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Boss On A Leash: A Single Dad Billionaire Romance

Page 20

by Kara Hart

  Today is a rare occurrence. Without work obligations riding my ass, I let Sammy have a sick day from school. Together, we sit in bed, watching silly cartoons and reading books. Then, we take a long nap. If my breakup didn’t destroy my happiness receptors, this would have been the best day ever. Then again, if Ali was with us now, it would be even better.

  Throughout the day, I periodically step outside to check my phone. It’s usually as soon as Sammy mentions Ali’s name, or I see a reminder of her on the TV. I’m overwrought with delusions surrounding her calling me back. I need to wise up. It’s not going to happen.

  The hours fly by. Evening hits. We order a pizza. I eat three too many. Then I eat another three more. I eat so much my shirt feels tight. I’ve never had a woman do this to me before.

  When I re-enter the room, Sammy’s fast asleep. The hazy glow from the television flashes over her, so I turn it off and tuck her underneath the covers. She’s out pretty hard, and I’m feeling tired as a dog. Ragamuffin is quietly sleeping in her bed, so I take this as my cue to get my pajamas on.

  I head to the bathroom, but something stops me in my tracks. It’s a dark shadow outside my window. At first, I’m inclined to ignore it. That’s when I hear a loud popping noise.

  Thinking it’s something sinister, I run out on the porch, shirtless. A bright light flashes in my eyes, forcing me to squint. “Who’s there?”

  The lights turn off. It’s a very familiar station wagon. An even more familiar woman steps out of the car. I’m looking right at her, but I can’t believe it.

  “Hi,” she says. “Again.”

  I wave. “Um. Hey.”

  She bends her neck, breath billowing outward like fog on a rainy day. “I’m back.”

  It’s impossible to frown at a sight like this. “It’s an Easter miracle.”

  “Not quite April yet,” she says.

  “Forgive me. I lose track of time whenever I see you.”

  Breaking the ice for the second time today, she moves toward me until she’s close enough to touch. Lord knows how bad I want to touch her again. “You’re smooth, Marc Wylan.”

  “Just another desperate attempt to make you laugh,” I say.

  She cracks up, scrunching her nose.

  “Is it working?” I ask.

  She waves her hands to make me stop, giggling so hard she sways back and forth. I reach out to keep her balanced, but she just falls into me. She’s not heavy by any means, but I’m not well balanced. I guess the sight of her does that to me. Holding her, we both fall to the ground.

  It’s quiet outside, spare for the crickets. She’s staring at me, a look of surefire determination in her eyes. I want to believe she’s here to give me a second chance, not to pick up another item she left behind.

  I point to her car. “I thought I got rid of that thing. It leaked a bunch of oil across my driveway,” I joke.

  She puts a finger to my lips. “Shh.”

  It’s not a time for jokes.

  It doesn’t matter why she’s here. I want her. No more waiting for things to fall in place. I’m going to take what I want.

  Closing my eyes, I kiss her. A flurry of emotions take over as I push my lips open.

  I feel her tongue against mine, her hands on my face, hands that know me. Hands that care. I hold her close as she straddles my waist. I suck her lower lip into my mouth, biting down. Gasping for air, I’m exhilarated.

  She pulls away, surprise flashing across her face. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have...”

  “No, I’m sorry,” I mutter. “I need to be more careful of your feelings. It’s too fast.”

  She pauses with that same look of devotion in her eyes. “Is it too fast, though?”

  Above us, the stars flicker. Below, the forest is silent.

  “Fuck no.”

  We kiss frantically, almost too frantic. I’m not used to this makeup sex thing, but I think that’s where this is headed.

  She shivers. It’s too cold for us to be making out in the driveway. Plus, I’ve got some nosy neighbors. Someone could be watching us, so it’s time to take this inside.

  “I love you, Ali Greenwald,” I say. “It doesn’t matter how many times you run from me. I’ll always love you.”

  “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d be a little creeped out,” she says, kissing back.

  “Yeah, but you do love me,” I say. “And there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  Oh, no. Not another bet. I’m sick of those.

  I swing her into my arms, pouncing through my front door. Upon entry, my face burns from the change in heat. “Oh, thank god,” she says. “It feels so good to be back here.”

  I place her gently on her feet and cover her shoulders with a wool blanket. “I know something that might feel even better,” I say.

  She nuzzles her nose against mine, and I hug her, feeling more free than I ever had before. “You want to give me an apology?”

  I hope this isn’t one of those situations where she makes me go an apology tour for the next five years. “I’m sorry. I’m a fucking idiot. I’ll never do anything so stupid again.”

  “I don’t mean that type of an apology.”


  She cups her hand around my cock, rubbing up and down. I’ve been fighting it down ever since she kissed me.

  “Oh… fuck...”

  Soft and sweet, she kisses me. Then, she leads me to the bedroom where the apology tour of a lifetime begins. I’ll start with offering her my mouth. When I’m not lying my teeth off, she seems to like what it can do.

