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Mated to the Chaos (Portal City Protectors Book 5)

Page 3

by Georgette St. Clair

  “Later, big boy.”

  “It’s a date.”

  Romano’s response and smile were wolfish.

  “Like that?”

  Goddess save him from a persistent mate.

  “I think he did a marvelous job.”

  You don’t worry about what another male does.

  Nanshe blinked over at him innocently. “Why not when you don’t want me?”

  Carlo’s growl ripped through the room, and he snapped his teeth at Nanshe. Of course, he’d made himself look like an ass when those in the room stared at him.

  “Dude, if you’re getting that hot, go see Adonis. He can hook you up,” Romano suggested.

  Heat spread through Carlo in a way that differed from the burning jealousy in his gut. No, what he’d used Adonis’s services for was not something he wanted reminding of.

  “Adonis?” Nanshe questioned Romano but kept her gaze on Carlo.

  “Yeah,” the clueless wolf continued, his smile big. Or maybe he wasn’t clueless. The bastard. “Adonis keeps the entertainment area. Think flexible and always willing.”


  He ignored Carlo’s warning. “Stamina is key, you understand.”

  “Nanshe is perfect in every way, you mangy pup. Do not disrespect my mate again.”

  Romano smiled bigger, stepping closer to Carlo and tapping him on the shoulder. “Duh. What are you talking about? I was speaking about slot machines. You can pull that lever whenever you’re ready! Loose and easy. What the hell did you think I meant?”

  Carlo would kill him. Rip him into tiny pieces. Romano winked at him before standing next to two empty chairs to Arturo’s left, and Carlo realized he’d been had.

  “You weren’t talking about the women? Seriously?”

  “Never,” Romano answered immediately, his face becoming serious. “Your mate is all that’s important, and I just wanted you to see that.”

  Carlo snorted, but he couldn’t help but think that perhaps Romano’s penchant for jokes was a way to hide a conniving level of intelligence.

  “He’s right. I, for one, was never worried.”

  Dominic came in next, Zoey at his side, with Giuliana and Pasquale bringing up the rear. They moved steadily into the space, nodding or greeting those in the room before Dominic and Zoey slid into the empty chairs in front of Romano. Giuliana and Pasquale stood behind them.

  “There are wolves outside seeking entrance,” Dominic told Arturo.

  “The Renegades.”

  It didn’t surprise Carlo it was the first time Arturo had spoken. His Alpha was more inclined to watch others, observe, and then react.

  Arturo nodded, his salt-and-pepper hair grayer in the lower light. “Has the other wolf made it?”

  “He’s there,” Dominic assured.

  “Then they can enter.”

  Everyone looked to the elevators and waited as Dominic sent a call to the guards upstairs to allow more guests into the meeting. A few moments later, the doors slid open silently and a large male with a wild streak of red in his curly black hair stalked into the room. There was no other way to describe it. He fucking stalked. His pale green eyes scanned the space much beyond a cursory glance. He studied, looked at who was where, and even noted the exits, which the elevator was the only one. A dark-skinned man with golden eyes and a wicked smile was just beside him, observing just as much as his leader.

  “Alexi,” Heath greeted the man in front before extending his hand to the gold-eyed male behind him. “Bastion.”

  It was almost as if a lightbulb had sparked to life in Carlo’s head. So this was the Alexi who’d aligned himself with Heath and his Tethered Unseelie, so Bastion must be his second-in-command.

  Alexi nodded at the Fae before sliding his full attention to Arturo. He didn’t bow or greet in the normal sense—like kneel before Arturo—but there was a moment he lowered his chin an inch.

  “Well met, Alpha of the Moretti and Alpha of the Lombardi. I am Alexi Borgia, Alpha of the Renegades.”

  “That remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”

  Instead of being put off by Arturo’s greeting, the wolf tossed him a pleased smile. “You are what we thought you were. A powerful wolf. I will join this meeting. Where shall I sit?”

  “Next to Kalinda.”

  Alexi looked to Kalinda with a lifted brow. “Enough power to, hopefully, crush me if I were to attack, and also a neutral area of the table. Excellent choice.”

