Let There Be Blood

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Let There Be Blood Page 3

by Tina Traverse

  “A little, yes. The only worries I should have is what to pack when I go to college, where to hang out with my friends and picking which hot vampire to lust over. Not trying to stabilize the crazies.”

  “Do you see a therapist?”

  Katrina smiled at Aaron and sat on the bed. “Yes, I do. I see a great psychiatrist.”

  “How often?”

  “I see Doctor Browne twice a week. Now, if you’re done with asking your questions, nosy pants, would you please bring me back to my prom?”

  Aaron bowed and offered his arm. “Of course, Ms. Murphy, I’d be delighted.”

  Chapter Four: Sunshine and Rain

  Katrina wrote furiously in her diary, desperate to get all the feelings out.

  It had been three months since her frank discussion with Aaron and a month since she moved to her dorm room and began classes at UCLA, so much had happened. Katrina had spent her summer working as an intern on Let There Be Blood, running errands and doing odd jobs for the cast. It was hard work, but the cast were always super sweet to her and she loved every minute of it. Even if she was always under Aaron’s watchful eye.

  He watched her carefully making sure no one took advantage of her. He lent her his dressing room so she could take her medication and made sure she ate and drank regularly. When she had a brief romantic relationship with Benjamin Blue, who played Shawna’s younger Todd, he kept such a sharp eye on him that Ben became uncomfortable and broke up with her.

  Katrina refused to talk to Aaron for two weeks after that. She had only forgiven Aaron after he promised that he’d no longer interfere with her social life. Then he’d handed her three tickets and VIP passes for the infamous ComiCon.

  However, the tickets and passes turned out to be not her only surprise. After a ton of media interviews, autograph signings, and preview of the coming season, the network hosted a reception. The convention always ended with a group Q&A.

  One fan had asked a funny question to both Avery and Aaron. Both had given crazy answers, and the audience rippled with laughter. Once the giggling had died down and the floor opened up once again to questions, Katrina’s mother—carefully disguised—stood up.

  “Hello, this question is for Aaron. I’m a big fan.”

  Aaron kept his composure and simply grinned at Katrina’s mother. “Thank you. Your support means the world to me.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ve a couple of quick questions.”

  “Of course, go ahead, Miss.”

  “Is it true that you’re currently in a serious romantic relationship?”

  Aaron had to take a moment to appear calm while figuring how he was going to answer this question.

  “Why yes, I am.”

  “May I ask who?”

  “While I’ll not divulge her name at this time, I’ll say that I’m dating a very beautiful, loving, talented woman and we’re very much in love.”

  Aaron’s statement was met with stunned silence and the sound of hundreds of clicking noises as the audience furiously searched for conformation on their smartphones. Martina opened her mouth to ask another question, but the show’s producer stopped her. “I’m sorry, Miss, those were your questions. We need to move on to the next person, please.”

  “No, Anna, it’s all right, I’ll let her indulge in a couple more questions, if the rest of the cast and fans are willing to bear with her.”

  When no one offered up an objection, Martina continued.

  “Have you considered marriage?”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “You don’t consider it too soon?”

  “It’s never too soon when you’ve found the one. Besides, we’ve known each other since we were freshmen in high school.”

  She moved closer to the stage and stood in front of Aaron, but she was stopped from going any further by a security guard.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re so open to marriage, Mr. Brooks. So—will you marry me?”

  A hush fell over the crowd, and all eyes fixed on the woman who’d just proposed to the sexiest man alive.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you, Ms. Martina Murphy.”

  Aaron ran down and lifted Martina into his arms, kissing her passionately as the crowd cheered. Katrina and her friends squealed with delight.

  As happy as she was over her mother’s and Aaron’s upcoming nuptials, a dark cloud plagued Katrina. She was scared she’d have a relapse. Lately, she’d seen pictures posted all over the dorm. They showed her near-severed head photo-shopped on an obese person, captioned “Vampires should kill cows.” Emails and Facebook messages telling her to swallow rat poison and die arrived. Strangers said she should be beaten, stripped, and gang-raped, her cherry torn out of her and shoved down her throat.

