Book Read Free


Page 1

by Scarlet Smith


  Scarlet Smith

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2013 Scarlet Smith

  License Notes: The author or authors assert their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author or authors of this work.

  All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  Cover design by Jen Rew

  Ebook formatting by

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Saying thank you...

  I had lots of help while writing Vanilla...

  I had a family that gave me lots of time and space to write

  I had friends who read bits and gave their feedback

  I had friends who had 'naughty' stories to share with me

  I had friends who helped me write the list - you know who you are ladies!

  Thank you xxxx

  Chapter One

  Jess's alarm clock buzzed gently, waking her up from a fabulously filthy dream about Max, her boyfriend of three years. Her sex dreams were few and far between and mostly starred dubious celebs, but this one was so much better.

  And although morning sex was usually way off her agenda - morning breath and sleep-sweat anyone? - she was feeling more than a little bit horny.

  "Max?" she whispered, moving closer to him and kissing his cheek.

  He groaned and pulled the cover up higher.

  "Max?" Her voice was louder this time. She snaked an arm under the covers and ran her fingers across his stomach.

  "Huh?" Max opened his eyes, surprised to see her so close. Unless she had an early meeting, he was always awake and out of bed before her.

  "Morning." Jess grinned at him, swirling her fingers across the dark hair on his chest.

  "Wha' time is it?" Max's voice was slurred from sleep. "Did my alarm go off?"

  Jess leant in and kissed his lips, darting her tongue into his mouth. "Not yet." She let her hand wander downwards.


  Jess silenced him with a kiss, a proper, deep, tongue - morning breath and all - kiss. She could feel that he was responding and tightened her hand around his cock.

  Max turned his body towards her, and ran a hand along her thigh.

  Still wet from her dream, Jess pulled his hand up between her legs, moaning as his fingers found her wetness and slipped inside her.

  Max moved his mouth away from hers, heading south and tonguing at her nipple.

  Jess could feel her orgasm building, aided by her rude dream. She bucked against Max's hand, rubbing her clit, until she came with a shudder.

  Pushing his hand away, she moved underneath him. "Now," she instructed him, running her fingers up and down his legs.

  Max slipped his cock inside her, feeling her tighten around him.

  Jess lifted her legs up onto his shoulders and they rocked together to orgasm, his hard cock filling her wet pussy until they found their release together.


  Jess drove to work with a smile on her face - maybe morning sex was her thing after all!

  She parked in her usual spot and headed into the Starbucks opposite her office to pick up her morning latte.

  "Morning, Jess!" Stan, the usual guy on the morning shift, grinned at her and passed over her coffee as she passed over her money. She felt like a regular now, despite the fact that she only came into the office three or four times a month.

  Humming to herself as she took the lift up to the fifth floor, where Fresh Vibe magazine was housed, she felt a little rush - her post-orgasmic glow was making her feel great.

  She wondered if Stan had noticed that she had a spring in her step today. She'd read somewhere that the smell of sex had a pheromone that other people could pick up on and be attracted to.

  She certainly felt sexy!


  "Morning, Leyla!" Jess greeted her boss. "Thanks for asking me in today."

  Leyla smiled at her. "We always love your input, Jessie; just wish we had more stuff for you to do."

  "Suits me fine," Jess said, smiling at the magazine staff as she wound her way through the desks with Leyla, heading for their meeting room.

  "Good. I hate it when people complain about work!"

  Jess grinned. Her boss was laid-back and relaxed, and liked her staff to be the same. Of course, Jess was a freelance writer not a full-time member of the team, but she was being honest when she said that it suited her that way.

  "Come on, people!" Leyla called behind her as she opened the door to the meeting room.

  Jess followed her in and took a seat about halfway down the table. Near the pastries. Meetings at Fresh Vibe were great. Pastries, croissants, fruit, juice, coffee... and this morning she had worked up an appetite.

  The rest of the staff trooped in, all smiling at Jess and several exchanging a few words. She had already filled her plate with food and was nibbling as she waited for Leyla to take the helm.

  She didn't get involved in decisions about magazine or online content, just did as she was told, but she enjoyed the buzz of a meeting - ideas being bandied around and people getting enthusiastic.

  She zoned out for a while, remembering Max's fingers running up and down her thigh, his mouth on her nipples.

  "Jess?" Leyla was watching her with a smile, as were several of her colleagues.

  "Sorry, Leyla. Early morning, you know? What did I miss?"

  Leyla grinned. "We need you for a blog this month. A bit more commitment, I know, writing something every day, but more pay?"

  Jess nodded. More pay was always good.

  "Okay, what's it about?"

  Leyla grinned. "Okay," she smiled around the table. "We've all heard of certain 'mommy porn' books that are doing pretty well?"

  Everyone nodded - there were some mutterings and a few salacious grins from the men.

