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Ravenous (Lake City Stories .5)

Page 3

by Unknown

  With a sinking heart, I realized the demon had won. Again. How did my mothers and sisters do this every three days without hating themselves?

  He pulled away. “Does it matter how you orgasm?”

  “Someone other than me has to give me one. Male, female doesn’t matter. Masturbation won’t work.”

  A slow smile curled his lips before he knelt in front of me. “I think I can manage that.”

  My heart skipped a beat when his hands pressed between my thighs to spread my legs.

  “Don’t tell me you’re shy.” He grinned wide enough to expose his sharp fangs. They grew under my watchful eyes. “Let me show a trick I know.”

  The last adjective I would have used to describe me was shy, but I’d only had one lover over the last six months and I’d loved him so much. It felt odd having another man touch me so intimately now that the demon part of my soul had loosened the reins on my libido. At his urging, I slid my legs apart.

  He went so far as to guide my left leg over his shoulder. “Like that. Now brace your hands on my shoulders. We don’t want you to slip.”

  I did as he ordered, as if I moved within a dream. My limbs trembled with weakness. I wasn’t in any shape for any acrobatics.

  Leaning forward, he kissed my lower abdomen as his finger slipped inside me. He slid in and out of me with a slow rhythm that matched his wandering kisses.

  A small moan escaped my lips. My gaze was trapped by what he was doing. Most of my experiences came from humans. My parents didn’t like me feeding from bars that catered to the paranormal community. They thought I was too young. My race was long lived and being nineteen meant my parents still hovered over every move I made. Then they wondered why I’d decided to go to college outside Lake City.

  Zur-Sin slid another finger inside of me, increasing the pace. He ran his fangs over my groin until they rested on my pulse point.

  A wave of dizziness washed over me and I leaned my head against the cool tile. I’d never been with a vampire, let alone been food for one. I was usually the predator in the bed. An ache inside my heart grew more intense. It had been there all along but I’d gotten so used to the dull roar that I’d almost forgotten it existed. Tears slid unchecked down my cheeks, mixing in with the water from the shower. Nothing more pitiful than a crying succubus during sex and I didn’t want a vampire’s pity, because who better to understand me than another parasite.

  He rolled my clitoris between his fingers with just enough pressure bordering on pain.

  I hissed at the sudden jolt of pleasure that sizzled away my dark emotions. It jerked my attention back to the vampire with the crystal blue gaze.

  “I don’t know where you went mentally but I want you to stay here with me.” He eased his pinch, replacing with gentle rubbing. He lowered his mouth to my pulse point and struck. The sharp pain made me gasp but Zur-Sin’s talented fingers stroked all my good spots at the same time. Both sensations of pain and pleasure tangled in a rush that left me breathless. I dug my nails into his shoulders.

  The pain of his bite lessened, replaced by his soft, moist mouth as he fed. Warmth spread over my body from the inside out and had nothing to do with the shower. The knots in my shoulders relaxed and I took a deep breath, the first in over a week. I leaned into Zur-Sin’s hold, letting him support my weight and allowing the bliss to sweep away the emptiness in my heart.

  Pressure built in my lower abdomen, a familiar friend. I rocked my hips in time to his fingers as his sucking grew stronger, harder. Inarticulate noise fell from my lips as he ground against my bud with an expert’s skill. I closed my eyes as the orgasm struck me almost blind.

  Zur-Sin’s flavor slammed over my senses, full of spicy tingling power that left my insides raw and craving for more. I’d never experienced anything like this before. Humans had flavors as well but they were vanilla to his tutti-frutti.

  My eyelids finally fluttered open. “Wow.”

  He paused in licking his bite mark closed and I could sense his smug smile against my skin. “You liked that?”

  I slid down the wall onto his lap. “Finger licking good.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “I haven’t been food for someone else in a very, very long time.”

  “This is my first time being food as well.” I ran my fingertips over his healing bite mark. I tilted my head and assessed his young face. “You don’t even look tired. I fed just as hard on Cooper and he passed out.”

