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Her Renegade Rancher EPB

Page 16

by Jennifer Ryan

  “Since our plans changed and you made dinner last night. I thought I’d throw a couple of steaks on the grill for you tonight.”


  “Yeah. That okay?”

  “No one’s ever cooked for me.”

  “That’s because you’re such a damn good cook they want you to cook for them.”

  Shy again, her gaze dropped to her ladybug-painted toes. “I’m not that good.”

  “I’m still craving more of that Mexican fried rice chicken thing you made last night.”

  That turned her smile up a few more notches. “Okay, well, go cook and I’ll get dressed.”

  “Any way I can talk you out of that?”

  She bit her lip and eyed him. Nerves made her hold the towel a bit tighter. Okay, not fair of him to catch her off guard like this and say something like that.

  “Dinner in about half hour.” He spun and walked back down the hall, giving her an easy way out of answering his bold question.

  Last night, they’d shared a good meal, talked about their day and lives past and present, and worked side by side putting the library back together. He loved that being with her seemed easy. Relaxed. No rush to see if he could get her into bed, when it seemed more important to get to know her better.

  Now he’d seen her naked and called himself a damn fool for waiting for things to move forward to some point in time that made sense. Nothing made sense anymore, except being with her in every possible way that made him closer to her.

  He walked into the kitchen and dropped the grocery bag on the counter. He pulled the items out and set them aside to prepare for the grill. He went to the cabinet to get a plate and found a whole new white set, including a platter, which he grabbed for the steaks. He went to the pullout spice rack by the stove and grabbed the salt, pepper, and garlic powder. He prepared the steaks and washed his hands in the sink. The towel he used last night wasn’t hanging on the oven door bar, so he pulled out the drawer two below the silverware and found a bunch of new dark green and purple dish towels. He dried his hands and stopped in the middle of the kitchen, completely taken off guard.

  Everywhere in the house, she’d decorated in dark green and purples. The living room pillows. The bedroom comforter and rug with the photograph of the mountain all in spring greens. The kitchen towels. He looked around the room and realized he knew where practically everything was because he’d helped her unpack. Yes, she’d added more, but he could still find everything.

  Just to test it, he opened the cupboard next to him, expecting to see the only pot and two pans she owned. Instead, he found them along with a new set of dark green pots and pans.

  “Why are you making that face?” Luna asked from the other side of the counter.

  “Nice pots and pans.”

  She smoothed her hand over her now dry hair. “Thanks. I got them today.”

  “Furniture is awesome. Living room and your bedroom are really nice.”

  “Did you like that rug under my bed? I totally scored on that one. It’s the perfect size, and the color . . . so amazing.”

  “It’s you.”

  “You didn’t mention the new stools.” She put her hand on the back of one.

  He walked around the counter and checked out the black leather seats with curved wood backs and legs. “Those are nice.”

  “They cost a fortune, but I fell in love with them. Aren’t they perfect for right here? They tuck under the counter and don’t overpower the space.”

  “Everything you picked is really great.” He held up the towel to include it.

  “Yeah, those match the pots and the tiles in the backsplash.” She pointed to the wall behind him.

  Sure enough, set into the tan tiles were tiny, square, deep green glass accent tiles. He felt like such an idiot for thinking she’d bought the green items because of him.

  “I knew you’d like them because it’s your favorite color.”

  That comment gave him hope. For what? He didn’t live here. But the more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to be here with her all the time.

  “Those are some thick steaks. What can I do to help?”

  “Stop fidgeting and thinking that every time I look at you all I do is see you naked.”

  She shifted from one foot to the other again. “It’s kind of hard to forget you walked in on me.”

  “You walked out and I was standing there.”

  Her cheeks flamed pink again. “Can we stop talking about it?”

  “Won’t stop me from thinking about it.” She tried to turn away, but he caught her by the shoulder and gently turned her back to face him. “You are a beautiful woman. There’s no reason to be embarrassed. After all, I will see you naked again.”