  There was the fake ad with a picture of her naked body as she came out of the shower, with her phone number: this sexy bitch has a ripe mouth for blowjobs, a tight cunt, a tiny hole for ripping, and big tits to come all over. She will fuck one or a whole team, free! Bring it on!

  Katrina received so many phone calls, she’d had to change her number and requested to move. When the placement officer denied Katrina’s request due to lack of any free rooms, her depression and the harassment got worse.

  However, the downward spiral really began after the night she was almost raped. Katrina had been walking home one night alone from the library when she was grabbed from behind. A beefy hand clamped over her mouth and dragged her into a dark alcove.

  “Now, bitch, I’m going to take my hand off your mouth. So don’t scream or I’ll cut your pretty little tongue out, understood?”

  Katrina nodded furiously, paralyzed. She sensed there were more of them in the alcove. She could feel their presence and hear their breathing in the dark and damp place.

  “W-what do you want with me?” she stammered.

  Her assailant stroked her fiery red hair. “Shh, Relax. We’re just going to have some fun.”

  “I didn’t put up those posters!”

  “Who gives a fuck? You’re goin’ to give, and we’re goin’ to take.”

  “Let’s see if can make this pussy purr,” said another deep voice.

  Katrina’s attackers closed in on her. She felt them punch her in the stomach, and she fell to her knees. They pushed her onto her back.

  “Hey, get off her!”

  The voice seemed to come out of nowhere. From her position Katrina could only see the legs of the person who had rushed in to save her. The stranger pushed Katrina’s attacker off her, knocking him to the ground.

  “What the fuck?” cussed her attacker as he pushed himself off the ground.

  Katrina struggled to sit up and gather her wits to see who her savior was. She saw a figure fall to his knees next to her.

  The figure gasped for breath and his hair was in his eyes, but Katrina recognized him.


  There was no time for a reunion when Katrina’s attacker kicked her step-father in the ribs.

  “Stop that! You’re hurting him!”

  Katrina lunged at the man who was so viciously hurting Aaron, cutting his cheek with her fingernails before his partner grabbed and restrained her with strong arms.

  “That was a bad mistake, bitch. Bear is going to make you pay for that stunt.”

  “Hold her tight, Snake. I need to finish with this one first.”

  Bear’s hands grasped Aaron’s shirt and forced him to his feet. Bear raised his fist to punch Aaron, but he wasn’t quick enough. Aaron caught his hand and twisted it back.

  Katrina heard the nauseating crunch of Bear’s bones breaking.

  “Argh, f-fuck! Fuck!”

  If Snake’s hand wasn’t pressed to her mouth, Katrina would have shouted with joy as she watched Aaron kick Bear in the gut, bringing him to his knees.

  Aaron didn’t stop. He continued to kick and to punch Bear in the gut and in the face until he was oozing blood.

  “That’s what you get for trying to rape little girls.”

  Katrina watched
Aaron raise his foot, ready to push Bear to the ground, when Bear grasped a piece of broken glass off the ground.

  Finding some inner strength, Katrina bit down hard on Snake’s hand and jumped down on his foot, forcing him to let her go.

  “Aaron, watch out!”

  Katrina’s warning came too late. Bear had already slashed Aaron’s arm.

  Her step father grabbed his arm to stop the bleeding. Bear used this opportunity to pull himself back up.

  “You...fucking...” Bear took a lurching step forward with each word and on the third, he swung. “Bastard.”

  To Katrina’s relief, Aaron ducked in the nick of time.

  “Try again, dick,” Aaron taunted.

  Full of rage, Bear growled and shot out his hand, wrapping his fingers around Aaron’s throat.

  A deep guffaw erupted from the other side of the alcove. “Aw, too bad, Princess. I guess you ain’t gonna be saved after all.”

  Katrina picked up a piece of the picnic table that had broken during the fight, and with all her strength, hit Bear on the back of the head. When he fell unconscious to the ground, Aaron took Katrina’s hand and ran.

