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Elegant Seduction (Trinity Masters Book 6)

Page 17

by Mari Carr

  Grant listened quietly as Sebastian described some of Richard’s activities, his face impassive.

  “If this is true, then Richard was actively working against everything the Trinity Masters stand for.”

  Sebastian blew out a long sigh. “He wasn’t the only one. The Grand Master uncovered a secret sect. The purists.” For several minutes, Sebastian told Grant and Elyse about the group and the lost legacies.

  “That’s terrible,” Elyse said. “And Juliette thinks the purists are still operating? What the hell could they want now? I mean it’s not like we’re still fighting the Nazis.”

  “I suspect their agenda has evolved with the times. Or perhaps they’re simply trying to keep anyone from discovering the crimes of their ancestors. Like Grant said, it’s not exactly a heritage to boast about. Maybe there are some people who don’t want the skeletons in their family closets revealed.”

  “That hardly seems like a reason to hurt someone,” Elyse said.

  Grant wrapped his arm around her shoulder comfortingly. “That guy with the gun was surprised to see me. He didn’t come here to hurt anyone. Just to look for that map.”

  Sebastian tried to reassure her as well. “Grant’s right. They haven’t revealed themselves as truly dangerous. Just desperate to recover the map.”

  “The Grand Master thinks I’m a purist, doesn’t she?” Grant asked gruffly. They were slowly entering the danger zone, the place where all of Sebastian’s lies unraveled.

  “Not exactly. You were the only lead we had to discovering more about them.”

  “Because of my great-grandfather?”

  “Actually, the only purist we’d uncovered for certain was your great-aunt Jessica.” Sebastian took a few minutes to fill them in on Jessica’s background and her involvement in Franco’s exclusion from the society.

  Elyse drifted deeper into the hot water until only the tops of her shoulders and head remained above. “Lost legacies. Wow.”

  “You weren’t supposed to tell us any of this.” Grant’s words weren’t a question. “So the fact that you have leads me to believe you don’t think I’m one of the bad guys.”

  “I don’t,” Sebastian replied firmly.

  “What convinced you? This cut on my head?”

  Elyse answered before Sebastian could. “If you were a purist, you wouldn’t have admitted to having the map and you certainly wouldn’t have handed it over. Plus the bad guys wouldn’t have had any reason to break in to your loft and ransack it.”

  Sebastian grinned at her heated defense of Grant. Everything she said was true, but it wasn’t what had convinced Sebastian of Grant’s innocence. “She’s right, but honestly, there was no specific moment. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know you. You would never be a party to something like this.”

  “Which leads us back to the map. What is it?” Elyse asked. “What does it have to do with the purists?”

  “We have no idea.” Elyse and Grant both gave Sebastian incredulous looks. “I swear. We don’t have a clue. We weren’t even sure the map had anything to do with the secret sect. Juliette found it among Richard and Jessica’s files, so we thought we’d lay it out as a bread crumb and see if something came from it. And it has. We just don’t know what it means.”

  “So now we know the map is of Copley Square and you suspect there are tunnels that lie beneath it. Maybe the better question is this—what do you hope it will lead you to?” Elyse asked.

  “The purists’ headquarters.” It was Grant who answered.

  Sebastian had come to the same conclusion though he hadn’t spoken it aloud. “It would stand to reason. We know your great-aunt was part of the sect and your family has protected and hidden that map since her death. I can only assume the deep-seated need to keep it out of sight dimmed with the passage of time and the fact your dad turned his back on the Trinity Masters.”

  The second Sebastian spoke the words, Grant rose. “You’re right. He did.” Grant didn’t bother with a towel as he crossed the bathroom floor to pick up his jeans. He tugged his cell out of the back pocket. “I always believed him when he said he rejected the legacy because of my mother.”

  Elyse frowned. “You don’t think that’s true now?”

  Grant shook his head, but didn’t bother to explain. He’d already dialed the phone. “Hey, Dad.” He paused for a moment. “Yeah. I know it’s been a while since I called. I’ve been busy.” Again the pause. “I’m sorry. I can’t drop by tonight. I’m in Boston. No. I’m not here for work. Listen, Dad. I’m going to ask you something and I want you to give me an honest answer. Why didn’t you join the Trinity Masters?”

