Shared by the Alpha Bears

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Shared by the Alpha Bears Page 6

by Amy Star

  I jumped about a foot in the air when I saw my landlord sitting in my easy chair, watching me come in with his vulture’s eyes, puffing on his cigar and stinking up the room. “Mr. Norton!” I gasped.

  “You think I didn’t see you pull up, freeloader?” he rasped.

  “I, uh…”

  “So what, you thought you’d skip town for a couple days and I’d just forget that you’re still a month behind?”

  “No, I swear, I just… needed a little vacation.”

  “You don’t get a vacation from your rent, toots. I hope you enjoyed your getaway, because if you don’t pay up by the end of the week, it’ll be permanent.”

  I gaped at him as he pushed himself up from the chair with his cane. “Mr. Norton, I told you I’m just out of a job!”

  “And ain’t that a bitch,” he grumbled as he stepped up beside me on his way to the door. “Show me the money, or I show you the door.” He took a drag from his cigar and blew a puff of smoke right in my face before he walking out. I coughed and gagged, and slammed the door after him.

  I grabbed a beer and curled up on my couch. I didn’t last long there before I determined I had to do something about the smell the rotten old stick had left behind. I grabbed a can of Febreeze and began spraying everywhere, and then collapsed back on the couch again and proceeded to guzzle the drink in my hand. I wanted more than anything to go across the hall and tell that old fart to go fuck himself; if only I wouldn’t have been condemning myself to homelessness if I did that.

  I spent several hours lying awake that night, feeling the very stark emptiness of my bed. I wanted my bears. I wanted them here with me… I wanted to hold them…

  For a brief moment, I grinned to myself. They weren’t just bears; they were my teddy bears! And they were miles away. My smile disappeared again. No use dwelling on “I wish.” Reality calls.

  I woke up the next morning and heated myself some frozen waffles, a pale excuse for breakfast after Jake’s pancakes. I stepped outside into the busy, smoggy city around me. After spending three wonderful days enjoying the woods and the affection of two big strong men, now I had to endure a day of applying for jobs with employers who didn’t look any happier to be doing their jobs than I was to be applying me a job.

  The one bright spot in my day was meeting my friend Mina from my old job for lunch. We went to one of my favorite places, that sandwich joint down the street from where we used to work together. She regaled me with questions about my “hiking” trip—I’d almost forgotten that was what it was originally intended as. I got kind of spacy as I got into telling her about it. I did in fact tell her about the fact that I met two guys out in the woods and that I fucked both several times. I just left out the part about them turning into big hulking beasts.

  She told me how jealous she was, and with a smirk, she shamelessly admitted she’d always wanted to experience two men at once. She actually started asking me to get a little more graphic than I probably should have in a public place. I’m a little ashamed to say I told her anyway, but at least I had the good sense enough to keep my voice down. She asked me for specific details; what positions did I take them in? Which one did I do first? Who was bigger? I only blushed when she asked if they DP’ed me. I admitted that with how big both of them were, I didn’t think I was up for taking either of them up the back door, even if I had ever tried that with any man in the first place.

  It was a nice diversion and a nice trip back into memories of the days I’d just had, but all too soon lunch was over and it was back to reality for me. By the end of the day, I was no closer to finding a new job and finding the money I needed to keep living across from that old stinker…

  Why was I putting up with this again? Why was I breaking my back to earn enough to remain under the roof of a rotten bastard like him? As I sat in front of my TV watching the latest celebrity gossip channel with my microwaved lasagna, my thoughts kept turning back to the conversation I had with Jake on that rock. Why was I going back, he asked me? And I told him I had to. But now that I was here, I honestly couldn’t remember why.

  Was it to late to go running back to Jake and Max? Was it too early? Was I giving up too easily? Was it worth continuing to endure? In the battle between temptation and good sense, good sense didn’t seem to have too many compelling arguments. These thoughts could wait, I decided. I still had a couple more days before Mr. Norton’s ultimatum. After a few more beers and bad sitcoms, I began to wonder if I was wrong to hope I didn’t find a new job.

  The next thing I remember was waking up on my couch with the TV still on. It took me a minute to distinguish the pounding on my door from the pounding in my head. I turned off the morning traffic report and got up with a painful grunt, trying to shake off my hangover and wondering which was more urgent, the door or the bathroom. I ultimately chose the door, which I ended up regretting as soon as I opened it, and found Mr. Norton’s ugly face scowling at me, still hitting the door with the head of his cane.

  I blinked, half hoping he might disappear once I woke up more. “Mr. Norton?” I rasped.

  “Do you have my rent, freeloader?”

  “You said I had until the end of the week.”

  “It’s a legit question.”

  “No, I don’t have it.”

  “Then I hope you know a good cheap hotel.”

