Our Darkest Dare

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Our Darkest Dare Page 18

by Sarah Bailey

  I pulled her back to me, kissing her again and ignoring her statement. Kira didn’t protest. She shifted in my lap, pressing her whole body against mine. Now there was no hiding the way she affected me. And I didn’t want to.

  My hand slid from her hair down her back before I pressed it to the arm of the sofa and heaved both of us up. Kira wrapped her legs around my waist as my hands banded around her behind. I carried her towards my bedroom in the suite, continuing to kiss her as I couldn’t stop.

  I set her down on the bed and covered her body with my own. Her legs opened as if on instinct, allowing me to fit myself between them. We ground against each other, our hands trying to touch everywhere we could on each other’s bodies.

  A single thought almost stopped me in my tracks. Not expecting anything to happen, I hadn’t brought protection with me. I kept kissing her. There were other things I could do that didn’t involve full sex. There was no getting off the train now. I needed this. And she definitely needed this with the way her body was writhing against me.

  My hands went to her thighs, pushing up her light blue summery dress, which she’d bought especially for the trip. I tugged down her underwear, before my fingers were between her legs, stroking along her wetness. Kira moaned in my mouth, her hands gripping my back. I slid two fingers inside her, my thumb landing on her clit. She turned her face from mine, her breath coming out in short, sharp bursts.

  “Duke, what… oh… oh god.”

  I kissed my way down her jaw, moving down her body. I watched Kira’s wide eyes when I reached her pussy. And I revelled in the gasp falling from her lips when my tongue sought out her clit.


  Her taste intoxicated me. I couldn’t get enough. Kira bucked, a moan spilling from her lips with the movement. Watching her come apart for me had my heart in fucking knots. The way her hands fisted the sheets. Her erratic breath. Her eyes fixed on me as if she couldn’t look away. There was no sight more stunning. Kira was the girl I compared everyone else to. No one matched her in my eyes.

  When she came, she cried out, her body trembling and bucking with her climax. I tried to drag it out as much as I could, giving her all the pleasure she deserved. Kira hadn’t been with anyone else intimately except me. I wanted to make sure she was treated the way she should be. She should have positive experiences with sex. Many people in this world didn’t get that.

  She closed her eyes when she came down, her hands releasing the covers. I sat up on my knees, watching her closely. My cock dug into my shorts, but I didn’t care about myself. Kira was the only thing on my mind. I stroked my fingers down her leg, wanting to make sure she was good.

  “Is this what we’re doing now?” she murmured.


  “Kissing and sex stuff.”

  I couldn’t help smiling.

  “Are you complaining about me making you come?”

  Her eyes flew open.

  “No, definitely not.”

  “Can we agree I’m not bad at kissing now then?”

  She bit her lip as her hands pulled her dress down to cover her pussy.

  “Your kissing skills were never in question.”

  I leant over her, placing my hands by her head.


  Her eyes widened.

  “Not at all.”

  I dropped my face to hers, stopping within an inch of her mouth.


  I kissed her again. Kira’s fingers speared into my hair, holding me to her as if she didn’t want to stop. Her other hand ran down my chest and across my stomach. When it landed on my cock, I groaned in her mouth. She stroked her fingers up and down the length of it, making me push my hips into her hand.

  Kira’s hand left my hair. She fumbled with my clothes, freeing me and wrapping her hand around my length. I shifted, placing one of my hands over hers and showing her exactly how to stroke me. Her small, delicate hand felt so good around my cock.

  When I was getting close, I pulled back slightly. I didn’t want to get it over her dress. She must have realised my intention as she pushed me to sit up on my knees. The next thing I knew, Kira had shifted and her mouth wrapped around the head of my cock. I stared down at her head, wondering what the fuck I’d done to deserve this heaven. Instinctively, my hand went to her hair, threading my fingers through the soft strands. She was a little clumsy at first as she took more of me. I encouraged her with my fingers on her scalp.

  “Fuck, Kira,” I groaned when she found a rhythm.

  Her mouth was hot and wet and the suction was perfect. My other hand went to her neck, fingers curling around the back of it. Kira didn’t pull away. She kept sucking me and making me feel so damn good.

  My head tipped back when my climax hit, a grunt escaping my mouth. It hit way too fast for me to even signal to her it was imminent. Kira didn’t pull off me though, she took everything I had as I emptied myself in her mouth. Only when I was done, did I tug her away. She shifted back and looked up at me, swallowing down what I’d given her.

  “Was that okay?” she whispered.

  I stroked her hair.

  “More than.”

  I lay down next to her and bundled her up in my arms, kissing the top of her head. We could clean up in a minute. Right now, I wanted to hold her and reassure her we were okay. Neither of us said anything. Not sure there was much to say other than to ask what we were doing. I didn’t have an answer. We hadn’t exactly had a chance to talk about how this shit would work between us. Maybe we should stay in this bubble whilst we were in New York and face reality when we went back home.

  If Kira pushed me to talk about it, I would, but I didn’t want this to end right now. If I could hold on to these moments where I could pretend we were real, I would. And maybe… just maybe… I could sort my own shit out and give Kira what she deserved.

