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Boss Takes All

Page 28

by Carl Hancock

  The scowl on the face of Abel Nathaniel Rubai revealed that a new truth was dawning in his mind.

  ‘Who gave permission for that vehicle to fly so close to this house?’

  ‘The same person that ordered this puny group of citizens to pay you a visit to let you know that you are about to become part of the history of the dark side of this wonderful country.’

  ‘You intend to kidnap me?’

  ‘Mr Rubai, ten out of ten for quick thinking! You will have to forgive us that you will not be able to enjoy what I have been told is a marvellous view of the city and the country from your seat in the aircraft that I hear has landed on your back lawn. We have the blindfold ready.’

  As soon as the hum of the engine and the whirr of the rotor blades had died away, Paul Miller led everyone from the sitting room to the back lawn. After Abel Rubai was safely on board, helped up by two policemen, Paul said his goodbyes to Alfred Koyane and Collins Roberts who left at once to join the cars waiting at the front of the house to take them home. Before Caroline was driven back to Naivasha in the third car, she and Paul had a brief exchange.

  ‘Too late to change our minds now, Paul.’

  ‘It’s really do or die for us. A first in my life. I had expected to feel some strong emotion when we came face to face with him, exhilaration or, maybe, apprehension. Nothing, a dull day at the office, except that once or twice I felt close to bursting out laughing.’

  ‘And I kept on seeing pictures of the headlines in the papers tomorrow. A bit crazy?’

  ‘Couldn’t tell you. This is another first for … all of us. But I’m rock solid ready to go. Glad the waiting is over.’

  ‘Well, a big kwaheri to all of you. I’ll report back to Daniel and we’ll all keep in touch. You’re off to the hills and I’m returning to the world.’

  The air force pilot flew some aimless miles before homing in on his destination, a landing circle in an open space in the forest high in the Aberdare National Park. Abel Rubai had been a silent passenger the whole time they had been in the air.

  Two cars were waiting as arranged. The pilot kept his blades moving while the transfer was made and the party of seven joined their drivers to set off along a trail that brought them to the Wanderia Gate and the road to Nanyuki. Abel spoke his first words in two hours.

  ‘Forest trail, then a good road. Too cold for Tsavo or the Shimba Hills. Kagamega, I don’t think so. I go for somewhere in the Aberdares, as traitors like you call them, but Nyan-darua to true Kenyans. You know there’s no point in keeping me in the dark. I will outwit you every day of the week.’

  The prisoner was relaxed and confident. His silence on the journey had not been wasted time. In his mind he had gone over the events of the hour between the brutal entry of these clowns into his home to the moments when he had been dragged along the soft turf of his lawn and then manhandled up into that smelly, uncomfortable metal box with wings. From tiny fragments of conversation he guessed that there were seven or eight on board. His key realisation was that they would not harm him in any way for the three weeks leading up to his planned appearance in court. He was safe, whatever threats they mouthed against him. The hunt for him would be on already. The searches would be extensive and the questioning relentless. His own boys knew how to threaten effectively. Oh, yes, he would be a free man again within days, if not hours.

  Before they reached Nanyuki town, the cars turned off onto a dirt track and started climbing steeply. The large, low farmhouse, set in the trees, would have been out of sight to other dwellings, had there been any. It was an ideal spot for a quiet retreat from the world, where these holidaymakers would be able to take care of their blind brother and complete a few canvases for their imminent Nairobi exhibition.

  When the news came out of the disappearance of Mister Big, it caused a huge sensation in Kenya and further afield. There were rumours by the hundred to keep the media and the wananchi excited and even a limited version of the true story took a long time to come out. There were interviews, mostly with nobodies but a few with somebodies. Abel would have been annoyed and upset to learn how many of the wananchi expressed satisfaction that the country’s kingpin had been removed from the scene. Once it was known that he had been flown off from his Karen home, one rumour spread quickly that he had he had been pushed out into a part of the Mara River that was infested with crocodiles.

