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Urban Renewal (Urban Elite Book 1)

Page 15

by Suzanne Steele

  “To be perfectly honest with you, I see this as dinner with a friend. And if you’ll let me, I like to pick your brain again to help me with my research.”

  His laughter warms me as his usual elegant composure takes on a light, relaxed air for a moment. We decide to order our drinks and food all at once to keep interruptions to a minimum. As the server departs with the menus, Liam gives me a steady, warm look, “No need to worry, Max, I assure you, your virtue’s safe with me. I’m not your garden variety lover when it comes to my sexual appetites anyway.”

  I choke gloriously as I sip my water, and wave Liam off when he asks if I need any assistance. What the hell did that mean? As much as I’d like to explore that statement further, I remind myself that that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to find out if he’s The Riddler. I use the awkward moment to excuse myself to freshen up.

  The sound of my heels clicking along the tile floor echoes off the wall. The restroom is around the corner at the end of the hall. My heart leaps in my chest when I make the turn and practically run into Spider. He’s glaring at me with his jaw clenched like he hates me, which makes absolutely no sense, really, because I’m pretty sure I haven’t had time to piss him off yet.

  “Damn it, Spider,” I gasp as I clutch my chest and try to catch my breath. ”You’re supposed to be guarding me, not giving me a heart attack!”

  “What fun would that be?”

  “Don’t start with me.” I attempt to shimmy around him to get to the restroom door and freedom. Next thing I know, he’s crowding me and resting his massive hands on the wall, one by either side of my head. With me firmly caged in, he starts in on me.

  “You gonna kiss him goodnight tonight, Max?” He leans in, using his rock hard frame to press me against the wall. “Gonna rub this tight little body of yours up against him?” I inhale harshly and prepare to call him out for being an ass, but I think better of it. Instead, I slip under his arm and grab the restroom door handle like a lifeline. As I shove my body weight against the door to open it, I swear I hear him growl behind me.

  “You just remember, Max…I’ll be watching.” His voice starts out as an ominous rumble and then softens to something that sounds almost…gentle. My footsteps falter as I let the door swing shut behind me.

  When I come out, Spider’s nowhere to be seen. For a second, I wonder if he left but I know he’d never do anything to let Jack down. I straighten my shoulders and take a deep breath. I pause in the doorway and shoot Liam a smile as I catch his eye. He’s the epitome of easygoing elegance as he sits alone at our table, only the brisk tapping of a foot revealing that he might not be quite as relaxed as he seems. I spot Spider sitting at the bar where he has an unobstructed view of our booth. Instead of crossing directly to the booth, I take a longer route, weaving through tables along the edge of the room – right by the bar – and pointedly ignore his sardonic gaze as I pass by.

  The doctor stands as I approach the booth and I can’t help but smile at the courtly gesture, “You really are such a gentleman.”

  “A lady should always be treated like the jewel she is.”

  “And charming, too,” I tease.

  “Oh, I assure you, Max, I have an edge when necessary.” The unexpected, steely edge to his voice convinces me that it’s true, but his smile is back as he takes his seat across from me.

  We chat for a little while, talking about this and that, laughing at each other’s jokes and indulging in some light flirtation. Our food arrives and we dig in, enjoying a few minutes of surprisingly comfortable silence before we attempt a conversation of any real substance. It’s only been small talk up until now, if you discount his observation about his sexual eccentricities.

  He eyes me appraisingly as he sips his water. When he sets the glass down, he stills and frowns slightly as he watches a stray drop of condensation slide down the length of the glass. Then he seems to come to some sort of decision, meets my curious gaze with a bright smile and relaxes back into the cushy booth seat. With his arm draped along the back of the seat, he has the look of a man who intends to stay a while.

  “So…still no word about your missing pearls. That’s disappointing.”

  “Well,” I say, clearing my throat, “I really didn’t want to talk about it over the phone when we spoke earlier, but a man claiming to be responsible for the recent killings contacted me via email.”

  “Really? The one leaving the body parts all over the place?”

