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Cajun Fire

Page 2

by Cheri Valmont

  Lizabeth joined Nikki in the large kitchen that was a frequent gathering place for the family. Around mealtimes, they congregated there to talk, laugh, and discuss the day’s events.

  Her brothers, Derrick and Brock, had gone upstairs to clean up before supper. They’d been outside riding their trail bikes in the pasture, scaring the goats half to death. The Horvilles didn’t have a working farm, but kept goats to keep down the grass in the pastures.

  “So how’d the talk with your father go, Lizabeth?” her mother asked.

  Lizabeth almost dropped the bowls she’d pulled out of the cabinets. “Oh, just fine,” she said, hoping her mother wouldn’t press the subject. She would hate to have to tell her a barefaced lie.

  “Are you going with your boyfriend?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. This was going to be our first date,” Lizabeth tried to word her response in a way that she need not lie.

  “Was? So does that mean you’re not going to the parade with him?”

  Lizabeth hesitated, and tried to phrase her words carefully, “I’m going with friends.” Well she could classify him as a friend, couldn’t she? No, she was kidding herself. Making excuses for her deceptive behavior. For some reason, she just couldn’t help herself. She turned away from her mother’s knowing gaze and walked over to set the table.

  “I see,” was all her mother said before Lauren screamed into the room. “Lauren, help your sister set the table.”

  “Ah, Mom, do I have to?”

  “Yes, you do, young lady. After this summer, your sister will be going to college and won’t be here. It’ll be up to you to help me, so you might as well get used to it.”

  “Ah,” Lauren said and clicked her tongue, but went over to pull the silverware drawer open, grabbing the spoons and forks.

  Lizabeth was going to miss this, her little sister’s antics, her brothers always getting into one mess after another, her mother’s understanding ways, and her father’s loving discipline. She’d decided to stay at the dorm her freshman year. At first, her parents had disapproved of the idea, but they’d changed their minds. She didn’t know why, but she was glad they had. She needed time to discover herself and maybe work through her situation.

  “What’s for supper, Mom?” Derrick, her sixteen year old brother, came striding through the kitchen door.

  Both he and Brock, who was fourteen, were almost as tall as their father. Derrick took after Nikki, as far as his coloring was concerned. His shoulder length hair was sable brown; he had Nikki’s golden eye-color, his skin color lightly tanned. Whereas Brock was pure Horville, with raven hair and jet-black eyes, his skin color a reddish brown. Their grandmother Fleur had told them about their father’s daddy being a descendant of a Native American grandmother. Lizabeth should have known, just by her creamy coloring that she was the odd one out in this family. She coveted her siblings tanned coloring and their height. She’d always felt short and stumpy compared to them. Even Lauren would soon be passing Lizabeth in the height department. When she finally met her biological mother, she realized where she got her looks. Ida Mae, dressed to the nines in designer clothes, made her feel inadequate in her blue jeans and T-shirt.

  “Yeah, Mom, what we got?” Brock passed by the stove, and saw the large pot, “Ah, great, gumbo, mmmm. Today’s the perfect weather for gumbo, just a little chilly.”

  “Gumbo, mmmm. I was just thinking about that the other day,” Jonas remarked as he walked behind Nikki at the stove and hugged her from behind, kissing her neck.

  Lizabeth smiled at her parent’s open show of affection. Their obvious love for each other made her feel loved also. The whole family was very openly affectionate with each other. She wished one day she might find someone who would show her the same kind of love that her father showed Nikki.

  “I must be a mind reader, then,” Nikki teased Jonas. “Okay, everyone have a seat, and I’ll dish out the gumbo.”

  Cajun gumbo was a frequent favorite of South Louisiana cuisine, usually made with chicken and sausage, or sometimes with shrimp, oysters, and crabs. Its base began with a roux, which gave the soup-like dish its dark brown coloring.

  Lizabeth brought a pepper sauce made by a company located on Avery Island, and the gumbo filé, which was ground sassafras leaves, to the table.

  “Thanks, Beth honey,” Nikki said, as she brought the large serving bowl full of the steaming gumbo to the dinner table.

