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Our First Dance

Page 11

by P Nelson

  Melanie looked around the office as if she were scouting for an open conflict, and Calla watched as she chose the chaise lounge in the corner. Melanie set down her purse and lay back on the cushions. Calla put her client face on and picked up her pen and notebook. Settling into a comfy chair near the one floor to ceiling window, she opened her notebook and wrote down the date and time.

  “So, Melanie, why don’t you tell me why you’re here today?” Calla smiled and looked over at her patient who was staring at the ceiling.

  “I’m here to meet my ex-husband’s new submissive.” Melanie rested a calculating glance on Calla. She knew from old gossip rags that Flynn had been married and divorced. They hadn’t gotten to the point in their relationship where they would speak about their exes. Unless Flynn decided to keep her after the thirty-day training period, they might never speak about it.

  Calla smiled at the other woman and leaned back in her chair. With deliberate movements, she placed her notepad and pen on her knees. “Do I know you’re ex-husband?”

  “My maiden name is Underwood. My married name is Banroch”, Melanie explained. “I thought it would be easier to get an appointment with you if I didn’t give away my identity.”

  “Perhaps you would like to tell me why you feel the need to hide from yourself.” Calla decided the best way to deal with a woman like Melanie Banroch was to treat her like a difficult patient.

  “I didn’t come here for you to psychoanalyse me.” Melanie’s voice held a note of impatience.

  “And yet, you’ve paid for the full hour”, Calla pointed out.

  “Flynn is a very complicated man.” Melanie began. “He has certain needs.” She paused before continuing. “I understand that you’re not going to admit you’re fucking him at that club for perverts that he owns, anonymity and all that. Just like you can’t reveal you saw me today, because of doctor-patient privilege. I felt like I had to come here and warn you about the dangers of the lifestyle.”

  Calla knew she had little choice but to sit here and listen to the woman. She wasn’t presenting a risk to Calla’s safety, and she wasn’t threatening her in any way. “What would you like to warn me about?”

  “Flynn and his perversions will change you.” Melanie sat up from her reclining position on the chaise lounge. “He will warp your mind until you’re nothing but an empty vessel. Once he has achieved his goal, he will set you adrift.” Melanie’s eyes held a slightly maniacal glint, and Calla thought about reaching for her phone.

  “I’m sorry you’ve had problems with your divorce. There are different therapies that can be employed to help you come to terms with your feelings of abandonment.” Calla continued with her professional façade even though she wanted to order the woman out. She would be a star in a reality TV program called Subs Gone Bad.

  “Always the professional, Miss Jones”, Melanie mocked. “Let me explain some things to you. I have pictures of the two of you together. Once they’re leaked to the media along with a detailed description of your licentious behaviour, your career is over. After all, no one will want to receive advice from someone with so many problems of her own.”

  “Mrs Banroch.” Calla remained in her seated position, leaning back to create a feeling of false calm. Inside, she was burning. The woman in front of her was vicious. “I feel the need to explain a few things to you. First, if you haven’t come here to seek treatment you’ve wasted your time and mine. Next, my personal life is my own. Last, I don’t think it’s in your best interests to give up on therapy. You’re exhibiting signs of extreme stress, and you could really benefit from spending some time with a professional.”

  “If you continue to fuck my ex-husband, I will ruin you”, Melanie said as she stood up and grabbed her purse.

  “Mrs Banroch, it’s unacceptable for you to threaten me.” Calla could feel her hands shaking from the effort not to stand up and slap the other woman. Never in her whole life had she wanted to physically harm another person, but right now she could easily strangle Melanie Banroch. “If you persist in your threats, I will have to call security and have you escorted off premises.”

  “No need to call in the thugs”, Melanie replied as she went to the door. “I’m serious, Miss Jones, unless you want to see your life crumble around you. Give up your designs on Flynn. He was mine once, and he will be again.” Melanie pulled open the door and went through.

  Calla let out the breath she was holding and tried some breathing techniques that normally helped to calm patients. A knock on the door had her looking up. Max the receptionist poked his head inside.