  “Yes. He’s angry that I’m writing about him on my blog and not somehow including him, his side of things, I guess. It seems he feels slighted, as if I’ve insulted him by not including him in my blog.”

  “It sounds like he’s developed a fixation on you. That could become a very dangerous situation if his behavior were to escalate.”

  “You sound like a shrink,” I chuckle, trying to feign more courage than I’m feeling at the thought of being on a mad man’s radar.

  “It’s a necessary evil in my line of work. “

  “Oh, really? That surprises me.”

  “There’s more to what I do than just repairing pieces and parts. An effective doctor must be able to read people. Patients don’t always reveal the true nature of their concerns. It can take a bit of effort to get at the truth.” He tilts his head to the side slightly before adding, “One must have patience to achieve the desired outcome.” A slight frown, then, “Any idea who it is?”

  “My boss is investigating people who were denied medical licenses because of psychiatric problems. You know, I actually got the idea from you. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around how this guy could have held up under the pressure of medical school. It takes a very intelligent, resilient person to be successful there.”

  “Glad to know I was of some help. However, surely you must realize you’re trying to reason with a man who’s mentally ill. The severity could depend on any number of things. What is at the heart of his instability? Could be anything, really – mommy issues, trust issues, a profound sense of betrayal, maybe even PTSD. Some past trauma could have shifted his foundation and his recent actions could be a manifestation of that break -- his way of trying to create a reality that meets his needs.

  “The thing is,” he says as he leans forward and rests an elbow on the table, “your killer may not actually care if his reasons make sense to you; they only need to make sense to him.” He leans back and picks up his glass, tilting it toward me and pointing the index finger of that hand in my direction for emphasis, “Yes, something terribly dark must be driving this person to kill and desecrate the bodies like that. If you can connect with him, he may let his guard down. And that, lovely Max, is when you will find the truth.” He sips his water and sets the glass down again before clearing his throat. “Whether you’re ready for it or not.”

  Liam seems fascinated with the case I’m researching. Time to drop the bomb. I run my fingertip around the rim of my glass and gaze up at him through my lashes. “Liam, he…well, he taunted me about having the pearls. He even attached a photograph. He stole the last memory I have of my mother and now he’s practically bragging about it.”

  “That’s horrible, Max. I hope you do get them back, but if you don’t, you’ve gotta forge ahead. Focus on the here and now, you know?”

  I’m caught off guard by the tears that suddenly well in my eyes. I accept the welcome warmth of his hand over mine as we sit in companionable silence until the server arrives to take our plates and tempt us with dessert.

  As I glance up at the server, my attention is captured by the stony expression on Spider’s face as he watches the cozy scene unfold from his seat at the bar. A bottle of Corona is gripped loosely between his fingers, but the look in his eyes is anything but relaxed. Anger radiates from his rigid posture as he glares at me. I shift in my seat and cross my legs as I attempt a casual smile for Liam’s benefit.

  I’m not sure what’s going on between me and Spider tonight. What I do know is that he needs to back the hell off. I may be more
than a little intrigued by the tension that’s been building between us since he joined Jack’s team, but I can’t afford any distractions right now. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have my hands full trying to convince him of that, though.

  Chapter Forty Four


  From my vantage point here in the shadows, I watch and wait. I’m nursing three fingers of bourbon, my large frame draped over my father’s old leather club chair that I keep in the corner of my room. I could easily doze off here and am contemplating the merits of doing so when I hear her key in the lock. My lips press into a hard line as Valerie enters the room.

  As I take in her curvy silhouette, my cock surges insistently against the confines of my tailored pants. The light floral scent of her perfume fills my nose and soothes me as I breathe her in. But that’s not the scent I crave tonight. It’s been one hell of a day and I’ve spent the last hour second guessing my plans, thinking maybe I should just retire to a tropical island somewhere. No, what I want – what I need -- is to fill my lungs with the musky scent of her arousal. I intend to spend the rest of the night between her legs.

  “Where have you been?” I growl as she works the light switch by the door.

