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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 18

by Ko Hiratori

  It’s seriously my dream to have sex with only the guy I like, and then sleep.

  “But it’s not like I hate everything. Some stuff is interesting, and there are lots of good people, too. I even have friends. I don’t think the world is what you make it, and I think this place is in the fucking middle of nowhere, but I know that if I make an effort, people will actually open their hearts. Even so, there are so many times things don’t go very well and I want to cry. And there are times horrible things have been done to me, and I’ve snapped. But some of my efforts do pay off, and there are some fun things, and there are things to laugh about, too. I’m a sex worker, and just scraping by every day, but I feel alive here.”

  And I turned 18 here.

  “Mister, you bought me, so how about you fuck me first? I’ll give you serious service worth the money you paid to the shop. Can’t you look for your culprit later?”

  I put my hands on his shoulders and sat in his lap. His deeply wrinkled skin was rough and hard, and it had that man smell.

  He let out a short laugh—“Maybe you’re right”—and scrunched up his face like a kid, speaking of kids.

  Damn. I just felt my face go a little hot. This guy is pulling some sneaky man stuff.


  He caressed my back, and it gave me chills.

  Before I knew it, he had picked me up and laid me down on the bed.

  I was doing my best to radiate adult sexiness, and his legit adult hands had scooped me up like he was pacifying a baby. Even though they were hard and wrinkly, they were gentle when touching a woman.

  He brushed his hand up my back, and I made a weird noise. I had been feeling kind of lonely, so these soft caresses were driving me nuts. If my tastes have broadened so far that I get the hots for old dudes like this, it will really start to affect my work.

  I’ll be put in charge of grandpas!


  I stole a kiss.

  Slipping my tongue in, I noodled around. I tickled the softest spot beneath his tongue, and he was so surprised he pulled his face away. I flicked my tongue at him.

  “...Is that how they kiss in ‘the other world’?”

  I grinned as I replied, “No, I learned that working here.”

  The grandpa raised an eyebrow. “You’re taking this job seriously?”

  I told you! This is my job!

  “Heh. Ha-ha. So that’s how it is. God pulled an actual prostitute? Well a guy can’t win against that.”

  Grandpa chuckled and took off his swords.

  He took off his clothes and revealed a chest covered in scars, but well-built. He went ahead and took off his pants, too.

  Wow. Grandpa, I see you’re still in business.

  “But sorry, I’m not about to let a youngster show me what’s what. I’m gonna fuck you, Haru!”

  A long, hard cock, so virile it felt like wood or something, came in.

  It knocked my breath out. This thing was seriously a ladykiller. And he really knew how to get it in. Gentle and strong. He found a good spot right away.

  “Nn, ah, ahn, ah!”

  I was moaning for real, just from him rocking a little bit. He was letting me get to know the cock he was so proud of.

  My body felt floaty and warm. My face was so hot. The tip of his cock grinding into me seemed to enjoy my reactions and moved around to stimulate different places.

  My mouth opened and made sexy noises on its own.


  Grandpa was staring right into my face.

  “Do you want to quit the shop and be my woman? It would be more fun than staying here.”

  You dirty old man. Don’t try to seduce a girl young enough to be your granddaughter.

  Don’t sex me up so well that I would actually consider going along with it.

  I grit my teeth and shook my head. Grandpa said, “I see,” and shoved his hips hard up against me.

  He was really reaming my pussy, but not at all in a horrible pushy way. He was using his hips in that manly way that makes you glad. I could feel my uterus getting shoved up, and each time, my stomach tingled.

  “Ahhh! Ah, Ah.”

  He increased the pressure and built up my pleasure even more. My hips were lifted off the bed as if his cock alone was holding me up.

  Ahh, this grandpa might actually be fantastic.

  “Quit this brothel and be mine. I want to show you the wider world.” Then he brushed my hair back, gazed into my eyes, and said, “I want to make you the last woman of my life.”