  "Well, I want to jump on the bandwagon a bit - I think our readers would be interested. But I think it's too much for the regular magazine - which is why I think a blog would be good."

  Jess nodded along. She could write about sex easily. Hell, she'd done some research already today!

  "I'm not sure on the title of the piece yet, but it's basically: can someone go from being 'vanilla' in their sex preferences to full-on kinky?"

  Jess frowned. "You want me to write about my sex life?"

  Leyla nodded. "Yeah, blog about the anti-vanilla stuff you try." Leyla gestured over to Jason, her right-hand man. "Jason's got a list."

  Jason nodded and started going through some papers.

  Jess shook her head. "I'm missing something here. What's vanilla?"

  "You know, plain sex, missionary, bedrooms, boring..." Leyla trailed off as Jason passed her over a piece of

  Jess put her croissant down. "So I'm boring? You want me to blog about how boring I am?"

  Leyla grinned, and a few people laughed.

  "Jessie, I'm sure you're not boring, honey, but when we chat, I'm sure I haven't picked up on a bondage-threesome kind of vibe off you."

  Jess made a face. "Well, I'm not saying I have threesomes every weekend or go to swinging parties with Max, but I'm not vanilla. Maybe a little more sedate now, but it has been three years!"

  "I'm vanilla," Monica, one of the full-time writers, piped up.

  "See." Jess pointed at Monica. "Maybe you can do it?"

  Leyla shook her head. "No, Jessie, everyone's got their assignments. I had this in mind for you. I think you'd be good."

  Jess took a deep breath and picked her croissant back up. "So, walk me through it..."

  Leyla held up her list. "Right, so the thing is, this is something everyone's talking about and we want to be current. You take this list, pick one thing a day and then blog about the results."

  "What if she doesn't want to do something?" Monica asked, reaching for a pastry.

  "Well... I guess you would blog about that. You don't have to do anything you or Max are uncomfortable with, but I know you're open-minded. That's why I thought of you."

  Jess put her hand out for the list, a little surprised at herself for considering this. She had no idea what Max would say. He was no prude, but who knew what he'd make of this?

  They had met in a bar one night - he was out with all his suited-up solicitor friends and she was on a hen night. Not that she normally would - honest! - but they had fallen into bed that very night. And it had been hot! They had moved in together a year later and now were enjoying a little bit of domestic bliss.

  "What!?" Jess looked up from the list, laughing. "Leyla!"

  Leyla grinned and shrugged. "What?"

  "Threesomes, anal sex, dogging?! I can just see Max's face when I bring this assignment home!"

  Everyone around the table laughed - most were secretly pleased that they hadn't been called on to do it.

  "What are the names and phone numbers for?" Jess asked, reading down the list.

  "Ooh, this is good. These are readers that Jason's sounded out already. For each thing on the list, the name and number is someone who does it and is happy to talk to you about it - why they like it, what to do, stuff like that."

  Jess groaned and put her hand over her face. "How can I just ring some random guy and chat to him about why he likes peeing on people during sex?"

  Leyla let out a massive laugh. "Jess, you'll be fine. Are you up for it?"

  Jess slowly nodded, her eyes running down the list, S & M, sex clubs... She could not imagine what Max would say when she suggested this to him, but she did agree with Leyla. She was open-minded. She had a good sex life. She'd tried role-play and sex toys... It wasn't like she was a virgin or anything.

  And Max was straight-laced but very sexual. Surely he'd be happy that his girlfriend had to try loads of sex stuff with him, even if it was for her job?

  "Let me take the list and have a chat with Max tonight. I'll text you later and let you know for definite."

  Leyla nodded. She was happy with that. After all, there was no way she would want the assignment herself.

  After a bit more chat, the meeting was over and Jess headed home, wondering what Max's views on 'water sports' were.

  Chapter Two

  Jess spent the rest of the day pottering around the house, doing some washing and ironing, and planning how she would convince Max that this sex list was a good idea.

  It finally came to her as she finished her lunch.

  A blowjob.

  After every one she had ever given to Max, he had said those words every woman wants to hear: "You could ask me for anything after doing that, and I'd say yes!"

  Well, she would test that theory tonight.

  And as favours went, being okay with her getting paid to have sex - with him - wasn't so bad, was it? It's not like she was asking him if she could be a hooker!

  As part of her scheme, Jess dressed in a plum-coloured underwear set with a silky crimson wrap over the top. She left her long black hair loose, smeared on some red lippy and poured wine.

  There were two steaks in the oven and some jackets in the microwave.

  Operation Blowjob was underway.

  Max came into the house, the door banging against the wall, his keys dropping to the floor, a muttered "Shit!" and then a "Fuck!" as he bashed his knee on the hallway table. Practically the same end-of-day routine he followed every time he got home.

  "Can we move this bloody table?" he yelled by way of greeting as he stepped into the lounge, dropping all his things into a pile.