  “Damn it to hell, Jack!” she protests breathlessly, her body recoiling instinctively. She spins around and glowers at me with her hands fisted on her hips. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!”

  I toss back the last of the bourbon and step over to the dresser for a refill. My tone is deceptively calm as I raise the glass to my lips. “I asked you a question.”

  “Well, you’re in a foul mood,” she mutters, setting her briefcase and purse down in the wing chair by the door before sliding her blazer off and draping it over the back of the chair. I take another sip, letting the liquid heat soothe my battered soul even as it burns the back of my throat. Old insecurities settle over me like a shroud. I try to breathe easy but just the idea of her ever being with anyone but me has me seething. But more than that, the thought of a life without her makes a dull ache settle in my chest.

  I set the glass down on the dresser with enough force to prompt her to take a step back. Her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath as she moves tentatively toward me, as if she’s approaching a frightened animal. She’s so fucking beautiful.

  As she runs her hands over my chest and shoulders, I tilt my head back and close my eyes. Her long, supple fingers trail lightly down my arms, pressing firmly into my skin as they return to caress my shoulders and neck. With my shirt sleeves rolled up, her perfectly manicured nails leave faint red tracks on my forearms.

  She nuzzles my neck and murmurs tenderly, “You know I’d never screw around on you, Jack. Why do you do this to yourself?”

  It’s a valid question, one I don’t have an answer to. I don’t want to talk right now anyway. With the team’s first case consuming my every waking moment and threats being leveled against this woman, tonight I just need to keep her close to me. I fist her hair at the nape of her neck and hold her head still as I kiss her slow and deep, claiming her mouth with broad sweeps of my tongue. I tug her bottom lip between my teeth just hard enough to elicit a gasp. I smile triumphantly against her mouth as her curves melt against me, surrendering to the scorching heat that threatens to consume us. As much as I need to take her tonight, she needs to be taken.

  “Show me,” I rasp against her lips. “Prove to me you need me as much as I need you.”

  Her fingers make quick work of my belt, releasing it and letting it slide to the floor as she turns her attention to my zipper, walking me backwards until I’m leaning against the wall next to the dresser. Anticipation hums in my bloodstream when she drops to her knees. I reach for my drink, tilting it back and grimacing as I swallow it down.

  She slides her hand inside my pants, laying claim to my rock hard length, working me with slow, steady strokes. I glare down at her in challenge as she tugs my pants and boxer briefs down in one swift move. My shoes and socks follow, joining them in the corner as she slides out of the way. The sight of her tending to me this way, all while kneeling before me, drives me out of my mind.

  Her tongue flutters along my shaft, stroking the sensitive skin along the underside of the crown. My breath escapes in a hiss from between bared teeth. Her lips are clinging to my shaft, forming a snug ‘o’ as she takes me to the back of her throat. My knees nearly buckle when she angles her head back and relaxes her muscles to allow my cock passage beyond the back of her throat. I groan with pleasure, her nails digging into my bare ass as she pulls me toward her, relentlessly, until I’m fully seated in her mouth.

  I’m riveted by the nearly miraculous sight of her full, red lips sealed around the base of my shaft. As I struggle for control, wanting this to last for-fucking-ever, she raises those mischievous blue eyes to mine and starts swallowing rhythmically. Her silky smooth channel pulses around my cock, sending waves of searing heat down my spine. Fuck me, she’s jacking me with her throat. This woman...

  I slam the glass onto the dresser, unconcerned as amber liquid sloshes over the rim. I’m hell bent to give as good as I’m getting, so I reluctantly slide my length from her throat, clasping her jaw in my hand as I leave her mouth. Ignoring her playful pout, I pull her from the floor and steer her roughly over to the bed. I give her curt instructions to strip as I toss my shirt onto the floor.

  I look my fill at her flawless, creamy skin, weighing my options as I decide where to start. Her husky voice pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Lie down, Jack. If you want me to show I need you, then do as I say.”