  Well this geezer certainly knows how to make a girl feel special. Geez.

  But don’t underestimate me just ’cause I’m sex worker! I squeezed my pussy tight and wrapped my legs around his back.

  I hugged him close and kissed him as I moved my hips.

  “Mm, Haru, you—”

  Then I switched our places so I was on top. I looked down at him and exhaled once briskly.

  “That was a lie, right?”


  “You’ve told other women that line about being your last woman.”

  Grandpa grinned and said, “If you’ll be mine, I’ll get rid of the other women.”

  You old fucker. I’m tellin’ you that shit is obnoxious. Don’t think I’ll be so easy to get just ’cause I’m a sex worker!

  I flicked my tongue and gave him a smacker. Then I put my hips into hyper mode, and squeezed him with motions I know make guys cum.

  “Nn, kgh...!”

  What’s wrong, Gramps? Your face is awfully red. Is it your blood pressure?

  “You little...”

  Grandpa sat up, so we ended up in that position where you’re both sitting facing each other.

  He rammed up from below, rocking the whole area around my hips. His cock and my pussy ground on each other.

  “Nn, ah—oh god, it’s so, amazing, but—I can keep going.”

  “You’re, nn, pretty amazing, yourself. Nn, you’re a good woman.”

  This old guy felt so good I did want him to take me away somewhere, but, no, no, I wasn’t about to be fooled by this lying geezer. Plus I already have my eyes set on an older man. This is business sex.

  Grandpa put his hand in my hair and pulled me in for a kiss.

  I thought I was really going to melt, it was so soft.

  “Right. Women, treasures, demon lords—none of those things are fun if you can get them too easily. I’ll put the time in to make you mine,” he said, petting my head. “’Cause we’re still young!”

  He burst out laughing, kissed me, and pumped his hips.

  The more affectionate I got, the more affection he gave me, and when I wanted to be aggressive, he let me.

  When I couldn’t hold back any longer and said, “I’m gonna cum,” he whispered in my ear, “Me too.”

  It was the first time I had sex that was so kind. He was super accepting.

  “Haru. You’re the best woman out there.”

  But he has to say this unnecessary crap, I thought as I came in his arms.

  “The name’s Widgecraft,” he said with his back turned to me as he put his arms through the sleeves of his jacket. “I’m a jack of all trades. Sometimes I play at vigilante, other times I’m in the forest for months. Once in a long while I go wild at the arena. I’m usually at the pub near the square screwing around with my friends, and you’re welcome to come hang out any time. If you want, that is.” He turned only his head.

  You can try to seduce me again, but it’s not going to work! I braced myself, but there was no weird look in Grandpa’s—Widge’s eyes.

  “If you ever feel like going to defeat the demon lord, give me a call. We’ll get you there. But you know what’ll happen if you decide to lend him a hand, right?”

  He waved with a casual “Later,” and left.

  The electrified atmosphere left with him and I exhaled. “Fwaaah.”

  What the heck, geezer? Don’t threaten me. Plus, why should I have to go take out the demon lord, anyhow?
  That’s a man’s job, isn’t it? It’s like the first rule of this world.

  But it’s true that I do kind of want to dismantle that system, and I do wonder what’s on the other side of the forest.

  Right now it would be impossible. I mean, I’m busy right now, anyhow.

  I spread my pussy and scraped out the luvya grass along with the cum.

  In my head, the usual fanfare played.

  —Haru has reached level 387!

  —Survival, Tracking, and Double Blade skills acquired!


  I took a shower and went downstairs to the pub.

  There were lots of customers there to see the girls that day.


  After that things went on as usual. Things were so peaceful I got a bit bored.

  Just kidding—how could that possibly be true?

  It was another day of battle in the other world. Gathering the eyes of everyone around us, we were enjoying a cup of fragrant tea one afternoon in a busy place full of strong smells on a main shopping street.

  We were having fun, but this was our battlefield.

  “Once you get used to it, it’s not that annoying.”