  The man was smart, Carlo would give him that. The wolf took his seat, Bastion at his back. Carlo didn’t miss how Yon shifted to stand closer. They may come together for a threat, but it didn’t mean they were all allies.

  The next wolf was much more relaxed, his skin tanned by the sun, his dark-brown hair curling around his face, and brighter hazel eyes dancing with enjoyment. When he was also the leader of the largest pack of wolves, he could afford to be confident in such a way.

  “Adonis,” Carlo welcomed the man.

  “Hello, my friend. We have missed you.” Adonis winked.

  Carlo shot a brief glace at Nanshe before returning it to the Moonstone Alpha. “Really? You too? Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve been out there to gamble. What is up with you and Romano?”

  The Alpha chuckled and spread his hands in front of him in placating gesture. “I meant no harm. I’m just glad to see you.”

  Carlo rolled his eyes and waited for Adonis and his Capitan Raphael to take their seats. Raphael stood behind his Alpha, who had chosen the chair next to Dominic. Raphael was always severe, his face set in harsh and angular lines, his gray eyes adding to the impression. He was the epitome of an Alpha, but his loyalty to Adonis was steadfast. The fact he carried that kind of power within him but would never use it to challenge his Alpha made him the perfect right-hand man.

  Torin entered and sat to the left of Nanshe. Sweeping a cursory glance over the room, his gaze rested on Silva longer than it probably should have. The Fae Queen grimaced and remained silent. That was … odd. The Guardian’s runes danced over his skin for a moment before he leaned back in his seat, looking like an ancient Greek god waiting in repose.

  How the fuck the man did that was anyone’s guess.

  Zahara walked the length of the table and placed herself in the chair at Arturo’s right, with Teague and Kallan, Heath’s other two Tethered males, behind her. Carlo had wondered where they were. He had to admit, the Unseelie covering both ends of the room was a subtle yet equally blatant show of force.

  Taking in the entire space and all the placements of the most powerful leaders in the city, Carlo was impressed. Everyone was in their respective places, a sign of solidarity among the individual groups yet unity as a whole as well.

  Carlo cleared his throat, straightened his shoulders, and raised his chin. “Now that we are all here, I think it’s time enough to explain what is going on. Adonis, Alpha of the Moonstone Pack, and Guardian Torin, you are the only ones who don’t know who is among us, but she is–”

  “Powerful,” Torin interrupted, his eyes going white for a moment. “Even older than I am. What are you doing here, Wearer of Dust?”

  Wearer of Dust?

  “My skin. I wear the dust of history.”

  Carlo looked again. So that was what dulled the glow of her flesh.

  “It’s what we called you all here for,” Arturo answered instead of Nanshe. “Respect my place, Guardian.”

  Torin nodded, but the move seemed more out of nonchalance rather than deep respect. “It’s not as if I’d want it.”

  Arturo growled but let it go, thankfully.

  No one wanted to fight a Guardian, no matter how strong they were. A Level-7 mage was not something to play with.

  “As I’ve said, I am the Norn of What Has Been.”

  Torin sucked in a breath, but the room was silent otherwise.

  “My sister, The Norn of What Shall Be, has decided she is done biding her time. There are rules against our interference in the lives of humans
and magical creatures, but she has circumnavigated it. It is the only way I could step in.”

  “How? She held me in the Forgotten Tower for centuries and no one interfered,” Asherah argued.

  “Because it wasn’t time.”

  “Wha’ d’ ya mean?” Zahara looked at Nanshe, a rare puzzled expression on her face.

  The Norn closed her mouth and shook her head.

  “She can’t say,” Asherah explained.

  Adonis shifted in his seat. “Can’t, or won’t?”

  “Can’t. Her throat closes and, if she tries too hard, she can’t breathe through the pain. The rules naturally shut down her ability to interfere in our lives. If she provides certain information regarding our decision-making, it would alter the outcome, therefore disrupting what is already supposed to happen in the future. Am I right, Nanshe?”

  “As always, Asherah. You played your role, as did others.” Nanshe’s eyes twinkled, and Carlo stepped forward at the sign of one of her tells.