  The kitchen opened to the dining area, which had over-large windows looking out toward the back of the house.

  “No problem, Momma.”

  “So I hear you got a hot date for Mardi Gras, sis,” Derrick remarked.

  Damn it! Leave it to her constantly teasing brother to blurt that out in front of their dad.

  “I don’t know who told you that.” Lizabeth didn’t want to have to get into this now.

  Feeling her father’s gaze on her, she swallowed hard. Her pleading gaze searched out her mother. Lizabeth didn’t want to have to lie in front of the whole family. It was only what she deserved for fibbing to her parents.

  “Hell, it’s all over that that Morrow guy has his sights set on you,” Derrick returned.

  Oh, God, this couldn’t be happening. Lizabeth thought she had everything under control.

  “Do you know this Morrow guy, Derrick?” Jonas questioned his oldest son.

  “Not really. But some of the guys I hang out with know him.”

  “I’ve heard of him, too.” This from fourteen year old, Brock.

  “You have, have you?” It seemed Jonas Horville wasn’t too pleased that a majority of his children knew of Daniel Morrow. “I would prefer you kids stay away from this Mr. Morrow. I mean it.”

  All the Horville children knew when their father said he meant something, he wasn’t kidding. Damn it! If her father found out she dated Daniel after he positively forbade them all from seeing him, she could expect drastic consequences. That’s why she couldn’t take the chance of seeing Daniel Tuesday at the parade; she would have to see him before then, so she could explain things, since she’d already accepted the date. A thought struck her. What if she called her best friend, Sue Landry, to see if she could spend the night? Once there, she could call Daniel and set up a meeting, telling him face to face that anything they started would have to be kept under wraps.

  They dropped the subject of Daniel Morrow immediately. The rest of the meal was filled with Lauren’s incessant chatter, the boys teasing the girls, and Jonas and Nikki laughing at their family’s antics.

  Chapter 2

  “Sue?” Lizabeth whispered into the phone receiver.

  “What?” Sue whispered back, as if not realizing she didn’t need to whisper.

  “Can I spend the night tonight?”

  “Sure, why are you whispering?” Sue asked in her regular voice.

  “I need you to call my house and ask me to spend the night at your house, so my parents won’t think it was my idea.”

  “You’re a nut, girl, but okay, I’ll call you as soon as we hang up the phone.”

  Which was just what she did. Lizabeth let someone else answer the phone, hoping it was Lauren.

  “Lizabeth,” Lauren shouted from downstairs. “Sue’s on the phone for you.”

  Perfect, she’ll advertise it all over the house.

  Lizabeth picked up the receiver. She’d made sure her door was open so no one would suspect her of anything underhanded, as if this was no big deal.

  In fact, when she answered and heard no click from downstairs, she shouted, “Lauren, hang up the phone.”

  Lizabeth heard her little sister’s giggle and yanked the receiver away from her ears as, with a crash, Lauren slammed down the phone. “Shit!” she hissed, but knew better than to shout it out in case her parents heard her.

  “Crap!” Sue didn’t have any such problems. “Your little sister’s such a shit.”

  “I know,” Lizabeth agreed with her. “Thanks for calling back. I’ll go ask my Mom. I’ll see y
ou in about fifteen or twenty minutes. Okay?”

  “Sure. You gonna tell me what’s up when you get here?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  * * * *

  Thirty minutes later, Lizabeth drove up to Sue’s house, which wasn’t too far from her Grandma Fleur’s old place that her dad still owned. For some reason, he hated to part with the house, since it was the place he’d been born and raised. Nothing had changed since her grandmother’s death. She still had the spare key her grandmother had given her. She patted her purse where she’d stashed the key and several condoms for tonight.

  Just the thought of the night ahead had her squirming. She hoped Daniel Morrow lived up to his reputation.

  Parking her used black Chevy Camaro behind Sue’s white Ford Escort; she stepped out, being careful not to slip into the steep ditch. The lane was narrow, barely wide enough for two cars to pass each other, with large cavernous potholes. Harrisburg was a dying town, with no industry and few jobs. Everyone went to the nearby towns for jobs.