  “Do I have until the end of the week or not?”

  “I’m seriously questioning it.”

  It was a terrible temptation to just slam the door right on his big, gourd-shaped nose, but my better judgment held out. And I’m really glad I didn’t because of what I saw a second later. “Is the old guy bothering you?” a familiar voice said.


  looked up, and blinked several times, thinking at first that I must still be delirious from drinking too much. But I soon realized that the person I was seeing behind Mr. Norton was in fact really there.

  “Max?” I gasped.

  “Hey Billie.”

  I think I knocked Mr. Norton right on his rusty hip replacement in my rush to embrace Max. I wasn’t paying attention to the old stinker anymore. I jumped into Max’s arms, throwing my legs around his waist and showering his face with kisses.

  “Whoa, whoa, I’m happy to see you too, but easy, girl!”

  I calmed down enough to put my feet back on the floor, and guided him into my apartment, stepping over the prone form of Mr. Norton, who grunted up at me, “I think you broke my good hip!”

  “And ain’t that a bitch,” I said before closing the door on him.

  Max made a move to advance on me, but I held up a hand to stop him, suddenly conscious of my less than auspicious state. “I’m sorry, I’m just a mess right now. I’m kind of hung over, and I really need to pee. And be honest with me, how’s my hair? If it looks like I just slept on the couch after too many Coronas, it’s because that’s exactly what I did.”

  “You’re a damn sight better than not seeing you was.”

  I was sorely tempted to kiss him some more, but that would have to wait until I was more presentable. “I’ll be back after I freshen up,” I said. “Make yourself at home.”

  I relieved myself, showered and brushed my teeth, and was about to step back out of the bathroom when I stopped and looked down at the towel I was wrapped in. I grinned to myself, remembering whose company I was in and decided I should start rethinking some of my trained habits. I hung the towel back on the rack, and stepped out again buck-naked.

  Max was apparently hungry as… well, a bear, since I found him with his head in my fridge when I returned. “You don’t have any ham, do you?”

  “Never been much of a cook,” I shrugged. “Can you make do?”

  “It may not be exactly Chateau le Max but I think I can come up with something. Have you had breakfast yet?”

  “Literally just woke up right before you got here.”

  “Perfect! Breakfast for two!”

  I watched him start pulling ingredients from the fridge, not payi
ng attention to what they were. I was just looking at him. As he set them down on the counter, I stepped up beside him and put a hand on his shoulder, finally getting him to look at me. “Max,” I said, “not that I’m not delighted to see you, but what the hell are you doing here?”

  “Well isn’t that obvious?” he said, putting a hand on my naked hip. “I missed the fuck out of you, so I came down to see you.”

  “After one day?”

  “Are you going to stand there and tell me you weren’t dying to see me too?” He had a cocky smirk on his face as he said this, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t right. So I answered him with a kiss.

  I sat down as he got back to cooking. “All seriousness,” he said, “after you left, Jake and I tried to get back to our normal routines, but, having had you around had kind of shaken things up. Suddenly the regular stuff just felt plain dull. Jake said we would have to get used to not having you around again, and things would be just the usual, but, I wasn’t as interested in getting used to things. We argued about it for a long time. Jake kept saying it was your life, and we should get back to ours, even though I could tell he was missing you like crazy, too. I kept trying to tell him we should say ‘fuck it’ and just come get you. I eventually let him think he won and came back out here on my own. He doesn’t know I’m here, and he’d probably have a few words for me if he did.”

  “Jake, you bastard,” I grinned.

  Max whipped us up some very tempting French toast with sides of fruit. It wasn’t spectacular, but it was pretty damn good for what he had to work with. We sat down and ate together, while he listened to me prattle about my curmudgeonly old landlord and the things I’d like to do to him. As we finished eating, he extended his hand to place atop mine as he continued to listen to me talk.

  “At least things are starting to turn around now,” I said at last. “Now that you’re here. I just wish Jake could have come too.”

  He pursed his lips for a second, and said, “I hope you don’t mind me saying that I’m glad for this chance to get you to myself for a while.”

  I grinned. “No, I don’t think I do mind that. In fact, right at this moment I can only think of one thing I do mind.”

  “And what’s that?” he said.

  “The fact that you’re still dressed.”


  Ten minutes later, Max had me bent over the couch, shoving my face into the cushions as he drilled me from behind. I was suddenly glad for the fact that I had most likely immobilized Mr. Norton for a while or he would likely have been pounding on my door again in response to the noise I was making, although I was doing my best to muffle it with the couch cushions.

  My wrist was about to fall off with the speed at which I was frigging my clit, desperately trying to get myself off after the two times he’d made me come already. It still amazed me how many orgasms I was able to get out of a single fuck with my one of my bears. Or both, for that matter. No other man had ever gotten me off as much as they did. And if that was the only appeal they had, in comparison with everything else in my life that would almost be enough.

