. “How did you know I was going to be here?”

  “When you get to know me, you’ll understand. If I want something bad enough, there’s very little I won’t do to get it. And I’ve never wanted anything the way I want you.”

  Larkin pulled her eyes from him and looked down. “I don’t see panties or a bra.”

  “Because you’re not going to wear them. You’re lucky you’re getting clothes.”

  He grinned when her mouth dropped open.

  “I can’t go around naked. Someone might see me.”

  “Oh, they certainly will, but it will beco
me easier for you, and my employees have been around a long time. They’ve seen about everything.”

  Larkin narrowed her eyes and took a step back. “How many girls have you had running around naked?”

  He grinned at the jealousy in her tone. “None. My parents and grandparents all had unusual relationships. My parents lived much like we are going to.”

  “Your mom was a little?” she asked.

  “For as long as I can remember.”

  She reached for the shorts.

  “Take the shirt off, sweetheart.”

  Larkin slowly unbuttoned the shirt and then laid it on the mattress. Before she could grab her shorts again, he had her against his chest.

  He speared his fingers through her waist-long hair, tilted her head back, and took her mouth. After a long moment, he lifted his head and smiled. Larkin was boneless, with her eyes closed and seeming ready for more.

  “Get dressed. I have a surprise for you.”

  She slowly opened her eyes. “I like when you kiss me,” she admitted.

  He grinned. “I like it, too.”

  Larkin pulled on the shorts and then the top. She liked the outfit. It was something she would have picked for herself. The shorts were the right length, and the shirt was white and made of lacy fabric.

  Darian came out of the bathroom dressed and grabbed her hand. “I’m hungry.”

  She giggled and ran to keep up with his long-legged stride.

  “Ella, I want you to meet Larkin.” He turned to look at Larkin. “Sweetheart, this is Ella. She’s been with the family for a long time, and she’s the best cook I’ve ever known.”

  Ella rolled her eyes. “He just says that because I’m guessing he wants French toast.”

  Darian chuckled. “That does sound good, but it’s also the truth.”

  Larkin released his hand, walked to the older lady, and held out her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

  Ella’s eyebrows rose, and then she shook Larkin’s hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, too.” Ella smiled over Larkin’s shoulder when she turned to walk to the table and mouthed to Darian, “She’s sweet.”


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