Frontier Regulars

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by Robert M. Utley

  Colorado (Territory, State), 2, 4, 13, 94, 97, 119–20, 144, 219; Ute War, 332–42

  Colorado River (Colo.-Utah-Ariz.-Calif.), 169–70, 184 n12, 332 passim

  Colt revolver, 70, 77 n6

  Columbia River (Wash.-Oreg.), 177, 186 1135, 325–6, 402

  Columbus Barracks, Ohio, 24

  Colvig, J. L., 376

  Colville Reservation (Wash.), 315

  Colvin, Al, 124

  Colyer, Vincent, 187 n51, 193–4, 196, 215 n13

  Comanche Indians, 4, 5, 95, 98, 160 n13, 169; and Hancock campaign of 1867, 114 passim; and Texas raids, 35, 97, 127 n18, 137, 144, 164–6, 207–14; and Medicine Lodge treaties, 133; Mexican raids, 344, 345, 349; and plains campaign of 1868–69, 144 passim; Red River War, 221 passim. See also specific Comanche bands

  Comanchero Traders, 164, 211

  Commanding General, 28–31

  Commissary Department. See Subsistence Department

  Commissary General, 36 n9

  Concentration Policy, Indians, 7–8, 47, 399; military, 47, 399

  Concho River (Tex.), 167

  Connor, Gen. Patrick E., 97, 99, 100, 108 n16

  Cook Inlet (Alaska), 181–2

  Cooke, Gen. Philip St. George, 13, 71, 94, 95, 102–3, 106, 109 n32, 112, 126 n7

  Copper Mine Apache Indians, 184 n12, 194. See also Gila Apache Indians; Apache Indians

  Corps of Engineers, 12, 15, 28

  Corralitos River (Mex.), 360

  Cottonwood Creek (Ida.), 302

  Coulson, Mont., 310

  Council Grove, Kan., 138

  Courts martial, 84–5

  Cow Island (Mont.), 311

  Coyotero Apache Indians. See White Mountain Apache Indians

  Crawford, Capt. Emmet, 377–84, 388, 395 n31, n32

  Crawford, Gov. Samuel J., 120, 147, 150, 162 n37

  Crawley, Dennis, 201

  Crazy Horse, 104, 237, 249, 254–5, 260, 271, 275–9, 282, 293 n18

  Crazy Woman’s Fork (Wyo.), 249

  Cree Indians, 285

  Creedmor, N.Y., 41 n78

  Crook, Gen. George, 17, 34, 51, 390, 399, 400; on Apaches, 371; in Arizona, 193–8, 215 n22, 356–7, 379–86; characterized, 178–9, 393; on dealing with Indians, 55, 196, 378; death, 403, 411 n7; Geronimo outbreak (1885), 382–6, 391–3; and Indian auxiliaries, 53–4, 196, 289–90, 378 passim; on Indian firearms, 71–2; Mexican campaign of 1883, 379–81; in Paiute War, 175–8; and pack transportation, 48–9, 196, 378 passim; promotion, 198, reassigned to Arizona, 377; at Rosebud, 255–6, 288, 306, 322–4, 335–6; Sioux warfare (1876–77), 245, 247, 248–51, 253, 262, 268–72, 275–9, 281–2, 294 n35, strategy, 53–5, 196

  Crow Agency (Mont.), 252

  Crow Creek Agency (S.D.), 237–40

  Crow Indians, 4, 50, 109 n28, 134, 241, 305, 402; as scouts for Crook, 253, 255; as scouts for Gibbon and Custer, 252, 256–8; with Miles, 276, 287, 289–90

  Curly Headed Doctor (Modoc), 202, 204

  Custer Creek (Mont.), 273

  Custer, Elizabeth B., xiii

  Custer, Gen. George A., xiii, xiv, 25, 34, 70, 71, 72; Black Hills expedition, 244, 245; characterized, 116; court martial, 128 n26; dispute with Hazen, 158 n26, 206, 220; and Gatling guns, 73; and Hancock campaign of 1867, 116–9; Little Bighorn, 259–62, 267, 271, 272, 288, 373, 405, 409; plains campaign of 1868–69, 150–3, 155–6, 157, 159, 162 n40; Sioux War (1876), 248, 251–2, 256–61; in Stanley expedition of 1873, 242–3

  Custer, S.D., 270

  Cypress Hills (Canada), 285

  Dakota (Territory), 14, 33, 40 n63, 76, 94; defenses, 121–2, 243 passim, 253 passim, 286