  “Oh God, that just makes me even more nervous.”

  He arched one eyebrow, concerned. “Why?”

  “It’s just weird the first time. Then you’ll start picking out all the things you don’t like.”

  Colt held up a hand. “Whoa. Why the hell would I do that?”

  Her head fell forward and she avoided looking at him. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.” She tried to pull away, but he held her still.

  “Maybe I should have asked who the fuck did that to you?”

  “Really, forget I said anything. Let’s have dinner.”

  “No, not until you tell me who the hell would take you to bed and do of all the boneheaded, fucked-up things anyone can do, complain.”

  Her chin came up and she looked him in the eye. “Who do you think?”

  Billy. “That fucker. I should have punched his lights out that night instead of letting him get away with shit like that.”

  “I told you he didn’t want you and me to be together. Now I know why he said all those things. If I thought I wasn’t good enough for you . . .”

  Colt covered her mouth with his fingers. “Please stop talking before I really lose it.” He took a minute to let the rage in his gut settle so he could speak without gritting his teeth. He slipped his hands beneath her arms and lifted her up onto the counter in front of him so she was pretty much eye level with him. “Listen to what I’m about to say, and even though you believe it already, hear how much I mean this. There is nothing, not one tiny little thing, about you that isn’t beautiful and perfect.”

  Her head fell to the side. “Colt . . .”

  He kissed her to shut her up again. But this time he poured every ounce of what he felt inside for her into the kiss. His hands cupped her face. He pressed his lips softly to hers because he didn’t need to take, but give her everything. Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck, holding him close, telling him how much she wanted this, him. He slid his hands down her sleek neck, over her chest until he cupped her breasts and weighed them in his hands. He smoothed his hands down her trim stomach and waist to her hips. He kept his fingers out to her sides and his thumbs sliding over her sweet center, but he didn’t linger and quickly moved on to rub his hands down her toned thighs and calves to her small bare feet. He brought his hands up in one long sweep again to her hips and around to cup her bottom, squeeze, and pull her closer to him.

  He broke the kiss long enough to growl out, “Perfect. Every inch of you.” He dove in for another kiss and couldn’t help reaching for her soft breasts again. They fit his palms, and he squeezed, swiping his thumbs over her tight nipples.

  Luna leaned into Colt’s touch, wanting more and savoring the feel of his big hands on her body. He’d been right. She didn’t really think there was anything wrong with the way she looked, but old wounds scarred over still held the faded memory and emotion of how it felt when someone made her feel less than. Some people could be just plain mean. Not Colt. He had a deep sense of right and wrong. A protective instinct that drove him to ask the guys who worked for her to watch her back when he wasn’t here doing it himself. An honesty that went bone deep and made him speak his mind even when she didn’t like what he had to say.

  Colt’s mouth pressed to h
er neck, his hand kneaded her breast. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him close, his hard length pressed to her aching center.

  “Dinner or bed.” His voice rumbled against her throat.

  She didn’t need to think. Couldn’t really. “You.” She gave him the honest truth, because the only choice was being with him.

  Colt went still and lifted his head from the top of her breast. His gaze locked with hers. “Yeah?”

  She nodded and gave him a soft smile, the flutter in her belly intensifying with his hungry gaze on her. “Yes.”

  Colt swept his gaze over the groceries on the counter, then turned it back to her. “Don’t move.” He pulled her legs off his waist, rounded the counter, picked up the platter of steaks, and shoved it into her new fridge. The rest he left in the shopping bag, came back to her, gripped her hips, and pulled her right off the counter and back into his arms. He took her mouth in a searing kiss and walked out and down the hall. Lost in each other, he bounced off the wall once and set off down the center of the hall once again.

  She giggled against his lips and he smiled against hers.

  “You drive me crazy,” he said, kissing her again.

