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Page 12

by Amy Baker

  “Yeah. The merger,” I finished for him.

  “No.” He shook his head immediately. His hands went to his neck where he tugged at his tie until it hung loosely against his shirt. “I was in town for an interview.”

  My chin jerked back and my eyes squinted at his news. I wasn’t sure if I understood what he was saying. “I don’t understand.” I blinked slowly trying to clear the Dirty Martini that was scrambling my brain. I struggled to recall the exact wording of the ‘message’ he had left. Did his note say that he was in town for a meeting or a merger? I’d read that damn note a thousand times yet I still couldn’t remember. I shook my head once in confusion, which prompted Hugh to continue.

  “I was offered a position at Masters, Goodwin and Levine,” his voice actually cracked just before he paused. “I accepted the job this morning.” He looked down with defeat etched in his face. “I was going to tell you tonight after the gala. I bought champagne so we could celebrate.” He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I am moving to New York.”

  Masters, Goodwin and Levine was one of the most highly recognized law firms in the city. Even I knew who they were and I had no connection with that field whatsoever.

  So, if what he said was true, Hugh accepted a job in New York on the same day that Stacey had me transferred back to Virginia. “Oh my God,” I murmured. As his words slowly seeped in, I began to realize the true genius of the plan Stacey had orchestrated. She didn’t ask Hugh to go to lunch so she could fuck him, which is what I had immediately assumed. She asked Hugh to go to lunch so she could fuck me. And like everything else she did, she did it thoroughly.

  “So you told Stacey about your interview? You told her that you accepted the job offer? You told her that you were staying in New York?” I rifled trough my questions in an effort to confirm what I already knew in my heart to be true.

  “To be with you,” he finished.

  “To be with me,” I repeated. “You told Stacey you were moving to New York to be with me?” I questioned disbelievingly.

  “Yes,” Hugh stated emphatically. “I didn’t know at the time that she was setting you up or us up, for that matter. You have to believe me,” he begged.

  Could what he said be true? Could Stacey have played Hugh at the same time she was playing me? I was afraid to trust what Hugh was telling me. It didn’t help that my head was foggy from the vodka and I was having trouble focusing on anything other than the merry-go-round otherwise known as my apartment.

  “I need to sit down,” I swayed again. I took a few unsteady steps backward aligning myself with the chair that separated my entrance to my living space. I fell onto the cushion with all of my weight and raised my chin to find Davis and Hugh looking at me with concern.

  “My life is in the crapper! Cut me some slack!” I defended, finishing my statement with a hiccup.

  I heard both men sigh loudly and then my faithful doorman chimed in. Davis swiped the embarrassing cap off of his head and started nervously kneading the brim with all of his fingers. “Delilah. Can’t you talk to Gabriel?”

  “Who’s Gabriel?” Hugh questioned crossing his arms over his chest and shifting his weight to one side.

  “The guy she sublets the apartment from?” Davis answered with annoyance and then softened his tone when he turned back to me. “Maybe he will let you stay?” Davis looked forlorn. Clearly he was upset that I was leaving.

  I shook my head in response. “He already leased it to somebody else. It was only a matter of time, Davis. We both knew that someday Gabriel would return. And, while this is definitely sooner than I expected there isn’t anything that I can do about it.” I’m not sure how it happened but I was comforting Davis instead of the other way around. “And anyway, Stacey had me transferred to another state. I don’t have a job here anymore. This apartment is rent stabilized, not free.” I swallowed loudly holding back the two cocktails that were threatening to do a round-off-back-hand-spring from my stomach and up my esophagus.

  I watched as Hugh’s eyes and nose scrunched simultaneously in response to the effort it was taking me to swallow my own saliva. And damn if he didn’t look as handsome as ever doing it. I rubbed my hand over my face. So not fair.

  “Delilah, you look green,” he commented.

  “Thanks,” I said sarcastically. “I feel green.” My hand went to my mouth in an effort to hold something in. “Excuse me a moment.” I dragged myself to standing and teeter tottered to my bathroom. The toilet was holding immense appeal at that very moment. Funny how a toilet could be so repulsive until one was ready to hurl. Then it suddenly became the most inviting place one could ever hope for.

