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Let There Be Blood

Page 12

by Tina Traverse

  She wanted to let him pleasure her. It would be heaven to take Aaron’s generous member in her mouth and worship him until he rewarded her with his warmth over her breasts.

  Martina pushed him away. “No, Aaron, we can’t do this. I can’t forget all the evil that you’ve done. Please, go away.”

  It seemed to turn Aaron cold. “Very well, I respect your rejection and will leave you alone. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Puzzled, Martina watched as her kidnapper walked out the door, eerily calm.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Demon or Angel?

  The next morning, Aaron entered Martina’s bedroom, closed the door, and without saying a word, handed her a paper tablet.

  “What’s this?”

  “That’s my bargaining chip. Inside, you will find a full confession of my sins, including a full detailed description on what I did to your daughter to make her my co-conspirator. Every ... last ... juicy ... detail.”

  Martina stared at the document. “What’s the catch? What do I have to give you in return?”

  Aaron leaned closer to her and tilted her chin to meet his gaze. “All you have to do in exchange for that very valuable document is to allow me to fuck you.”

  “Fucking is not your right as my husband. We make love because we deeply love each other, and it’s how we express that love. It’s not a bargaining chip.”

  “Shh, Candy Angel. You can still give yourself to me freely.”

  Martina felt a smile tug at the corners of her mouth. “Candy Angel? I’ve not heard that name in ages.”

  “Remember, I used to call you that because every Friday, you used to bring me a different bag of candy?”

  “Yes, I do. Back then I loved doing nice things for you.”

  “Then continue the tradition and let me fuck you. All I want is to be with you again as your husband, in every way. Is that so wrong?”

  “Kidnapping and torturing is not the way into my panties. But, I’ll let you fuck me under two conditions.”

  “The document and what else?”

  “No. I want you to stop fucking my daughter and let Avery go. Do that and we can go back to being a family.”

  Aaron studied his wife long and hard. “I’ll need to think about it. I shouldn’t have to, considering you just said that making love is not a bargaining chip. Give me some time and I’ll return with my answer.

  Avery grasped a new sliver of hope. Aaron stopped torturing him, moved him into a bigger bedroom, fed him three nutritious meals a day, and allowed him to exercise for an hour a day. His wounds were slowly healing, and his half-broken spirit was renewed.

  Now, for the first time in God knows how long, he was getting to meet and have dinner with another person besides Katrina and Aaron. At a real dining room table, no less. Avery even got new clothes, a haircut, and a shave for the occasion.

  He stood on the veranda, holding a glass of bourbon. The warmth of the evening sunshine on his face and the breeze blowing through his ebony hair were bliss. Martina waltzed up to the balustrade and stood next to him, holding a glass of wine.

  “This sunset is stunning, isn’t it? One of God’s miracles.” Her soft voice caressed his ears and made him smile.

  “Yes, makes one glad to be alive.”

  “Forgive me for saying this, but considering what we’re going through, Avery, that’s a gross understatement.”

  Avery paused to take another sip of bourbon and turned to his visitor. “How in the name of Christ did we end up in this situation, Martina? What happened to Aaron to make him so cold? So...”

  “Evil? I don’t know, Avery. This is not Aaron. This is an entirely different person.”

  “Well, well, isn’t this cozy? Just as I envisioned, my lovers sharing a drink and watching the sunset amidst pleasant conversation. You both look ravishing, and I don’t know who I’d rather devour more!”

  Avery balked as Aaron wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Martina avert her gaze, her expression sour.

  “Mmm, you taste so spicy and delicious. I can’t wait to get my mouth around that cock later. I’ll bet it would be better than dessert.”

  Avery had to swallow the bile that shot its way up his throat. His nausea couldn’t be contained when Aaron sauntered over to Martina and pinned her to the corner of the veranda. As he lifted Martina into his arms, she was forced to wrap her legs around Aaron’s waist. He snaked his hand up her skirt. When she let go a cry, Aaron captured her cry with his mouth and kissed her so passionately that he stole her breath.

  Avery stood transfixed as Aaron assaulted Martina, using his fingers to fuck her. The more she groaned, the faster he thrust his fingers. Avery stared at the naked flesh between his co-captive’s thighs, its large surface smooth and inviting. Her slit was slick with her juices, making his mouth water.

  His deep, animalistic need filled him with a longing to push Aaron’s fingers out of the way so he could plunge his thirsty tongue deep into her depths.

  “I can hear your desire, Avery. Your heart racing, your blood pumping hot and your cock throbbing against the crotch of your pants. You’re panting with want, Avery. Come on over and fulfill your need.”

  Avery had no control of his body. He sensed himself moving forward, towards Aaron and his object of desire, her heat calling to him. He fell onto his knees, pulled Aaron’s fingers from her dripping flesh, and dove in, his tongue dancing circles on her clit. Avery’s own fingers sank deep within her heat, filling her to the hilt as his cock was throbbing to do.

  Martina wanted to scream. Her heart raced, her blood ran hot, and all her sensibilities vanished. It was torture. While the vampire actor played with her pussy and masterfully kept her dress in place at her hip with his left hand, he fucked her with his right. Their captor pushed her bodice aside and suckled her naked breasts. She was lost in a fog of desire, of bliss as they both continued to assault her unmercifully.