  Sue stood at her front door, holding the old screen door open for Lizabeth. She noticed the short skirt, black sequined top, and high heels Sue wore. Shit! Lizabeth hadn’t even asked her if she had a date tonight. It was Saturday and most of the teenagers in town would be trying to get out for some fun. What if Daniel was out on a date tonight? Damn it! She hadn’t thought of that either.

  “You have a date tonight?” Lizabeth asked in dread.

  “I was just going to Te Cher’s to play some pool with Mike.” Mike Tweedel was Sue’s current boyfriend. She was like Lizabeth in that she liked to play the field, but Mike had been her most serious boyfriend to date. Whereas Lizabeth had no plans on getting serious any time soon.

  “I was hoping to call Daniel tonight to see what he’s up to,” Lizabeth informed her.

  Sue gave her a knowing look. She knew what Lizabeth had on her mind and it wasn’t pool. “Suit yourself,” she said. “Come on in.”

  When Lizabeth was inside the house, with her stuff stowed in her friend’s room, she asked, “Can I use your phone?”

  “Go ahead.”

  Lizabeth dialed Daniel’s number, hoping upon hope that he would be the one to answer the phone and not his mother. “Yeah,” the gravelly voice barked along the phone line.

  “Daniel?” Lizabeth asked; her breathing quickened.

  “Yeah?” his voice turned inquisitive.

  “It’s me, Lizabeth. I need to talk to you.”

  “Sure, what about?” His gravelly voice was reverberating along Lizabeth’s sensitized nerve endings.

  “Can you meet me tonight? You don’t have a date do you?” Oh please, don’t let him have a date tonight. She was horny as hell and hoped he could take care of her problem.

  “Nah, I was just heading to Te Cher’s for a couple of beers,” he informed her. “Wanta come with me?”

  “Well, actually, I was hoping you could meet me.” Lizabeth had to avoid people at all cost. In a little town like Harrisburg, tongues wagged, and in no time, her parents would find out she’d been out with Daniel.

  “Sure, where?”

  “I’m at Sue Landry’s house, on Elm, you know it?”

  “Yeah, you want to go for a drive?”

  “No, listen, my grandmother’s old house is on Fern, it’s one-twenty-three Fern Street. It’s a little bitty thing. The smallest house on the street.”

  “Your grandmother gonna be there?” he asked in confusion.

  “No, my grandma died a couple of years ago. My family never sold her house. Do you have a lantern?”

  “Sure, ain’t got no electricity, huh?”

  “Right, we can talk there.” And a lot more, Lizabeth thought. “Park your car around the corner, some of the old ladies around here like to gossip.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

  “Great, I’ll see you there.”

  * * * *

  Daniel Morrow parked his Ford pickup around the corner from the little house he’d just passed. It was a shack. Although he had no room to talk, his own house wasn’t any bigger.

  He’d smoked a joint before leaving his house. On his way, he’d stopped by the store to pick up a six-pack of Bud. Man, he was looking forward to this. He’d wanted to get his hands on this snatch for a long time. She was hot. Her butt length silver blond hair was enough to make a man want to come in his pants. And fuck, he could just imagine her platinum pussy curls, unless she had a shaved cunt. Oh damn! That would be just as nice.

  Sliding out of the cab of his truck, Daniel made his way toward the house; he slipped around back and into the screened-in porch. He knocked softly; and although he didn’t give a fuck if any of the neighbors were watching, he didn’t want to get on the girl’s bad side before he had a chance to screw her.

  The door opened a crack and Lizabeth’s silver blond hair shimmered in the moonlight. When she saw Daniel stood there, she opened the door wider. As soon as she closed the door behind him, Daniel pulled out the battery operated camping lantern and turned it on.

  “Beer,” he offered her.

  “Sure, thanks,” she replied.

  While she accepted the can, Daniel felt free to look her over. Shit! This girl was a knock out. He’d never seen her dressed like this. She was wearing a little jean skirt, showing off her short, muscular legs. Even as he watched, she removed her sleeveless jean jacket, revealing a pure lace, black sleeveless shirt. And Christ Almighty, no bra! Breasts perfectly proportioned for her petite figure, her nipples were pebble hard, poking out against the black lace.

