Book Read Free

Your Eight O'clock is Dead

Page 32

by Kat Jorgensen

  We parked, and I got our orders sorted out and made sure Daisy stayed with me. She had a bad habit of bolting when she got freaked out. Couldn’t say I blamed her. Many things in life freaked me out on a daily basis.

  I found us a booth with a window view in hopes Daisy might stay calmer if she could see outside. Our food arrived quickly, and we made small talk as we ate. Well, mostly I talked and Daisy listened.

  “Have you heard from Max lately?” I couldn’t help myself. Daisy and Max shared a friendship, much to R.J.’s disapproval.

  A quick shake of her head.

  Crap. Had the man dropped off of the face of the earth? A nagging little worry crept up inside of me, but I fought it down. Nothing could happen to Max. My Max. I wouldn’t allow it. Not that I could prevent anything bad. He did associate with some pretty unsavory characters from time to time. But I knew in my heart, despite how it appeared, Max Chernov was one of the good guys.

  We were almost through with our meal when a family of five settled into the booth right behind Daisy. The youngest child was about eighteen months old and found Daisy’s silky hair very much to his liking. She winced as he put his gooey hands on her shoulders and fingered her hair momentarily transfixed. To her credit, Daisy sat there and took it, instead of running out the door as I expected. She closed her eyes and slid over in the booth, out of the child’s reach. Or so she thought. Soon the child had tracked her down and squealed in delight. Daisy froze in her seat and stiffened.

  The toddler let out an ear-splitting scream when one of his siblings denied something he thought should be his. Daisy scooted over closer to the window, hoping to lose the child.

  But he was one tenacious kid. He grabbed Daisy around the neck and hugged her, while I held my breath. She pried his fingers loose, took a napkin and wiped the ends of her hair. Wow, this was going better than I’d expected.

  But the third time the chubby little boy put his grubby, food covered hands on her, Daisy jumped up.

  “RUDE!” she yelled at the parents. “Bad boy,” she said to the child, shaking her index finger at him. And then, Daisy made a bee-line for the exit.

  I grabbed our drinks, prepared to follow Daisy. The parents shot me a stare like it was my fault for Daisy’s outburst. Geesh. “RUDE,” I yelled as I passed them, headed for the exit. Let them figure it out. I refrained from the bad boy comment and the finger wagging to the toddler. Besides, he’d moved on to bothering one of his siblings.

  My immediate concern was Daisy. I had to catch up to her. The last thing I needed was for her to get hit by a car in the busy parking lot.

  “Wait up, Daisy,” I yelled, but either she didn’t hear me or chose to ignore me. So, I kicked it into high gear and raced after her, catching up to her at the curb just before she stepped into the path of an oncoming car. A horn blared. I threw my arm out and pulled her back managing to spill a good chunk of my Coke all down her lovely white top. RUDE.

  When my heartbeat finally settled back down from the scare, I stood there with the Coke cup in my hands and didn’t say a word. Daisy turned toward me and checked out her stained, wet shirt and the empty cup laying in the gutter.

  “Thanks.” Her voice sounded tiny and apologetic. I almost didn’t hear her.

  I set what was left of the drinks down on a nearby outdoor table and hugged her. She shook all over. What’s shaking, indeed?

  “It’s okay. We’re okay. Parents should have better control over their kids. I mean, if they can’t sit there and act right, they shouldn’t be out in public. At least that’s how I was raised. Even now, if I had bad table manners, Granddad would kill me.”

  At the word kill, Daisy’s body went rigid. Way to go, Becca.

  “I don’t mean kill literally. It’s a figure of speech.” I just needed to shut up, because clearly by Daisy’s reaction I’d made things worse.

  She pointed at something, and I moved around her to try to see what she indicated. The movies? Daisy wanted to go to the movies? “No, we don’t have time for that. I have to have you back home in less than an hour. Ryder won’t be happy if we’re gone too long.” Or if he’d known his sister had almost been hit by a car. It would be the last time he’d let her go out with me.