  Grant fell silent, listening intently. Sebastian looked at Elyse. She gave him a sad smile. She understood how painful all of this must be for Grant. So far, her concern for Grant had distracted her from the truths yet to be spoken.

  Finally, Grant spoke again. “Yeah. I understand. What do you know about a map fragment?” After several minutes, he sighed. “I’m fine, Dad. Promise. As soon as I’m back in L.A., I’ll stop by for a visit. I’ll explain what’s going on in more detail.”

  Grant said his goodbyes then hung up with another long sigh. “Apparently my dad rejected the legacy because he didn’t agree with his family’s politics. He hoped to escape their treachery and to protect his future children from being drawn into the same web.”

  “What about your grandparents?”

  Grant frowned. “My dad said they knew about Jessica and Richard’s dissatisfaction with the Trinity Masters, but didn’t feel the same. It was why my grandfather went into medicine instead of politics. By all accounts, Jessica was very much her father’s daughter.”

  “And the map?” Elyse asked.

  “My grandfather found it among Jessica’s things after she died. He suspected the map had ties to some of the things she was rumored to have done.”

  “God, this is a sticky web.” Elyse blew out a long sigh. “So people suspected her?”

  “We know they did,” Sebastian replied. “When the Grand Master started asking about the woman who’d tried to keep Franco’s grandfather from joining, Jessica’s name was one of the first that came up.”

  “She had part of the map. And somehow the Grand Master ended up with another portion. But we don’t know how, right?” Grant asked.

  Sebastian shook his head. “Juliette has no idea why that part of the map was among the Grand Master’s files.”

  “Why did your grandfather hide it?” Sebastian asked. “Why not give Jessica’s section to the Grand Master?”

  “My dad couldn’t answer that. But you have to admit the family connections weren’t good ones. Maybe my grandparents were worried Jessica’s actions would cast a shadow over them.”

  Sebastian thought that reason was sound. Given the fact all the primary characters in this play were dead, the best they could do was guess at motivations as they searched for purists still living.

  “So what’s your next step?” Grant asked.

  “What do you mean?” Sebastian was surprised by the question. He’d anticipated the conversation turning to accusations.

  Grant crossed his arms. Sebastian was shocked by how intimidating the stance was, considering the guy was completely naked and dripping wet. “Somebody broke into my apartment, trashed all my stuff and hit me on the head with a lamp. I want in on this investigation.”

  If the shoe were on the other foot, Sebastian would make the same demand. “Done.”

  There wasn’t any question about him including them. He was finishing hiding the truth. Except for…

  He fell silent, waiting for the inevitable questions about their trinity.

  Elyse and Grant shared a look that Sebastian couldn’t begin to read or understand. And then, Grant climbed back into the tub. “Let’s find the other piece of the map and these purists. We can deal with the rest later.”

  Sebastian wasn’t sure how to respond. They were giving him a reprieve. He was equal parts relieved and confused
. Did they suspect the trinity was a farce? How could they? Sebastian doubted anyone knew that the Grand Master could dissolve unions within the first thirty days. He certainly hadn’t. So what did they mean by “the rest”?

  Elyse slid over onto Sebastian’s lap and ran her fingers along his face. “Shut it down for now, Seb. You did what you had to do to protect the Trinity Masters. You just can’t stifle that inner Boy Scout.” Her words were spoken on a whisper, and then she kissed him. He lifted her hips slightly, positioned her over his cock and pulled her down slowly. Unlike the brutal way they’d taken each other by the door earlier, this was gentle, soft, but no less powerful.

  Grant moved next to them, his hands entering the play as he stroked Elyse’s back. He reached out to cup one of Elyse’s breasts, placing a kiss on her shoulder. Then his hand dipped lower, between their connected bodies, his fingers exploring the place where Sebastian thrust into her.

  With the tips of his fingers, Grant rubbed Elyse’s clit, then he caressed the tiny part of Sebastian’s cock not buried in her body.

