Not Stupid
Page 25
David Kamsler
David is a gem! He is from the Link charity and, through him, we obtained a lot of furniture when we set up Hillingdon Manor School and even more since then. A good friend.
Basingstoke Council
It was through Basingstoke Council that we were put in touch with David Kamsler from the Link. They helped to ensure we received a good amount of office furniture.
British Airways
The company staff did a lot of fundraising for us – things like wearing odd socks for the day and fun days.
British Airports Authority
Staff from BAA did a lot of work for us when we founded Hillingdon Manor School, including the fitting out of a kitchen as part of a team-building exercise. They did a very good job.
Thames Water
Sean’s previous employers held a fundraising event for the school.
Community Services
Thank you for all those Saturdays when I would come in to Hillingdon Manor School to paint it in preparation for opening. It was so nice to see so many willing pairs of hands. Between them, your helpers saved us lots of money, which we were able to put towards other good uses at the school.
Jack and Jean Greiller
I met Jack and Jean through a wine club, which raised funds for the school. Afterwards they came to the school and, since then, have been on hand to offer their voluntary support.
Disney VoluntEARS, Hammersmith
The Disney toys, DVDs, CDs, and costumes donated and the work done in the sensory garden at Hillingdon Manor School are much appreciated.
Jonas Nilsson
Jonas has a daughter with autism. His help with the maintenance at Hillingdon Manor School has been invaluable.
Antoinette and Kevin Mullally
Thanks for your continued support throughout the years. You have both supported so many families along the way, far beyond your call of duty.
Heathermount School, Ascot
The help provided with establishing policies and procedures when we opened Hillingdon Manor was much appreciated.
Angela Austin
Thank you, Angela, for giving us the best opportunity to set up a centre of excellence for autism.
Sean and Cheryl Pavitt
Sean, it’s been a pleasure to watch you bloom from starting off as a teacher, getting married, to starting a family. Thank you both for helping Patrick and Angelo through some difficult times.
Past and present staff
Past and present staff at Hillingdon Manor Schools, past and present staff at West London Community College, past and present staff at Summacare, past and present staff at The Old Vicarage – thank you, everyone, for all your dedication, not to mention all the extra hours you’ve all worked!
Sally and Chris Eaton
Thanks for your support and fundraising. Thanks also for your advice.
Brunel University
Your contributions from Rag Weeks and general support have been much appreciated. We’ve been very happy to have been able to take some of your work-placement individuals on as permanent staff.
United States Navy
Thanks for your efforts in helping us decorate at St Mary’s Centre – even though one of the ceilings ended up being painted with gloss paint instead of emulsion!
Barbara Fisher
The community reporter and deputy editor of our local newspaper the Uxbridge Gazette, Barbara has consistently updated news of the school in the newspaper. She’s become a friend and we appreciate her continued support.
National Autistic Society
How things have improved since we first contacted the society. It is now proved to be a really good resource – better information for parents, particularly when a child has just been diagnosed. We’ve since made several friends from the society and we would like to thank them for their support.
Ivan Sage
Thank you for helping me to write this book.
Julian Reader
It was Julian who gave me the idea to write this book and securing a successful publishing deal was thanks to him and his team.
Professor Uta Frith
Uta has given many talks on our behalf, free of charge. She worked in the field of autism for many years and we appreciate her valuable support and advice.
Dr Fiona Scott
Like Uta, Fiona has given many talks on our behalf. We met her when we first set up the school and it was she who diagnosed Sean as having Asperger Syndrome.
Hampshire Police Academy
I went to the academy with Alex, Patrick and Angelo to collect donated wardrobes, beds and chests of drawers when we were about to open The Old Vicarage residential home.
Ross Kemp
AKA EastEnders’ Grant Mitchell. Thank you, Ross, for visiting the school and spending time with Patrick and the children.
Uxbridge police and firemen
Thank you for your fundraising efforts.
Botwell School, Hayes
Thanks to all concerned for raising funds with a sponsored silence.
Moorcroft School, Hillingdon
Thank you for your support in the early days.
Barry Sampson, Roger Colvin and Richard Greenwell from Hillcrest Autism Services Ltd
Thank you for your support in the early days.
And, last but not least, thank you, Mencap, for the use of the swimming pool on site.
Judith Azzopardi
Thanks for taking on the challenge. I look forward to working with you.
Useful Contacts
Hillingdon Manor Lower & Middle School
For pupils from 3.5 years to 12–13 years
Intensive-skills pupils from 3.5 years to 14–19 years
Harlington Road
Middlesex UB8 3HD
Tel: 01895 813679
Principal: Gail Pilling
Hillingdon Manor Upper School
For pupils up to 19 years
Stables Courtyard
Church Road
Middlesex UB3 2UH
Tel: 020 8573 7419
West London Community College
(This college is for Social Services, Learning Disabilities funding and Direct Payments funded students)
Colne Lodge
Longbridge Way
Tel: 01895 619700
Fax: 01895 619701
Hillcrest Care Ltd
Langstone Gate
Solent Road
PO9 1TR.
Hillcrest Autism Services Ltd
Vine House
Harlington Road
Tel: 01895 619734
The Old Vicarage Residence
For residents 18+ years
75 The Greenway
Middlesex UB8 2PL
Tel: 01895 454710
Fax: 01895 619701
Registered Manager: Michelle Kelly
Summacare Ltd
Offering provision to adults suffering from Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism
Vine House
Harlington Road
Middlesex UB8 3HD
Tel: 01895 436028
Fax: 01895 436025
d Manager: Lauren Whittingham
Hillingdon Autistic Care and Support (HACS)
Registered Charity No: 1066859
A charitable support group for the parents and families of children on the autistic spectrum.
The Vines
Harlington Road
Middlesex UB8 3HD
Tel: 01895 271211
Director: Antoinette Mullally
All donations and enquiries welcome to HACS.
SPD Support
A non-profit internet-based support organisation run by a parent of a child with semantic-pragmatic disorder (SPD).
The National Autistic Society
393 City Road
London EC1V 1NG
Tel: 020 7833 2299
Autism Helpline: 0845 070 4004
Parent-to-Parent Helpline
A free 24-hour support line for parents of an adult or child with an autistic-spectrum disorder
Tel: 0800 9 520 520
Fax: 020 7833 9666
Published by John Blake Publishing Ltd,
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ePub ISBN 978 1 84358 230 4
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First published in paperback in 2009
ISBN: 978 1 84454 784 5
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