  Even with the mention of her brother’s name, Daisy took a step forward. I grabbed hold of her thin arm and jerked her back toward me. Cars sped through the parking lot. Daisy was far too unpredictable. If I released her, I was terrified she’d run to whatever had caught her attention without a thought for her personal safety. “Stay here with me.” I tugged on her arm gently for emphasis. But she continued to pull and gesture wildly, straining at my touch.

  “Where do you want to go?” She yanked with a strength I didn’t know she possessed.

  “Ice! Ice, now!!!”

  Frantically, I searched for an ice cream parlor but didn’t see one. Damn. I tried to recall where the nearest ice cream shop was located and realized it was a good two blocks away across busy Broad Street. No way had Daisy seen it from here.

  “ICE,” Daisy demanded.

  No wonder Daisy and Higgins, Granddad’s cranky, spoiled cat, got along so well. They were both very single-minded and loud when they wanted something.

  “We have to get into the car to get ice cream,” I said in my most soothing voice, even though I really wanted to scream at her. But she was Daisy. And I just couldn’t.

  “No ice. ICE!”

  Okay that made no sense to me. None. She pulled away from the direction of Broad Street and moved toward the buildings located behind Arby’s. I let her guide me, as I continued to keep a firm grip on her and watch out for parking lot traffic.

  And then I spotted it. The skating rink. The ice skating rink. Daisy wanted to go to the skating rink? I asked her, and she nodded vigorously. She made a move to sprint toward it, but somehow I managed to lead her back to my Honda.

  She grabbed and tugged on the handle, anxious to get in and get going. I checked my watch. We still had a good fifty-five minutes before we turned into pumpkins on Ryder’s doorstep. Not perfect, but doable.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” I said as I settled into the driver’s seat.

  After a quick drive over to the ice skating rink’s parking lot, I confirmed one last time that this was what she wanted. Daisy was like a five-year-old waiting to see Santa Claus. Antsy. Excited beyond normal excitement. Twitchy that I wasn’t being quick enough for her.

  Oh yeah. She wanted this. Bad. How could I deny her?

  She tried to race into the building, but the admissions guy stopped her part of the way through, a lit cigar drooping from the corner of his mouth. “Ten dollars each.” He held out his hand. “Skate rental included.”

  Daisy thrust crumpled bills into the man’s hand and dragged me after her.

  She high-tailed it up to the skate rental window and said, “Five.” The pimply-skinned teenage kid behind the counter pulled a dainty pair of ladies’ figure skates down and turned them over to her. She gestured for me to give him my size. I shook my head. It had been years since I’d been on the ice. I probably couldn’t even stand up anymore.

  “Hurry!” she admonished.

  I watched as Daisy laced the first skate like she knew what she was doing. And I considered my options. I could wait off the ice and watch as Daisy broke one or more bones. Then when Ryder found out what I’d let his sister do, I could count my own broken bones. Clearly a lose-lose proposition. I really had no choice.

  “Nine,” I said to the skate attendant. The kid leaned over the counter and stared at my less than petite feet. “Nine,” I repeated rather emphatically this second time.

  He forked over a pair of beat up ladies’ skates that looked like Sasquatch could wear them.

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  Daisy was almost through lacing and adjusting her second skate before I got a handle on my first one. But to her credit, she waited for me. Despite her excitement, I think she knew she’d be in big doo-do with both Ryder and me if s
he ventured out onto the ice alone.

  Standing on the thin blades and unable to feel the circulation to my lower legs or feet any longer, I indicated that I had to make an adjustment. Daisy motioned for me to sit down and expertly untied and retied my skates after checking the tension on the laces. It was clear to me that Ryder had taken her skating before. Secure in that knowledge, I relaxed a bit. If he’d taken her, surely he wouldn’t fault me for this in any way shape or form. Phew. What a relief!

  I stood again. This time it was like magic. Not only could I feel my feet and lower legs, I could move easily like I was wearing street shoes. Hmmm ... this had never happened before. Daisy had mad skills. I gave her a thumbs up as she leveled her gaze at me. Then she yanked on me, urging me to the door leading to the ice.

