Shared by the Alpha Bears

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Shared by the Alpha Bears Page 4

by Amy Star

  He eventually got himself situated, sitting back on the couch, with me straddling his lap. I took over the fucking motions, thrusting my hips back and forth on his lap as his cock filled me up inside. I gripped the backrest of the couch in my talons, my eyes locked onto his with my mouth hanging open to allow my continued grunts and gasps and expletives to escape it. His hands came up and palmed my bouncing breasts, kneading them in delicate circles and massaging my hard pointed nipples.

  I humped against him until I was convulsing in orgasm again. At that point he held onto me as I thrashed about and screamed in his lap. I clearly lost my awareness of reality for at least a couple seconds, because as my orgasm subsided suddenly Max was standing up, holding me to him by my ass with my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, and he was busy fucking me standing up. This man’s stamina was amazing.

  Still, eventually his legs gave out and we collapsed to the rug, where he continued thrusting down into me. I got the impression from the way he was grunting at that point that he was getting close: I was right. After only a few more strokes, he finally pulled out and knelt over me, stroking that big bear cock of his until he exploded, showering my chest and belly with his spunk.

  I lay there for a while after that, catching my breath and feeling his sperm cooling on me, while he sprawled out on the rug beside me, idly toying with my hair. “Well that was something,” he whispered.

  I laughed. “That’s for sure.”

  I turned my attention to his TV, which I had all but forgotten was still on. “Now they’re doing some thing about badgers,” I mumbled.

  “Boring,” Max bluntly stated. “We should turn that off.”

  “Do you want to get up and find the remote?” he asked.

  “Ask me in about ten minutes,” I said.


  I don’t know how long we laid there, relaxing in post orgasmic bliss with the TV running indistinct in the background, but the next thing I remember happening was hearing the door open. I suddenly bolted upright, my first instinctual reaction being panic at being caught. But when I realized it was Jake, whom I had just done this same thing with the night before, I realized modesty was a moot point.

  I turned my head to see him coming in through the door, with a fresh-killed deer slung over his neck and shoulders, pausing to look at the scene in front of him.

  “Wow, I thought that would take longer,” he mused with a wry grin.

  Max sat up, regarding the dead animal Jake was carrying. “Looks like you caught us a hell of a veal chop,” he said.

  “Really had to work for this one,” Jake said. “But it looks like you’ve been giving Billie a workout yourself.”

  Max and I both laughed at that. “Tell you what,” Max said to Jake, standing up and turning off the TV at last, “since you went to the trouble of catching that animal, why don’t you let me take it out and skin it, and I’ll let you have some time with Billie. And then we can have cooked veal for dinner tonight.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I hummed from where I lay on the floor.

  As I lay there staring up at the ceiling, I heard the sounds of feet moving around me, some shuffling and then the door closing. And a few seconds later, Jake was standing above me. “Any intentions of moving any time soon?” he asked.

  “I could potentially be motivated.” I actually really meant that, because as I stared up at him, seeing the large phallus dangling in the air above me, I realized something: I was still horny.

  “Could you grab me some tissues?” I asked, before I started sitting up with a groan.

  He promptly obliged me, handing me a handful of tissues which I used to start cleaning Max’s drying sperm off my body.

  “So how was he?” Jake asked as I got to my feet.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Keeping score?”

  He shrugged. “Honestly, just trying to make conversation.”

  I paused a bit before I answered. It started to occur to me how weird the situation might have been under normal circumstances. Here I was, talking to a guy I’d had sex with last night, asking me my experience with another guy I’d sex with just a few minutes ago, when that later had freely left me with the former I might add, and neither of them was displaying anything resembling possessiveness or jealousy. “Is this really okay with you?” I asked. “I guess I should have thought of this earlier, but does the fact that I’ve now done it with both of you in under twenty-four hours bother you?”

  “Not really,” he answered honestly. “It’s not that uncommon for alpha bears who share a territory to share… other things. And believe it or not, you’re not the first woman we’ve both been with.”


  “Long story.”

  I looked over his hulking body again, and began slowly sashaying towards him. “So… since Max just left you to ‘have some time with me,’ does that mean with have an invitation to…?”

  Almost immediately I saw a reaction beginning in his dick. “If you’re up for it,” he grinned.

  “I think the more important question is whether you’re up,” I smirked. “Which if I have anything to say about it, you will be in a minute.”

  With that I dropped to my knees in front of him, taking hold of his stiffening prick and taking it into my mouth. I rapidly stroked and sucked him to full hardness, in turn, forcing my lips and jaw to stretch as he grew bigger and bigger inside my mouth. I danced my tongue around his bulbous head, which grew thicker and spongier as he hardened, licking at the underside and flicking the tip of my tongue over his little hole.

