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Frontier Regulars

Page 59

by Robert M. Utley

  Greely, Horace, 333

  Green, Maj. John, 199–202, 205, 306, 317–8

  Green River (Wyo.-Colo.), 340

  Gregg, Col. John I., 185 n28

  Grey Beard (Cheyenne), 140 n16, 226–7, 229, 233

  Grierson, Gen. Benjamin H., 27, 34, 220–1, 361–4, 366 n26, 411 n7; characterized, 209, 217 n46, 362; founds Fort Sill, 154–5; and Jacksboro affair, 210

  Grierson, Robert, 363

  Griffin, Gen. Charles, 168

  Gros Ventres Indians, 122

  Grouard, Frank, 50, 236, 256, 270

  Grover, Col. Cuvier, 326

  Grummond, Lt. George W., 102, 103, 104–5

  Guadalupe Mountains (N.M.-Tex.), 184 n12

  Hagner cartridge box, 75

  Hale, Capt. Owen, 311–2, 313

  Halleck, Gen. Henry W., 13–4, 34, 170–1, 174–7, 181

  Hamilton, Capt. Louis M., 152

  Hancock, Gen. Winfield S., 13, 39 n58, 42, n98, 45, 63, 94, 112, 133, 142, 166–8, 240–1, 395 n34, 400, 411 n7; and campaign of 1867, 114–20, 130; characterized, 114

  Hardie, Asst. Insp. Gen. James A., 66

  Harney, Gen. William S., 132–8, 140 n11, 237, 244

  Harrison, Pres. Benjamin, 403

  Hartwell, Capt. Charles A., 227

  Hasbrouck, Capt. Henry C., 204

  Hat Creek (Neb.). See Battle of War Bonnet Creek

  Hatch, Gen. Edward, 27, 338–41, 359–65, 366 n26

  Hatfield, Capt. Charles A.P., 387

  Haworth, Agent James M., 212–3, 221, 229

  Hayes, Pres. Rutherford B., 61–5, 87, 279, 282, 363, 366 n26; and Mexican problem, 351–6

  Hayfield Fight (Mont.). See Battles

  Hayt, Com. of Ind. Affairs Ezra A., 56, 370

  Hazen, Gen. William B., 25, 34, 49, 274, 277, 293 n21, 294 n40; career, 292 n16; dispute with Custer, 162 n32; heads southern Plains reservation, 137, 144–5, 149, 150–1 153–4, 160 n13, 161 n22; invents cartridge belt, 75

  He Dog (Sioux), 249

  Heart River (N.D.), 122, 270

  Helena, Mont., 309

  Heliograph, 387

  Hembrillo Canyon (N.M.). See Battles

  Henderson, Sen. John B., 131 passim

  Heneley, Lt. Austin, 230, 358

  Henry, Maj. Guy V., 38 n28, 255, 405, 408, 409

  Henry Rifle, 105, 124

  Henry’s Lake (Ida.), 308, 309, 318

  Hentig, Capt. Edmund C., 372

  High Back Bone (Sioux), 104

  Hinds, Surgeon C.M., 109 n25

  Hoag, Supt. Enoch, 207, 211, 212–3, 229

  Hoffman, Col. William, 27

  Hog Ranches, 87

  Holbrook, Ariz., 388

  Homestead Act of 1862, 2

  Hooker Jim (Modoc), 201, 204–5

  Horse Back (Comanche), 140 n16, 154

  Horse Prairie Creek (Mont.), 308

  Horses (cavalry), 49, 158–9

  Horseshoe Canyon (N.M.). See Battles

  Hotchkiss mountain gun, 72, 287, 311, 406, See also Artillery

  Hough, Maj. Alfred H., 291 n9, 292 n10

  Howard, Gen. Oliver O., 20, 390, 395 n34, 396 n45, 399, 400, 411 n7; and Bannock-Paiute War, 322–9; characterized, 34–5, 296–7; and Cochise, 193–4, 196, 356; and Nez Percés, 296–321; and Sheepeater War, 329–32

  Howe, Lt. Albion, 216 n33

  Howe, Gen. Albion P., 216 n33

  Hudson’s Bay Company, 181–2

  Humboldt River (Nev.), 177, 178

  Hump (Sioux), 254, 280, 404–5

  Hunkpapa Sioux Indians, 95, 122, 136, 236–7; in Canada, 284–8; in Sioux War of 1876, 254 passim, 273 passim, 404 passim