  “Mrs Underwood has left early. Should I charge her for the full hour?” he asked.

  “Yes, and don’t book any further appointments for her.” Calla breathed deeply and stood up.

  “Not a good fit?” Max asked with his usual charm. He was straight out of college and eager to please. He’d make some Domme a very happy woman if he were interested.

  “I’m afraid that what ails Mrs Underwood cannot be cured”, Calla responded and ignored the shocked look on Max’s face. “I’ll catch up on some paperwork before my next client.”

  Max nodded and left Calla’s office. She sat down and stared at the chaise lounge. Calla thought about everything Melanie had said during their short interview. She obviously believed Flynn had abused her using the lifestyle as a cover. Calla had so many questions she wanted to ask Flynn, and Melanie was wrong. If her patient threatened her or someone else in any way she was obligated to warn the party who might be threatened. After last night, Calla couldn’t be sure as to how that conversation might end.

  Flynn had been on edge, lacking his normal control. It hadn’t frightened Calla, but it made her nervous wondering what had put him in that mood. Was it only work, or did he also have a run-in with his ex. Surely, it couldn’t have been a coincidence that Melanie showed up at her office today after everything that happened last night. What if Melanie made the same threats to Flynn, and now he was seriously considering letting her go? Calla had to convince him otherwise. The first step would be to reassure Flynn of her commitment to the lifestyle and him as her training Dom.

  Hell, if she was being honest, Calla wanted more from Flynn than just the training she wanted everything, a collar and a permanent place by his side. After his reaction to her needs for permanency last night, Calla realised she’d have to take things slowly. But he was worth it, and so was she.


  Pushing the door of the tony restaurant open, Flynn flicked his gaze over the ladies-who-lunch crowd. Melanie was sitting with a group of ladies laughing and exchanging stories. He knew she would be here, just as she knew that Flynn would seek her out. Ignoring the hostess who tried to grab his attention, he walked into the crowded restaurant and walked straight to the table. Melanie looked up from her conversation and smiled at him.

  “Flynn, what a fantastic surprise”, Melanie cooed, and the other ladies at the table all turned their heads to stare at him. All the conversations ceased as they took in the byplay between his ex-wife and him.

  “Not really, do you want an audience for this, or would you like some privacy? It’s all the same to me.” Flynn glanced over his shoulder and found an empty chair. He grabbed it and swung it around so he was seated at the end of the rectangular table. “I’m sure the other ladies here would love to know how you’re going to renegotiate your alimony payments.”

  Melanie’s smile tightened, and she glanced at her lunch companions. “I’m sorry, but it looks like Flynn wants to be a bear today. Could you give us a minute?”

  The ladies all nodded politely even though the salacious look in their eyes indicated they wanted nothing less than to hear every word. They stood as a group and headed off to the ladies’ toilets chatting quickly under their breath.

  “Satisfied that you’ve made a scene?” Melanie put extra emphasis on the last word as she reached for her glass of white wine.

  “I’m not the one causing scenes, Melanie”, Flynn bit out.
“Your little game with Banroch Industries is over. Now I want to know what it’s going to take to get your claws out of my brother? A cheque? I can have my lawyers and my banker sort out something by the end of the day.”

  “Oh Flynn, I really don’t know what you see in her. She’s nothing like me.” Melanie stared at him over the rim of her wine glass. Every nerve in Flynn’s body went on high alert. Melanie had been stalking Calla; it was entirely possible that she had made contact.

  “Is there something you want to confess?” Flynn asked using the voice he knew Melanie hated.

  “She is hardly the wilting submissive you prefer, Flynn.” Melanie licked her lips in a calculated gesture. Flynn watched the action dispassionately.

  “I don’t think you ever realised exactly what I wanted in a sub, Melanie. If you had, we wouldn’t be here right now.” Flynn rolled his shoulders. “I’m prepared to be quite generous with you to leave my brother and anyone else in my life alone.”