  They finally reached her bed. She expected him to lay her down and cover her. She wanted his weight on her, his hands trailing heat over her body, his mouth soft and wet on her skin. Instead, he leaned over, took the bedcovers in hand, and tossed them back. He turned and sat on the bed with her straddling his lap. She reached up, sliding her fingers into the back of his soft hair, her thumbs swept over his cheeks. She stared into his hazel eyes and saw nothing but raw hunger and infinite patience.

  “I’ve never wanted to be with someone the way I need to be with you. I think about you all the time. You’re a distraction I crave. The friend I want to share my days with. The woman who’s gotten under my skin and I like it.” He slipped his hands beneath her shirt and slowly slid them up her sides, bringing the soft material with them, and pulling it up and over her head. His gaze swept down her face and chest and landed on her breasts encased in white satin and lace. He sighed. “You’re so damn beautiful. Every time I look at you, you take my breath away.”

  Sweet words from a man who knew how to make her feel special. Not a practiced line, but God’s honest truth as he knew it. She felt the openness in him. The total focus on her, them, in this moment.

  His hands went around her back. He unhooked her bra and drew the straps down her shoulders, trailing his fingers down her arms. Shivers danced across her skin. Bare to the waist, she sighed. He traced her collarbone with his fingertips, his eyes following his fingers down her chest to the soft slope of her breast and over the mound and peaked tip. His fingers brushed over her hard nipple. She sucked in a desperate breath, longing for more. He gave it to her with his mouth covering the pink bud, his tongue sweeping over her skin, heating her body, and sending a bolt of lust blazing through her system.

  She raked her fingers through his golden hair, letting the strands slide through her fingers. She held him to her as he lavished one breast and then the other with sweet, warm kisses that made her rock against Colt, wanting more, but savoring all he gave from one tempting moment to the next.

  He rolled to the side, laying her out on the cool sheet. His mouth worked her breast, one big hand molding the other to his palm, her nipple caught between his long fingers. She smoothed her hands down his neck and back, grabbed his shirt, and pulled it up and over his head. Finally free to touch his warm skin, she slid her hands over all those tight muscles down his back and up.

  He kissed a path down her belly to the waistband of her black yoga pants. His fingers hooked in the waistband. He pulled them down her legs, leaning back and standing at the edge of the bed, then he pulled the pants off her bare feet and stared down at her in nothing but a pair of black lace panties. Heat and need gathered in his eyes, but he still took his time, sweeping his gaze over her body, his hand up her thigh, over her hip and belly, then back down her center, hooking his fingers in the lace and drawing them down her legs as she lifted her hips to help him. She settled back on the mattress. He didn’t come to her then, just stared at her laid out naked before him.


  “Yeah, honey.”

  She leaned up, scooted to the edge of the bed, and pressed her mouth to his bare stomach over all those tight abs. His fingers combed through her dark hair. She looked up at him, his hazel eyes dark and intent on her upturned face.

  “You drive me crazy.”

  She smiled softly, then undid the button and zipper on his jeans. She gripped the sides and pulled them down his corded thighs. She reached up, planted her hand in the center of his wide chest and dragged it down over all those muscles, mapping his eight-pack abs to his hard cock pressed up the length of his black boxer briefs. She smoothed her hand down his rigid length then back up. His head fell back and he let loose a ragged curse. Driven on by his desire feeding hers, she worked her hand up and down the length of him, her mouth pressed to his hard stomach, planting openmouthed kisses against his warm skin. She swept her other hand around his hip to his tight ass. She gripped one buttock in her hand and squeezed. His breath whooshed out on a sigh.

