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The Set Up

Page 26

by Kim Karr

  “Damn it, I love when you make that noise.”

  Just then I look down at him, a little horrified. “What noise?” I ask. “I don’t make noises,” I tell him.

  Ignoring me, he moves lower still. This time over my ribs, where he murmurs something I can’t understand. He stops there to dip his tongue in my belly button and takes a little extra time to suck and nip at the skin surrounding it.

  Oh, God, I love when he does that with his teeth.

  He looks up. “That noise.” He grins with a self-satisfied smirk.

  My hands fly to my mouth in embarrassment. Compliments during sex aren’t anything I’m used to, but soon enough I relax and let my hands fall. I like the easiness that is developing between us. I like what he’s doing to me. How he’s making me feel. How comfortable I feel with him.

  When he kisses my hip, my pulse flutters with a strange new kind of excitement. I should be nervous. I shouldn’t want him to do what he’s about to do. But I do. I want this.

  As soon as we bared ourselves to each other, we crossed that line from friends to more. Lovers? Perhaps. And now that we have, there is no turning back. This is all new and different. Feelings I’ve never had during first times. Trust is already built between us and I want him to take me wherever he wants. Do to me whatever he wants. Make me feel alive.

  Settling between my thighs, he grins up at me. “Your skin tastes so good. I can’t wait to taste the rest of you.”

  Whether it is his way of asking or letting me know what’s next, I can’t help but stare at him. Only one word escaping my lips. “Jasper,” I breathe, his name sounding more like a prayer.

  His hand soothes over my belly and all of my nerve endings leap to attention as his mouth moves lower and lower still.

  The green light more than evident in the sounds escaping my throat, he dips his head down. And then, and then, oh God, his breath gusts over me like a small whirlwind of pleasure just before his tongue darts out to taste my sensitive flesh. That small whirlwind turns into so much more. Unable to control myself, I bite down on my lip to stop from yelling out. It’s been a long, long time since a man has touched me, and never has one taken his time with me like Jasper is.

  Not taking a single breath, he runs the tip of his tongue over my clit and dips it inside.

  Right here. Right now. All of my senses come alive. My eyes dart to his mess of beautiful brown hair. The air smells like him. And I swear I can taste him in it. He’s everywhere in my room and I can’t help but hope he lingers in it long after he’s gone.

  He licks me slowly and I feel each touch like a kind of pleasure I’ve never felt before. Lifting my head from the pillow, I peer between my thighs and see his eyes are closed, his lashes two half-moons. Beautiful. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. I moan when he tongues me harder and harder still.

  Glancing up at me, his words are barely audible. “Fuck, you taste sweeter than I could have ever thought possible.”

  No words.


  Crashing my head to my pillow, I close my eyes. In less than a moment, though, he pushes a finger inside me and my entire body jerks. It feels so good. I try to stifle the sound with my fist, but I’m fairly certain I didn’t do a good job of suppressing the noise because his responding groan is like an aphrodisiac that I certainly don’t need right now.

  Passion fills the room. It’s in our sounds, the way we steal glances at each other, the way our bodies move, our breathing. Feeling out of control, my hips surge upward and then, just like that, he finds my G-spot.

  “Jasper,” I call out.

  Losing myself in his touch, I convulse around his fingers. Pleasure rips my voice away as he continues to consume me until I’m gasping and trembling. On the edge. Ready to fall.

  Shaking, I look down at him. Brown, brown hair nestled between my thighs. Passion hazes my vision. Back bare and beautiful, waiting for me to run my nails down it. Naked. So naked. It’s an image I will never forget. Suddenly, he looks up at me and everything becomes clear when I look into his brown, brown, eyes.

  “Don’t come yet.” Jasper’s voice has grown deeper over the years we haven’t seen each other, but now it goes lower. Impossibly low.

  I blink, trying to focus on what he’s telling me while so close to falling over the edge.

  “Don’t come yet,” he says again. This time I can feel his breath as it drifts over my hot, wet flesh, and the feel of it tantalizes me mercilessly.