  Even after I had him diamond hard, I continued to suck, simply letting myself enjoy having the thick fleshy shaft filling my mouth. He started getting into it, thrusting into my mouth even as I bobbed my head. Eventually he started thrusting a little too deep, getting dangerously close to my throat. I took it for as long as I could, before I finally pulled off of him after he very nearly poked my tonsils. “Easy there, big boy, I ain’t Linda Lovelace,” I said, still stroking him.

  “Sorry, babe,” he said. “I guess your enthusiasm is a little infectious.”

  “Oh yeah? What is it making you want to do?”

  He grinned wide. “Could you be any less subtle?”

  “Then why don’t you not so subtly show me what you want?”

  Well, he did that all right. He lifted me up by my underarms and pushed me over to the couch, bending me forward to put my hands on the armrest. His fingers rubbed at my wet, hungry slit, diddling my clit and pushing his fingers in and out of me. I shuddered, making a sound that was both a laugh and a pleasured moan. Then I gasped aloud when he shoved his nose into my ass crack, applying his mouth to my pussy. My ass wriggled about on his face, and my head drooped down, my eyes closed and my mouth hanging open, letting gasp after gasp escape from it as he tongued me.

  Once he practically had me wet enough to fill a lake, he stood up, and I felt his cock. He pushed inside me in one smooth, easy motion, making me pop my head back up and moan loudly. He gripped my hips as handholds and started fucking me with sharp, quick thrusts.

  “How’s that for not so subtle?” he grunted.

  “Not bad,” I grunted back. “How’s this: fuck me hard, big bear!”

  He certainly obliged me there. He pounded me, making my body jerk forward with every thrust. With the noise I heard myself making, I was pretty certain Max could hear me outside, and I imagined he was probably looking up from the deer he was trying to skin to the very distracting sounds coming from inside the cabin.

  I twisted around, putting one hand on my ass and looking back over my shoulder into his face. “Unh, yeah, fuck me! Fuuuuck meee! Ooh, yeah, you’re gonna make me cum! Unh! Harder! Yeah! AAAAAAHHHHHH!”

  “You got a mouth on you, Billie!” he grunted.

  “And it’ll suck you off good and proper!” I grunted back.

  When my orgasm ripped through me, I collapsed forward, burying my screaming mouth in the leather. He pulled out of me as my
pussy convulsed, moving around to my front, kneeling on the couch beside me. When I recovered and opened my eyes to see his glistening cock floating in front of me, I immediately dove for it, tasting my own juices on him as I stuffed him into my mouth. He put a hand on my head, trying to direct me. But in this instance, it was I who was the wild beast. And I would not be tamed.

  I only spent a minute or two sucking him before I could no longer wait for more. I stood up, and he turned and sat down on the couch. I turned around and backed myself onto his lap, reaching between my legs to take hold of his cock and aim him towards my opening as I sat down.

  Once I had his thickness settled inside me, I steadily got into a rhythm of bouncing on his lap. I leaned back against his chest, closing my eyes and groaning as my hips moved up and down. He reached around to palm my breasts in his strong bear hands, expertly taking control of them, making me squirm even as I kept bouncing. I looked down to see his big paws mauling my tits, and with my blood burning with excitement I reached down to furiously rub my clit.

  I started churning my hips about in rapid circles as I felt myself getting closer to another orgasm. My mouth would not close, not even enough to form the slew of dirty words that were on the tip of my tongue. I couldn’t tell Jake to keep fucking me, or describe how wonderful his cock felt, or that I was going to come again soon. All I could do was keep screaming. And then when my orgasm hit me, all I could do was throw my head back and scream louder.

  As soon as I recovered I hopped up off of him and spun around, dropping to my knees between his legs and taking his juice-covered cock into my mouth again. I slurped him with gusto, jacking him for all I was worth, eager to receive the salty treat that awaited me inside it. Before long, I heard him grunting, and turned my eyes up to see his face contorting, and I knew I had him. I opened my mouth as I continued to jack him, letting him see his cum splashing inside my mouth.

  I suddenly regretted that move, deciding I’d gotten a bit too caught up in the moment and bitten off a little more than I could chew—so to speak. I’d never been very good at swallowing a guy’s spunk, and most of my attempts had ended in embarrassment. But I determined not to fall into that this time. Suppressing my gag reflex, I slowly gulped it down bit by bit, finally opening my mouth to his view once it was gone.

  “You are quite the enthusiastic little minx, aren’t you?”

  “That’s a relief,” I said. “If I came across as an enthusiastic little skunk, then I’d be worried.”

  He laughed. “And she’s still funny.”

  I put a hand to my mouth. “I hope you won’t be offended if I say I think I need to brush my teeth now.”

  He smiled, and shook his head.

  When I returned from Max’s bathroom, Jake had turned on the TV and was watching the postgame report while sipping a beer. I joined him on the couch, and he held out an arm in invitation for me to cuddle up to him. I sagged against his body, trying to pretend I was interested in what he was watching.

  “You know, it’s probably a good thing we’re out in the middle of the woods,” I commented. “If we were back at my place we’d probably have gotten police called on us.”