  Next morning there was a collective sobering of national opinion when The Standard and The Nation published identical versions of the charges laid against the richest man in the country. Most readers were stunned and incredulous, but a sizeable number nodded quietly and hoped that this single event might mark a new beginning of a new era for the people of the country which had once prided itself in the title of ‘The jewel of Africa.’

  On the Tuesday after the disappearance, TV networks in Kenya and neighbouring countries drew a huge audience for an exclusive live interview.

  In the same sitting room of the Karen house where Abel had been introduced to his kidnappers, the camera was focused on the surprisingly composed remaining members of his family. Reuben sat next to his mother on a large settee. Sally, heavily made up, was holding baby Julius in a white lace shawl. The children in between smiled shyly when they knew they were in shot and at that moment as popular as film stars or famous sporting idols.

  The single lady interviewer was well-known to the Rubai family and was chosen for her sensitive manner and her way of putting at ease the shyest and most reluctant of those who sat opposite her in front of the cameras. After almost three days with no news of her husband Sally was ready to open her heart in the hope that it might help to bring her beloved Abel back home.

  ‘I cannot understand who would do such a thing to a man who loved his country and wanted to serve her.’

  ‘So what message would you like to send to those people who took him away from you all?’

  ‘Please, bring him back or, at least, let us know that he is well and in good spirits. There are so many stories of good men snatched away from their homes …’

  Sally could not contemplate the ultimate horror. The interviewer turned to Reuben to confront him, reluctantly, with the most difficult question she had on her prepared list.

  ‘Reuben, we have seen in the papers the list of charges being made against your father. Do you have any comment on these?’

  Without hesitation Reuben, looking straight into the camera, dismissed the accusations.

  ‘Garbage! My father has many enemies out there, envious people who are ready to make up a string of lies to bring him down. And I would add that it is quite disgraceful that these rags are willing to give space to this stuff just to sell a few more copies.’

  ‘So what about the trial to be …’

  ‘Madam, there will be no trial, unless it is of these cowardly thugs who saw fit to invade the home of an innocent man for whatever corrupt motives they have. I am working to bring my father back to where he belongs.’

  Many of the millions watching the interview were so won over by the actual presentation of the family that they did not need to hear any opposing point of view. Abel Rubai was being foully treated, but the authorities would soon put this situation right. At that moment many of the viewers would have been happy to have raised these people who bore their suffering with such dignity to the level of royalty.

  Viewers gathered in front of their set in Londiani were impressed with the program. They were aware, too, that this shameless makeover would make their task that much more difficult. Next morning at breakfast Tom expressed his fear.

  ‘Say we manage to hang onto him for the next nineteen days. How will we get him to court with the local rent-a-mob in action?’

  Daniel reminded him.

  ‘Tom, we always knew that this was not going to be easy. We will not be given the chance to reply to that sentimental hogwash.’

  Maria was able to bring good news.

  ‘Hosea has heard from Inspector George Simpson up at Nanyuki
. Caroline reached the farmhouse safely last night.’

  ‘Thank God!’

  ‘Yes, Maura, that’s one worry less. When I tried to tell her that it would be dangerous for her to read out the charges to Rubai, she reminded me that someone from the police had to do it. “Daniel, I am not willing to hide away. That way Rubai will survive again.”’

  ‘Right now we stick to our jobs down here. There is much to do. Debbie and Rebecca are over at the site. And think of all those people of the town helping with the work. Every piece of the old site is gone. Jim Sawyer has got the concreters sending their stuff in by the truckload. And, listen to this. No charge for material, time and transport. I wish we could let Paul and the others know about that.’

  ‘Maria’s right, Tom. Things to be done. It’s over to the fields for us. Stephen is going to be late this morning. He’s down at Iolo’s grave helping the masons to finish the work. There’ll be no spelling mistakes on the headstone when he’s around. It should be all done by the time of the sunset farewell.’

  For most of the day, Abel Rubai remained in his cosy room up at the farmhouse high above Nanyuki. No one made any effort to coax him out. When he did appear, he was either complaining or boasting.