  “What made you come back for me?”

  “I got your flowers,” she says.

  “Oh?” I ask.

  I didn’t buy any flowers for her. I bought something else. A ring. But nobody knows that, so who is the chump that bought my girl the bouquet?

  As soon as she shows me the card, it hits me square in the face. I’d recognize that chicken scratch anywhere. It was Brian…

  And then I remember what he said to me so many days ago. I’m going to save you. This was his way of doing that, I guess. It’s the most simple idea in the world, yet so effective. Who would’ve thought?

  I’m not going to rock the boat any more than I already have. I’m just grateful she’s here. There will be plenty of chances to make her proud. And even more to make her happy.

  From here on out, I’ll be a good boy. Obedient, well-trained, and a lover of doggy-style.


  Is it something I said?


  Happily Ever After…

  Nothing in life is guaranteed. Especially not love. Everyone has to work for it. Depending on your situation, that can be hard. But as I wake from my sweet slumber, I’m pleasantly aware that Marc and I have been pretty solid from the beginning.

  Yeah, it got a little messy at times. He came off as pushy in the beginning. I’m sure he thought I was a little bratty. It took a while for us to both understand each other. We were betting against our future together, even if we didn’t know it yet. And we came from such different backgrounds.

  In the end, we both made out like bandits.

  As I adjust my eyes to my phone screen, I roll to my side and breathe a sigh of relief. Last night, Marc carried Sammy to her bed. It was heartwarming to be in this environment again, so close to the movie-style family I never had. After she was asleep, I got him all to myself.

  Marc turns over, spooning me from behind. His hard cock brushes beneath my ass, and I find myself grinding back for good measure. “Mm. Good morning,” I say. “Sleep well?”

  He kisses the back of my neck, engulfing me in his arms. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he says. “I don’t think I’ve ever slept this well in my life.”

  I laugh, spinning to face him. Finally, I get to share a bed with him, and it’s not one in a sex-themed motel.

  “What’s your plan for the day?” I ask. “Work?”

  He gives me a fu
nny look. Not sure I like it. “Nah, I called out this week,” he says.

  Coming from Marc, this is so surprising that I don’t take it seriously. “Called out? You? I don’t believe it. You’re like a workaholic.”

  He’s staring, smiling like a total creep.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Lying to you,” he says.

  I frown. “What did you do now?”

  His grin grows wider. “I might’ve quit my job.”

  My jaw drops. “Um. Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  He shrugs. “Got a couple billion in the bank. The rest is tied to stable long-term investments. Sammy’s college fund is taken care of, and I’ve set enough aside for her healthcare and retirement. Everything is taken care of.”

  I sit up. “Should I be excited about this or nervous?”

  He rubs my arm. “Considering I’ll be home twenty-four seven now, probably a little of both. You might get tired of my jokes.”

  “Who could ever?” I ask. The upside is that I’ll never tire of his cooking.

  He rolls his eyes. “Seriously, though. I gave it a big think on the night you left me,” he says.

  The worst night ever.

  “Did everything important feel as pointless as it did for me?” I ask.

  “You don’t know the half of it. Between crying my eyes out and fantasizing to your Fonebook picture, I was having the time of my life,” he says.

  “Okay, weirdo.”

  He sighs, turning serious. “I don’t know why I stayed so long. I could work another twenty years, but the money wouldn’t add anything more to my life. I’ve hit the point where I need something real. I need you, Ali.”

  Hearing this makes me the happiest woman in the world. Marc is a great businessman, but he’s an even better dad to Sammy. With his expertise at home, he’ll be able to give her the time she needs.

  As for my teaching job, I needed to take a few days off. Amanda convinced Dean Berman to allow it, despite it being spring break in just a few weeks. I felt this was an important thing to do. I’m starting to see the benefits already.

  Rolling out of bed, he stretches his very naked body. It’s a splendorous sight made only for me. “Hey, I wanted to show you something.”

  My stomach growls. “Can you make that egg breakfast again?”

  He takes my hand. “After,” he says. “Come on.”

  I jump to my feet, startled by his excitement. I’m still sleepy, but he’s got the energy of a marathon runner. “What’s going on, Marc?”

  He leads me into the hallway, toward the photo room. “Right through here,” he says.

  “Marc, it’s early,” I groan. “I don’t want to take any photos.”

  “Just one,” he says, opening the door. “To remember this day forever. The day I finally got to have you.”

  I don’t protest. It’s a really sweet thing to say and suddenly feels like a mission that needs to be undertaken. Our love is important, and I want Sammy to remember that. And who knows? Maybe someday soon, we’ll have another child of our own.

  Once inside, he shuffles me toward a row of cameras sitting on a rack near the door. He grabs one, fumbling with the lens cap. “Okay, stand in the center of the room,” he says.