  Dangerous Eagle (Kiowa), 235 n20

  Darlington, Agent Brinton, 207

  Darlington Agency (I.T.). See Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency

  Datil Mountains (N.M.), 184 n12

  David’s Island (N.Y.), 24

  Davidson, Lt. Col. John W., 220 passim

  Davis, Lt. Britton, 377–83, 388

  Davis, Gov. Edmund J., 210, 212

  Davis, Sec. War Jefferson, 29

  Davis, Gen. Jefferson C., 175, 181–3, 187 n47, 204–6, 296

  Davis, Capt. Wirt, 383–4, 392

  Davis Mountains (Tex.), 184 n12

  Dawes Act of 1887, 401

  Day, Lt. Matthias W., 383

  Deadwood, S.D., 270

  Deer Lodge, Mont., 307

  Delano, Sec. Interior Columbus, 199, 214, 412 n20

  Denver, Colo., 2, 94, 144, 333–4, 335

  Department Commander, role of, 35

  Department of the Interior. See U.S. Department of the Interior

  Departments: Alaska, 183; Arizona, 35, 171, 198, 386, 391; Arkansas, 14; California, 14, 34, 170, 175; Columbia, 14, 34, 175, 177, 181, 198, 288, 296, 324; Dakota, 13, 34, 94, 121–2, 132, 232, 240, 241, 253, 277, 283, 292 n16, 294 n40, 412 n13; Gulf, 14; Missouri, 13, 33, 94, 107 n4, 114, 170, 192, 219; Platte, 33, 34, 94, 112, 113, 241, 244, 245, 283, 324, 357, 395, 403, 412 n13; Texas, 14, 34, 35, 168, 209, 356

  Desertion (from army), 23, 27, 128 n32

  DeSmet, Fr. Pierre Jean, 135

  Devil’s River (Tex.), 354

  Díaz, Pres. Porfirío, 351–6, 363, 378

  Dirty Moccasins (Cheyenne), 254

  Districts: Alaska, 183; Arizona, 170; Lakes, 199; Montana, 306; New Mexico, 149, 170, 359, 375; Upper Arkansas, 116, 147; Yellowstone, 277–8

  Divisions: Gulf, 166; Missouri, 13–4, 94, 209, 395 n34, 403; Pacific, 13–4, 34, 170, 174–7, 192, 395

  Dixon, Billy, 224

  Dodge, Capt. Francis S., 335, 337

  Dodge, Gen. Grenville M., 3

  Dodge, Lt. Col. Richard I., 245, 275

  Dog Soldiers, 97; described, 126 n15; and Hancock campaign of 1867, 115 passim; in plains warfare (1868–69), 143 passim; at Summit Springs, 157. See also Cheyenne Indians

  Doolittle, Sen. James R., 113, 126 n10

  Douglas (Ute), 333, 335, 343 n30

  Dove Creek (Tex.). See Battles

  Dragoon Mountains (Ariz.), 194

  Drexel Mission (S.D.). See Battles

  Drum, Lt. Col. William F., 404

  Drum Barracks, Calif., 192

  Dry Lake (Calif.), 204

  Duck Valley Reservation (Nev.), 322

  Dull Knife (Cheyenne), 162 n37, 283–4

  Dull Knife (Cheyenne), 294 n33, n36; attacked by Mackenzie, 275–6, 290

  Durango (Mexican State), 344

  Dyar, L. S., 203

  Dyer cartridge box, 75

  Eagle from the Light (Nez Percé), 297

  Eagle Heart (Kiowa), 209

  East Clear Creek (Ariz.), 377

  Egan (Paiute), 323–5, 327

  Eighteenth Infantry, 25, 122, 123, 294 n40; on Bozeman Trail, 98–107

  Eighteenth Kansas Cavalry, 120

  Eighth Cavalry, 171–3, 186 n32, 220 passim, 404

  Eighth Infantry, 20, 25, 306, 325, 357, 387, 403

  El Paso, Tex., 164, 167, 174

  El Paso Road. See San Antonio El Paso Road

  Eleventh Infantry, 220 passim, 280

  Elk Creek (Ida.), 331

  Elliott, Maj. Joel H., 151–2

  Endicott, Sec. War William C., 384

  Engineering. School of Application, 44

  English, Lt. William L., 307

  Eskiminzin (Apache), 192

  Eureka Valley (Okla.), 144

  Evans, Maj. Andrew W., 149, 154, 158–9, 161 n23, 220, 376–7

  Ewers, Capt. Ezra P., 399

  Extermination (attitudes), 51–2, 111

  Far West (steamer), 256, 257, 267

  Farrow, Lt. Edward S., 330–2

  Fast Bull (Sioux), 280–1

  Fat Bear (Cheyenne), 162 n37

  Fechet, Capt. Edmund G., 404

  Fetterman, Capt. William J., 103, 104–7, 109 n31, 111, 112 113, 115, 123, 124, 125, 189