  “You can’t buy your way out of this one, lover.” Melanie growled the last word. “We can have an exchange.” She reached a finger out to trace down Flynn’s cheek. He didn’t move or swat her away.

  “Don’t fucking touch me”, Flynn ground out.

  “Oh Flynn, you really are no fun to play with anymore. I really don’t know why I bother.” Melanie sat back in her chair and set her wineglass on the table.

  “You can stop any fucking time”, Flynn replied and watched her as if she might jump across the table and bite his jugular.

  “A trade, Flynn.” Melanie’s face had turned calculating. “I’ll give up my blossoming friendship with Arthur if you give up your little dalliance with Miss Jones.”

  “Why?” Flynn asked. He was hardly surprised she proposed this. A part of him recognised it was no coincidence that Melanie had come into his life just as he decided to take a training sub. He was even considering keeping Calla full-time. He might have to choose his brother or his lover.

  “I admit when I found out you had taken a permanent sub again I felt jealous.” Melanie pouted. “You play around, of course, that’s to be expected from a man of your tastes and appetites. There were times when I enjoyed filling every one of them.” Melanie’s face grew hard, and she was no longer the pretty aspiring socialite. “I do not like the idea of you sharing what we had with some other woman.”

  “All we shared were lies, Melanie.” Flynn was stuck playing this stupid game out to the bitter end. “If I agree to release Miss Jones, you must not only never seek out Arthur again, but you cannot reveal her lifestyle to the media.”

  “Done.” Melanie said with triumph. “You see how easy that was. Perhaps you really didn’t care for her at all.” She leaned over to give Flynn a view of her cleavage. “Perhaps you want to come back and sample what you lost.”

  Flynn let all the bitterness he felt for having to give up Calla to save his brother from his ex-wife colour his voice. “I would rather have a twelve-inch dildo shoved up my ass without lube.” He stood up and saw that the ladies who had vacated their chairs earlier were standing in a group only a few feet away. “I will have my lawyers draw up the contract, Melanie. I don’t want to see you again, either.”

  “I didn’t agree to that”, Melanie huffed.

  “Sign the papers, or I’ll sue you for the shit you pulled today with Banroch Industries. Corporate espionage isn’t a good look, Melanie.” Flynn bit out and left the restaurant without a glance back.

  The thought that last night’s rough completely vanilla fucking would be the last time he would sink into Calla’s body burned him. But he had made the only decision possible under the circumstances. With Melanie’s twisted influence, Arthur would continue to spiral out of control. Calla had been his light in the darkness. Flynn paused on the busy street and squeezed his eyes shut. For one second, he let himself dream of a future with Calla. They would have been happy. Maybe even blessed with a couple of kids. He had connected with her in way he knew he never would another sub.

  Opening his eyes, Flynn stared unseeing ahead. He pressed through the downtown lunchtime crowds. Flynn was certain of one thing. Melanie had changed. Whether or not it was due to her time in the lifestyle with him was another matter. He didn’t want to believe that he had created that monster bitch sitting with her friends for lunch and planning the social destruction of his brother and lover. She was dangerous and as much as it would kill Flynn, he had to protect Arthur and Calla. It was in his nature. It was what made him turn to the lifestyle in the first place.

  Flicking open his phone, he made the first painful, but necessary phone call. The man on the other end answered, and he had to clear his throat several times before he could get the words out.

  “Yeah, Dillon. Listen, man, something has come up and I need you to do a favour for me.” Flynn’s chest tightened and he felt emotions stirring inside of him he never felt before. He had to give her up.


  Flynn had sent a car to her office to pick her up, and she had felt a bit like a celebrity as she got into the back of the black Rolls Royce. The interior screamed money, and it was the first time Calla realised that Flynn was more than just the Dom who owned a BDSM club. He was an important figure in the business world with many different responsibilities. She decided she needed to be much more forgiving of his moods when he acted out. A bad day at work could mean anything from losing contracts, money, or having to let go of staff.