  Sebastian gasped at that touch, his arousal hitting fever pitch. One second he felt as if he could ride the wave forever, the next he was tumbling, unable to hold on. He gripped Elyse’s ass and held her pressed tightly to him as he came.

  Grant reached for her as Sebastian watched, his breathing heavy, his heart racing. She straddled Grant’s lap and the party started again. Like Grant, Sebastian wasn’t content to sit apart, to merely observe. He moved behind her, grasping Elyse’s waist, lifting and pushing her onto Grant’s cock. Unlike the steady pace they’d maintained, this joining was faster, hungrier.

  Water sloshed over the sides of the Jacuzzi, as Grant and Elyse moaned, grunted, then fucked harder. Their union ended like Sebastian’s.

  With one potent touch.

  Sebastian reached around Elyse and pinched her clit. She gasped as she came, taking Grant with her.

  And then, they kissed. All three of them, their lips traveling along each other’s faces, necks, chests. No part on any of their bodies went un-worshipped. It was only when the water started to go cold that they broke apart long enough to dry off and climb into bed.

  Though only five days had passed, they had fallen into a pattern as Elyse rested her head on Sebastian’s shoulder, Grant spooning her from behind.

  Sebastian cursed himself for being a coward and a fool, for failing to reveal the rest of the story. They thought they’d forgiven him for lying, for hiding the truth of the investigation from them. They didn’t realize there was still another, more damaging secret to tell.

  Regardless of that, he couldn’t regret being here with them, like this.

  They fit together.

  Chapter Twelve

  “This trinity seems to agree with you, my dear,” Mrs. Wythe said as she poured Elyse a cup of tea.

  Elyse grinned, unable to hide her joy. “I’m very happy.”

  Though Elyse understood that nothing was close to settled as far as future plans were concerned, she, Sebastian and Grant had—by tacit agreement—decided to take things one day at a time. Just over two weeks had passed since Sebastian told her and Grant about the purist sect, about Richard and Jessica Breton’s unsavory activities, about the Trinity Masters’ desire to uncover the names of the traitors while recovering lost legacies.

  Grant seemed determined to make up for all his ancestors’ sins by throwing himself into the investigation.

  Juliette—Elyse really needed to start thinking of her as the Grand Master—was unaware of the fact Sebastian had told them the truth about the map and the secret sect. Despite Sebastian’s friendship with Juliette, she was now the Grand Master. Betraying the confidence of the Trinity Masters came with steep punishments. None of them had been willing to risk Juliette’s fury if she discovered their knowledge of her identity and her hunt for purists.

  They were on dangerous ground and all three of them knew it. So they’d participated in the search in secret. Juliette was still sharing information with Sebastian that he then brought home to them. Grant had read every word of the tome Sebastian had that detailed the life and times of an incredibly powerful, but evil man.

  Mrs. Wythe sat back in her chair and sighed. “I’ve missed seeing your smiling face. I know you’re busy with your new husbands, but I must insist that you make time to see me. You’re good for this old soul.”

  Elyse reached over and patted Mrs. Wythe’s hand. “There’s nothing old about you. And I promise I’ll be better about visiting once things are more settled.”

  Sebastian hadn’t been thrilled about her coming to Mrs. Wythe’s house today. Once their “honeymoon” ended, the three of them had moved into Elyse’s condo. Or perhaps “holed up” was a better term for it.

  They spent their days buried in a mountain of paperwork, searching for some clue about who might hold the last part of the map.

  And their nights buried in each other.

  “So tell me about your men.”

  Elyse knew Mrs. Wythe would want to know about her triad. And while Elyse was thrilled with her new partners, she couldn’t help but wonder when the whole thing would blow up in their faces. Sebastian had come to the trinity to spy on Grant. While both men were working closely to uncover the purists now, Elyse felt certain Grant hadn’t forgotten that fact and was harboring some anger about it.

  As for herself, she was still curious about why Juliette would include her in Sebastian’s trinity. There had to be some reason Elyse simply couldn’t see.

  “Sebastian is an aid worker.”

