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Danny (Downton Cowboys Book 1)

Page 4

by Miley Maine

  I wondered if she knew how stunning she was because none of the pretty women I had met behaved the way she did. In spite of everything that she possessed, she was modest and unpretentious.

  Whether she was trying too hard or being sincere, it was clear to me that Gigi Mans was—without a doubt—the most resilient and intelligent woman I had ever met in my entire life.

  And that was sexy as hell.

  Chapter Four


  After speaking with Danny about the supplies I had initially come to town to pick up, he assured me that they could all be secured within a day or two. He did, however, seem to like having me around.

  On the third day of my stay, I woke up around eight in the morning to find him gone. Of course, a rancher’s day began much earlier than most people.

  When I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, I found a note from him on the counter. It was folded with ‘Gigi’ written on it. I opened it, and it read:

  Good morning, Gigi

  I hope you had a good night’s sleep. Michael has arranged for your supplies, and they can be here today. But if he contacts you about them being ready, please don’t leave before I get home.

  I hope to see you at dinner.


  As I waited for my brew to be ready, I wandered around the house, examining everything with new eyes. His place would be perfect for writing—comfortable, quiet, and secluded. I loved my parents, but my mother talked a lot. Heaven knew I could use this sort of calm in my life.

  Passing across the full-length mirror in the doorway, I stopped to check myself out. Funnily enough, I looked nothing like a writer. Or, at least, what people would usually expect a writer to look like.

  I had packed nothing more than a couple of pairs of jeans and a few shirts. I also had one pair of boots and a hat.

  Could I pass for a cowgirl? I thought, as I regarded my outfit. The black and red plaid shirt I had on was tied at the waist, revealing my navel. I ran my fingers over my stomach, wondering when I was going to get fat and be unable to dress like that again.

  The idea made me sad.

  Shaking the thought out of my head, I made my way back into the kitchen and poured myself a steaming cup. As I added cream and sugar, I inhaled deeply, letting the delicious aroma invade my nostrils. I had always loved the smell of coffee in the morning.

  I took the cup and stepped onto the front porch, breathing in the fresh countryside air as my eyes gazed at the mountains in the far horizon.

  What a gorgeous sight.

  As lucky as Danny was to own a place like this and live in it, his loneliness shone through. I took a sip of coffee and closed my eyes, contemplating life’s unfairness to everyone.

  How could such a wonderful man be so alone? Was there something I didn’t know? Of course, there was. I had only known him for two days; there was so much I wasn’t aware of.

  However, hard as I tried, I couldn’t get the fantasy of him out of my head. He was certainly an Adonis of a man—the most attractive man I had ever met. And not in a conventional manner, either.

  He was, somehow, tougher and far stronger than any guy I had ever been with.

  And why would that surprise me? Living on a ranch was nothing like living in town or in the city. Not that I knew much about it, but I could only imagine.

  Besides, from what he had told me about his early life and the torment he had been through, one could only expect a rough, resilient human being with a knack for survival.

  Leaning against the wooden post out front, I took a deep breath and another sip. One could also expect someone with a lot of issues and instabilities. A man with a tendency for vengeance. A cold heart. A vindictive mind.

  Was it all an act?

  No…it couldn’t be. He had shown me nothing but kindness and chivalry since I had arrived on his property. And everyone who worked for him looked at him like he was a God.

  He was simply too good to be real.

  And who was I to judge? I, too, was only human and undoubtedly flawed. Sure, most men found me attractive—Danny, too, if I wasn’t mistaken. But besides that, I couldn’t claim to be an angel.

  The serene surroundings were cathartic since I found it hard to move a muscle for the entire time I was drinking my coffee. I just wanted to take it all in, and who knew, hopefully, I could take this experience here and turn it into a book somehow.

  The gentle morning breeze was beginning to get warmer as the sun began to rise higher. I walked back inside and mentally kicked myself for not bringing a project to work on. But then again, who would have thought that I was going to stay here, of all places?

  Knowing that I would easily die of boredom, I decided to make myself useful until Michael showed up or Danny returned home.

  The first thing I did was find my way to the utility room and grab a pair of gloves, a cleaning rug, and a surface spray cleaner. I walked around and cleaned every surface that had crossed my path, leaving it squeaky clean.

  After that, I decided to take a shower then read a little on the porch. I was simply falling in love with that particular spot.

  Since nobody else was around, I decided to forego the denim pants and hang out in only my shirt. I took the book and a bottle of cold water and walked over to the bench, settling in the shady corner and crossing my legs.

  I spent an hour or so, consumed in the novel I was quickly devouring. When I realized that the sun was becoming far too hot to bear, I went back inside for fear of further darkening my already visible freckles.

  As I went inside, an idea presented itself while I stood there, facing the kitchen.

  All of my meals in this house had been generously prepared and cooked by Danny himself. Why wouldn’t I surprise him with a meal of my own creation?

  Excited, I marched into the kitchen and started opening all the pantry cabinets to reveal the available ingredients so I could decide what to make. Luckily, he had pretty much everything that I would ever need for any of the dishes I cooked well.

  I went for stuffed peppers, Texas-style potatoes, and a Greek salad.

  When Danny came home, I had already cooked everything and was keeping them in the oven to remain warm.