  ‘Why do you have to keep those hideous black curtains on the windows? And I see that there are steel shutters outside. Are you growing mushrooms in there?’

  ‘Why don’t you check that out? Give you something to do. But sir does not seem to be in the best of spirits today. By the way, could you stop the shouting and screaming? Nobody around for miles.’

  ‘Miller, I’m going to make sure I’m in the front row when they string you up!’

  ‘For trying to save the country from a psychopath like you?’

  ‘For treason and kidnapping!’

  ‘Don’t be tedious. We’ve been over that one already. Hey, perhaps you do need some air. I hope you breathe through your nostrils. The gag will be tight and we’ll have to have someone guide you on a rope. That blindfold is made of special material.’

  Rubai picked up a china ornament from the table, hurled it into the fireplace and stalked back to his room. ‘You uncivilised bastards!’

  ‘And that ornament was expensive. It will go down on your bill. You can pay before or after the trial. And we do take American Express!’

  ‘Shut the fuck up!’

  The bellow was muffled by the thickness of the heavy door.

  * * *

  There were more tears at the farewell service than at the funeral. Fifty people at most were gathered around the white marble grave. The gold letters on the headstone dazzled, as they were caught by the last rays of the setting sun.

  Ivor sang a Welsh song much loved by Iolo, a lament for the lover’s beloved Myfanwy and Rebecca responded with the ‘Ave, Maria’ that she had first heard on her first morning in Santa Maria College. At that moment, in that place with a pink and mauve afterglow filling the western sky, Myrtle would have been happy to join her son on his journey into eternity.

  ‘Nos da, Cariad!’

  * * *

  It was fortunate that the visitors from Wales flew back home later that night. Early next morning, at around four am, a party of policemen burst noisily onto the gravel driveway at Londiani. They had made one other stop in Naivasha and now they were fully prepared for the task of the day.

  Hosea Kabari was thrown out onto the ground from one of the vehicles, in his night clothes and barefooted. The loud bass voice of a constable called out towards the upstairs windows. ‘You inside, get down here at once! We need information!’

  Lights went on upstairs, but there was no sign of movement inside. The inspector in charge of the twelve man group, angry that obedience to his command had not been instant, called out himself. ‘Do not try to skulk away like the cowards you are! We have a traitor here. All come now, or he will suffer.’

  Rollo and Eddie were the first to appear on the veranda.

  Rebecca and Tom followed. The veranda lights were switched on only when Maura and Alex came in.’

  ‘And the old witch? We know she is here.’

  A silent and tense two minutes passed before Rafaella, in full make-up and dressed immaculately, made her entrance. Her ladyship peered distastefully into the darkness and called to her son in a loud stage whisper.

  ‘Alex, who are these boorish people who don’t know that it is bad form to make a call at this unearthly hour?’

  Eddie and Rollo could not resist a smile that they tried to hide from their visitors by lowering their heads. The inspector was furious and attempted to win back the high ground by grabbing Hosea by the neck and throwing him forward onto the veranda steps. If he felt any pain, Hosea did not show it. He knelt silently, aware that he would be the whipping boy these invaders would use to have their way.

  Self-control was becoming an issue for the number one cop in the Central Nairobi District. He had expected instant submission, not the casual defiance that was raising the levels of his anger.

  ‘You Europeans are not in charge now …’

  ‘We are not Europeans. We are Kenyans, just like you!’

  ‘McCall Junior, if I am not mistaken. I’ve been warned about you. These three officers with the guns know how to shoot straight! Be very careful!’

  Before Tom could reply with a sarcastic jab, there was a disturbance from the direction of South Lake Road. In seconds, a breathless woman appeared in the circle of light. A dishevelled Maria ran to the steps and cradled her husband’s head in her arms.

  ‘Darling, I am so sorry to be late. If I had only taken time to learn to ride the bicycle of yours properly. Your head is bleeding! I’m taking you home at once. Alex, can you help us?’

