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My Own Daddy (Daddy Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Lila Fox

  He picked her up, took her around his desk until he was facing the other two in the room, and lay her facedown on the desk. Then he unzipped his pants and let his cock spring out. “Hold on to the edge of the desk, baby girl.”

  She gripped the desk as she felt him move in between her legs. A startled cry slipped from her mouth when he plunged his cock into her wet cunt. Her eyes widened when he immediately pulled out and started pressing the head of his cock into her bottom hole.

  “Daddy, it burns,” she whimpered.

  “I know, baby, but this is part of the punishment.” He grunted and then bottomed out inside of her.

  His breaths came in pants. “Now, I’m going to ride you hard and fast, and you’ll take it like a big girl, won’t you?”

  Larkin sniffed and nodded against the cold wood of the desk. “Yes, daddy.”

  He set a steady pace, ramming his cock into her. “Jesus, you feel good.”

  Larkin lay still and let her daddy take what he wanted, knowing she deserved everything she got, and held back her pleas for more. She hid a smile. She would never tell him she craved this kind of attention from him and enjoyed it when he took her that dominant way.

  Larkin glanced up at the other two in the room and saw the red hue of arousal that covered Brylee’s and Gage’s faces.

  “Gage, do you want to help me out and punish Brylee for me?” Darian asked.


  “I don’t think she’s been taken, so keep it to a spanking and maybe finger her a bit.”

  “Gladly.” He lifted Brylee to her feet and pulled down her panties.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” Brylee asked as she tried to back up.

  Gage held on to her. “Don’t you think you should be punished, sweetheart? You knew the rule also.”

  “But I’ve been injured,” she complained.

  Larkin grinned.

  “And because of that, I’m not going to fuck your bottom with my cock like Darian is doing to Larkin,” Gage commented.

  “What?” she screeched and tried to move away from him.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Gage said and lay her over his lap, keeping a hand on her back to hold her in place. “If you settle down, I won’t make this horrible for you.”

  Brylee instantly stilled.


  “Good girl.” Gage smoothed a hand down her back and then shoved her short skirt up to bare her ass. He hit her butt cheeks a few times, never slapping the same place twice or too hard. He dipped a finger down between her legs and gathered her cream that dripped from her. He smiled. It seemed she liked the punishment a little too much.

  He drew his finger back to her anus. “Have you ever had anything in your bottom, sweetheart?”

  “No,” she cried. Her tears dripped to the floor.

  “I think you’ll probably like it. Since it’s your first time, I’ll just use one finger and go easy on you.”

  Brylee released a tense breath and nodded.

  Gage’s finger circled Brylee’s little bottom hole before he stuck just the tip in. Right away, he could feel her tighten her muscles to keep him out. He slapped her ass a few times, grabbed more cream, and pushed his finger in to the first knuckle.

  “Ow, I don’t like this,” she complained.

  “One way or another, my finger is fucking your ass. It won’t hurt as much if you relaxed your bottom.”

  Gage grinned when he felt her relax. “I’m proud of you.”

  Brylee scrunched her eyes closed as though she was concentrating on staying relaxed.

  Gage worked his finger into her until he couldn’t go any further. He stilled for a moment for her to get used to the feel of being invaded before he started working his digit in and out. It didn’t take long for Brylee to begin to come. He listened to her cries of need and moved his finger faster to throw her over.

  Her cries mixed with Larkin’s and Darian’s as all three came.

  Gage slowed and then stopped when she collapsed on his lap. He kept his finger deep inside her and used his other hand to smooth over her ass. “You did so good, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t move,” she murmured sleepily, draped over Gage’s lap.

  Darian pulled out of Larkin, tucked his cock away, sat, and lifted her into his lap again. He murmured softly to her as she came down.

  “Daddy, is my punishment done?” Larkin asked with her eyes closed as she rested against Darian’s chest.

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Can Brylee and I go take a bath?”

  “Sure. Gage and I will be out on the patio. Come out when you’re done.”


  Darian helped Larkin off his lap, waiting with his hands on her waist until she was steady. She walked around the desk and stabilized her friend when Gage made Brylee stand.

  Both men watched as the girls slowly walked out of the room before they turned to each other and grinned.

  “That was fucking hot,” Gage said.

  “I was thinking the same thing. Can you imagine if all five of us had our own littles, and we were all together?” Darian asked.