  “No kidding,” he agreed. “With the kind of noise you made, I’m sure any people around would have completely panicked. You’re lucky there aren’t any.”

  “We probably scared the hell out of some squirrels, though,” I joked.

  “And I’d venture to guess Max, too,” he said.

  “Oh, yeah,” I dryly laughed. “Think we should go check on him?”

  “If you want to, that’s fine with me.”

  “Okay, I think I will,” I said. And I didn’t move. “Any minute now.” I was honestly trying to make myself get up, but Jake’s side was a bit too comfortable, and I was a bit too tapped out after the workout he’d just given me.

  “You’re just bursting with energy, aren’t you?” he joked. I gave an exhausted laugh.

  I continued sitting there, pretending to care about the postgame report, until about ten minutes later I finally found the will to sit up and get to my feet with a groan.

  “Okay, I’m really gonna go check on him now,” I said.

  I was about halfway to the door when Jake said, “I hope you’re not squeamish about skinned animals.”

  “I think I can handle it.”

  I stepped outside and called for Max. “Around here,” I heard him call back.

  I walked around the side of the cabin to find Max moving to discard the deerskin he had finished removing from the carcass that lay on the slab. “You’re a pretty fast worker,” I said.

  “I think I worked at pretty normal speed,” he said. “But I can see how it might seem fast, with how busy you sounded in there.”

  I stepped forward to examine the skinned deer. “You know, I’ve never eaten a freshly killed animal before.”

  “I can find something refrigerated and save this for another night if you want,” he offered.

  “No, it’s fine! I’m looking forward to it!”

  “That’s good,” he said, grabbing a towel to wipe his hands off. “What do you say to lunch?”

  “Already?” I said. “Don’t we need to chop this thing up and cook it first?”

  “The deer is dinner,” Max clarified. “Lunch is roast beef sandwiches.”

  “Oh. That sounds good, too.”


  After lunch, Jake took some time to go chop up the deer meat, and then later in the day Max went to throw it in the oven. Other than that, the three of us spent the better of the day lounging about, watching TV, drinking beer or playing cards.

  Once it started to get dark, Max pulled the veal from the oven to finish seasoning it. Before long, what had started as a dead animal slung over Jake’s shoulders was a delicious-looking plate of meat with sides of veggies and potatoes being set in front of me. I could say this for my big furry hosts: for guys who lived miles and miles away from nowhere, they knew how to make a girl feel welcome.

  We finished eating and collapsed back into our chairs, patting our full bellies and luxuriating in our pleasant little food comas. “That was good stuff,” I grunted.

  “I’ll say,” Max said. “I haven’t had veal that fresh in way too long.”

  “I figured having a guest over was an occasion for something special,” Jake said. “Well, special for her anyway.”

  “That’s right, don’t you eat stuff like that pretty much all the time?” Max pointed out.

  “What can I say,” Jake shrugged, “I’m a purist.”

  “That’s good for you, nature boy,” Max said.

  “You got anything for dessert?” Jake asked him.

  I leaned forward on my elbows, twining my fingers together and grinning suggestively. “I had something in mind for dessert.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Max said, catching the vibe I was exuding. “What’s that?”

  “Well… I was kind of hoping the two of you were on the menu.”

  Jake raised an eyebrow. “Really? After everything we did this morning?”

  “That was this morning! How long do you expect a girl to wait around?”

  “Well, it’s not that I don’t appreciate your enthusiasm…” Jake began.

  “But…?” I said, leaning back and thrusting my chest out, trying my best to entice them. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna make me take care of myself tonight?” I hefted my breasts in my hands a couple times to sweeten the pot.

  “I know I’m not,” Max grinned, getting up from his chair and stepping up beside me, gently putting a hand on my shoulder.

  I looked pleadingly at Jake. “Come on, Jake! Would it help if I said pretty please with pussy on top?”

  Jake rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at my stupid joke, before laughing, “Okay, what the hell.”

  I got up from my chair, and the guys moved to either side of me, each of them putting an arm around my back as they guided me to Max’s bedroom. At one point Max’s hand slid down and goosed my ass, ma
king me jump and giggle at him.

  As soon as we reached the bedroom, I turned and pulled Max down with one arm to kiss him. His tongue eagerly probed into my mouth, finding my own there waiting for it. Jake meanwhile began kissing the side of my face and neck, while tenderly fondling my breast. Max had his hand on my ass, caressing my curves back there. I eventually turned my head to kiss Jake, and dueled tongues with him for a while before switching back to Max. I reveled in the attention of two passionate men showering affection on me, which only made me that much more excited.

  I reached my hands down, finding a long, stiff shaft jutting out on either side of me, and wrapped a hand around each of them. I had never handled two cocks at once before, and the feeling of having one in each hand sent all kinds of naughty thrills down my spine. I began slowly stroking both of them, feeling every ridge and vein on them in my hands.


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