  Fifteenth Infantry, 338

  Fifth Artillery, 73

  Fifth Cavalry, 17, 25, 77, 147, 215 n22, 310; plains campaign 1868–69, 1
48–9; in Sioux War of 1876, 268 passim, at Summit Springs, 156–7; in Tonto Basin campaign, 196–8; in Ute War, 335–40

  Fifth Infantry, 25, 170; in Nez Percé war 220 passim; in Sioux War of 1876, 269 passim; in Sioux expedition of 1879, 287–8

  Fifth Military District, 142, 166, 168, 170

  Finerty, John F., xiii, 289

  First Artillery, 406

  First Cavalry, 161–3, 178–81, 186 n32, 196–8, 199 passim, 216 n31, 217 n36, 300 passim, 324–9, 330–2

  First Infantry, 183 n6, 280, 409

  Fisher, Isaac, 105

  Fiske, John, 65

  Flathead Indians, 4

  Florida (State), 233, 388–90, 399

  Floyd-Jones, Col. DeLancey, 25

  Ford, Agent C.D., 382

  Forse, Capt. Albert G., 330–2

  Forsyth, Gen. George A., xiii, 53, 147–8, 157, 375–6

  Forsyth, Col. James W., 327–8, 406–7

  Fortification Creek (Colo.), 336

  Fort Abercrombie, N.D., 121

  Fort Abraham Lincoln, N.D., 242, 244, 248, 251–2, 267, 270, 272, 403

  Fort Apache, Ariz., 82, 196, 197, 357, 371–3, 376, 378, 381, 384, 388

  Fort Arbuckle, Okla., 115, 137, 159

  Fort Assinniboine, Mont., 290

  Fort Baker, Calif., 186 n35

  Fort Bascom, N.M., 149, 154, 156, 158

  Fort Bayard, N.M., 81, 174, 359, 360

  Fort Belknap, Mont., 241; Tex., 167

  Fort Bennett, S.D., 403, 405

  Fort Benton, Mont., 94

  Fort Berthold, N.D., 94, 121, 122

  Fort Bidwell, Calif., 177, 201

  Fort Boise, Ida., 177, 178, 179, 302, 306, 309, 317–8, 324, 330

  Fort Bowie, Ariz., 170, 173, 194, 198, 358, 383–6, 389, 393

  Fort Breckinridge, Ariz., 170

  Fort Bridger, Wyo., 95

  Fort Brown, Tex., 167

  Fort Browning, Mont., 241

  Fort Buchanan, Ariz., 170

  Fort Buford, N.D., 121, 122, 252, 270, 274, 288, 292 n10, n16, 293 n21

  Fort Burnham, Tex., 167

  Fort C.F. Smith, Mont., 81, 100, 109 n28, 121, 123–4, 134, 136

  Fort Canby, Wash. See Fort Cape Disappointment

  Fort Cape Disappointment, Wash., 186 n35

  Fort Casper, Wyo., 95, 102, 121

  Fort Chadbourne, Tex., 167

  Fort Churchill, Nev., 177

  Fort Clark, Tex., 167, 213, 345–7, 350, 352

  Fort Cobb, Okla., 144–5, 149–50, 152–3, 161 n22, 292 n16

  Fort Colville, Wash., 177

  Fort Concho, Tex., 167, 212, 220

  Fort Craig, N.M., 174

  Fort Crook, Calif., 186 n35

  Fort Cummings, N.M., 81, 174, 359

  Fort Custer, Mont., 281, 290, 402

  Fort D.A. Russell, Wyo., 121, 325

  Fort Dalles, Oreg., 186 ng$

  Fort Davis, Tex., 167, 169, 362, 363

  Fort Dodge, Kan., 94, 115, 118–9, 127 n18, 147, 150, 159, 220

  Fort Duncan, Tex., 167, 345, 347, 350

  Fort Elliott, Tex., 228

  Fort Ellis, Mont., 121, 241, 251, 270, 279

  Fort Fetterman, Wyo., 77, 121, 123, 136, 248–9, 251, 253, 268, 275

  “Fort Fizzle,” Mont., 306

  Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., 121, 335–6

  Fort Garland, Colo., 2, 338, 339–40

  Fort Gaston, Calif., 177

  Fort Gibson, Okla., 158

  Fort Griffin, Tex., 167, 228, 231

  Fort Hall Agency, Ida., 322–3, 324, 308, 331

  Fort Halleck, Nev., 177

  Fort Harker, Kan., 94, 128 n26

  Fort Harney, Oreg., 177, 180, 201, 325

  Fort Hays, Kan., 94, 118, 128 n26, 147, 155–6, 162 n37

  Fort Hoskins, Oreg., 186 n35

  Fort Huachuca, Ariz., 378, 387

  Fort Humboldt, Calif., 186 n35

  Fort Kearny, Neb. See Fort Phil Kearny

  Fort Kenay, Alaska, 182

  Fort Keogh, Mont., 281, 288, 289, 290, 328. See also Tongue River Cantonment

  Fort Klamath, Oreg., 177, 199, 206, 303

  Fort Kodiak, Alaska, 182

  Fort Lapwai, Ida., 177, 298, 300, 301, 324, 330

  Fort Laramie, Wyo., 2, 3, 95, 97, 98, 121, 143, 239–40, 244–5, 282, 403; and Bozeman Trail, 98 passim; Treaty of 1868, 132, 134–5, 237, 242, 243, 246, 272

  Fort Larned, Kan., 94, 115–6, 118, 133, 138, 149, 161 n22

  Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 27, 44, 73, 219, 277, 314, 386; military prison at 84, 343 n30; prison guard, 15

  Fort Lewis, Colo., 338, 339, 341

  Fort Lincoln, N.D. See Fort Abraham Lincoln

  Fort Lowell, Ariz., 170

  Fort Lyon, Colo., 39 n55, 94, 144, 149, 156, 158

  Fort McDermit, Nev., 177, 180, 328

  Fort McDowell, Ariz., 87, 170, 173, 196, 376

  Fort McIntosh, Tex., 167

  Fort McKavett, Tex., 167

  Fort McKeen, N.D. See Fort Abraham Lincoln

  Fort McKinney, Wyo., 290

  Fort McPherson, Neb., 95, 121, 156

  Fort McRae, N.M., 174, 359

  Fort Maginnis, Mont., 290

  Fort Marion, Fla., 233, 388, 390

  Fort Meade, S.D., 290, 403

  Fort Mitchell, Neb., 95, 121

  Fort Mojave, Ariz., 170, 173

  Fort Morgan, Colo., 95

  Fort Niobrara, Neb., 291, 403

  Fort Peck, Mont., 236

  Fort Peck Agency, Mont., 241, 274, 286, 287

  Fort Phil Kearny, Neb., 3, 81, 87, 95, 98, 121; abandoned, 136; in Sioux War of 1866, 100–7, 121; in Sioux War of 1867, 123–5, 134

  Fort Pickens, Fla., 390

  Fort Point, Calif., 186 n35

  Fort Quitman, Tex., 167, 169

  Fort Randall, S.D., 94, 121, 240, 288, 403

  Fort Ransom, N.D., 121

  Fort Reading, Calif., 186 n35

  Fort Reno, Okla., 283; Wyo., 95, 100, 108 n16, 121, 123, 275, 283

  Fort Rice, N.D., 86, 94, 121, 135, 236, 240

  Fort Richardson, Tex., 167, 209–10

  Fort Riley, Kan., 3, 94, 128 n26

  Fort Ringgold, Tex., 167

  Fort Sanders, Wyo., 121, 136

  Fort Sedgwick, Colo., 95, 121, 157

  Fort Selden, N.M., 80, 81, 84, 174, 359

  Fort Shaw, Mont., 121, 270, 306

  Fort Sidney, Neb., 121

  Fort Sill, Okla., 42 n94, 272, 292 n16, 390; “city of refuge,” 207, 209 passim; founded, 154–5; and Jacksboro affair, 209–10; in plains campaign of 1869, 154–6, 158–9; in Red River War, 280 passim