  I felt two hands gently gather the hair that lay against my back just before I bent over my porcelain thrown to vomit. Then Hugh moved one warm hand to comfortingly rub my back as the dirty martini’s made their second, this time unwelcomed, appearance.


  “You okay?” Hugh whispered.

  Feeling totally mortified, I straightened keeping my back to him. I sidestepped to the sink feeling my hair slip through his fingers. I bent over the basin to rinse out my mouth trying to procrastinate as long as possible so I wouldn’t have to face Hugh. “You didn’t have to do that,” I remarked still feeling self-conscious.

  Hugh ignored my comment having more on his mind than having to hold my hair during my stomach’s violent protest from my martini binge. “Delilah, what are we going to do? We need to talk about this.”

  I shook my head in response as the thought of my predicament created another bout of nausea. “I’m not sure,” I whispered.

  “Do you want to take the job in Virginia?” He queried.

  Not really. But I couldn’t tell that to Hugh. What if it was my only option? Then I would feel like a pitiful fool in addition to a double-crossed imbecile. So instead, I gave a shoulder shrug even though I already knew the answer. “I’m not sure.”

  I loved PR. I loved my job and what it entailed. But did I want to move back to Virginia to keep doing it? If I didn’t make the move I would essentially be committing professional suicide. My reputation would be in the toilet. The masses believed that I requested the transfer. If I changed my mind I would look indecisive or irresponsible. Neither boded well for my career. My hand travelled to my forehead to ward off the headache that was beginning to lay its groundwork. I looked in the mirror above the sink and watched as Hugh filled the space behind me.

  His lips formed a straight line just as the entire conundrum became unbearably overwhelming for me. It was as if he could read my mind. “Maybe we should just sleep on it,” he suggested. His hands snaked around my stomach as he pressed in behind me giving me a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll figure it out,” he whispered in my ear as his eyes locked on mine in the mirror. “Don’t worry.”

  I nodded agreeably even though I didn’t see an obvious solution. I was in no shape to make any decisions, least of all life altering ones. So sleeping on it sounded like the best idea. As we studied each other momentarily in the bathroom mirror, a voice carried toward us from down the hall. “Guys? Everything okay in there?”

  I snapped from the protective bubble Hugh’s hands had created and began to pull away from him. “Yes, Davis, sorry!” I called. “Be right out!”

  But Davis wasn’t waiting. Apparently he had had enough as well. “I’ve gotta get out of here, Delilah! I’ll see you tomorrow!” He called back just as we heard the front door open. We immediately heard the click of the door catching in the frame indicating Davis’ departure. Under normal circumstances I would have gone after Davis to see if he was okay. I liked Davis. He was more than my doorman. He was my friend. But the circumstances in which I found myself at that very moment were far from normal and I just couldn’t muster even an ounce of energy to go after him. I was officially overwhelmed. I was even unable to help myself.

  Hugh snatched my hand before I made it out of the bathroom. “Hey. Come’ere,” he pulled me in for a hug wrapping his arms around me
. One hand snaked up my back and into my hair. He gently tangled his fist in the long tendrils as he took a deep breath burying his nose in my neck. I hoped I didn’t smell as badly as I feared. Since he stayed nestled there for a few beats I was guessing he didn’t find me all that offensive.

  I reluctantly rested my hands on Hugh’s broad shoulders and spoke into his shirt. “I need a few minutes to get cleaned up, Hugh.”

  “Okay. Take your time,” I felt his lips gently press against my neck. “I’ll watch some TV.” He released me from our embrace kissing the top of my head as he maneuvered to leave the bathroom. I saw his hands go to his shirt and start the process of unbuttoning.

  Not that I was complaining, but I guess Hugh had decided that he was staying.