  Lupe’s initial nervousness had all but disappeared; she seemed relaxed as she savored her tea.

  We had passed on the bench where we always used to have lunch and tea with Shequraso to some new girls.

  We more experienced girls headed out into town in search of a new venue. Then we found it.

  Sumo’s family’s place.

  It was less like finding and more like remembering, but our plan to occupy Sumo’s cafe was well underway.

  We created terrace seating and ate there. What did we care if someone told us that women eating out alone was disgraceful? We’d eat right in their faces. Girls have the right to have fun, too.

  At first, Lupe was all hesitant, like, “Let’s not...” but it seemed like the proper restaurant cooking and talking openly with no regard for the men around us had freed her from the old conventions.

  “It’s nice to be able to check out the young guys, too.”

  Once we got used to being looked at, we could appraise the men who passed by or came into the cafe.

  Unfortunately there were no cute staff, but once we started showing up, Sumo started to work in the kitchen. He would even take instructions to make us cute salads and desserts, so the idea of original menu items targeting girls didn’t seem so far away.

  Since he can level up infinitely, I expect that before long he’ll be the top pâtissier in this world. I just know girls will love him making cute cakes with his chubby fingers, so I want more customers to come.

  And it’s not just Lupe and me.

  There’s another girl in our group who seemed really impressed when I mentioned I wished society would change so girls could eat out as they pleased.

  “Hello, Miss Haru, Miss Lupe.”

  “Oh, hey, Kiyori.”

  “Hi. On your way back from the arena?”

  “Yes, but this morning I was working, so I only saw the B-Rank fights.”

  She sat down and ordered tea and cake in a way that showed she was used to it.

  With the arrival of the once-in-a-thousand-years beauty Sister Kiyori, the intensity of the looks from guys coming down the street bumped up—especially from young guys with virgin vibes. But it seemed like she didn’t even notice.

  “Now and then I see someone who looks strong. But they’re all old guys like bears or tigers. There are almost never younger men.”

  “No young guys, huh?”

  “None. I’m hoping for someone my age or a little older.”

  She had broken up with Chiba, so she was in the market for a partner.

  She began to explain how it wasn’t just strength, but looks and personality that mattered as well.

  To put it bluntly, she had started to think that she’d like her next guy to be better than Chiba.

  “And I’m not interested in virgins.”

  “I’m with you.”

  I was kind of happy to see Kiyori so assertive about all this stuff.

  She listened really intently to the advice Lupe and I gave her, and sometimes she got a good rib in. She was a key tea buddy for us, now.

  “I want to go to the forest as soon as possible.”

  “Ohh, I see. I don’t know that much about it, but it’s something like girls can’t go unless they have a partner, right?”

  “Yes. It’s quite shitty, the way the Adventurers’ Guild works.”

  But lately I get the feeling we’re influencing her a bit too much, and I worry it might affect her work at the hospital or her church activities.

  “But I have a trump card I can use if it comes down to that.”

  She glanced at me.

  I didn’t return her look and sipped my tea, playing dumb. I really shouldn’t have told her my secret. I don’t need her having all kinds of weird expectations. I’m a modern girl, so I’m not into all that savagery, anyhow.

  “By the way, Lupe, how’s Kiyori’s ex?”

  “Please don’t call him my ex. And please don’t pretend you don’t understand what I mean.”

  “Okay, okay. Did you know, though? Chiba has been going upstairs with Lupe lately. How’s it actually going? Is he giving you trouble?”

  “Uh, hmm.” Lupe thought for a moment, gulped down her tea, and said, “He still acts like a virgin, but I don’t think he’s such a bad guy. I just think that you and Kiyori didn’t have any intention of cultivating him, and he couldn’t figure things out on his own.”

  She talked in her usual easy-going tone, but what she was saying was right.