  “Heath. She needed Heath, and it had to be the right time.”

  “Carlo,” Nanshe praised with a smile, still not answering yes or no but making her point.

  “So it was you who helped me get to Asherah?” Heath’s eyes widened, incredulity lighting up his face.

  Again, Nanshe was quiet.

  “Along the same line, I’d think. It was time to do so, and she did what she could, I’m guessing.” Adonis looked around at the others seated at the table. “I need someone to catch me up.”

  “Skuld trapped my Fate. Skuld is the Future Norn. Nanshe here made sure I could get out with my head still connected to my shoulders,” Heath explained.

  “It caused an uproar, but we tried to keep things as quiet as possible,” Zoey offered.

  Adonis nodded. “You succeeded, and I’m usually good at knowing everything.”

  “Heath had previously targeted Silva for grievances in the past, but we later discovered his memories had been manipulated instead. We believe Skuld did that too. She wanted Silva dead.” A momentary look of sadness flashed across Kalinda’s face before she took a deep breath. Her concern for her friend was clear.

  “What would it matter if she were?”

  Not that Carlo could argue Adonis’s question wasn’t an excellent one, but it was a dick move.

  “Because I don’t deserve to die, maybe?” Silva’s eyes snapped with anger.

  “Bonita, I meant no offense. But why would she want you dead? If she has so much power, what would you matter? Your attachment with Kalinda is hardly noteworthy compared to that.” The Alpha shrugged, unfazed by Silva and her attitude.

  The Fae Queen took a step forward and doubled down. “Because my death leads to hers. She is the Ales and I am her cosantiór.”

  Adonis nodded, as if he’d already known.

  A rumble filled Carlo’s chest. “You were testing us?”

  “Of course. If you aren’t open to sharing information, why should I be? I knew of their connection, but I had no knowledge of Heath and what happened.”

  Arturo and Alexi nodded. It was weird to get such an easy agreement from the two Alphas.

  “Killing Silva, and by extension me, would have weakened the Mage Council of Encantado and the Lombardi Pack.” Kalinda tossed a look to her mate.

  “And by hurting them, it would extend to my pack,” Arturo added.

  “An excellent move, if you want others to fall. So why, Nanshe? Can you answer that?”

  “Because Skuld wants to rule the world, why else?”

  And the room went wild.

  “I swear, Dominic, as much as I love you, that bite on my ass really started a whole slew of problems,” Zoey whined.

  The Alpha of the Lombardi chuckled in a dark and sensual way that made his mate blush. “I’d bite you all over again, love. Norn or not, I couldn’t resist that ass even knowing what would happen.”

  Yep, they were all losing their minds. One wolf, Seelie, Unseelie, Guardian, and Witch Doctor at a time. What a group they made.

  Chapter Four

  “Explain,” Arturo demanded, his growl filling the room.

  Nanshe was quiet once more.

  “Goddess be damned, I’m tired of your silence, Norn,” Silva forced through gritted teeth.

  “I can only warn you she will try everything to ensure the future she deems best to happen. Her way of doing it is to wipe out—”

  She fell silent again, but this time her eyes watered and the quiet seemed forced. Without a second thought, Carlo moved to her side and knelt to the ground, framing her face with his hands. The smoothness of her skin and the power pulsing from her still amazed him.

  “Breathe, tesoro. Just breathe. It will pass. You tried too hard, didn’t you?”

  “I want to help. I need to—”

  “No, let it go. Just look at me.”

  Nanshe’s ruby gaze locked on to his, and Carlo inhaled a deep breath through his nose before slowly releasing it through his mouth. “Smell the flowers, blow out the candles,” he whispered, looking into the depths of her eyes.

  She followed his instructions, exhaling with a pain-filled moan.

  “That’s it. Do it again. I got you, tesoro.” He continued to hold her, walking her through it.

  “She isn’t who she once was. No longer.”

  The agony in her words swelled within him, and his wolf whimpered. “Focus on that, who she was. Can you talk about that? Something to take away this pain.”


  “I said no, Nanshe. Leave it!”

  She gasped, her body going slack as she released whatever she’d been trying to say. A watery smile danced over her lips as she nodded. “Okay, shin’ar.”