  Hunt, Gov. A.C., 120

  Hunt, Gen. Henry J., 73

  Huntington, Supt. J.W.P., 178

  Huntington, Samuel P., 65, 66

  Huntsville Prison (Tex.), 211, 212

  Idaho (Territory), 2, 4, 14, 196, 400; in 1878, 322–9; Nez Percé War in, 297–309; Paiute War of 1866–68 in, 177–81; Sheepeater War in, 329–32

  Indian Agents, 7

  Indian Bureau. See U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs

  Indian Intercourse Laws, 134

  Indian Police, 55, 404

  Indian Policy, 112–3, 214 n4; and churches, 207; concentration, 7–8, 130–2 passim, 157–8; and genocide, 52; Grant’s Peace Policy, 139, 188–93, 198, 206–7, 214, 397–8: reservations, 7, 207–14, 397–8, 401–2

  Indian Rights Association, 390

  Indian Scouts, 11, 50, 53–5; in Apache wars, 196–8, 361, 362, 364, 371–2, 378–93 with Miles, 289; in Nez Percé War, 308, 311–3; in Paiute War, 180; in Red River War, 225–6, 227; Seminole-Negroes, 345, 347, 350, 352, 355; in Sheepeater campaign, 330–2; in Sioux expedition of 1879, 287; in Sioux War of 1876, 252, 253, 255, 256–8, 275–6, 278–9; at Summit Springs, 157

  Indian Territory, 14, 35, 120, 133, 144, 158, 192, 278, 281–3, 294 n36, 314; “city of refuge,” 207–14; Red River War in, 219 passim

  Indiana (State), 10

  Indians, army views of, 45; comparison with U.S. soldiers, 6; culture of, 5; distribution, 4–5; effect of reservations on, 401–2; effect of westward movement on, 3–4; Ghost reservations on, 401–2; effect of westward movement on, 3–4; Ghost Dance among, 402; political organization, 5–6; population, 4; public views of, 8; statistics of warfare, 410; war complex of, 6–7, 45; weapons of, 71, 112. See also specific tribes

  Infantry, army act of 1866, 11, 36 n7; army act of 1869, 16; vs. cavalry, 49–50, 289; recruiting, 24; uniforms and equipment, 74–7; weakness, 318–9; weapons, 69–70

  Inkpaduta (Sioux), 254

  Inspector General, 12, 23, 30, 36 n9

  Inspector General’s Department, 11, 32, 63

  Iowa (State), 13

  Ireland, recruits from, 23

  Iron Dog (Sioux), 284

  Iron Mountain (Comanche), 140 n16

  Iron Shirt (Cheyenne), 226

  Iron Star (Sioux), 280

  Isatai (Comanche), 213

  Jack (Ute), 333, 336–7

  Jacksboro, Tex., 167, 210; affair of, 210–11, 214

  Jackson, Pres. Andrew, 28

  Jackson, Capt. James B., 200–1, 205, 303

  Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 24

  Jeffords, Thomas J., 194, 358

  Jenness, Lt. John C., 124

  Jenny, Walter P., 245

  Jerome, Lt. Lovell H., 313

  Jicarilla Apache Indians, 184 n12. See also Apache Indians

  John Day River (Oreg.), 178, 326–7

  John L. Stevens (steamer), 181

  Johnson, Pres. Andrew, 10, 11, 113, 134, 136, 139 n5, 140 n14, 142, 167

  Jones, Maj. Roger, 171

  Jordan River (Oreg.), 324

  Josanie (Apache), 383–4, 388

  Joseph. See Chief Joseph

  Josephy, Alvin, 316

  Judge Advocate General, 36 n9

  Judge Advocate General’s Department, 11

  Judith Basin (Mont.), 290

  Juh (Apache), 358, 369–70, 375, 377, 380

  Kake Indians, 182

  Kamiah, Ida., 305

  Kansas (State), 2, 3, 13, 53, 95, 97, 130, 131, 164, 207, 213, 219–20, 283, 314, 345; operations of 1867 in, 115–20; war of 1868–69 in, 143 passim