  I swallow. Hold back. Feel. So much to feel. So much I want to feel. “I . . . I don’t know if I can stop it.”

  With a grin that melts me, Jasper moves up my body. Fast as sin, he captures my wrists with his hands as he pushes them over my head. Automatically, my fingers curl around the wooden spindles and I stare up at him, more than a little breathless. I’m definitely not the same girl he played Matchbox cars with in the dirt when we were young, but there’s a little of that same boy who played with me still in Jasper. The boy who told me what to do, took charge, always knew how to get his way. And he’s hovering over me right this minute, making certain I do what he demands.

  I never could resist his domineering ways, so I hold on with my heart nearly pounding out of my chest. Hold on tightly while he stands up, looks around, reaches down, and finally fumbles in his wallet. Pulls everything out. Shakes it upside down. And then sighs.


  Why is he sighing?

  Curious, I watch as he drops his wallet to the floor empty-handed.

  Sighing again, he saunters toward me. All this time I’m watching him in utter fascination. He sits down beside me. I so badly want that body over mine. His eyes are on me. I’m waiting. Wondering what is going on.

  Finally, he laughs and nuzzles my ear. “You’re never going to believe this.”

  “Believe what?”

  He laughs again. “I don’t have any condoms.”

  “Stop joking around. It’s not funny.”

  “I’m totally serious.”

  I sit up so fast the room spins for a second or two, and I have to grab on to one of his shoulders to steady myself.

  He looks at me in question.

  “I don’t have any,” I say in answer to his unspoken question.

  We are sitting side by side now. Naked. Completely naked. “Well, shit,” is all he says.

  “How . . . how do you not—” I stop myself.

  He’s shaking his head. “I wasn’t planning anything that has happened tonight. Wasn’t even thinking this is where we’d end up when I called you earlier. I’m sorry.”

  Giggles bubble out of me. “You don’t have to be sorry.” It’s pretty funny. After so much worry about doing this, now we can’t. I can only laugh about it because otherwise I might just cry. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop from doing either.

  Jasper leans in and kisses me until my mouth opens and I can taste him. Taste me. That energy we seem to have wraps itself around us like a blanket and soon enough he has me pinned on the bed. A breeze blows through the window. The air might be cool, but all I can feel is the heat between us. Our breathing shifts. His goes in while mine goes out. My clit throbs beneath his hard length, and I rock myself against him. Jasper’s mouth moves down my neck, small, light flicks of his tongue that feel like sparks of desire. I run my fingers through his hair, the strands tickling the back of my hand. “What are we going to do?” I ask.

  Jasper lifts himself up on his arms. Stares down at me, his lips glistening. Those intense brown eyes flickering, he licks his lips. “We have two choices,” he says. “I can get dressed and go to the store, or we can stay here and act like horny teenagers who never hit a home run.”

  “Third base?” I question.

  He nods.

  Neither is acceptable. I shake my head no and put my hands on his face to tip it farther down. Gently, I hold him still while I look up into his eyes. Looking for a better solution. Hoping for one. My thumbs reach for the softness of his mouth and trace his low
er lip.

  Jasper shivers under my touch and a new level of desire seems to be mounting. He shifts a little and his erection strokes along my inner thigh, tantalizing my flesh with his. I can’t stand it another minute. That’s when I reach between us to stroke him. He groans and I want to swallow the noise, it sounds so good. The inner temptress in me that I had no idea existed emerges, and I insert a thumb inside his mouth in the most flirtatious way.

  After sucking on it for more than a few seconds, his lips purse and he looks down at me with a sly grin. “What are you doing?”

  Answering without really thinking about it I say, “Finishing what we started. I’m on the pill. I’m clean. And I trust you are too.”

  Reservations appear all over his face. Even though he seems hesitant to move forward, he lowers himself down, closer to me. Closer to my mouth. Closer to my body. “I am clean. I get tested twice a year.”