  Zur-Sin kissed the tip of my nose. “How long have you been starving yourself?”

  Our gazes met and stuck. I couldn’t pull away from his intense magnetism. Why did he want to know? I blinked and jerked from his touch. “I—I think it’s time for you to go.”

  His grin faded and he rose with me in his arms. With his elbow, he shut off the shower. “I agree.” He set me on my feet and proceeded to towel dry me. He fingered the autumn-colored curls I’d inherited from my father. “The sun will be close to rising by the time we get to Lake City, so we’ll finish feeding you when we get home.”

  I turned away from the vampire’s searching stare. “I’m not allowed to feed at home. Dad’s rule.” The last people I wanted to see were my parents. “I won’t go there.”

  “Fine, not your home. My home. Your family can’t care for you in this state anyways. Not unless they keep men in their basement for snacks. I spoke with your father while you were feeding off Cooper. He’s very…distraught.”

  A stab of concern woke me from the post feeding haze. “You really sent him that picture?”

  “Of course. He needs to know what I’m dealing with.”

  “You’re a jerk.”

  “I’m much, much worse than that.” He gripped my chin and yanked my face closer to his. “Your father is paying me very well to save your pretty ass, so I will force feed you until you’re plump.” Yanking the blanket off the bed, he wrapped me in it.

  “What about my clothes?”

  “Leave them. We’ll get you something clean.” He dressed then scooped inert Cooper into his arms, carrying the shifter outside. “Follow me.”

  I glanced at the chains on the bed. Death had seemed like my only escape a week ago. I came really close to achieving my goal. I fingered the blood-stained manacle. Really close…

  If I went with Zur-Sin, it meant I chose to live. That meant no more starving and I’d have to make an effort to heal. Could I forgive myself for destroying so many people’s happiness? I might be able to discover a way, but I wasn’t sure my family could. We were of the succubus/incubus charm of Lake City. We didn’t have many rules but if you broke the ones we did have, there wasn’t any forgiveness. Sleeping with a married person would get me shunned.

  I’d rather have no contact with my family. Their rejection would destroy what was left of my heart.

  Zur-Sin popped his head back through the threshold. “Pia,” he said my name sharply. “That wasn’t a request.”

  On wobbly legs, I shuffled after him.

  Chapter Three

  I slid low in the passenger seat of Zur-Sin’s black SUV and watched the traffic we passed at sonic speed. “You’ll get pulled over driving this fast.” The vampire wouldn’t let me play the radio and left me to stew in uncomfortable silence as we returned to Lake City. Silence being a figurative state. Cooper snored like a coffee grinder while sprawled in the backseat. “Maybe we should roll him over so he doesn’t swallow his tongue.”

  The vampire frowned but reached over with one hand and carelessly tugged Cooper onto his side. “There.” He seemed grumpy ever since we’d left the shower.

  I pulled the blanket around my shoulders even tighter. If he was pissed at me then he needed to take a ticket. Between my family, ex-boyfriend, and my postman’s family, it felt like most of the world hated me. If I hadn’t been born then everyone could be happy again.

  “Tell me.” Zur-Sin weaved between two eighteen-wheelers, passing them with an inch to spare.

  With my heart in my throat, I pried my
fingers from the chicken bar. “You do realize I’m young enough to still die from a car accident.”

  “Now you want to live.” He grinned. The bastard had done that on purpose. “Just wanted to make sure.”

  “There’s a difference between starving and being road kill.” I twisted in my seat to face his profile. “I know your name, but not how you’re connected to my father.”

  “I’m wounded.” His words dripped with sarcasm. “I used to be your father’s lieutenant. The one he doesn’t talk about.”

  Oh, that one. My father ruled Lake City’s paranormal community. The humans didn’t know of our existence but there were a lot of us around. Blending in helped. My people had given up our wings and demonic powers to appear more human ages ago. It made hunting so much easier. Zur-Sin was the person my father used to do the nasty things that were sometimes required, like hunting down his missing youngest daughter.