  Kansas Pacific Railroad, 3

  Kautz, Gen. August V., 25, 357–8, 372

  Kaw Indians, 138

  Kayitah (Apache), 388–90

  Kaytennae (Apache), 369, 380–2, 385

  Keim, DeB. Randolph, 82

  Kelly, Luther F., 50, 313

  Keogh, Capt. Myles W., 284, 291

  Kickapoo Indians, 166, 286, 344–9

  Kicking Bear (Sioux), 402–4, 408, 409

  Kicking Bird (Kiowa), 115, 140 n16, 210, 211, 228, 235 n20

  King, Capt. Charles, xiii, 66–7

  King, Col. John H., 41 n89

  King cartridge box, 75

  Kinney, J.F., 126 n12

  Kinney, Capt. Nathaniel C., 100

  Kintpuash (Modoc). See Captain Jack

>   Kiowa Indians, 4, 5, 95, 160 n13, 169; and Hancock campaign of 1867, 114 passim; and Medicine Lodge treaties, 133; Mexican raids, 344, 345, 349; in Plains warfare (1868–69), 141 passim; in Red River War, 221 passim; Texas raids, 35, 97, 115, 127 n18, 137, 144, 164, 207–14

  Kiowa-Apache Indians, 94, 133, 160 n13

  Kiowa-Comanche Agency and Reservation, 144, 207 passim

  Klamath Indians, 178, 199, 326

  Klamath Lake Indian Reservation, 178, 180, 199, 216 n30

  Kodiak Island (Alaska), 181–2

  Kotsoteka Comanche Indians, 144, 160 n13, 212, 229. See also Comanche Indians

  Krag-Jorgensen rifle, 72

  Kwahadi Comanche Indians, 154, 160 n13, 207, 209, 229. See also Comanche Indians

  La Plata River (Colo.), 340, 341

  Lake Guzman (Mex.), 184 n12

  Lame Deer (Sioux), 254, 279–80

  Lame Deer Agency (Mont.), 284

  Lame White Man (Cheyenne), 254

  Lane, Sen. Henry, 10

  Lapwai Agency (Ida.), 298–9. See also Nez Percé Reservation

  Lava Beds (Calif.). See Battles

  Lawrence, Kan., 207

  Lawton, Gen. Henry W., 18, 76, 225, 387–92

  Lay, Capt. Richard C., 39 n55

  Lazelle, Maj. Henry M., 281

  Leavenworth, Kan., 1, 94. See also Fort Leavenworth

  Leavenworth, Agent Jesse H., 115 passim, 144

  Lebo, Capt. Thomas C., 387

  Lemhi Reservation (Ida.), 322, 330–1

  Lemhi River (Ida.), 307

  Lerdo de Tejada, Pres. Sebastián, 347, 349, 351

  Leuttwitz, Lt. Adolphus H. von, 271

  Lincoln, Sec. War Robert T., 381

  Linkville, Oreg., 216 n30

  Lipan Indians, 164–6, 344, 347, 350 passim

  Little Arkansas Treaties (1865), 95–7, 140 n11, 164

  Little Bighorn River (Mont.), 73, 123, 124, 254 passim, 278–9, 281. See also Battles

  Little Chief (Cheyenne), 294 n36

  Little Missouri River (N.D.-S.D.), 122, 248, 270, 276, 278, 281

  Little Raven (Arapaho), 115, 140 n16, 155

  Little Robe (Cheyenne), 115, 150, 155

  Little Rock (Cheyenne), 151

  Little Rocky Mountains (Mont.), 312

  Little Wolf (Cheyenne), 275–6, 283–4, 294 n33

  Little Wound (Sioux), 405, 408

  Loco (Apache), 369, 375–6, 378, 380

  Lodge Trail Ridge (Wyo.), 104–5

  Lodgepole Creek (Neb.), 121

  Logan, Sen. John A., 21, 61, 67 n9

  Logan, Capt. William, 307

  Logistics, 48, 221–2, 241; in Arizona, 172, 378 passim; in Pacific Division, 175; of plains campaign of 1868–69, 158–9; of Red River War, 231–2; of Sioux War of 1876, 271