  A relationship with someone who loved her unequivocally.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Whatever was happening between me and Duke, I stopped questioning it. We had too much going on with my dad being sick in hospital and getting married. So what if we’d found comfort in each other the first night in New York? It didn’t have to mean anything.

  It did mean something though. The way I’d felt when we’d kissed and he’d gone down on me couldn’t be described. Nor the way I’d wanted to give him pleasure in return. My heart grew ever more attached to Duke. To the idea of us being real and not this fake relationship we were playing out for my father. I wanted desperately for my dream of a future with him to come true. The futility of that dream crushed me. It’s why I couldn’t think about it. Why I couldn’t consider the consequences of our actions. It would stop me from going through with this whole marriage thing. And I couldn’t go back on it now. Not when we were so close.

  Yesterday, we’d spent all day out in the city. We’d bought wedding outfits together, which had been a lot of fun. We’d visited Central Park, walked around Times Square at night, and stuffed ourselves silly with doughnuts and pizza. When we got back to the hotel, I slept in Duke’s bed again, although we did nothing other than kiss even though he had purchased condoms whilst we were out. We were both exhausted.

  Now Duke and I stood next to Brooklyn Bridge with our officiant, Katelin, her assistant, Regina, who’d agreed to help us Livestream the ceremony, and a photographer called Brennan who was acting as our witness. I wore a very simple lacey A-line white dress which fell to my knees. Duke looked gorgeous in a pair of navy chinos, a light blue shirt, braces and his shirt collar open. We didn’t want the occasion to be super formal. I’d done my own makeup and bought a little bunch of lilies on the way here. I was thankful the sun was shining, and the day was beautiful.

  I’d had my phone in my hand, waiting whilst Lisa held it up in front of my father.

  “Kira, darling,” came his voice as his face appeared on the screen.

  “Dad! How are you feeling?”

m okay.”

  He stammered over his words. It was a part of his condition. He couldn’t speak as well as he used to as his Parkinson’s progressed.

  “Let me see you.”

  I handed the phone over to Duke to allow Dad to see my outfit. I did a little twirl for him. Duke grinned and turned the phone around, standing next to me and putting his arm around my waist.

  “You look stunning. Don’t they make a beautiful couple?”

  I could hear Lisa agreeing in the background.

  “Thank you, Dad. I’m going to give the phone to Regina now. I’ll talk to you when the ceremony is finished, okay?”

  “Yes, yes, good luck.”

  I smiled, stepping out of Duke’s hold and giving my phone to Regina. She gave me a nod and stepped back to get us all in the frame. Duke and I turned to Katelin.

  “Are you both ready to begin?” she asked with a bright smile.

  “I think so,” I replied, trying not to get cold feet over the whole thing.

  If I pretended this was a real wedding and Duke and I were in love, I could get through it. The way Duke had looked at me all morning made it easy. He’d told me I’d never looked more stunning before we left the hotel. His compliment made me feel good about myself. Ever since the first night we’d slept together when the morning after he’d told me I was beautiful, I’d stopped doubting myself so much. Stopped feeling as though I wasn’t worthy. Duke helped me see I was attractive in my own way. I didn’t have to look like other girls to be wanted and loved.

  Duke was my safety net when the world was against me. He gave me a boost. He only ever lifted me up. I could never adequately thank him enough for everything he’d done for me. And today, he was going above and beyond what any normal friend would do. Guess it went to show when you really care about someone, you’d do anything for them.

  Katelin started talking, but my attention was dragged away from her words when Duke took my hands in his and looked at me. Those blue eyes were full of emotion. He captivated me, pinning me to the spot with his gaze. Duke might be my strength, but he was also my biggest weakness. Saying no to him felt almost impossible. It’s how we’d even got into this situation. This wedding was his idea. Today I’d live through the fantasy of us being in love without worrying or fearing the future.

  After Katelin had affirmed Brennan as the witness, she turned to Duke.

  “Do you take Kira Renata Willis to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer ‘I do’.”

  Duke squeezed my hand.

  “I do.”

  Katelin turned to me and asked me if I took Duke to be my lawfully wedded husband. I smiled at her before responding with, “I do.”

  “Thank you both. Kira and Duke have now prepared some vows they would like to share.”

  Katelin handed Duke a small piece of paper. I watched Duke swallow before he turned his attention to me. He’d written them on the plane ride over here.

  “Kira, you’ve been my best friend for fourteen years and stood by my side through the toughest times of my life. You’ve made me laugh, cry, and everything in between. There is no one I would rather share the rest of my days with than you. To me, you’re irreplaceable. I promise I’ll always stand with you and care for you the way you deserve. And I dare you to do the same for me.”

  My heart lurched. The sincerity in his voice disarmed me on every level. He meant it. Duke might not be in love with me, but he loved me. I swallowed down the lump in my throat, knowing it was my turn to say the things I’d written on the plane. They weren’t quite as deep as Duke’s. Somehow everything I wanted to say felt inadequate. How could I ever put down in words what this man in front of me meant?