  “Wait, ‘used to be’?”

  His expression changed slightly but he seemed like a cat who’d just stolen a whole gallon of cream. “Your father loves you very much. When you stopped answering your phone, he got in touch with that human you had shacked up with. The little turd told your dad that you’d moved out but not why, so I was sent to ask instead.” He shook his head. “Nasty business that.”

  My heart seized. That little turd was the love of my life. I grabbed Zur-Sin’s arm. It hurt to breathe. “What did you do to Pierre?”

  “Nothing physical. Human minds are very weak. I had a snack and pulled the answers from his mind. Interesting story. I think your father was willing to part with everything for your safe return.”

  A lump formed in my throat. I bit the inside of my hot cheeks to keep from uttering a sound. I knew my daddy loved me. The damn bloodsucker didn’t need to grind it in. The shame I’d bring to my family had driven me to run. I couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on their faces. “Did you tell him?” My voice cracked.

  He chuckled. “Your people have such strange morals.”

  “Did you tell him?” I shouted it this time and hit the dash with my fist.

  He gave me an icy stare. “No.”

  “What did he give you to find me?” The house? His bank account? Never my mothers or sisters. He’d never hurt any of us.

  “Half his power. I’ll be co-ruling Lake City.”

  “Only half? How generous of you.” It was worse than I’d hoped. My father and mothers had worked so hard to bring the different communities together in Lake. Our co-existence was beneficial to everyone. “Why not the whole thing?”

  “The sun. I can’t do anything during the day. Your father handles the businesses and the politics very well. No point in my destroying that. The night, though. There’s a lot your father has forbade me to do.” He flashed me a fanged grin. “Not anymore. I think I’ll start with my own nightclub.”

  I sat very still. My father had given up half his power so Zur-Sin could return me, his useless dropout daughter. I was so broken. I didn’t think they made a glue strong enough to put me back together again. “I wish you’d never found me.”

  He stared at the interstate, one hand on the steering wheel. Nothing he said would make me feel better and it seemed he knew.

  Pierre could tell Zur-Sin only half the story. My human boyfriend didn’t know about succubi or any other creatures that bumped in the night. All he knew was that he’d caught me cheating on him. He wouldn’t ever understand how starved I’d been and how my demon nature had finally gained control of me, setting me to feed on the first male I came across.

  My stomach rolled with nausea.

  “You look like a vampire who’s been buried alive for half a year. I don’t think that happens in seven days to a succubus.”

  “I did something stupid.” I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, unable to look at anyone. Not even the jackass bloodsucker who’d seen me at my worst. “I fell in love.” Most of my people treated love like a disease or a tool to get what they wanted. A succubus in love was vulnerable unless the person loved her back enough to let her feed properly and freely. Open relationships existed, but they were hard won unless you were from my kind. We had to have open marriages.

  Incubi could only feed from succubi and one wasn’t enough to feed him for long. For them to collect enough of us to feed from, incubi had discovered it was easier to offer succubi security and money in exchange for exclusive feeding rights, also known as marriage in my culture. The more powerful the incubi, the more wives he had. Love didn’t figure into the equation, except with my parents. They were considered eccentric. My three mothers and my one father loved each other fiercely. How could they expect me to want something different?

  “I only fed from Pierre for the last six months.”

  He nodded. “If I fed from only one human for six months, that human would be dead. How is Pierre alive?”

  “I didn’t take much. Just enough to stay alive.”

  “That’s stupid.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your father said you’d have to feed more frequently until you’re better. Do you know how much?”

  I shrugged. “I never let it get this bad before and don’t know anyone who has. Succubi aren’t known for their restraint.”

  “When we see your family tomorrow night we can figure that out.”

  “I don’t want to see them,” I whispered.


  I undid my seat belt and slid closer to him, leaning my forehead on his shoulder. “Please.” Zur-Sin was a top of the class jerk so I didn’t know why I bothered except I thought he had an itty-bitty soft spot for me. “Don’t make me go. I’ll agree to anything but that. You can take pictures of me that I’m well, as proof. Whatever, to keep them away.”