  "Hey, honey..." Jess smiled, perched on the end of the sofa, displaying her long legs.

  "Hey." She could tell straightaway that Max was distracted. He barely glanced at her, before throwing himself down on the chair and running his hands through his hair.

  She sat back on the sofa, gave him a minute to grumble. She wanted to do her thing before they ate. But if he was feeling grouchy, there was no point. She knew him too well.

  "I've had a terrible day. Such stupid bloody solicitors on the Bertman side. Useless. Stalling. I was all set to go to court next week, now they've filed some stupid bloody..."

  Suddenly Max trailed off; he seemed to have finally noticed her existence.

  Jess smiled and sat up, letting her wrap drop open, to better show off her cleavage.

  Max sat forwards. "Whoa, you look great..."

  Jess laughed. "Glad you noticed."

  Max smiled. "You always look great. But you normally have more clothes on when I come home?"

  Jess stood up and undid her wrap fully; she knew she looked good in her underwear. The lacy material caressed all her curves and she certainly felt sexy.

  "Is it my birthday?" Max joked, standing up and moving towards her.

  He cupped her backside in his hands and kissed her deeply.

  "Now my day feels better." He moved his mouth to her neck, nibbling and kissing her soft skin.

  He ran his hands down across the bare skin of her stomach. She was slim but soft.

  She moaned a little bit, loosening his tie. She pulled away. "I had a plan for you tonight."

  "Like what?" Max stepped closer and caressed her nipples through the lace of her bra.

  "Like me being in charge," she said, stepping back.

  "I don't mind that," he said, reaching out for her again.

  A little bit of her just wanted to let him ravish her. Her nipples were erect and she knew she was more than a little bit wet.

  What better way to finish this end-of-the-day greeting than letting him lower her onto the sofa and make love to her?

  At that second, with his fingers pinching her nipples, she couldn't think of a better way.

  "So. What. Are. You. Planning. To. Do. To. Me?" Max asked, punctuating each word with a kiss on her neck, before slipping his tongue into her ear.

  Jess felt her knees go weak, and stepped back, letting herself drop onto the sofa, feeling Max move on top of her, his weight against her, kissing her on her mouth now, his tongue pushing against hers.

  She wriggled out from underneath him, getting her breath back. "I was meant to be treating you tonight, not the other way around."

  Max held his hands up in surrender. "Fine by me."

  He sat back on the sofa, his tie loose and his hair tousled. He looked gorgeous. He always did - at six foot with dark hair and blue eyes; he was slim, fit and well muscled.

  Jess grinned and reached for his belt. As she started unbuckling it, he seemed to figure out what her plan was and closed his eyes.

  "One sec," Jess said, and reached onto the table for his wine. "There," she passed it to him, "now you're ready!"

  Max took a sip. "Go for it."

  Jess finished opening his belt, and undid his trousers. Max lifted himself up so she could pull t
hem down. She left his trunk-style pants on and pulled off his shoes and trousers. "Socks off," she murmured, pulling them off and then stroking her fingers back up his legs and across his thighs.

  She could see how happy he was that she was taking charge, the bulge in his trunks straining against the material. She knelt in front of him and leant in, kissing his legs and thighs and caressing his balls through the fabric.

  Max was groaning, sinking lower down the sofa as her tongue slipped under his trunks.

  "Take them off." His voice was gruff, full of longing. He lifted his butt off the sofa so she could pull his trunks down.

  His cock sprang up and she caught it in her grasp, moving her hand up and down, catching the tip of him in her mouth after each stroke.

  She moved her mouth down the length of him and down to his balls. She sucked them gently, taking them in her mouth.

  Max's fingers were caught up in her hair now, pulling her closer to him.

  Jess licked Max's cock again, and then took all of him in her mouth. Using her hands to play with his balls, she sucked on him, softly and then hard, softly and then hard, getting a rhythm going.

  Max's mouth was open now and when Jess looked up at him she knew he was enjoying. He looked drunk, his eyes open but heavy.

  He reached down and slipped his fingers inside her bra, playing with her nipples while she sucked him harder and harder and deeper and deeper.

  She pulled back from him and undid her bra, Max groaned as he took her full breasts in his hands.

  She leant down, caressing his dick with her tits, rubbing them back and fore across him and then squeezing the length of him in between them. She tucked her head in and took the tip of him in her mouth, licking faster and faster.

  Max took hold of her tits and she took all of him in her mouth again, sucking and sucking until she felt his whole body stiffen and he came in her mouth with a rush of desire.

  She kept sucking gently until he softened.

  Then he muttered those same words that he had before: "You could ask me for anything after doing that, and I'd say yes!"

  Jess grinned up at him, hoping he would repay the favour but not willing to ask.

  She reached for her bra and Max put his arm up to stop her. He pulled her towards him and started kissing her again, his hands on her butt, pushing the lace aside and caressing her skin.


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