  Smiling against his skin, emboldened by his response to her touch, she grabbed the briefs in the front and back and pulled them down to his knees where his jeans remained tangled around his legs. She glanced up at him watching her, and with her gaze locked with his, she moved ever so slowly close to him again and licked her way from the base of his dick to the thick head in one long sweep of her wet tongue. His eyes went wide, then half closed when the sheer pleasure hit him. Both hands on his very nice ass, she pulled him close and took him into her mouth all at once. His hands gripped her head, his palms covering her ears, but not enough to cover the sound of another soft curse escaping his lips. She swept her mouth down over him again, and when she came back up, he gently lifted her lips from his swollen flesh and pushed her to lay back on the bed. She scooted back. He quickly dragged his clothes and boots off his legs, pulled the folded packets of condoms out of his pocket, tossed them toward the pillows, and crawled toward her, his mouth planting kisses up her thighs. First one side, then the other, back and forth to her hips, where he planted his mouth over the blue-and-black butterfly tattoo.

  “I love this thing. It’s sexy as hell.”

  “You haven’t found the surprise on my back.”

  His eyes lit with fire. He slipped his hand beneath her bottom and rolled her over. She lay on her stomach, her arm braced by her chest. She glanced over her shoulder as Colt leaned over her on his hands and knees, staring down at the crescent moon with an owl sitting at the bottom slope at the base of her neck and the spattering of stars spilling down her spine and spreading out at her waist. Some of the stars were just outlines, other filled in with blue ink. She loved it, but couldn’t tell if Colt approved, or hated her marked-up back.

  One big hand palmed her ass. He squeezed, leaned down, and kissed one of the stars at her waist. He kissed every single one of them, then started up her back. She melted into the mattress and turned molten when his fingers slid over the slope of her bottom and down to her tingling center. He slid his fingers over her slick folds, back and forth. She moved her hips, wanting more. He gave it to her, sliding one finger into her wet center, his lips still kissing a heated path up her spine. When he reached the moon at her neck, his big body lay down the length of hers. She turned on her side and scooted closer. He pulled her close with his hand still hooked around her hips, his finger still working in and out of her throbbing center. She moved her leg over his thigh and pressed her body against him. His thick length pressed to her belly and she rocked against his hard cock and hand, kissing him, her arm wrapped around his neck.

  “Colt,” she whispered against his mouth.

  He gave her another soft kiss, then released her long enough to grab the packets of condoms. He tore one off and opened it with his teeth. While he sheathed himself
, she mapped his body with her hands and mouth, keeping the intimacy between them strong. He took her mouth again in a searing kiss and used his body to roll her back onto the bed. He shifted over her and settled between her legs. She drew her legs up his thighs. He pulled himself up on his hands, stared down at her, and nudged her entrance, the thick head rubbing her soft folds. She gripped his hips and pulled him close. He filled her in one smooth glide. She sighed, her eyes locked on him.

  Colt pulled out, nearly leaving her, but thrust back in at the last second and filled her again. He closed his eyes on the pleasure and lost himself making love to her. She gripped his ass, pulled him close, then softened her hands and swept them up his back. She gave herself over to him, making love, enjoying what they created in each other’s arms. Everything about him appealed to her, but making love to him solidified the connection she’d felt for him all this time into something that became a permanent part of her. She didn’t know how. She didn’t know why. But she felt it like a physical part of her now deep in her chest.

  He must feel it, too, because something in him shifted, making something build inside of her. Not the pleasure, that took on a life of its own. Something deeper, more meaningful and life changing. Her heart swelled with it, made her hold on to him, pull him closer, let everything else fall away but the two of them locked in this lovers’ embrace.

  Colt thrust deep again. Luna circled her hips against his, finding that sweet spot that made the fire in her belly flash and burn brighter. Colt caught on and did it again, matching her moves and creating that sweet friction she needed. Her body tensed around his. He groaned and picked up the pace. She followed and let herself go as that fire burst inside of her like a star. Colt shuddered and fell on top of her, his weight sinking her into the mattress. His breath sawed in and out as fast as hers. Relaxed. Happy to have this man in her arms, she rubbed her hands up and down his back, then hugged him close. He pressed soft kisses to her neck and levered himself up on his forearms. He traced his finger over her head and swept her bangs aside. Something she did often that drove him crazy.


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