  ‘Maria, I’ll do it. I don’t care for this company.’

  ‘Rafaella …’

  ‘Mokubu, fire one at the steps!’

  The whirr of the bullet and the ping of the ricochet had the desired effect for the increasingly angry inspector. At last he had the serious attention of this arrogant bunch.

  ‘Joseph, grab the mad woman and throw her up the steps to be with the other animals in this zoo.’

  The inspector removed his hat and replaced it after giving his head a nervous shake. ‘To business! We want information. The traitor here, this disgrace to the police force, has been involved in a very serious crime against the state. You all have. We know this and you know it. Where is Mister Abel Rubai, our next president, being held? Answer at once!’


  ‘Joseph, the little finger on his right hand!’

  The inspector was unmoved by the gasps and screams of pain as a heavy boot stamped down on Hosea’s hand.

  ‘Now then!’

  No words.

  ‘Little finger, left hand.’

  The screams were louder and Hosea collapsed. Rollo sprinted forward and managed to get a kick into the face of the snarling Joseph. Two swinging punches and he lay unconscious on the gravel.

  ‘Bastards, are you going to kill all of us? We don’t know what you are talking about!’

  ‘Totally predictable response from Thomas McCall. But perhaps you, Mrs Kabari, are beginning to understand. How much do you value this man’s life?’

  Maria took several deep breaths and stepped forward. The unflinching glare did not move from the eyes of the inspector’s face. One step down, two and her head was level with the inspector’s. She knelt and touched her unmoving husband. Standing again she looked along the line of the whole group in front of her. ‘God, forgive these men for their foolish ignorance.’

  She turned and was immediately grasped by the arms of Rafaella. Tom and Rebecca helped Maura to lift Rollo and carry him to the sofa against the wall of the veranda.

  The inspector, more disturbed than he showed, chuckled nervously. ‘Hey, boys, we have found us a nest of Christians. But, just because you people are soft in the head is not going to help you.’

  Alex, speaking quietly and with nervous passion, spat out his w

  ‘You mean you are going on with this … this unspeakable crime?’

  ‘Sir, you have fine words, but your brain must be blocked in some serious way. I will spell it out for the last time. Tell us where Rubai is or, yes, this Kabari will receive summary justice for his treason, bone by bone. Notice, no numbers on our shoulders and the names you have heard are false. When we are finished with him, he will go for a sail on your lake and provide breakfast for the little fishes. Do you understand?’


  The reply did not come from anyone on the veranda. Before anyone could turn, the voice continued.

  ‘There are four of us. We know which three of you have the guns and we can see you clearly, Mister Big Mouth. Our guns are pointing straight at you. I must warn you that our weapons were made by the finest gunsmith in London. They were used in the old days for bringing down bigger boys than you. Understand? Buffalo, elephant, dead with a single shot. Very messy. Big holes in those fat bodies of yours.’

  The inspector turned and made a nervous attempt to call a bluff. From the circle of light he peered into the early morning darkness. He saw four shadowy outlines and the glint of four well-oiled barrels. What he could not realise was that three of the four gunmen had very little idea about discharging shells, let alone pointing their heavy weapons confidently at even the largest targets.

  ‘Now, look here. You are …’

  Bertie fired at the veranda wall and gouged out a big chunk of plaster and stone.

  ‘Sorry about that, Alex. I’ll get it fixed later. Get your guns out, please. Then we can take out eight at a time. Big Mouth’s mine! Now, gentlemen, if you three sharpshooters would just step out towards us and place your guns on the ground quietly. Then return to your colleagues and lie on the ground stomachs down.’

  ‘You will hang for this!’

  ‘Of course we will!’

  Alex, Tom and Eddie, all good shots, moved to the top of the steps carrying their own guns. Alex raised the butt of his rifle to his shoulder and pointed it at the inspector. By now Bertie and his Welsh companions had moved to the veranda. On his way around the line of prone bodies, Bertie took out a moment to inspect the damage in the veranda wall. By now the women were focused on helping their wounded patients.


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