  “Ah. That’s right. He and the Adams girl went off to save the world.” Sometimes Elyse was amazed how well Mrs. Wythe knew each and every Trinity Master. Her mind was as sharp and agile as someone who was a third her age.

  “Well, he’s back now. And I’m hoping he finds a way to stay. I don’t like him traveling to such dangerous places.”

  Mrs. Wythe gave her a sympathetic look. “I understand that. Rumor has it the Adams girl is back in Boston as well.”

  “Yes. Sebastian has spent some time with her. They share a house with some other legacies,” Elyse answered easily, wondering if Mrs. Wythe had figured out who the new Grand Master was. The woman was astute—and curious to a fault.

  “I see. And the other man. Grant Breton, you said?”

  Elyse nodded. “He’s a corporate mediator.”

  Mrs. Wythe lifted her teacup and took a sip of the Darjeeling. “It’s an interesting match. And I believe you have the distinct honor of being one of the first trinities created by our new Grand Master.”

  “I hadn’t considered that.” Elyse grinned. “That’s kind of cool.”

  Mrs. Wythe laughed lightly. “Yes, it is. But it also begs the question of why you were placed together. Have you, Grant and Sebastian discussed it?”

  They hadn’t. Because that answer lay on the other side of the line they’d drawn in the sand. Though Sebastian hadn’t said it—and she and Grant hadn’t asked—it seemed clear the Grand Master had put them together so that Sebastian could spy on Grant. What didn’t make sense was why Sebastian’s best friend would tie him to a suspected purist for the rest of his life and throw her into the mix. The pieces simply didn’t fit.

  “We haven’t talked about that,” Elyse said. Then with a blush, she added, “We haven’t really done a whole lot of talking at all.”

  Mrs. Wythe smiled. “Oh to be young and in love. I can remember those days. However, I hope once all that lust burns off, the three of you find that you match in other, more important ways.”

  Elyse tilted her head, playing dumb. “What do you mean?”

  “I was blessed with my husbands. Like with you, there was definitely a physical attraction, but underneath, there was an even deeper connection. We shared the same ideals and worked well together as we sought to achieve our goals in life—personally and within the society.”

  Elyse agreed that it helped to have similar personalities and ambitions. Grant and Se
bastian had spoken a bit about their political beliefs, and she’d been pleasantly surprised to learn they shared like ideas, all of them leaning slightly toward the left.

  “I hope you don’t think me too forward, but given Grant’s and Sebastian’s occupations, I think it’s safe to say any true wealth they will enjoy will be yours.”

  Mrs. Wythe had mentioned Elyse’s large inheritance countless times over the years. Because she had also been an heiress, she appreciated the difficulties that came with so much money—gold diggers, taxes, innovators looking for investors, charities asking for donations, paparazzi hoping for scandals. The list was endless and long. Mrs. Wythe had spent hour upon hour teaching Elyse how to protect her family’s wealth as well as herself.

  “I don’t think either Grant or Sebastian is particularly interested in my billions. They both make good salaries.”

  “Have you discussed money with them?”

  Elyse shook her head. The longer she sat here, the more she realized she and her future husbands hadn’t talked about much of anything besides the investigation.

  “While I don’t doubt that they are good men with honorable intentions, I hope you continue to let me guide you along the financial path. What’s the expression? Been there, done that.”

  Elyse got a kick out of the contemporary phrase coming from her ninety-year-old friend. It sounded so weird. “You know I trust you completely, Katherine. But I don’t want you to worry. Seb, Grant and I are a good match.”

  Despite their lack of conversation, Elyse did believe that of her trinity. Even with everything so up in the air, she’d never been happier in her life.

  “I’m glad. And I’d love to meet them. Just to make sure they’re worthy of you. I’ve come to care for you very much, Elyse. I think of you as the granddaughter I never had.”

  Mrs. Wythe’s comment warmed her. Elyse felt the same way.

  “I’m most interested in meeting Grant. I believe his grandfather’s sister was Jessica.”

  Elyse nodded slowly. “I’ve heard him speak her name.”


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