  Fort Sisseton, N.D., 121

  Fort Snelling, Minn., 229

  Fort Stanton, N.M., 174, 356, 361

  Fort Steilacoom, Wash., 186 n35

  Fort Stevens, Oreg., 186 n35

  Fort Stevenson, N.D., 121, 122

  Fort Stockton, Tex., 88, 167, 169

  Fort Sully, S.D., 94, 121, 240, 403

  Fort Sumner, N.M., 211

  Fort Terrett, Tex., 167

  Fort Thomas, Ariz. See Camp Thomas

  Fort Thornburgh, Utah, 340

  Fort Tongass, Alaska, 182

  Fort Totten, N.D., 121

  Fort Union, N.M., 94; N.D., 94, 121

  Fort Vancouver, Wash., 177, 201, 328, 331

  Fort Wadsworth, N.D. See Fort Sisseton

  Fort Walla Walla, Wash., 177, 298, 299, 305, 307

  Fort Wallace, Kan., 94, 119, 128 n26, 148, 230

  Fort Walsh, Canada, 285

  Fort Washakie, Wyo., 241

  Fort Whipple, Ariz., 170, 173, 185 n28, 198, 372, 376, 377

  Fort Wingate, N.M., 90, n14, 360, 373

  Fort Wrangel, Alaska, 182–3

  Fort Yamhill, Oreg., 186 n35

  Fort Yates. N.D., 288, 403, 404

  Fort Yuma, Calif., 190, 170, 172, 198

  Fort Zarah, Kan., 94

  Forts, description of, 81–2, 90 n4, 399–400; strategy of, 46–7. See also Camps

Forty-first Infantry, 183 n6

  Four Horns (Sioux), 237

  Fourteenth Infantry, 171, 178–81, 186 n32, 268 passim, 338

  Fourth Artillery, 116, 216 n31, 217 n36, 275, 302 passim, 325–9

  Fourth Cavalry, 25, 170, 213; Apache operations, 373, 375–6, 383, 387, 389; in Jacksboro affair, 209–10; operations in Mexico, 346–9, 354–6; in Red River War, 220 passim; in Sioux War of 1876, 272 passim; in Staked Plains campaigns, 211–2; in Texas, 183 n6, 209, 346–9, 354–6; in Ute operations, 338–40

  Fourth Infantry, 122, 248 passim, 268 passim, 335–9

  Fronteras, Mex., 389

  Fry, Gen. James B., 37 n13

  Gall (Sioux), 237, 254, 260, 273, 274

  Gallatin Valley (Mont.), 120, 121, 241

  Garcia, Col. Lorenzo, 376

  Garfield, Rep. and Pres. James A., 60, 366 n26

  Garrison, William Lloyd, xiv

  “Garryowen” (song), 150, 243, 409

  Gatewood, Lt. Charles B., 377–9, 381, 388–92

  Gatling gun, 72–3, 223, 230, 252, 258, 302–3, 306, 354

  General Sherman (steamer), 288

  General Springs (Ariz.), 376

  German, John, family of, 227, 229

  Germany, recruits from, 23

  Geronimo (Apache), 48, 364, 397, 399; arrested, 359; characterized, 358, 369; wars with, 375–93

  Getty, Gen. George W., 149, 170, 174, 366 n26

  Ghost Dance Religion, 294 n36, 371, 402–9

  Gibbon, Gen. John, 25, 30–1, 39 n57, n61, 50, 70, 114, 277, 294 n40, 329, 366 n26, 400, 411 n7; at Big Hole, 16, 306–7, 317–8; in Sioux War of 1876, 251–2, 256–8, 261, 267–70

  Gila Apache Indians, 169 passim, 174, 184 n12, 185 n28, 359. See also Apache Indians

  Gila River (N.M.-Ariz.), 169–71, 184 n12, 357–8, 371 passim

  Gillem, Col. Alvin C., 203–4, 217 n36

  Glendive Creek (Mont.), 252, 256, 269–70, 273

  Godfrey, Capt. Edward S., 313

  Goose Creek (Wyo.), 253, 256, 268

  Grand River (N.D.), 270, 404

  Grand River Agency (N.D.). See Standing Rock Agency

  Grand River Ute Indians, 332, 338. See also Ute Indians

  Grande Ronde River (Oreg.), 297, 327, 328

  Grangeville, Ida., 300, 330

  Grant, Gen. and Pres. Ulysses S., 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, 21, 29–31, 61, 64, 94, 111, 112, 113, 119, 134, 138, 140 n14, 142, 155, 166, 168, 188, 202, 206, 209, 239, 247, 252, 267, 297, 346–9, 357; and Camp Grant massacre, 193; on Fetterman disaster, 106; on Hancock, 114; Peace Policy of, 139, 188–93, 198, 206–7, 214, 397–8; relieves Cooke, 106; on Springfield rifle, 70

  Great Basin, 2, 175

  Great Plains, 2, 3, 4, 5, 33, 76, 163, 344, 410; defenses, 93–5, 290

  Great Sioux Reservation (S.D.), 237–43, 246–7, 272, 402


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