  He managed to get a third shrieking orgasm out of me before he finally erupted inside my depths, and we collapsed onto the couch. I ended up sprawled with my head cradled in his lap, looking up into his face, cupping my pussy with one hand to catch the leakage from what he’d left inside me. “Thank you, Max,” I hummed. “I needed that sooooooo bad.”

  “I think that makes two of us,” he said.

  “Wow,” I thought out loud. “If I was this much of a wreck without you and Jake for one day, how am I ever going to make it through a week?”

  He tenderly stroked my hair. “I’m kind of hoping you won’t have to.”

  I looked pointedly up at him. “Are you trying to say something?”

  “Come on, Billie, who are you trying to kid here?” he said. “You’re miserable here. You’ve told us all about it; you’re struggling to find enough money all just so you can keep putting up with that crotchety bastard. At what point is any of this worth it? You should come back to the woods and live with Jake and me.”

  “Which one of you? You guys live in separate cabins.”

  “Who cares? You could stay with one of us one night and the other the next. And then some nights we all stay in the same cabin. We’ll work it out once you’re out of this hellhole.”

  “I don’t want to be a kept woman, you know. I don’t want to depend on you guys to care for me.”

  “You don’t have to. You can do freelance work online, like Jake and I do. How do you think we make money? We only look like backwoods hicks, Billie; it may surprise you, but we actually do have Wi-Fi receivers out there.”


  “Really. We’re bears for the modern world, never doubt that.”

  I giggled a little. “Are you gonna have an answer for everything?”

  “Do you need one?”

  “I guess that’s a yes.” I thought for a second, and added, “And a pretty good one, too.”

  “Come on,” he said, “quit dancing around the topic. What do you say?”

  I was silent for a little longer than I probably needed to be. But then I looked up him and said, “You already know what my answer is, don’t you?”

  “Oh yeah, baby,” he grinned.

  I sat up and twisted around, pulling his face to me to kiss him. And right when we were in the middle of making out, I heard a knock at my door. I released Max’s lips from mine to groan. “How many times in a day does he need to harp on me about my rent?”

  “You think if you answered the door looking like that he’d have a heart attack?” he asked, alluding to my current nudity.

  “That would require him to have a heart in the first place,” I joked. A mischievous grin crept into my face, and I added, “I think it would be worth it to find out, though.”

  And without bothering to go find some clothes, I got up and walked to the door.

  Before opening it, however, some unsolicited spark of good sense made me stop and look through the peephole.

  And my mouth fell open.

  “Oh my god,” I laughed.

  “What is it?” Max asked.

  I turned a big grin to him. “It’s Jake!”

  I eased the door open, giving him my best Playboy lean against the doorway. “What took you so long, stud?” I husked.

  “Uh…” he stammered, clearly not expecting this.

  I laughed, and grabbed and pulled him by the wrist. “Get in here, you doof!”

  He staggered inside as I shut the door behind him, coming to a sudden stop and seeing Max on my couch. “Hey, Jake,” Max said, casually throwing a hand up.

  Jake looked back and forth between us several times. “How long has he been here?” he finally asked me.

  I shrugged. “Fifteen, twenty minutes maybe?”

  “Glad to see you stand by your convictions, man,” Max quipped.

  Jake grimaced, and said, “Fine, you got me. I missed her, too.”

  I stepped up to Jake and put my arms around my neck. “I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s been a complete wreck since I came home. …Wow, that sounds so nasty when I say it out loud.”

  “It’s appreciated anyway,” Jake said, and bent to kiss me.

  “Thank you,” I smiled. “Now would you hurry up and get naked already? I haven’t been properly fucked by a big strong bear in almost five whole minutes!”

  Jake gaped at Max in both amusement and disbelief. “Max, man, what have we created?”

  I didn’t know the answer to his question, but whatever they’d created was, it drained his balls dry in under twenty minutes. After the treatment they both had given me over my little vacation, just one day without it had made me positively ravenous.

  I started by dropping to my knees and extracting his cock while he was still busy staring at Max, wondering what to do with me, so I kind of took him by surprise. But once he got into it, clothes started raining down around me. When
I finally looked up at him again with his big bear cock still in my mouth, I was greeted with the sight of huge pectorals looming over me, paving the path up to his face.

  He soon showed me how much he’d missed me by throwing me into a chair and diving face-first between my legs. I gasped and threw my head back, scrabbling at his head and kicking my legs about as he showered affection on my nether regions. I opened my eyes to see Max still seated on the couch watching me, beginning to stroke his shaft which was quickly regaining the hardness I had just relieved it of minutes ago.


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