  Torin started, his eyes growing uncharacteristically wide with shock. “Shin’ar?”

  Nanshe blinked, and Carlo released her, realizing how intimate the moment had become. He stepped back but didn’t move far from her chair.

  “It’s a word from my time,” Nanshe explained.

  Torin nodded at Carlo. “Indeed. So what can you tell us?”

  Nanshe looked to Carlo before glancing back at the table. “Skuld is my sister, and we look alike.”

  Eiravel snorted. “Yeah, we nearly attacked you. The difference is in the hair, horns, and eyes. Skuld has black hair and eyes and white horns, but they look just alike otherwise.”

  “And the skin. Yours looks different from hers. Not as shiny,” Cynes added.

  Nanshe nodded. “It is because we were sisters in our lives before—” She gasped, her body tense and her face distorting with pain.

  “Okay, let’s go to something else,” Carlo suggested. “We know Skuld was holding Asherah to weaken us because she wants to attack. The why is still hidden, but it won’t matter if we’re dead.”

  “Good point.” Dominic nodded. Zoey, wide-eyed at his side, said nothing although her jaw nearly dropped to the floor in shock. “I’m sure losing Asherah was not something she wanted,” he added.

  “Well, no. Then she wouldn’t have her Fury,” Asherah huffed.

  “She wanted a Fury to attack Encantado?!” Torin roared, jumping to his feet. Everyone jerked back from him as his runes glowed red and swam over his skin. It was dizzying. He slid his now white gaze to Asherah. “You were to be her Fury?”

  Asherah winced. “My sister and I had bad blood.”

  “Understatement of the year. I was a bitch,” Silva added with a grimace.

  Asherah put a hand on Silva’s. “Our parents had died, and you were young. There was so much on your plate and Joran was determined to use you.”

  “Joran?” Everyone stilled as Torin’s power filled the room.

  “Tone it down, Guardian. There are no enemies here,” Dominic warned.

  “He was my fiancé. I needed to cement my throne, and he was the King of the Dark Court, the Unseelie.”

  “And he hurt you?”

  Silva rolled her eyes. “Dude, I’m awesome. No one hurts me.” The fear and pain
in her eyes told a different story.

  “It didn’t work out, okay? I realized he was grade-A douche material, and I broke off the engagement. Hashtag, I didn’t let him put a ring on it. Hashtag, single ladies unite. But by then … Asherah was gone and my kingdom was in ruins. In that time, I was taken and my magic was locked down.” Silva sucked in a breath, her startled eyes jumping to Nanshe. “Skuld.”

  Nanshe smiled serenely. She couldn’t speak, but she had found a way to answer.

  Asherah released a rather unladylike cry. “And she then made me believe my sister had left me behind to be taken. That anger, loss, abandonment …”

  Torin sighed. “It would create a Fury with the right setting. But there is the added measure of insanity brought about by pain.”

  Asherah gaped at Torin. “You know how to make a Fury?”

  Torin looked around the room and nodded. Stepping back from the table, he held out his arms. “Care for your women.”

  It was the only warning they got. His runes blazed gold, brighter than the sun. Power, pure and undiluted, swelled into the room. Carlo grabbed for Nanshe, dragging her to his chest and backing against the wall to get as far from Torin as possible.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Romano roared.

  “Playing Lite-Brite, Romano,” Adonis replied dryly.

  “Oh, good one,” Carlo tossed out.

  “Fifty bucks says he blows his filament prematurely,” Dominic added.

  “Twenty-five says he flips a fuse long before showtime,” Arturo countered.

  “Are you serious?” Heath looked at all of them with shock and confusion on his face. “What the fuck is funny about this?”

  Heath obviously didn’t get it. Perhaps it was a wolf thing, but they couldn’t show fear. They were unable to react normally. To be a wolf was to face any danger with teeth and claws, or sharp wit. They had to. Their mates were here, their other halves, and they couldn’t risk not being clear-headed.

  “I take a thousand points from Rosemary’s Baby if either of you are right. That means she doesn’t have free hits at Carlo’s balls for like a month,” Silva quipped.


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