  I rarely relinquish control in any aspect of my life, especially when it comes to sex and particularly since Valerie came into my life. I’m curious to see where her sexy sense of initiative takes us tonight. More than that, I’ll do whatever I need to do to have that sweet little pussy of hers sheathing me. She straddles my hips and I savor the anticipation of finally getting inside her. But my woman has other plans.

  She crawls up the length of my body, taking her time as she rubs her velvety skin against me, nuzzling me like a damn cat. As she grabs the headboard with both hands and plants her knees on either side of my head, I link my hands behind my neck and admire the slick pussy lips hovering over my face.

  “Do you want this pussy?” she purrs as she swivels her hips seductively, undulating above me with an erotic abandon that sets my teeth on edge and draws a bead of sweat down the side of my face. I grit my teeth and try to let her enjoy the illusion of having control. She obviously needs it tonight, so this is her show – for the moment, anyway. I finally get my wish as the womanly scent that I crave surrounds me and I breathe her in.

  “Come here, baby,” I murmur as she lowers herself onto my hungry mouth. Her legs press my arms into the mattress and I’m sublimely content to be at her mercy as she takes her pleasure. Every swirl of my tongue over her clit, every open mouth kiss against her lush inner lips sends her higher, her hips grinding against my face as she begins to moan incoherently. I thrust my tongue deep inside her hot tunnel, rubbing against her sweet spot until she arches her back and comes apart, drenching me in her sweet cream.

  She takes my breath away as she slides down my body and kisses me, lazily tasting herself on my lips. She pushes against my chest and sits up as I slide my hands down her body, squeezing her ass cheeks and positioning her wet, glistening slit over my shaft. I lower her slowly onto me until I’m buried so deep inside her that I groan when the sensitive tip of my cock rubs against her cervix.

  “Look at you,” I whisper and she smiles lazily without opening her eyes. “I think you’re love drunk,” I observe with no shortage of male pride.

  “Mmm-hmmm…” she murmurs dreamily as her head lolls to the side, sending a cascade of glossy hair over her shoulders. As she starts rolling her hips over mine, I meet her rhythm, thrust for thrust. My hips buck beneath her as she rides me with an urgency that signals her approaching orgasm. Dusky rose nipples tease me as she leans over m
e, cupping a breast and letting the tip graze my hungry lips. I clamp down hard on the pebbled flesh and roar my pleasure as her pussy clamps down on my cock. The orgasm rolls through me like a freight train. My body releases deep inside her only when I know she’s been fulfilled.

  She drapes her supple body over me, our skin slick with sweat, her lips softly nibbling my neck. I stroke her hair, fascinated by the way the glossy strands slide through my fingers like water. Her hum is a soft rumble against my chest as her body shudders with a series of delicious aftershocks. In this moment, I’m reassured that she’s every bit as connected to me as I am to her. And it’s enough—until the next time I need her to convince me she isn’t going anywhere.

  Chapter Forty Five


  Liam gave me a lot to think about tonight so I’m in a hurry to get back to Urban Elite and fire up my laptop while the conversation’s still fresh in my mind. The thing is, I’m no more certain about his guilt or innocence than I was before. I still have a hard time believing he’s capable of such deviant behavior when he has devoted his life to helping others. Despite his obvious interest in me – both professional and personal, it seems – I can’t shake the feeling that something’s off somehow. Every now and then, I’ll catch him eyeing me with an almost clinical detachment, and it makes the hair on the back of my neck prickle.

  The roar of Spider’s Harley behind me interrupts my thoughts and causes my heart to race. I was hoping to get to my room without having to deal with him, but no such luck.

  He calls my name as he climbs off the bike but I keep walking. I stride briskly to my door, unlock it and move quickly to slip inside, but he’s right behind me pushing the door open and inviting himself in. He slams the door and backs me into the wall before I even have the chance to set my purse down.

  “That didn’t look like a fucking business meeting to me, sweetheart. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you were holding hands. Were you scared and needed doctor boy to protect you?” He presses his body against mine until there’s no space between us. “I’m supposed to protect you, not him. Me.”


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