  I meander to the middle of the room, feeling awkward. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  His hands shake as he places the camera on the tripod. “Yeah, just one-second.”

  “You need help?”

  He’s sweating. I’ve never seen him like this before.

  Starting to get concerned, I ask, “Marc, what’s going on?”

  He drops the lens cap on accident. It rolls underneath his desk. “Oh shit,” he exclaims. “One sec.”

  Lowering to his knees, he reaches for the cap. After a minute of struggling, he seems to find something. He pulls it out. Only, it’s not a lens cap. It’s something my brain can’t comprehend, something unbelievably unimaginable.

  It’s a… a… a ring!

  My heart stops. “Marc...”

  Everything feels like a dream. I don’t want to pinch myself out of fear I might wake up. Sammy wasn’t making stuff up. He really got me a ring.

  Marc exhales. “I was empty, and the sun that once shone so bright turned dark. I was struggling when I first saw you. And then everything seemed to glow. I was halfway to insanity, rushing to find a way to make my daughter happy, as well as myself. In that search, I almost gave up. Then I found you. I didn’t know it at the time, but I believe we were meant to find each other at that gas station. I think your card was meant to fail. I was supposed to get Ragamuffin. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have had much of an excuse to get to know each other. I’d just be another dad dropping off his daughter at school.”

  “Fate,” I whisper.

  He nods. “I never believed in that hippy crap before, but you make me feel so good that I have to believe it now,” he says.

  My throat swells with emotion. A tear rolls down my eye. “I do too.”

  He takes my hand. He’s not shaking anymore. “I want to make you the happiest woman in the world. And when the time comes, if you want, I want to make a baby with you.”

  I crack up and wipe the tears from my cheek and eyes. “I want that too.”

  “I want to go on nice trips. Quality time with you and Sammy. I want to enjoy life again,” he says.

  “I’ll stand by your side, Marc. I love you with all my heart.”

  His eyes are fixed on me. “Ali Greenwald, will you marry me?”

  I’ve always wondered what this moment would be like, and now I know. Pure bliss. That feeling isn’t going away. What we have is stronger than any argument, any stupid misunderstanding.

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Good because my knees are killing me.”

  As he places the ring over my finger, everything slows down. It’s just me and him. And I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

  He stands, hand curling around my jaw and cheeks. We kiss like it’s the first time again. He tastes even better. “I’m staring at the rest of my life,” I say.

  “Shocking, isn’t it?”

  A soft noise snaps us out of our love trance. “Daddy?”

  It’s Sammy. She’s standing in the doorway, holding a soft lamb.

  “Good morning, Sammy,” I say.

  Sammy’s smile lights up. She leaps toward me, throwing her arms around my waist. “Ms. Greenwald, you’re back. I knew you’d come.”

  “Well, your phone call made a big impact on me,” I say.

  Marc’s face twists. “Phone call?”

  “It’s a long story. I’ll explain later,” I say. “We should break the news.”

  I’m a little nervous as Marc bends down to talk to her. “Sammy, I have a surprise for you,” Marc says.

  “Uh oh,” she says.

  “It’s good news,” he says. “I think you’re going to be one happy pumpkin.”

  She snickers. “I’m not a pumpkin.”

  I bend and tickle her. “Oh, yes, you are.”

  Sammy wiggles and laughs. “Tell me, tell me.”

  “Okay,” Marc says, releasing her. He looks at me.

  “Tell her, Marc,” I say, smile growing.

  Sammy narrows her eyes. “Am I getting a new sister?”

  “No,” Marc says.

  “But maybe someday,” I add.

  Sammy’s eyes glance at the ring on my finger. When she realizes what’s happening, she jumps in the air. “You’re getting married?”

  “Yes, sweetheart,” I say.

  She runs into my arms. “It’s Christmas all over again.”

  “As long as I have you, every day is Christmas,” I say.

  “Daddy, hug us. We are having a sent-lim-ental moment.”

  Marc joins in on the hug, and I gotta say, it feels really good to have this support. It’s been a long time since I had a real family to call my own. Some days are going to be hard. I know how difficult life can get. But we’re alwa
ys going to work at this.

  This is ours.

  “So,” he says, “anything you want to do today?”

  “I was thinking we keep it simple. Would you like to go on a walk later?” I ask.

  “A walk? That could be nice.”

  I smile. “I have a dog who likes a good run and a hard belly rub.”

  Ragamuffin stands on her hind two legs as Marc leads us to the kitchen to show off his cooking skills. “Hm. He sounds fun, but I have to warn you, my dog is a maniac. She might tear his balls off.”

  I laugh pretty loud for how dumb his joke was. Yes, we’re in a good place. “Oh, yeah. I’ve seen her. Real monster.”

  “Come here,” he says. “Kiss me.”

  This is the beginning of something wonderful. A fresh start and new beginning.

  We’re a family now. I’ll cherish it forever.


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