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Ravenous (Lake City Stories .5)

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by Unknown


  Lake City Stories Prequel

  Annie Nicholas

  Suffer the hunger.

  Pia Blyton wants it all. A steady boyfriend, love and her independence. But to ignore her succubus nature is to welcome chaos. Every three days she must orgasm to feed. Bad sex isn’t an option. Stave off the hunger for too long and her demon side peeks out, and its tastes are much less discerning than hers.

  One bad day, one wrong decision, and her demon takes control of her libido and kisses all her best intentions goodbye.

  Brokenhearted and ashamed, Pia is dragged home to Lake City by Zur-Sin, a vampire her father paid to find her. Caught in a world where mortal desires are seen as a weakness, Pia needs to figure out how to protect her heart from her deepest longings.

  Published 2014

  Copyright by Annie Nicholas

  Cover design by Kanax

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews--without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America



  Table Contents


















  Author Bio

  Other Books by Annie

  Sneak Peak Starved for Love


  Dialing my boyfriend’s number on my cell phone, I paced our small apartment, chewing my thumbnail ragged.

  “Hey, babe.” His voice caressed me. I loved it when he called me babe.

  “Can you come home?” The receiver trembled in my hand.

  “Uh, now?”

  “Yes. I’ll make it worth your while.” I hated the pleading quality to my voice. Begging a human to feed from him. What would my parents think? That I deserved to be starving for not listening to their warnings? For thinking I could live off sex with one man—one human man?

  I shouldn’t feed from Pierre twice in one day. I’d taken more from him this morning than I normally did. If I wasn’t careful, I’d kill him. Humans were so fragile. “Pick up some chocolate frosting on your way here.” What other option did I have but to use him again? I’d committed myself to Pierre, heart and soul.

  He moaned but it sounded more like regret than passion. “I can’t leave work right now, but I’ll skip lunch so I can duck out early, okay?”

  My stomach sank. “Sure.” It took all my acting skills to make that single word sound happy and content. How was I going to live through the next few hours? Masturbation wouldn’t feed me. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I stared at my reflection in the window.

  The succubus who stared back was too skinny. Her cheeks were hollow and the tendons in her neck stood out. A predator lurked within her gaze, something demonic that didn’t care about hurting people.


  I had to distract myself and keep control of my demon nature. Cold showers didn’t work anymore. Neither did porn. Chocolate? I hurried to our galley kitchen and raided my stash. Or at least, I tried to. I held the cupboard door open and blinked at the empty wrappers. That’s right. I’d eaten it last night.

  A wave of aching desire struck. I clutched my stomach and doubled over. No, no, no. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I’d finally found someone who loved me. I didn’t want to cheat.

  We all have our dark sides. Mine forced me to have sex. If I didn’t listen, bad things happened. The ache between my thighs grew stronger.

  Pierre was the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn’t want to cheat on him. He wouldn’t understand. He thought I was a nineteen-year-old college dropout, and I was, but he didn’t know I wasn’t human.

  I gnashed my teeth as I slid an ice pack into my damp panties. I shouldn’t have to feed for another three days, but my control over the hunger was slipping through my fingers. Sweat trickled along my spine. My clothes felt too tight. I needed flesh rubbing on flesh.

  My parents had warned me against waiting too long between feedings and I understood, but I’d just fed. Come on, greedy demon bitch. I took a long, shuddering breath. Being faithful to one man would be the death of me. Tears rolled down my cheeks unchecked. How could I look him in the eye if I fucked some random guy?

  I wouldn’t do it. Not ever.

  The pain eased enough for me to stand, so I shuffled to the front door. If Pierre couldn’t come to me, then I’d go to him. There had to be a supply closet we could sneak into at his office.

  Grabbing the car keys, I hurried out the front door and ran smack into a solid wall of muscle.

  “Hey, Pia.” The mailman grabbed me by the elbows until I stood steady.

  My head still spun, not from the impact, but from his touch. On weak legs, I clutched the doorframe. Like sand through my fingers, the restraint on my demonic instincts slipped. I closed my eyes as the surge of hunger swept my conscience deep into my mind. Oh no. Not again.

  The demon I’d barely kept control of the last few months finally ripped free. She imprisoned me, where all I could do was watch.

  “Hey, Frank.” I ran my fingertip over his bicep. Fuck-me pheromones perfumed the air. I wished I could say I’d never smelled them before but we all lost control when we were first learning to feed. A succubus’ cycle took time to regulate in adolescence, so I recognized the scent I created to send those around me into a sexual frenzy.

  Frank’s eyelids grew heavy as he inhaled. “Maybe you should sit down. Do you need help getting inside?”

  I hooked my finger in his belt loop. “Maybe you should carry me?”

  Frank dropped his mailbag and scooped me into his arms. He kicked the door closed as we crossed the threshold. All those miles of walking while carrying the mail had firmed his fine body. He set me gently on the couch but kept me cradled in his arms. “Should I call someone?”