  Lola Trail (Ida.-Mont.), 305–6, 318

  Lone Wolf (Kiowa), 115, 153–4, 209–11, 213, 221, 224, 228, 233

  Looking Glass (Nez Percé), 297, 299, 302, 305–7, 312–7

  Loon Creek (Ida.), 330

  Los Pinos Agency (Colo.), 333, 339–40

  Lost River (Oreg.-Calif.), 199, 203, See also Battles

  Lost Valley (Tex.). See Battles

  Louisiana (State), 61, 142, 166

  Low Dog (Sioux), 284

  Lower Brulé Agency (S.D.), 237–40

  Lower Klamath Lake (Calif.), 199, 205

  Ludington, Maj. Marshall I., 338, 343, n25

  Lummis, Charles F., 393

  Lyman, Capt. Wyllys, 224, 225

  McClellan Creek (Tex.), 225, 226, See also Battles

  McClellan saddle, 75

  McCrary, Sec, War George W., 91, n34, 335, 352

  McDougall, Sen. James A., 10

  McDowell, Gen. Irvin, 14, 39 n58, 175, 178, 185, n28, 325, 400, 411 n7; and Arizona, 170–4, 373–4, 382; characterized, 34, 43 n11; and Nez Percé War, 299, 301, 309, 317–8; and retirement of Ord, 366 n26

  McIntosh, Archie, 180

  McKeever cartridge box, 75

  McKinley, Pres. William, 315

  McLaughlin, Agent James, 404

  McLellan, Maj. C.B., 88, 361

  McPherson, Gen. James B., 67 n9

  MacDonald, Sgt. John, 372

  Mackenzie, Gen. Ranald S., 25, 34, 73, 75, 366 n26, 387, 411 n7; Apache operations, 373–5, 379; characterized, 209; insanity, 400; and Jacksboro affair, 209–10; Mexican operations, 286, 346–50, 354–6; in Red River War, 220 passim; in Sioux War of 1876, 272, 275, 278, 290; and Staked Plains campaigns, 211–2; Ute operations, 338, 340–1

  Macleod, Lt. Col. James F., 285

  Madison River (Mont.), 308

  Malheur Reservation (Oreg.), 180, 323, 325, 328

  Malheur River (Oreg.), 178, 180, 322–3

  Mamanti (Kiowa), 209, 224, 226

  Man-Afraid-of-His-Horse (Sioux), 99

  Mandan Indians, 122, 173

  Mangas (Apache), 369, 380, 382

  Mangas Coloradas (Apache), 185 n28, 359

  Manhattan, Kan., 3

  Manypenny, George W., 14 n28, 264, 272, 340

  Marcy, Gen. Randolph B., 74, 209

  Marias (Mont.). See Battles

  Maricopa Indians, 52, 184 n12

  Marsh, Capt. Grant, 267

  Martine (Apache), 388–90

  Martini, Tptr. Giovanni, 260

  Mason, Gen. John S., 170, 172

  Matson, Lt. Winfield S., 109 n25

  Maus, Lt. Marion P., 384–8

  Mazatzal Mountains (Ariz.), 197

  Meacham, Supt. Ind. Affairs Alfred B., 199, 202–3

  Meagher, Gov. Thomas F., 119–20

  Medal of Honor, 40 n64

  Medical Department, 12, 15, 30–1, 87

  Medicine Arrows (Cheyenne), 155, 228

  Medicine Lodge Creek (Kan.), 133–4, 148

  Medicine Lodge Treaties, 133 passim, 143, 144, 164

  Medicine Water (Cheyenne), 229, 233

  Meeker, Josephine, 337–9

  Meeker, Nathan C., 333–7, 341

  Meeker, Mrs. Nathan C., 337–9, 343 n30

  Meigs, Quartermaster Gen. Montgomery C., 73, 76

  Merritt, Gen. Wesley, 17, 25, 268, 310, 337–9, 366 n26 400, 411 n7

  Mescalero Apache Indians, 356; flee reservation, 169; raids, 164–6, 174, 344–5, 347, 350; range, 184 n12; in Victorio War, 360–5. See also Apache Indians

  Mexico, 76, 184 n12, 286; border friction with U.S., 344–56; Indian raids from, 164–6, 344 passim, 356 passim, 374 passim;, Indian raids in, 164, 207, 344, 345–6. See also specific Mexican states

  Miles, Capt. Evan, 306, 327

  Miles, Agent John D., 207, 221

  Miles, Gen. Nelson A., xiii, 18, 25, 34, 72–3, 322, 328–9, 400, 411 n7, 412 n13; and Apache campaign (1886), 386–93; characterized, 220, 289; evaluation of Sioux command, 288–90; in Ghost Dance troubles, 403–9; in Nez Percé War, 310–9, 321 n24; on Pope, 231; in Red River War, 220 passim; seeks preferment, 277–8, 286–7, 293 n21; and Sioux expedition of 1879, 287; in Sioux War of 1876, 54, 269–70, 272–81