  He didn’t say anything at first. We just drove for a few minutes with me clinging to his arm. “Anything?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  “I’m not prone to letting strangers into my nest.” He tapped his finger on the steering wheel as if thinking hard. “They’re my family, you understand. And you’re out of control.”

  “Okay.” I sounded so meek. When had that happened? The succubus I’d been, who had left for college a year ago, had been assertive and confident. She seemed like a faded memory now.

  “I’ll set you up in one of my safe houses and send somebody over to feed you. Your father can pick you up in the morning.”

  Nausea rolled in my stomach. “I don’t like feeding from strangers.” What would I say to my dad? Hey, I did exactly what you warned me not to do and you were right. I suck.

  “You fed from me and Cooper.”

  “I was starved enough. I’m more sentient now.” That seemed like the right word. When my demon took over it was like another being, but really, the demon was me as well. Just like a shifter when he went wolf. We were both animalistic and running on instinct.

  I returned to my side of the vehicle and pulled down the sunshade to look at myself in the mirror. Sin was right. I looked terrible with eyes that were sunken and dark, pale and dull skin; even my crazy curls had less spring to them. This after two feedings. What had I looked like when they came into the room?

  Zur-Sin chuckled. “I don’t run a catering service for succubus. You’ll have to make do with what I send.”

  “If I’m not attracted to them, I won’t orgasm.”

  He growled.

  “Threatening me won’t make me orgasm either.” I closed the sunshade, unable to look at myself anymore. Returning to Lake City was a mistake. If I was going to try to live with what I’d done, then facing my family before I was ready would flip my switch to self-destruct again. They’d be so disappointed with me. One step at a time.

  “It’s not like I have a menu, Pia. What do you suggest?”

  “Drop me off at a bar. I’ll shop around. You won’t have to worry about me anymore.” How hard could it be to steal a car? Maybe I could find someone to give me one. My sister Ros
e did it all the time, though she didn’t look like the walking dead. I could drive north or buy a plane ticket to a tropical island. My dad shouldn’t have cut off my credit cards yet.

  One thing was for sure. I wouldn’t see my family tomorrow. That was that.

  Zur-Sin side-eyed me. “A bar? Dressed in just a blanket?”

  I glanced down. Well, shit. A traitorous tear spilled over my cheek and swiped it away.

  “I forbid you to do that.” The vampire frowned and accelerated the car as if he could race my tears to Lake City.

  “I don’t want to wait in some h-hotel room like some wh-whore waiting for tricks.” I stared out the window trying to hide my face. “You should have left me alone.” The last part I had whispered so low it surprised me even his vampire hearing had caught it.

  “Fuck.” He strangled the steering wheel. “You’ll come to the nest. Only for tonight and you will have to feed again. No more tears.” He mumbled something in a language I didn’t know, but it sounded close enough to swearing.

  “Thank you, Sin. Is it all right if I call you just Sin?”


  “Zur-Sin is an odd name. Where is it from?”


  I’d been right. He was old. “Does it mean anything?”

  “Google it.”

  He took an exit that led to the forested suburbs where most of Lake City’s wolf pack lived. Sin pulled up to a remote cabin and carried Cooper inside, leaving me in the SUV. Not long after, he returned and drove us to the industrial section of the city to an old abandoned garage. He pulled inside the building and parked the SUV among a few other more expensive-looking vehicles and motorcycles. “Home sweet home.” He turned off the SUV and exited, leaving me to scramble and follow.

  Under my bare feet, the cement felt cool. Little rocks stabbed at my soles. I did my best to wrap the blanket around my skeletal body, trying to hide the important bits.

  Sin was already at a metallic door and it swung open on its own. The thing was very thick. Inside the threshold was what I could only describe as a security stop, since three armed males greeted us. “Boys, this is Pia. She’s staying for the night.”


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