  “It would be something.” Gage grimaced and stood. “I’m going to use the shower in my room.”

  Darian grinned and nodded. “Me, too, but I bet yours will be a cold one.”

  “You better believe it.”

  Darian chuckled. “I’ll meet you out back.”

  Darian watched Gage adjust his massive hard-on and walk out of the office before he stood. His little was turning into the perfect woman for him. He wondered if Gage had taken a liking to Brylee. He’d been planning to introduce her to Patrick because she was so timid, and Gage was a large, sometimes gruff man, while Patrick was always calm.

  He knew it was out of his hands at that moment. Gage would decide what he wanted.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Darian came up behind Larkin as she stood with her eyes closed and her face tilted up to the shower water. He’d seen a look in her eyes lately that unsettled him. Like she was pulling away.

  She’d have a shadow of anguish and a look of desperate yearning that made her shoulders slump and her complexion pale, and then she’d quickly try to hide it.

  He would get to the bottom of what was going on with her because he couldn’t lose her. It would be like losing the best part of himself.

  Larkin jumped when he molded his hard body to her back. She shivered when Darian bent and started placing kisses along her shoulder and neck. She tilted her head to the side to give him better access.

  “Mmmm,” she hummed and closed her eyes.

  Darian wrapped an arm around her and flattened his hand against her stomach, knowing one day his baby would be growing in her tiny body.

  “Fuck, baby girl, you taste like heaven. I will never get enough of you.”

  Larkin stiffened a bit against him.

  “What are you thinking about?” he murmured against her throat when he felt a tension invade her body.

  “I was thinking how much I loved being with you.”

  “I love being with you, too, baby girl.” Darian stopped kissing her neck. He felt her stiffen further, twirled her around, and grasped her shoulders.

  “Don’t you believe me?” he asked when she just stared at him.

  Larkin’s hands gripped his shoulders as she nodded slowly, like she might be confused with his attitude.

  Frustrated, he gritted his teeth when he saw the disbelief in her expression, telling him without words that she didn’t believe him. He reached around her and shut off the water before he pulled her out of the shower and quickly dried them both off. Then he took down her hair and combed his fingers through it quickly.

  He lifted her in his arms and then dropped her onto their mattress, making her giggle before he turned off the lights and slid in beside her. He rolled her to her back and pinned her arms over her head before gently pressing his lips to hers.

  Within a split second, their arousal ran wild. He slanted his head to deepen
their kiss.

  Darian wedged his hips in between her legs. “Spread them farther apart,” he demanded gruffly.

  Larkin did what he asked.

  Darian bent down and took one nipple into his mouth and sucked fiercely on the hard point of her nipple before he moved onto the next one. He nibbled on her until she withered under him.

  He slipped down her body, kissing every part of her he could reach until he got to her pussy. He nudged her thighs farther apart and used his thumbs to separate her lips. He swiped his tongue from her asshole to her clit and back, driving her insane.

  “Oh, daddy, please,” she cried.

  “I’ll fuck you in a bit, baby. Right now, I need a taste.”

  Larkin gripped the sheet on either side of her hips in her tight little fists.

  He ate at her for a few minutes and then surged up her body, thrusting his cock to the hilt into her cunt. Setting a fast pace, he tried without words to show her she was his.

  Before long, both flew over the edge into a climax, crying out and clutching at each other.

  Shaking and tired, Darian slid out of her and to the side. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly to his chest. He pressed a kiss to her forehead as he tried to gain control of his breathing.

  He felt her relax against him. Her breathing evened out as she slid into sleep. “You are never leaving me. You know that, right?”

  Larkin tensed, and her breath caught in her throat. “No, daddy. I would never choose to leave you.”

  Darian heard her words, but the way she said them made fear spike inside of him and sent a jolt of pain to his mid-section that felt like a ball of barbed-wire in his gut.

  “You would tell me if something was wrong, right, baby?”

  Larkin looked up at him. “Yes, I would.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Good. I love you.”

  Larkin cuddled down against him again. “I love you, too.”

  A long time later, Darian stared up at the ceiling. He couldn’t seem to let go of the fear in his stomach of losing her a little at a time. He wouldn’t be able to survive it. He finally concluded he’d do whatever was necessary to keep her with him, and only then could he relax enough to fall asleep.

  The End

  Other Books by Lila Fox:

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

  Daddy’s Boss by Sam Crescent

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