  Military Service Institution of the U.S., 44

  Militia. See Volunteers

  Milk Creek (Colo.). See Battles

  Milk River (Mont.), 287, 289, 290, 312

  Miller, Capt. Marcus P., 303–4, 306

  Mills, Maj. Anson, 20, 75, 90, 255, 270

  Milner, Moses, 50

  Mimbres Apache Indians, 184 n12, 194, 359. See also Gila Apache Indians; Apache Indians

  Miniconjou Sioux Indians, 95, 122, 123 135, 236–7, 404 passim; in war of 1866, 100 passim; in Sioux War of 1876, 254 passim, 273 passim. See also Sioux Indians; Teton Sioux Indians

  Minimic (Cheyenne), 229, 233

  Minnesota (State), 94, 119, 121, 242

  Mississippi River, 1, 93

  Missoula, Mont., 306

  Missouri (State), 13, 131

  Missouri River, 2, 3, 93, 94, 97, 120–2, 132, 135, 236 passim, 272, 274 passim, 282, 286–8, 311–2, 314, 403

  Moache Ute Indians, 332, 341. See also Ute Indians

sp; Modoc Indians, 5, 34, 178, 229; war with, 198–207, 397

  Mogollon Apache Indians, 184 n12, 194, 359. See also Apache; Gila Apache; Chiricahua Apache Indians

  Mogollon Mountains (N.M.), 362

  Mogollon Plateau (Ariz.), 171

  Mogollon Rim (Ariz.), 196, 376

  Mojave Indians, 184 n12, 370

  Monclova Viejo, Mex., 354

  Monida Pass (Ida.), 308

  Montana (Territory), 2, 4, 14, 33, 40 n63, 46, 54, 65, 94, 95, 98, 100, 119–20, 126, 241, 402; defenses, 121–2; Nez Percé War in, 305–15; Sioux Wars in, 251 passim, 267 passim, 286–8

  Montieth, Agent J.B., 299

  Mooers, Surgeon John H., 148

  Moore, Col. Horace L., 162 n37

  Morgan, Mrs. Anna, 162 n37

  Morrill, Sen. Lot, 4

  Morrow, Maj. A.P., 360–1, 362, 365

  Morton, Surgeon Samuel M., 109 n25

  Mount Idaho, Ida., 300, 302

  Mow-way (Comanche), 212, 225, 229

  Moylan, Capt. Myles, 313

  Muddy Creek (Mont.). See Battles

  Mules (supply), with Crook, 48–9, 248–9, 268, 378 passim; with Custer, 258

  Murphy, Supt. Ind. Affairs Thomas, 138

  Musselshell River (Mont.), 243, 274, 286, 311

  Muster Creek (Tex.), 227

  Nachez (Apache), 358, 369, 375, 380–2, 385, 388

  Nacimiento Canyon (Mex.), 345

  Nacori, Mex., 385

  Nakaidoklini (Apache), 371—2, 374 377, 402

  Nakoni Comanche Indians, 144, 154, 160 n13, 221. See also Comanche Indians

  Nana (Apache), 364, 369, 375, 380, 382, 385, 386, 388

  National Rifle Association, 41 n78

  Natiotish (Apache), 376–7

  Navajo Indians, 4, 145, 169, 332

  Nebraska (Territory, State), 3, 13, 122, 130, 135, 239, 141, 246, 278, 283, 403 passim

  Nednhi Chiricahua Apache Indians, 369–70

  Negro Soldiers, 10, 11, 36 n7, 170, 209–10; in Apache campaigns, 359–65; characterized, 25–8; in Ghost Dance troubles, 403, 405, 408, 409; in Texas campaigns, 345 passim

  Neill, Lt. Col. Thomas H., 221, 224, 228–9

  Nelson, Gen. William, 187 n47

  Nevada (State), 2, 14, 175, 177, 322, 328, 402

  Nevada Volunteers, 177

  New Mexico (Territory), 4, 13, 33, 94, 95, 164, 192 194, 219–20, 223, 228, 344–5, 332 402; defense system, 174; operations in 168–70, 174, 356 passim

  New Mexico Volunteers, 168–9

  New Orleans, La., 166

  New York Sun, 22

  New York Times, 77

  New York Tribune, 244

  Nez Percé Indians, 4, 5, 177, 282, 285, 289; reservation of, 298, 306, 314, 315; war of 1877, 24, 35, 49, 296–321, 322–3, 328–9, 397


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