  I stared at my couch thinking that it never looked quite that good. Don’t get me wrong. I loved my couch. I had not only picked out the style but I had designed it as well. I had chosen all different fabrics mixing them together to give the sofa a Bohemian appearance. The cushions were filled with down feathers making it super comfortable. It had cost me a fortune. But at that very moment it had something extra special going for it. A tall, dark and handsome southern gentleman spread out all over it. That couch never looked so good. Hugh’s beautifully muscled body blanketed the cushions from one end to the other. His feet were dangling off one end and his left arm was thrown over the back. His shirt lay mostly open revealing the six-pack, which rose and fell with each deep breath he took. There was a faint rumbling sound every time he inhaled, which could hardly be categorized as a snore but I would have to tease him about it later. I shrugged at the thought. It was my duty. Even with all the chaos that currently defined my life, I couldn’t help the small smile that formed across my lips. I sighed heavily as I went from lamp to wall switch turning out the lights as I circled around the couch. I gave Hugh one last glance over my shoulder as I retreated to my bedroom for the night. I wasn’t sure what tomorrow was going to bring. I just knew that there was a whole lot of change heading in my direction. But tonight I was going to delight in the knowledge that Hugh Rowen was asleep on my couch.

  Chapter 11

  My body felt like it weighed a ton. I couldn’t move a muscle. I didn’t think I drank that much the night before but since my arms were like lead weights and my right leg felt like it had been cemented to the mattress I had obviously misjudged how strong I had concocted my beverages. As I came into my coherent mind from my dream state I tried to roll over on my side knowing a pain reliever was about to become my new best friend. Fuck Julia, she wasn’t that great in a crisis and she betrayed me. But as I made the grand effort to turn over, my body was pinned to the bed by a large muscled arm wrapping around my waist. Then it jerked me backwards turning me on my side and pulling me closer. I looked down slightly perplexed and quickly realized that the arm was attached to a body. A very warm, hard, beautiful body. And it was almost completely naked. Not that I could see it under the covers but I could feel bare legs and the light fuzz of a belly hair against my exposed skin. His boxer briefs were on but they weren’t hiding the welcoming committee that was poking me from behind. I became fully awake at that very moment just as the delicious voice threw the beat of my heart into a gallop.

  “Nice way to wake up,” he murmured pressing his body in behind me.

  Yep. That was for sure. “Morning,” I said sweetly as my cutchie-coo woke up simultaneously. But her thoughts weren’t sweet. Nope. Not at all. They were naughty. I could tell by the party she was organizing in my panties. If a vagina could primp I would swear that was what she was doing. Is that a flat iron she’s using? Why else was it getting so hot down there so quickly?

  “Sleep okay?” he asked burying his face in the back of my neck.

  “Mmhm,” I answered blandly. I couldn’t say what I wanted to say, which was that I would have slept better had I been aware I was sleeping next to him. That would sound overbearing and needy. “You?” I asked instead.

  “Mmhm,” he returned. “Though I slept better once I was next to you.”


  How come it didn’t sound overbearing and needy when he said it?

  I didn’t know if I should turn around to face him or stay put. I could very well kill him with the dragon breath that I was cultivating in my mouth. I had that pasty thing going on and every tooth felt like it was wearing a teeny-weeny sock, which was never a good sign. So instead I pulled away and tugged at his arm at the same time. “I just need to use the bathroom. Be right back.”

  He released me rolling to his back. As I made my way around my bed I watched him stretch his gorgeous body, flexing it to life. I thought I should probably hurry it along so I didn’t miss more of the show than was absolutely necessary.

  Since I wasn’t paying attention, my attention justifiably distracted by the god twisted in my sheets, I took a full on goalie kick to my bed frame stubbing (more like crippling) my toe. The immense pain coursed through my body leaving me speechless. I dropped to one knee to wrap my hand around my toes and squeeze. “Oh my God,” I squeaked.

  Hugh flew out of bed and rounded the footboard to me. “Are you okay?” he asked standing before me. I raised my head and came face-to-face with Hugh’s cotton covered morning glory. I froze, forgetting about the searing pain of my toe and pressed my lips together.

  “Sorry,” he said apologetically.