  My gaze landed on the shiny new wedding band on his finger. Gut-clenching guilt struck. He was off limits. I pleaded to my demon. I’d let her take me anywhere she wanted if she let Frank go. We could go to a bar or some fraternity at the college I used to attend.

  I caressed his cheek. The stubble of his permanent five o’clock shadow scratched over my palm. “You’re all I need, Frank.” Turning my head, the demon pulled our gaze away from the ring. “I like a man in uniform, but I think you’re overdressed. You should take it off now.” The demon part of me undid the top button of his shirt. Inside my head, I screamed for her to stop.

  This was cheating. We loved Pierre. I was sure Frank loved his wife. They’d never forgive us. The demon had to stop. She turned a deaf ear to me and swatted me quiet with her mental hand.

  Frank was in the center of my small living room yanking and tearing at his uniform until he stood gloriously naked, his cock hard and erect against his abdomen. A scatter of dark hair covered his muscled chest as he loomed over me with a hungry stare.

  A satisfied noise purred in my throat and I rose to ru
n my hands greedily over his chest. “I’m so tired of being hungry and you look delicious enough to eat.” I pulled my shirt over my head.

  His gaze riveted to my pink, lacy bra before he palmed my breasts. “I want you so bad.”

  I screamed inside as those words left his mouth. We couldn’t do this. Sleeping with a married person was against my kind’s laws. My demon side knew this. Why was she crossing this line?

  Frank pushed me back onto the couch so he could remove my pants. With fast, clever hands, I was just as naked as him in seconds. He gripped the back of my head and held me as he feathered his lips over mine. “Tracy.”

  Shame clawed its way out of my chest. The pheromones were making him think I was his wife. With fist and feet and teeth, I attacked my demon from the inside. Kicking, punching, and biting did nothing. When I grew hungry, she grew stronger.

  Frank kissed me hard, clashing teeth and tongue as if doing battle.

  I arched against him, my body wet and ready for anything. Foreplay wasn’t necessary when my kind had to feed. My body was always ready.

  He yanked away with a scowl as if he warred with himself. His hands clutched the cushions of the couch and he shook his head. Breathing heavy, he met my stare. Part of me rooted for Frank to win against my lure. To dress, go home to his wife, and leave me to starve. But the door to my apartment was closed so my pheromones only grew thicker in the air.

  There was no escape for Frank.

  I rested my hands on his chest and trailed my nails toward his abdomen.

  He hissed and closed his eyes.

  Wrapping my hands around his cock, I watched him throw his head back as I stroked the velvety skin over hard iron. “Frank, you’re so big.” The lie fell from my demonic lips so easily. I hated her, which meant I hated me.

  “Oh God.” His hips moved against my hands.

  I couldn’t let him come yet. I had to feed from him first. Damn it. Guiding his cock to my pussy, I let Frank take over.

  He gripped my hips and thrust inside.

  I moaned, unable to deny the pleasure his touch gave me. “Yes.” I dug my nails into his ass, so I could grind against him when our bodies met. It was too late to go back. I’d broken my people’s most sacred rule. I was worse than the lowest scum-sucking leeches.

  Frank lifted me in his arms and settled me on his lap, driving his cock even deeper. Our hips moved together in an age-old dance of ecstasy. “Tracy,” he cried out as I took him over and over.

  A spark ignited low in my abdomen. The heat flashed along my pleasure center until my nerves crackled with release. I felt him pulse inside my core as it clenched around his cock. My body collected our orgasmic release and created energy that I so desperately needed. Each person had their own special flavor. Humans didn’t taste as strongly as supernatural beings, but Frank’s essence was flavored with bitter betrayal.

  The door to my apartment crashed open.

  I jerked in Frank’s arms and faced the intruder.

  Pierre stood in the entrance, postman bag hanging in hand. His eyebrows furrowed as his jaw went slack.

  My demon, fed and happy, kicked me out of her spot, sending me reeling back into control of our body. I heaved away from Frank and snatched my clothes off the floor. “You said you couldn’t leave work.” I pulled on my clothes sans underwear or bra.

  Frank blinked as if dazed. I’d fed hard off him.

  “I can’t believe my eyes. You fucked the mailman?” Pierre dropped the bag and ran his fingers through his hair. “I—I can’t believe this. How long have you been screwing him behind my back?”

  My mouth moved but nothing came out.

  Frank finally seemed to realize he was naked. He dressed. “How did this happen?” His gaze turned to me and was as accusing as Pierre’s. “Did you drug me?” Not waiting for my answer, he pushed past my soon to be ex-boyfriend and left the duplex.

  I clutched Pierre’s hand before he followed Frank. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  He yanked his hand from mine. “What do you mean? Did he trip and your clothes fall off? Fuck, how stupid do you think I am?” He paced the living room and rubbed his temples. “Why, Pia, why?” His voice cracked.

  I pressed my hands to my mouth and tears blurred my vision. I couldn’t tell him the truth. If I did, my people would kill him. I’d already broken one of our laws by having sex with a married man. I wouldn’t add murder to my sins. Not Pierre. I loved him so much. “I wrecked everything.” It came out a whisper and he didn’t hear me.