  Aaron suddenly stopped, pulled away from his wife, and sat on the railing. In that moment, Martina didn’t care what her husband was doing as she was lost in her euphoria.

  Avery was relentless. His tongue began to tease her inner folds. He sucked her clit with his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth over the sensitive bud. Martina flexed her hips on reflex and pressed her sex tighter into his mouth. Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt her blood run hot with anticipation of her climax.

  In the midst of her pleasure, a sharp command cut through the haze.

  “Stop, Avery. Don’t let her come until I give her permission.”

  Like an obedient servant, Avery pulled away from Martina and remained still. Martina panted, unable to control the ache of her denied release.

  “No, please Avery, don’t stop!”

  “He has no control over his own free will right now, Martina. I’ve taken that from him.”

  “How can you take control of Avery’s free will? You don’t have the ability to compel.”

  “On the contrary. One doesn’t need to be a vampire to compel. All it takes is skill. I demonstrated that with Katrina when she stopped taking her medication. Once the pills were out of her system, she became pliant and easy to manipulate. All it took was my imagination to shape her into my perfect slave.”

  Martina would have pushed her husband over the railing to his death below if her ache hadn’t paralyzed her.

  “To control Avery just now, all I did was use a technique that my master Stefan taught me. Immerse the submissive with their deepest fantasy, and their mind becomes pliant. Once Avery’s fantasy has been fulfilled, he will be free to make his own decisions again.”

  “That’s just torture, Aaron.”

  Aaron shrugged his shoulders. “It’s what it is, my Candy Angel. Hate my methods if you must, but you can’t deny the pleasure it brings.”

  “Torture is not pleasurable.”

  “Oh yes it is. Let me demonstrate. Avery, release Martina from her burning tormen

  She gasped as Avery plunged two fingers deep inside her, thrusting furiously, searching for the spot. He took his time and gently used his fingers to stroke her g-spot as his thumb drew circles around her sensitive nub.

  Martina sensed the pressure of her climax as it coiled deep in her belly. A primal scream erupted from her lips as her release exploded.

  “Aaron! Avery!”

  The room grew fuzzy and started to spin. Martina tried to maintain her balance and clear her mind. When she felt her legs buckle beneath her, Aaron rushed to her side, wrapped his arms around her waist, and carried her to the dining room.

  “Okay, Avery, snap out of it now and join us in the dining room for dinner. You’re back to your old self again.”

  The beat of the ceiling fan did very little to cool Martina’s burning desires. The dinner went pleasantly enough, and for a brief couple of hours Aaron, Martina, Katrina and Avery acted like a family. However, as she slipped out of her one shoulder crimson silk dress, memories of the pre-dinner events flooded her mind. The lingering effects of the erotic sensations that Avery and Aaron gave her made her want more. A strange mixture of arousal and shame twisted inside her as her body still vibrated from the effects of Avery’s tongue licking her pussy.

  However, since both men were occupied elsewhere, she’d have to relieve the agony herself. Martina barely stepped out of her heels when she felt herself being lifted into the cradle of strong arms. She prayed in that moment that it would be Avery, with Aaron behind him, but when she only caught her husband’s scent, Martina’s heart sank with disappointment.

  “Aaron, what do you think you’re doing?”

  “Coming to collect. You owe me for that document.”

  “Put me down, Aaron! I don’t want to have sex with you, and you can’t make me.”

  “I already have; or have you forgotten that little incident out on the veranda? You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that, because it sure sounded like you did.”

  Aaron laid Martina on the bed and straddled her.

  “Okay, I admit, the things that you and Avery were doing to me out there, felt like heaven. I love how you know how to tease and torment me before making me scream in ecstasy.”

  “Of course, I know. It’s my job to know as your husband.”

  “Apparently you have a lot of skills I wasn’t aware of.”

  “Really, like what?” Aaron teased.

  “There are many. Like how you convinced Avery to tongue fuck me. But, I can’t forget how you fucked him, and that still hurts. You betrayed my trust.”

  Aaron didn’t seem to hear her as he unhooked her bra and fondled her breasts. “I know, Martina, but it was a one night stand, and it will never happen again. It’s done and over, despite my desire for it to continue. Avery made that very clear tonight.”

  “I thought you were determined to continue having Avery as your lover. What happened for you to back down?”

  “One thing ...” He licked her nipples and caught them between his teeth, soliciting a pleasurable hiss from between Martina’s teeth. “He threatened to go to the media with this.” Reaching into his shirt pocket, he produced a handful of papers and handed them to her.

  “What are these?”

  “Look at them. You tell me.”

  Martina studied the papers. They were four clear images of the veranda off their living room; Avery’s naked body hovering over Aaron, his dick deeply submerged inside her husband, his face distorted with ecstasy.

  The second and third pictures detailed the same scene, with Avery fucking her husband from behind and then a shot of him coming over Aaron’s stomach. The fourth and final shot was of Aaron mounting Avery from behind.

  “Who took these? Did you and Avery take pictures of yourselves fucking?”