  My eyes travelled up the long length of him, past his chest, and landed on his face. There I found a devilish grin.

  “No, you’re not,” I answered snidely.

  His grin turned into a smile. “I meant about the toe.”

  “Oh,” was all I could answer sighing heavily.

  Then I slowly stood with the help of his outstretched hand and limped to the bathroom.

  After my bathroom routine, which ended up including a pain reliever more for my toe than my hangover, Hugh used the bathroom. I passed him in the threshold of the doorway, which was a tight squeeze. I wondered if he had timed it that way on purpose. He grabbed my hips grazing my body against his to slide past. I was beginning to think that Hugh was a big tease.

  I hobbled to the kitchen to get a pot of coffee going. I had a lot of decisions to make. Whether or not I was prepared to face them was irrelevant. My life was on its ear and since it was the middle of the month, I was guessing I only had about two weeks to sort it out. As the worry and consequent pressure began to build in my mind, two large hands snaked around my belly and turned me around. “Good morning,” Hugh breathed as he pulled me up and in for a deep but gentle, tongue tasting, lip caressing kiss. My eyes fell closed as I relished the delicious way his mouth tasted mine.

  When he took his lips away my eyes lazily drifted open. “Mornin’,” I answered.

  “I need to talk to you, Delilah,” he informed authoritatively. “I have a few thoughts and I want you to listen to what I am going to suggest.”

  In that moment if he told me that I had to turn myself inside out and become a crustacean I would have attempted to do so. So, of course, I said, “Okay. Um. Right now? Or can we wait till I had a cup of coffee? I’m much more attentive after I’ve had my coffee.” I felt it only fair that he make an informed decision.

  He dipped his head slowly tasting my mouth again and this time when he did I was ready. My hands snaked into his hair just as I felt his fingers locate and start to gently caress my bottom. Then he pulled away grumbling. “Coffee first.”

  I nodded in agreement although I would have preferred he suggested unabashed sex first. But coffee would have to do.

  As I got out the mugs for coffee, Hugh scoured my refrigerator for breakfast items. I was never a big breakfast eater so there wasn’t much to choose from. I had eggs but only two. I had milk because I drank coffee like a fiend and needed my joe prepared perfectly. I watched as Hugh slid down the counter to my cabinet to see what else was available. He pulled out a box of matzo, which I loved to eat with a whole lot of butter. But it had to be the salted kind. Both the butt
er and the matzo. I’m sure I was well on my way to hypertension but there was no way I was giving up my salt. One time my local super market was out of salted matzo I purchased religiously. So out of sheer desperation I picked up a box that said ‘reduced salt.’ At least that’s what the box said. But that was total malarkey. I could’ve eaten the box and ingested more sodium.

  “You like Matzo Brei?” he asked.

  Since I had never had it I answered accordingly. “Well, I’ve never had it but I like matzo.”

  “Oh,” he groaned with that sexy rumble, “if you like matzo you are going to love this. My roommate in college made this for me the first week of school. Best breakfast I ever had. I finally paid attention and learned how to make it myself.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I asked with surprise in my tone. I never would have thought he liked to cook.

  “Watch and learn,” he teased with a beautiful grin gracing his face.

  I smiled back feeling grateful for the small gifts that I was being afforded that day. The love of my life was standing in my small kitchen offering to make me breakfast after kissing me senseless. Soon, too soon, that would all change and I would be back in Virginia while Hugh made a life in New York without me.


  I couldn’t help the disappointment that began to infiltrate my happy mood. I was fighting it really hard. I unleashed the little boxing-gloved-fists behind my smiling eyes hoping they could fend off the gloomy overcast that was blowing in like a storm cloud. But no matter how hard I tried to keep those negative thoughts at bay, I couldn’t ignore the fact that I had finally attained everything I had ever wanted. A great job, my own apartment, my dream man…and all of it was about to change.

  Who was it that said the eyes are the windows to our souls? I guess it was true because as soon as Hugh looked at me he noticed that the sadness had won out. I knew this because his grin disappeared and then he confirmed it with his next remark.


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