  Despite her less than auspicious meeting with Melanie earlier in the day, Calla felt optimistic about the evening. Flynn hadn’t called to cancel their scene, so she assumed that he was ready to play again. Inside her locker, she found another black corset covered in lace as well as another lacy thong. She smiled as she got into her fetware. For some reason, she felt as if everything was going to change tonight.

  Calla did her best to walk calmly through the full changing room. It was Friday night, and the club’s floor looked as if it would be packed with kinksters. A smile spread across her face as she opened the door to the dungeon. This was her world. Calla felt as if she belonged here. Calla spotted Flynn having a heated discussion with Dillon who was angrily shaking his head. Whatever the two were arguing about, it looked serious.

  Taking a deep breath, Calla walked over and stopped in front of them. They both stopped talking and watched as she sunk down into her slave pose. Pride grew in her chest as she realised how much better her slave pose had become since her first day. Flynn’s voice sounded from above her, but he didn’t come over and greet her as he normally did.

  “Stand up, Calla. We have a few things to discuss this evening in private.” He sounded as if he was trying to hold in his temper or something else. Calla’s heart thumped in her chest as she slowly rose to her feet. One look at his face, and she knew he was going to break her heart, and she couldn’t do anything about it.

  “I don’t want to go somewhere private.” Calla clenched her fists. “Why don’t you say what needs to be said here.”

  “Don’t challenge me right now, Calla.” Flynn looked over her and every instinct inside of her urged her to turn and run away from the man who was about to break her heart.

  “Flynn. Man. Calm down.” Dillon tried to step between them. He glanced at Calla. “I think privacy would be a good thing right now, Calla.” He looked so sincere as he said the words that Calla wanted to take him up on his offer. Pride made her shake his head.

  “Do it here now.” Calla felt her lips wobble, and tears formed in her eyes. “Be the big bad Dom and do it right on the dungeon floor.” Her challenge had Flynn stiffening as he looked down at her. Calla knew she had challenged his authority, and there was no way he was going to back down now.

  “This is a bad idea, Flynn.” Dillon warned the other man and reached out to take Calla’s arm. She jerked out of his grasp.

  “Go on, Master Flynn.” Calla put extra emphasis on the word master. “I want to hear you say the words.”

  Calla was hyper-aware of the people w
ho had stopped to watch the drama unfold. Doms and Dommes stared openly at the exchange while subs took in the whole scene with horror on their faces. No matter what happened at this point, Calla knew she’d be the subject of gossip. Even though she wanted to be above such talk, that Flynn was going to dump her before their training contract even ended pierced her heart.

  “I release you from our contract. You’re no longer my training sub.” Flynn’s words were cold, and he looked stoic. For a second, Calla thought she might have seen something in his eyes from when he cared for her, but it was gone in an instant. “Master Dillon has graciously accepted the task of finishing your training here at The Cage”, Flynn finished speaking. Calla stood there numb staring at the man she had trusted above all others.

  Reaching around her neck, Calla undid the clasp of the heavy gold chain with his initials etched on the front. She held it out to him. “You’d better take this back for your next sub.” Her voice was low and choked with tears, but she was not going to run and hide. Calla was stronger than the sum of her parts, than the hurt she realised only this man could bring her. He didn’t reach out to take it, and she was not going to stand here all night. With a tight smile, she forced herself to release the collar. It fell to the floor in a heap.

  “Goodbye, Master Flynn.” Calla turned on wooden feet and kept her eyes on the door of the ladies’ changing room. All she had to do was go inside, throw a shirt over her fetware, and grab her purse. It felt as if there were a thousand eyes on her.

  “I told you that Master Dillon would be taking over your training, Calla.” Flynn’s fingers pressed into her elbow forcing her to stop mid-step. “Turn around and greet your new Dom.”

  Calla fought for control over her raging emotions. Never in her life had she felt so much at once and been so confused. Swallowing hard, she stared straight ahead and ignored the sub inside of her that still wanted to please him even though she had been set aside.


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