  We entered the ice arena, and I giggled along with Daisy, caught up in her excitement. Immediately the cold struck me. I wasn’t dressed for ice skating, and neither was Daisy in that thin slip of a summer top she wore, especially since I’d spilled the remains of a sticky soda on it. Wow, I hadn’t thought this one through. What else was new?

  But we were here now. I’d let her try to skate around the outside of the rink holding on to the boards a couple of times, and then tell her we had to go. If she made it around the boards. Me, I was planning on sticking close to them. They were my safety net. Usually it took me about thirty minutes to an hour to feel safe enough to leave those boards and venture out onto the ice. Those thin, little skate blades always amazed me. And ice, well, ice was slippery with or without skates.

  Daisy and I maneuvered down the arena steps toward the ice, her steps lighter and faster than mine. She reached the opening, removed her skate guards and entered the ice. Oh NO!

  I clunked after her trying not to trip and kill myself. Thank goodness I’d shoved our purses into a locker before I’d put on my skates. Clearly, I was off balance enough on the thin blades without juggling two monster handbags. “Daisy! Wait up!”

  She stopped and turned around. And my heart stopped. Usually whenever I did a quick turn on the ice, it resulted in a down-she-goes movement. But to my surprise, Daisy remained upright and waited for me to reach her.

  “Okay, here goes nothing.” I entered the rink and immediately felt my ankles weaken and my various body parts move in all different directions. My hands and arms grasped the backer board, while my feet and legs slid forward leaving me twisted like a pretzel. I heard a melodic laugh and peeked toward the sound. Daisy. I’d never seen her so amused. Not even by Higgins. And trust me, that cat could amuse Daisy.

  She held out her hand to me to come out further on the ice, but I shook my head. So, she steered me to the boards where she tried to arrange me in something that resembled a human form. “Stay,” she announced in her gentle voice.

  No problem. I had no intention of trying to move.

  But how was I going to protect Daisy if I was glued to the backer boards? “We should come back later.” Brilliant. How lame could I get?

  Daisy shook her head and edged backwards away from me. Damn. Even if I took one hand off of the boards, I couldn’t reach her, not unless she chose to come back to me. And I got the distinct feeling that wasn’t in her plan at all.

  Since it was dinner time, the ice was almost empty. There were a few show offs doing spins or skating backwards. I dismissed them and focused all of my attention on Daisy while I said a silent prayer for her safety. And mine.

  She moved tentatively at first, but I had to admit, she could skate. No floppy ankles, no fighting or struggling to gain her balance. She stayed out of the center of the ice where the show-offs hogged the space. I forced myself to do a hand over hand thing and pull myself along the boards. I made slow progress but progress nonetheless. Still way behind Daisy, I comforted myself with the knowledge that if she fell, I could get to her. My ankles and legs grew more accustomed to the ice as I dragged myself along. Thank goodness there was no one here who knew me. It was not a pretty sight. Quasimodo meets the Ice Capades.

  Daisy skated along the perimeter, gaining speed. Too much speed. Visions of her plowing into one of the boards or going straight when she should turn and flying off the ice into the spectator portion of the rink raced through my brain. That could result in a nasty fall. Ask me how I know. I dragged myself faster and my feet did a little see-saw routine on the ice. I fought desperately to regain my balance resembling something from a skit out of the Keystone Kops from old silent movies.

  Daisy continued to speed up. What the heck was she thinking? Her flowy top swirled about her body, and she moved across the ice like a bird flying across the sky. Free. That’s what she was. She skated as if she was free. Free from impairments. Free from her brother’s cautious ways. Free from therapy. Free from everything. She was graceful, and I stared at her absolutely mesmerized.

  And then she jumped. I turned loose of the boards and almost fell before regaining my death grip. It was a simple single jump in the air. But it was so much more. Fluid, graceful. Light and airy. Ethereal.

  She sped up again, this time going backwards. Oh my god! Ryder was going to kill me. A slow and painful death. Yep, that’s what was in store for me.

  And then she jumped again. Two full rotations this time. The other skaters moved to the boards to give her the full ice. Daisy took center ice like she owned it. And did one of the most perfect spins I’d ever seen. Exiting a spin that would have left me dizzy and disoriented, she glided across the ice and skated to music only she heard. Her jumps were flawless. Her spins spectacular. I was in awe, as was the ever-growing crowd watching her, if I could judge by their riveted attention and the silence in the arena.