  With my nipples brushing his chest, I have to ask. “But the two women you were with last weekend?”

  “Although this is not the place I want to be discussing this, I didn’t have sex with them both, just Blue, and I used a condom.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He shrugs and shifts to the other end of the bed. “It doesn’t matter. I was still with them both intimately.”

  I sit up to face him, uncertain of what to say to that. He’s right. It shouldn’t matter. Yet for some reason it matters to me that he didn’t sleep with Eve. Knowing this doesn’t change anything, but all the same I feel like a weight has been lifted. Lighter than I’ve felt in a while, I lose myself in his brown eyes, now deep and dark, filled with that heavy layer of desire I’m feeling too. And I find myself ready to stop thinking about him with her. Moving closer to him, I place my hand on his face. “I haven’t been with a man in two years, and I really want you right now, so let’s stop talking about other women.”

  Jasper blinks and falls on an elbow. “Trust me, the only woman I want to talk about is you.”

  I draw in a breath. “So we’re doing this?” I ask.

  He grins. “We are.”

  I lean down to kiss him. Upside down. My forehead right above his chin, I slide my mouth until I find his. Then I kiss him and kiss him and kiss him, not caring what angle we’re at.

  His hand cups the back of my neck, his strong fingers pressing just right at the base of my skull. I shiver and feel his touch in every inch of me.

  Fast, fast as sin, he rolls me onto my back. Even faster, one hand is next to my shoulder and the other is on his cock to guide it inside me. My eyes close as he pushes slowly and starts to fill me. A small noise escapes me and he stops moving. He must think I feel pain. He isn’t wrong, but I want it. Want to feel it. Want to turn it into pleasure. Slowing his pace, he slides a hand beneath the back of my neck. His fingers dive into my hair and he brings my mouth to his. Open-mouthed, he kisses me and then stops, breathing hard.

  I blink him into focus, his face so close I can see every single one of his long, long lashes. Inside me his cock throbs. Still he doesn’t move. I start to tremble, my need for him surging. “Please.”

  His eyes search mine and he smiles half a beat after I beg. “I’m letting you decide on the pace.”

  Understanding what he means, I shift beneath him, and only then does he finally press deeper into me. Then he slowly withdraws an inch or two. It isn’t enough. This is too slow. I lift my hips and clutch his ass to move him.

  With a groan, he sinks into me, and then pulls out.

  Faster he thrusts.

  Faster still.

  Turning it up, our teeth clash in a hard kiss and our grip on each other tightens, but I don’t care about bruises. This feels so good nothing else matters—it all falls away. Everything. It’s just him and me and what we have. This physical insanity. This lust. This desire that is greater than any I’ve ever felt.

  Needing to hold on, I reach back and grab the headboard.

  Jasper pushes up onto his hands to drive his cock deeper, and the pleasure is almost too much. My hands grip the wood. He moves faster and faster. Deeper and deeper. His eyes never leave mine, not even when he slides a hand between us to stroke my clit in time with his hard and fast thrusts.

  “Now,” he grunts between clenched teeth.

  Uncertainty must be evident on my face.

  “Now . . . you can come.”

  The ceiling starts to blur. I close my eyes and tip into the swirling oblivion of orgasm. Warmth floods me and I let it sweep me away. Carry me off to a place where everything in the world is bright and filled with so much light. A place where darkness doesn’t loom around every corner and stars shine bright. It’s a place I’ve never been.

  Jasper groans my name, surprising me, and I find that I, too, like the way he says my name.

  I cry out so loudly when he pumps inside me one last time that I end up letting go of the headboard to hold onto him. Not on purpose, my nails rake his back. When they do, he cries out too, maybe because I’m drawing blood or maybe because it feels that good for him too, and then he collapses on top of me. His lips search for that spot on my neck that drives me wild and attach to it.

  A minute passes before he rolls onto his back with a loud sigh. “Wow.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” I stare up at the ceiling still seeing stars, unable to form words, boneless and sated beyond belief.