  “Fuck no! As kinky as an idea that would have been, our night happened rather suddenly, there was no time to prepare for mementos. Those were taken by a very perverted next-door neighbor. He’d sent those pictures in the mail a week later with a note that if we didn’t pay him, he was going to the media about the two vampire stars corn-holing each other.”

  “Obviously, you two paid the demand.”

  “No, we just strong-armed him. Avery and I normally don’t pay attention to threats like these, but it was worth the look on the loser’s face when we showed up on his doorstep.” Her husband’s eyes glistened with the excitement of the memory. “He nearly shit himself and tried to shut the door on our faces. He took off in a run when Avery’s boot caught the door and pushed it open. I caught him easily enough, and pinned him to the wall while Avery brow beat him into giving us the pictures and his was so refreshing.”

  “How did you know that he didn’t already post those pictures on the internet?”

  “We didn’t. We had to get a friend of ours to scour every inch of the net, but so far, they haven’t shown up.”

  “I need to ask. Was it sleeping with Avery and him rejecting you that made you so cold?”

  Aaron hesitated for a moment before he undressed. “No, it was not. That was the incident that gave birth to the revenge plot against Avery, but what made me so soulless was something else.”

  “Then tell me, Aaron and I can help you.”

  “Don’t think those large, beautiful blue eyes are going to make me break and tell you all my dirty little secrets, Martina. Now, where were we?”

  “I was telling you that I was not going to have sex with you. Unless you agree to my conditions.”

  Aaron slid her panties over her legs and stared at Martina’s naked form. Her breasts were perfectly shaped globes, with taut, rosy nipples. His eyes traveled down her flat stomach to the junction between her thighs. Her most intimate flesh was already wet and burning. He was not going to take from Martina. She was going to give.

  “I agree to one of your terms.”

  “I want you to agree to all of them, Aaron.”

  “How about a counteroffer?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I won’t set Avery free, but I’ll stop fucking our daughter, and I’ll let you keep the document to use however you wish.”

  Martina hesitated for a moment. “I agree to your counteroffer, Aaron, but please make sure you keep your word.”

  “You have my word, my love. Now that’s out of the way, I’m all yours. We’re going to make love on a whole new level.”

  “How many more ways could we make love, Aaron? We have tried so many new ways in our relationship that I can’t imagine many more.”

  “Oh baby, you don’t know the world of rapture I can bring to you. We have a lifetime to find out. But for tonight, use your five senses on me.”


  “Baby, what you felt out on the veranda before dinner was exciting, I’m sure, but you were assaulted too quickly by Avery and me. We were so hungry for you that you never had a chance to breathe, to fully experience the pleasure. It was all over too soon.”

  “You can’t tell me that as a man, you don’t like quickies?”

  “No, on the contrary, but you know that. If I can help it, I like taking my time and savoring the moment. Let me show you just how wonderful it feels to take things slow, to use all of our senses to make love.”

  “Okay, but please, be gentle.”

  “For you, there is no other way. Here, hold this.”

  “A blindfold?”

  “Yes, we’re going to make love, one sense at a time.”

  Martina shivered in anticipation as Aaron wrapped the black silk material around her head and over her eyes.

  “You okay?”


  “Good, I’m not going to speak. I’m just going to do. Lay back and enjoy.”

  Aaron did love Martina, with all his heart and soul. He’d loved her since the time he was the pudgy nerdy new kid in town. He still remembered the pudgy, nerdy girl with the face of an angel and a voice so soft that it gave him shivers.

  No one could compare to
Martina. Every time he had sex with another, he would see her face before him. Her intense cobalt pools looking up at him adoringly, her wavy auburn hair fanned out on the pillow. They had made love many times since they’d reunited, but the first time they made love was a moment so traumatic that her memory had suppressed it. A moment he was forced to remember every single day.

  This time, he was going to make the memory a pleasurable one. Reaching for a single thornless red rose, Aaron gently traced her entire body with the petals. He moved the rose to her nipples, caressing the velvet petals over them until they were taut with pleasure. He danced the rose down her navel, to the apex of her thighs and paused.

  “What are you doing?” Martina whispered.

  “We’re using the sense of touch and the sense of sight.”

  “But I can’t see.”

  “I know, but I’m going to use my sense of sight to afford you the experience of your sense of touch.”

  “Aaron, I...”

  “Shh. Please don’t speak. You must remain still and quiet.”

  Aaron continued the dance between her thighs, brushing the flower along her lips, before inserting the rose to play with her clit. He rubbed the rose against her nub in a light circular motion before increasing the pressure.

  “Mmm, Aaron!”

  “Touch me, Martina, but don’t do or say anything else. Just concentrate on one sensation at a time.”

  Martina knew every line of her husband’s body even with the blindfold. She didn’t hesitate to reach up and touch him. However, when she did, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her to her knees, pressing her body to his. Her breasts were crushed to his chest and she sensed her legs being wrapped around his waist as she felt Aaron fall onto his back, with her over him. She ran her fingers through his lush hair. She traced the outline of his jaw, down his neck, over his shoulders and to his biceps.

  “I know you told me not to say anything else, but I adore this rose.”


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