  “Want to have a seat?”

  “Sure,” he consented, and hoped she didn’t plan to have a seat at the kitchen table.

  He picked up the beer and followed as she led him to the living room. There was an old crappy sofa, but it would do well enough for what Daniel had planned.

  They sat down; Daniel was glad to see she didn’t plan to sit too far from him. In fact, she sat with her thigh touching his. She popped the top of a beer, took a sip, and smiled at him. In the lantern light, her loose hair shimmered and her blue green eyes gleamed. She licked her lips and Daniel almost choked on his beer. Shit, he didn’t want to waste his time talking; he wanted to fuck her until she screamed. It was all he could do not to grab her. But he knew the word was out that he could be rough with the girls. Damn, he was rough. And since he wanted to keep fucking this girl for a while, he was determined not to be rough tonight.

  Daniel jumped when he felt her small hand moving on his thigh. But she began talking as if she weren’t moving toward his hard-on.

  “I can’t go to the parade with you on Tuesday, Daniel.”

  “What?” Daniel’s attention was riveted to her hand slowly making its way toward his dick.

  “My father doesn’t want me dating you.”

  “What? Why?”

  “He thinks you’ll be a bad influence on me,” she stated honestly, and that said she grabbed his dick and squeezed.

  “Oh, God,” Daniel said, and groaned as she began to move her very capable hand, stroking him.

  “We’ll have to keep our meetings a secret. Would you be willing to do that?”

  “Fuck, yeah. Whatever you say, baby.” Daniel would agree to anything right now he was so damn horny.

  “Good,” she said, as she turned and began to unbutton his jeans.

  Daniel’s breath came out in short gasps in his excitement. He’d let her do what she wanted with him. Maybe that way he could control his actions. When he felt her warm hand touch the naked skin of his dick, Daniel felt it pulse. He saw the concentration on her face as she put her hands on the waistband of his jeans so she could pull them down and off, which gave her better access to his straining flesh. Quickly, they worked in unison until he was completely naked. He waited for her to give him some head, but it seemed she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  Daniel stretched his long legs out in front of him. Lizabeth faced him, watching him hungrily as she straddled
his hips, and placed herself directly on his dick. He could feel, as she rubbed against him, that she wore only a thong beneath her little jean skirt. Her position gave him the opportunity to stare at her tits through the black lace. He leaned his head down, and licked at her nipple through the lace. “Aghhh,” he groaned as she jerked against him at the sensation he’d caused. Wow, he really enjoyed the sensation of her nipple through that lace.

  Bending his head down again, he sucked her nipple into his mouth until she moaned and ground herself against his dick. He reached under her arms to bring her up higher to get a better taste of her. She whimpered when her pussy lost contact with his shaft. He didn’t like that either, so he sat her back down; and then sat up higher so he could lean over her. He sucked and licked her nipples to his heart’s content. When he pulled up to look into her lust glazed face, he could see the light of the lantern bouncing off the sopping wet lace covering her pebble hard nips. Her eyes fluttered closed and she ground herself harder against his crotch.

  He was ready to come.

  “It’s time,” he told her.

  “What?” Her glazed eyes flashed open and she stared at him with an unfocussed gaze.

  “I want to fuck you,” he stated baldly.

  “Oh,” she said.

  “Take off your thong,” he requested. Daniel couldn’t keep the roughness out of his voice.

  “Hold on.”

  “Hold on?” he repeated, not knowing what she meant.

  Fuck, was she a prick tease?

  She reached for something. He looked over, realizing that she’d brought her purse with them into the living room. She pulled herself off his lap and knelt between his legs. Was she going to give him head now? Then she pulled a packet from her purse. Oh, a condom. Smart girl, he wouldn’t have to use the one in his back pocket. It looked to be one of those thin jobs that would let him feel every inch of her cunt. She placed the unsheathed condom on the tip of his stiff pole. As she rolled it down with one hand, she grabbed his nuts with the other. He watched as she brought his rod toward her mouth. She was going to give him head, through the condom. Christ, this girl was good and she knew what she was about.


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