  “Kira?” Katelin addressed me.

  I hadn’t realised she was holding out my piece of paper. I took it with a shaky hand and stared down at the words. They were blurring together. I took a breath. Duke squeezed my hand tight and gave me a reassuring look.

  “Duke, you’ve always been my person. From the day we met, I had a feeling you’d stay in my life forever and now I know for sure. I promise to give you my all, be your friend when you’re in need and your partner in everything else, even when you dare me to do stupid things and push me out of my comfort zone. You’re my everything and I know I’m yours too.”

  Duke reached up and wiped away a stray tear that had fallen down my cheek before giving me a smile.

  Katelin started talking again about how we’d accepted each other as man and wife, but I was hardly listening. We then had to sign our marriage certificate with Brennan acting as a witness. It was a little awkward, but we managed it.

  Finally, Katelin had us stand together and gave us both a nod.

  “By the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Duke moved towards me. I completely forgot about my father watching us. All I wanted was Duke’s kiss, sealing our vows to each other. His lips were gentle when they met mine. It was brief. Too brief. When he pulled back, there was a sort of hunger in his eyes which almost had me trembling. A promise of something to come later. His expression cleared the next moment.

  “It is my honour to introduce Duke and Kira, your newlyweds.”

  There was no big cheer or clapping, but I could hear Lisa and Dad through the phone. Duke hugged me then, burying his face in my hair.

  “That was intense,” he whispered.

  “Just a little.”

  He pulled away and Regina handed me my phone back.

  “We did it, Dad,” I said after Duke huddled close to see my dad.

  “Congratulations,” Dad said, all smiles, “I’m so proud. Thank you for giving me this. I owe you both so much.”

  I almost welled up again, but I held back my tears.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We spoke to my dad for a little longer before hanging up. I could talk to him more tomorrow as it was getting late in the UK now. Duke and I needed to head back to the City Clerk’s office as we’d opted to sort out getting all the paperwork in order today to make sure our marriage would be legally recognised back home. We got everything else sorted with Katelin and Brennan. He’d provide us with a link to access our photos online.

  Duke and I were finally alone when we got in a cab to get back into the city. He held my hand in my lap, stroking his fingers down my palm.

  “Stan seemed happy,” he murmured a moment later.

  Dad had looked ecstatic. Or as ecstatic as he could look, given his condition.

  “We did an amazing thing for him.”

  “Yeah… shit, we got married.”

  I laughed because we had. It was crazy. Almost too crazy to comprehend.

  “Legally married as well. Like there’s no going back now.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  My laughter died in my throat.


  He shook his head, continuing to stroke my palm.

  “No. I meant what I said, you’re completely irreplaceable to me.”

  I didn’t know what to make of his serious expression.

  “I know.”

  “No, I don’t think you do, Kira. Whenever I feel like I’m drowning, you’re right there keeping me afloat. I wouldn’t have got through these past couple of years without you. I need you more than you realise. Right now, I want to forget we’re going home. I just want to be us… this us we are here.”

  “What us is that?” I whispered, my voice shaky. His words were disarming me all over again.

  He reached up with his other hand and stroked my cheek.

  “The us we were the first night. I don’t want to feel guilty for kissing you and wanting you in my bed. We’re crossing so many lines and I just don’t care. When I’m with you, I’m happy. I want that to continue unti
l we get home and then we can talk about what all of this means and how we move forward from here.”

  I’d already decided I wanted us to be what we were whilst we were here in New York, away from our real lives. It would hurt like a bitch when we got home, but it would be worth it to have this time with him.

  “Okay… we can do that.”


  I nodded. Duke leant closer and kissed me, melting me from the inside out. This time, it was a passionate kiss which I’m pretty sure the cab driver didn’t need to see, but we were newlyweds. We’d told him that when we got in the cab and he asked what we’d been doing given our state of attire.

  When Duke released my lips, he rested his forehead against mine.

  “Do you want to just order room service when we get back to the hotel and spend the rest of our wedding day in bed?”

  Right then, I couldn’t think of a better idea.

  “I’d like that.”

  Duke’s smile lit my entire world on fire. There were so many things I’d wanted to do when we came to New York, but nothing would beat being with Duke intimately on the day we’d got hitched. Nothing at all.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  After we’d handled the marriage certificate business, we went back to the hotel. I set my flowers and bag down on a side table before sliding out of my shoes. Duke came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. I already wanted our clothes gone and for there to be nothing between us.

  “I dare you to take me to bed,” I murmured.

  I felt him smile against my skin. He released me only to pick me up in his arms and carry me towards the bedroom like a groom would carry a bride. I stared at his features. He’d had the sides and back of his head shaved with it much longer on top. It flopped into his blue eyes. Duke was hands down the most attractive guy I’d ever seen in my life, but perhaps I was biased. Everyone else paled in comparison to him.

  He must have noticed me staring as he licked his bottom lip and smirked. The man knew he was handsome. His family had won the gene pool lottery, no doubt about that.


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