  Snake blocked them, pushing Aaron to the ground. Katrina watched in fear. Aaron hit his head hard on the floor as Snake dragged her to the corner.

  “You know, you have been nothing but trouble, bitch. Now it’s time to pay for that stunt.”

  Snake squeezed her wrists so tight Katrina feared the delicate bones would be crushed. The monster fumbled for his zipper, releasing his thick, pulsing arousal.

  Forcing Katrina to her knees he demanded, “Suck it bitch, until I come, and then swallow.”

  Her mouth was dry as she gagged on Snake’s member forced down her throat. Bile rose in her throat as he thrust his pelvis at a rapid pace.

  Katrina could feel Snake’s climax approaching as he moaned his pleasure. Struck by a sudden idea, Katrina waited for the perfect moment to fight back.

  Snake slowed his pace and she knew the time had come. Opening her mouth wider, Katrina bit down hard on Snake. He roared with pain, jerked away from her, and collapsed to his knees.

  Katrina ran to Aaron, who was now conscious and rubbing his head.

  “What happened?”

  “No time to explain, now. We got to go.”

  Helping Aaron to his feet, Katrina dragged them to safety.

  Chapter Five: Lies of the Sun

  Black spandex clung to his muscles like a second skin. Jeans hung seductively low on his waist, and his oak green eyes stared with intense desire. His sensuous mouth throbbed with the ache of the prop fangs that had been secured to his teeth for the last eight hours.

  “Damn it, Ida. When can I take these fucking things out?” Aaron complained as he rubbed his jaw.

  “Aaron, I promise, not much longer, okay? Just a few more poses and you’ll be done.”

  Aaron scowled. “You know I don’t complain very much about the time these promo shoots take, but I have been wearing these fangs since dawn.”

  “I’m sorry gorgeous, but this has to be done.”

  Ida brushed some stray hair from Aaron’s face and patted him on the cheek. “I know you have it in you, so just give me one more dazzling vampire smile.”

  Aaron massaged his sore mouth as he strolled in the cool afternoon sunshine, enjoying a rare moment of solitude. His thoughts drifted aimlessly, thinking about nothing in particular, just random pleasant images to clear his mind. He thought about his wife and her beautiful smile. Katrina and how well she had been doing since their ordeal, coming away without any apparent lasting effects. Aaron thought about the upcoming cast party that was being held at Tremors that evening and how much he was looking forward to unwinding and having a good time with his friends.

  He was so lost in thought that he did not notice until it was too late. A group of men were following him, with cameras clicking and one guy with a video camera in his face. “Hey Aaron, how are you today, man?”

  Aaron ignored his natural reaction to hit the guy and run far away from the leeches as possible. He flashed them a dazzling smile and kept walking.

  “I’m just fine, man, and you?”

  “We are cool. So, Aaron, where are you heading?”

  “I’m on my way to spend some time with some friends.”

  “Sounds awesome. May we tag along?”

  Aaron chuckled. “Ah, sorry fellas, not this time.”

  These were Aaron’s last words as he ducked into the safety of Tremors.

  “I see the vultures caught their prey,” Cassie Saunders teased as she ushered her co-star upstairs to the private room.

  “Yeah, but they didn’t get to feed for long. Everyone here?”

  “Almost. We’re just waiting on Shawna.”

  Aaron scanned the crowd to see Avery standing by the bar lost in conversation with James. “How come Shawna didn’t arrive with Avery?”

  Cassie shot him a quizzical look. “You don’t know, do you?”

  “Know what?”

  Aaron knew his co-star loved to gossip, so he leaned closer to her.

  “Shawna and Avery have been having relationship problems. There are rumors that they may be breaking up.”

  “What? I thought those two were solid. What could’ve happened?”

  “I don’t know the whole story, but I heard someone say that their troubles began after the last barbeque. They say that Avery was caught in, shall we say, a very cozy position with someone else.”

  “I find it hard to believe that Avery would cheat on Shawna. Did this source tell you who Avery was in this so called ‘cozy position’ with?”