  His shoulder presses against mine and I like being close to him. Once he catches his breath, he turns to face me.

  I turn too.

  Both propped on elbows, we stare at each other. “Is this what they call friends to lovers?”

  I laugh. “I’m not entirely sure, but if I had to guess I’d say yes.”

  Jasper takes a piece of my hair and twirls it around his finger. “Does it make me sound perverted if I tell you I want to cross that line again?”

  I laugh, this time ruefully. “No, but I’m pretty certain you can only cross it once.”

  The side of his mouth quirks up in the most wicked way. “Did I mention again?”

  I stretch my legs out and entwine my feet with his naked ones, then I run my fingers up the inside of his thigh, and I can feel him starting to get hard again. “You did,” I whisper, “and I have the most perfect thing in mind.”

  He raises a brow. “Oh, yeah, what?”

  “Let me show you.” I lean in to kiss him and it seems like the most natural thing in the world.

  He’s so responsive to my touch. His mouth opens under mine. His tongue strokes mine. His hands are in my hair.

  Pushing him onto his back, I straddle him and continue kissing him, but not on the mouth. Instead, I draw a path down his body with my tongue like he did to mine, stopping to suck and nip at his skin along the way.

  The noises he makes are such a turn-on that when I reach his cock I can’t wait, and immediately take him in my mouth. I suck him slowly. He arches. I suck him harder. He surges his hips. I moan. I lose myself in him. In his taste. In his scent. The feel of his cock. In all of him. I want to remember this forever.

  With his fingers in my hair, he comes. “Charlotte, oh fuck, Charlotte,” he calls out.

  And I can’t help but smile as he finds his release with my mouth, my tongue, my teeth, and my name.



  LAST WEEKEND TWENTY-TWO people were shot in Detroit, four of them fatally. A month ago the Department of Highway Safety announced they were having a difficult time raising the funds to assemble a task force to tackle the long-standing problem of illegal street racing. Tonight, mobs of angry people came out to express their concern about my innocence.

  What do they all have in common? The city’s lack of a fully staffed police force to handle the violence on the streets.

  It’s the sort of thing that gives Detroit a fearful reputation of being a lawless place.

  I draw in a breath. Let it out. Take another, a slow, easy pattern that nevertheless doesn’t help me relax.

p; Up until now, the shit that happened tonight was something I’d only watched on the news or read in the paper. Now it is my life.

  I’m certain damage control is quickly moving to the top of Will’s to-do list. And rightfully so.




  Thunder booms in the distance and lightning lights up the sky. Small pellets of rain start beating down and I look over toward the window. It’s open, but the wind doesn’t seem to be blowing it in.

  Finally, I exhale in shallower bursts. Beneath me Charlotte makes a small snore-like noise. It’s fucking adorable. I look at her and even in the midst of the turmoil I can’t help but grin.

  Our skin is sticky from the July heat. Charlotte shifts to lie beside me and entwines her legs with mine. And that’s all it takes. Soon, too soon, my breathing starts to pick up again for an entirely different reason.

  I can’t stop myself from remembering how good it felt to be inside her. Bare. Never have I gone bareback with a woman before. Fuck, it felt like nothing I’d ever felt before. Like sex was just sex with all the others, but with her it was something more. Something I can’t put a name on. Was it just that I didn’t wear a condom? Because fuck, I shouldn’t do that again. Still, I want to. But really, I always have condoms. Always. Yet, with everything going on, I never restocked my wallet after last weekend. Sex just wasn’t on my radar. When you’re the circus act in town it’s hard to focus on much else. And let’s not forget that I was planning on keeping her out of this mess.


  I run my hand through my hair. Was it the right decision to change my mind?

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I just don’t know.

  The summer heat wave is in full force and feeling it more tonight than ever, I carefully throw the covers off and stare at the overhead fan whirling above.

  Risk and danger.

  That’s what I’ve been about my whole life. And as I lie here at three in the morning with her fast asleep on my chest, I can’t help but wonder if that’s what Charlotte Lane is to me too.


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