  After almost three minutes of first-rate skating, Daisy ended her routine at center ice. And then, with her right hand over her heart and her head bowed slightly, she curtsied. She turned ninety degrees and curtsied again. And repeated this move until she had acknowledged all four walls in the arena, one at a time. I held my breath and didn’t even know why.

  As for Daisy, she paused and then raised her head and opened her eyes. Wide. Something or someone had spooked her. I didn’t know if it was something or someone real or completely in Daisy’s imagination. Or even a memory from another time or place.

  Daisy skated off of the ice, disappearing into the darkness across the rink from where I stood precariously. Whatever had spooked her, I had to get off of the ice and go after her.

  The other skaters went back to what they were doing before Daisy had interrupted them.

  “She is exquisite.”

  I knew that voice. Marie Fedorova, one of Dr. Daley’s patients - damn, one of his clients. Would I never get that right? Turning too quickly and not holding on, I fell rather unceremoniously to the ice. Hard. I tried to get back to my feet, but couldn’t gain purchase even when I tried to employ the toe picks. I chunked up the ice big time in the spot where I wallowed, trapped by my own making.

  Marie came to my rescue and got me to my feet and off of the ice. I’d never been so happy to see tacky indoor/outdoor carpeting in my life. “I’ve got to find Daisy.”

  Not waiting to hear what Marie said, I put on the skate guards and hobbled off. It took me forever to get to the place in the ice rink where I’d last seen Daisy. Glancing around, I saw no trace of her. Damn. Ryder would kill me dead if I lost his sister.

  Marie approached. “Problems?”

  “My friend. The one who skated. I’ve lost her.” I laughed nervously. The hysteria quietly bubbling beneath the surface.

  “Let’s see if we can find her then, shall we?” Marie led the way toward a corridor hidden off to the left. She strode with purpose while I continued to clunk behind her, trying hard to keep up.

  “This is the most likely way,” Marie said as I huffed and puffed behind her. The skates were beginning to feel like lead boots and my ankles throbbed. If I could take a minute, I’d tear the skates off and go sock-footed. But Marie kept up her steady pace. I couldn’t risk losing her too.

  “She should be down here somewhere.” Marie gestured first to one side of the corridor and then to the other. Identical looking generic doors lined both sides of the hallway. No telling where Daisy had gone. This was bad. Very bad.

  “We have to find her,” I said to Marie’s back. She paused and turned to stare at me as if I were the mental patient and not her.

  “We will. Not to worry.” Marie seemed in full control while I was one tick away from losing it. But then she didn’t have the image of a murderous Ryder hovering in her mind’s eye.

  Just then, Daisy emerged from a room not too far from where we stood. If I could have jumped for joy in these stupid skates, I would have. “Daisy!” I pushed past Marie and double timed it to Daisy.

  She didn’t hear me or acknowledge me.

  “Daisy, it’s me, Becca,” I shouted at her. Her eyes fixed straight ahead, seeing past me. I turned to see what had caught her attention. But there was nothing there. “Daisy!” I shook her gently and felt her cold, clammy skin beneath my fingertips. Something was very wrong.

  I shook her again and called her name softly this time.

  “Becca,” she said as if coming out of a trance and just realizing I was there.

  “What is it?”

  She turned and led me to the doorway she had just exited. I clomped behind her and peered over her shoulder.

  “Dead,” she said with a lifeless voice.

  A woman sprawled on the floor in unnatural angles, an empty champagne glass overturned beside her. Pushing past Daisy, I knelt beside the woman’s unmoving form and felt for a pulse. OMG! No pulse and the body was still warm to the touch. I swallowed hard. This could not be happening.

  I risked a look in Daisy’s direction. Her normally pale skin tone had turned a ghastly gray color.

  I shook my head. Daisy knew I meant that the woman was indeed dead.

  Tears formed in Daisy’s eyes. “Poor Anya.”

  Also by Kat Jorgensen


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