  Cassie moved closer to Aaron and whispered in his ear. “I couldn’t believe it when this person said it, but the rumors say that it was you.”

  Avery was pulled from his conversation with the Let There Be Blood producer by Aaron poking him in the shoulder.

  “Oh, hi Aaron ... James and I were just discussing some potential locations for the next season.”

  “Avery, we need to talk.”

  “Sure buddy, let’s go over there. See you later, James.”

  Once settled in a corner table, Avery studied his best friend and grew concerned with Aaron’s troubled expression. “You don’t look so good, Aaron. What’s up?”

  “I just found out something distressing.”

  “What’s going on? It must be something serious. I’ve never seen you look so troubled.”

  “Avery, why didn’t you tell me that you and Shawna were having problems?”

  “Shawna and I don’t have any problems.”

  “Oh really? Then how come I just found out that somebody told Shawna they caught us in an intimate position at your last barbeque?”

  Beer sprayed out of Avery’s nose, missing Aaron’s eyes by mere centimeters.

  “Say what? Who would spread such lies?”

  “I can’t say who it was, but you know it’s the truth. You may try to deny it, Avery, but I know exactly what this unknown source is talking about.”

  “Then please enlighten me! What are you talking about?”

  “When you and I were playing football in the yard and you tackled me to the ground, I saw it, Avery. The lust in your eyes as you stared at me, and how you looked like you wanted to kiss me.”

  Appalled by Aaron’s accusation, Avery scanned the room to see if anyone heard what Aaron just said. Thankfully, no one did.

  “Kiss you? Jesus, Aaron where did that sick illusion come from?”

  “You know it wasn’t an illusion, so don’t deny it.”

  Avery felt his panic start to rise.

  “Listen, Aaron, if I admit to the truth, would you keep it between us?”

  “Of course, you know you can trust me.”

  “I admit that yes, I have been attracted to you since the day we met. I just never acted on it, and will never act on it. That almost kiss was as far as I would go.”

  “Honestly, Avery, I don’t know how to respond to this. I h
ave known about your bi-sexuality from the start, I just never guessed that it was me that you were attracted to.”

  Avery reached over and laid his hand over Aaron’s. “Come on Aaron, who else would it be? You are so fucking sexy.”

  Aaron shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable. “What about Shawna? Does she know about your infatuation with me?”

  “Yes, she does. She admitted that was why she has been cold and distant.”

  “So, are you two breaking up?”

  “I don’t know. We haven’t spoken since she discovered the truth about me.”

  Aaron fell silent. His penetrating stare sent chills up and down Avery’s spine. Aaron broke the silence by standing up and turning to leave.

  Avery stopped his friend from leaving by grasping his arm. “Where are you going? We need to talk more about this situation.”

  “I’m sorry, Avery, but I don’t know what else to say. It’s an awful lot to drop on me. I need time to process.”

  “Of course.” Avery let Aaron go, watching him leave with a heavy heart; afraid that he just lost his best friend.

  Avery sank lower in his lounger, deep in thought as he watched the sun bleed into the horizon. When the golden orb roused him from sleep this morning, it promised Avery a new day, filled with happiness and good fortune.

  The yellow bastard scammed him, instead bringing him nothing but misery.

  She had startled him when he came home after the party, unlocked his front door and found Shawna sitting on his sofa, looking troubled.

  “Avery, it is time we talked about our relationship and where we go from here.”

  “I agree. It’s time we settle our problems.”

  Filled with apprehension, Avery could not settle. He paced the floor.

  “Jesus, Avery, sit the fuck down! You’re making me nervous.”

  Obeying, he settled in the chair across from Shawna.

  “That’s better. Avery, I need you to tell me the truth, or we are never going to get past this. Avery, have you and Aaron been having an affair?”

  “No, we haven’t.”

  “Then what the fuck was that on the lawn at our barbeque?”

  Avery’s shame had formed a lump in his throat, making it hard for him to speak. Clearing his throat, he tried to explain.


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