  “I thought you loved me!” He shouted in my face. The force of his pain made mine even more raw.

  Falling to my knees, I clutched at his pants with weak fingers. “I do, I do. I’m so sorry.”

  He backed away as if my touch were poison.

  “Please.” I crawled to him. “Please, let me try to explain.” How the hell would I do that when the afterglow of my orgasm still caressed my body? Oh my God, I couldn’t breathe.

  “Is this why you’re so secretive about your past or why you won’t let me meet your family?”

  I gasped but it sounded more like a sob. My family? They didn’t know about Pierre. If they found out, my dad would be so furious. “No, my parents don’t think I should be in a serious relationship.” Ever. Love wasn’t for most succubi. We couldn’t be faithful and it took a strong man to share.

  “Well, they’ll be relieved to know you’re not in one. We’re through.” He grabbed the framed photo of us together and smashed it against the wall.

  Shards of glass shattered around me and I shielded my face with my hands. Sobs wracked my shoulders freely now. I couldn’t stop. “I’m sorry,” I screamed. My chest heaved as my lungs tried to remember how to work. Snot ran down my face and I palmed them away. I couldn’t stop saying those words. They kept rolling off my tongue, stuck on repeat. My voice grew hoarse, my head pounded. “Oh God, please, don’t leave me.”

  “I can’t believe you did this. Didn’t I love you enough?” Pierre twisted around as if searching our home for an answer. A tear rolled down his cheek. He made a distressed noise that came from deep inside his chest then he stormed out.

  I heard his car start and pull out of the driveway. What would I do now? I curled into a ball on the floor, clutching my knees. My chest heaved with each sob as I tried to catch my breath.

  Something about being a succubus seemed to bring out the jerks in most people so when one actually tried to make me happy I had no resistance. I was all puppy dog, waggy tail. Pathetic, I know.

  Pierre had been really, really nice. My stomach knotted. On our first date he had only kissed me. He hadn’t even tried to cop a feel. The next day he sent me flowers and called me to talk. To talk… What a concept. God, I was the stupidest succubus who ever lived. He loved me. We’d talk about anything and he laughed at my jokes. He’d never said I was silly or stupid. Even now he hadn’t accused me of either when I’d been both.

  Nausea rolled in my stomach as I sobbed even harder. I couldn’t go back to my family when I was becoming the kind of succubus I hated. A heartbreaking, lying whore. They’d shun me.

  I staggered to my feet and shuffled to where I’d dropped my purse and keys. I picked up the picture of us from the broken frame and crushed it to my chest. I’d never see him again. He wouldn’t forgive me. Taking a last glance at what I’d hoped would be my future, I left our home and got into my car. I didn’t deserve to live.

  Chapter One

  Day seven of my cycle

  Cold iron bit into my wrists when I rolled on my side and turned my back toward the door. The insistent knocking drilled into my aching head. I stifled a moan. If I stayed real quiet maybe they’d leave, thinking the motel room was empty. From the searing pain in my abdomen and the weakening demands of my inner demon, I only had a few hours left to live.

  The crack of wood splintering replaced the pounding. I jerked at the sharp noise and twisted around. Hanging on the hinges, my door had smashed open.
Someone flicked the switch on and the lights burned my sensitive eyes. I tried to shield my face with my hand but the chains holding the manacles around my wrists clanked and held my arm inches from the mattress.

  “No.” I yelled. “Get out!” My chains rattled as I lunged at them. They snapped me back against the mattress and my head flopped on the pillow as a surge of sexual frustration flooded my system. My demon nature had quieted to a dull roar since yesterday but the scent of males had awoken the beast. It roared inside my head and clawed to retake control of my body. “Yes, stay,” it whispered.

  Two people strode into the room. Light haloed around them so I couldn’t make any details. “Close the door, Cooper.” The shorter one knelt by my bed. “You look terrible for a succubus.”

  I blinked my eyes until I could focus, and cleared my throat. “Get the fuck out.” I just wanted to die and take my demon with me.

  The young man tilted his head to the side as if confused. Blond with blue eyes the same shade as a tropical sea, he didn’t look much older than nineteen. “I’m here to rescue you, sweetheart.” He caressed my cheek and all thoughts of saving him stopped on a dime.

  I leaned into his touch and purred. “Yes, let me go.” My demon fought me for control.

  He jumped to his feet and stepped back, his gaze caressing my body as if trying to decide where to start undressing me. “Fuck.”

  I’d seen human males react to me this way. The hungrier I grew, the more they would want me. Neither of us could control that reaction. My body would pump fuck-me pheromones in the air until it was fed.

  The second man came into my view, a little taller than the blond, with tawny hair down to his muscled shoulders. His thread bare t-shirt and faded jeans clung to all the right places. “What’s wrong?”

  “Look at her body. She’s emaciated. Someone left her here to starve.” He watched me as I struggled against my chains.


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