  With a breezy smile, she continued. “First I taught him. I was kind, I scolded him, I gave him affection. Every now and then I slapped him, and then I would praise him ’till he cried. Then after sex I pretended to be upset and make him think of what might have gone wrong. He’s sincere at his core, and I know that once he’s hooked on something he’s very passionate. Now he even calls me ‘Mistress.’ He’s more docile now, so lately I’ve been putting some distance between us and seeing if he will figure out how to get my attention a little bit. He has money, and he seems to have time, so he gives me all kinds of stuff. But I’m the kind of person who wants love more than things. Once he can bow down and rub his head in the dirt before the shop, I’m thinking I’ll praise him. Tee-hee.”

  Kiyori gaped as Lupe talked about training Chiba as if he were a puppy, laughing as she remembered different episodes.

  Lupe had surprised me plenty of times, teaching me things about work and whatnot. She really has Mistress powers and a knack for training men.

  But would you expect any less from the number-two seller of the year? I respect her for real.


  My tea was getting cold, and just as I thought to drain it and leave, some girls suddenly approached our table.

  One was a serious-looking girl with well-defined features and braided hair. A girl with short hair hid behind her. Judging from the books they carried, they must have been students. Their faces got redder by the second.

  “C-Could we, uh, sit...with you...?”

  Lupe, Kiyori, and I exchanged glances, sharing our inner joy.

  “Sure. Let’s have tea together.”

  It was another day of gracefully enjoying our tea in public, attracting the curious gazes of a misogynist society and fighting on.

  We eat cake, we make more friends, sometimes we gossip about men, other times we have serious discussions, and every now and then we practically split our sides laughing at slightly dirty jokes. Any girls who want to chat are welcome to join us.

  Spring Kiyori: An Afterstory

  Since then, well, not much has changed, but I guess, uh...

  Starting with Chiba, who probably no one is terribly interested in, he’s become Lupe’s eighth servant and can often be seen groveling at her feet.

is still number two at the shop. Our two top sellers are seriously powerful—I don’t feel like I’ll ever beat them.

  Also, Madam has been teaching Lupe stuff around the shop lately, so it seems like maybe she’s been selected as the next madam? (Of course she blushes and says, “Noooo, I haven’t,” but) I feel like pretty soon I’ll be calling her “Mistress” too.

  Sumo is still fat.

  A customer with a large body and wallet, he comes often, but lately we’ve become regulars at his cafe, so business-wise, it’s a win-win relationship.

  It seems like he still has feelings for me, but even more than that, he’s apparently getting hooked on cooking, and he actually does look kind of cool when he’s making dainty cakes with such a serious face. With Unlimited Levels, he can keep leveling up his cooking and sex skills the more he learns, so he’s becoming quite the technician and also seems to have gained some confidence.

  Lately even Lupe has been saying, “If he would just lose some weight, he’d be so hot.”

  If he lost weight, maybe he’d even look kind of like the real J Soul...?

  Nah, he wouldn’t. Nope! Sumo is Sumo!

  The thing is, his selling point is how he makes tiny cakes with a chanko body type, so no dieting allowed, thanks!

  Oh, Widge comes pretty often too.

  It seems like he still wants to seduce me, so he whispers stuff like, “Come live with me,” and, “I’ll take you into the forest,” while doing the most kinktastic things. I’m always practically melting, so it’s always like, Crap! But that geezer is sleeping with other girls and saying the same shit, so I wish he’d just leave me alone.

  I mean, he’s mature, generous, and has a sexy voice, so if he were 20 or 30 years younger, I might have fallen for him, but...

  No, I can’t go there. If he were younger, he’d be even more of a playboy than he is now. The other day he took me to that pub he hangs out at, but like, all his friends are just as bizarre as he is, and he was flirting with all kinds of women.

  Oh, right.

  I still have tea with Kiyori all the time.

  She has her eye on some B-Rank adventurer, but apparently she’s sounding him out more carefully this time. Well, she’s a once-in-a-thousand-years beauty, so it seems like he’s down, but she wants to be a bit more cautious, so they haven’t gotten very far yet.


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