  “Uh, Gigi?” He raised his eyebrows the moment he walked in through the door.

  “I cooked.” Gloating, I flashed him a big grin as I stood by the kitchen counter.

  “Your pants?” he chuckled, and I could tell he was struggling to keep his eyes on my face.

  “Shit,” I whispered as I immediately bolted toward the stairs, rushing up to my room.

  I could hear his laughter downstairs.

  “It’s fine. This is fine,” I reassured myself as I pulled up my jeans, subtly tittering at my own clumsiness. It was extremely out of character for me.

  “It smells delicious,” he hollered, and I could tell from the direction of the sound that he had already made it to his room. “I’ll shower and join you.”

  “Okay,” I responded before holding my breath.

  I hoped that he would like my cooking, and one part of my brain scolded the other for desiring to impress him so much.

  He was clearly very hungry since his shower was short. In the meantime, I had set the table and laid out everything perfectly. This time, I decided to sit closer to him since the past two nights were pleasant, and I could now comfortably claim that we had become friends.

  “Wow.” He approached, smiling from ear to ear. “It’s been forever since someone cooked for me. Thank you.”

  I pulled my chair closer to the table. “My pleasure. You never had help around here?”

  “There was help here before the place became mine.” He paused, noticing that my face had changed. “Oh, no,” he chuckled. “I didn’t let her go. She was old, and she wanted to retire after losing her long-term boss.”


  “I just didn’t hire anyone after that.”

  “How come?”

  He took his first bite, and I could
see the expression of approval on his face. “I’m a very private person. In my book…for someone to cook for me, that’s—” He paused, seemingly looking for the right word.

  “Personal?” I tilted my head with a cautious smile.

  “Intimate,” he whispered, narrowing his eyes just a touch.

  I could have easily missed it if I weren’t painfully paying attention to his every expression.

  For the few seconds that followed, we both ate quietly. He deliberately chewed his food, and I could tell that he liked it.

  “Why don’t you stay?” he suddenly blurted out.

  It took me off guard, and I stopped chewing. “What?” I asked with a mouth half-full.

  “For a while longer,” he smiled.

  I blinked quickly, not sure where that came from. “Um,” I tittered nervously, not knowing what to say.

  “Do you have a commitment that needs you to return right away?”

  “Well, not exactly—”

  “It’s nice, having you here. I’m really enjoying it.”

  Still taken aback by his request, I decided to lighten up my own attitude. “That’s a hell of a way to tell a woman that you like her cooking.” I forced a giggle.

  “It’s really good, actually. But it’s nicer to have some company for a change.”

  It was ironic that I had just been thinking about what an ideal place his house would make for writing.

  “What do you think?” He spoke nonchalantly this time, but I could tell he couldn’t wait to hear my answer.

  Although I wanted to give him an immediate response, something held me back. My eyes examined him. That tanned skin, that tall, lean physique…that black hair, messy as always, calling for my fingers to run through it. And those eyes, oh, those dark brown eyes. What were they really after?

  “Okay,” I said as though I were scared of changing my mind.

  His face instantly lit up. “Yeah?” A sweet smile made its way to his lips, and my heart skipped a beat.

  “Yeah,” I shrugged. “I think it would be a great place to write.”

  “Great.” He took another bite, chewing it quickly. “Are you working on something right now?”

  “I’m about to start, actually. I was supposed to be finalizing my outline today but—”

  “Well, it can’t be too late to begin.” The encouraging tone in his voice surprised me, and I wasn’t sure why.

  Did I expect cowboys to be like the movies? Stiff and unaccepting of creativity? Aggressive men with overflowing testosterone and interests limited to horses, trucks, and beer?

  Was I really that judgmental?

  I was aware that I had been staying quiet for a tad too long.

  “I’ve never stayed at a ranch house before,” I tittered.

  “How do you like it so far?”

  “It’s wonderful. Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  His eyes scanned mine as if they were searching for more.

  “It’s huge, though,” I continued. “Can’t imagine living here alone.”

  A solemn look took over his eyes before swiftly disappearing as he regained control over his well-crafted calm and collected façade. “It ain’t for everyone.” His attention moved back to his plate.

  “Most people own a house like this because they’re planning on having a lot of children.”

  “Well, I ain’t most people. I told you how I got this place. It wasn’t planned.”

  “I know, but it must have inspired som—” I paused, not wanting to sound like I was trying to direct the conversation toward an intimate topic for such a private man.

  He raised his eyes, and they locked on mine, an enticing gaze flew like electricity, making my knees weak. Thankfully, I was already sitting down.

  “Are children in your future?” I decided to just be straightforward, come what may.

  “Absolutely.” There was no hesitation in his reply. “I would like someone to pass all this on to.” He gestured with his hands that held the knife and fork. “Not just the assets, but everything I know.”

  The pride in his voice with the last phrase sent a wave of warmth through my heart. He was a self-made man, and he certainly deserved to take pride in what he had accomplished.

  Unconscious of my own emotions, my smile grew bigger. I realized how ridiculous I must have looked when he stared at me with a grin that mirrored mine. The blood rushed to my cheeks, and I cursed my luck for having such a white complexion.

  “I’d better go let my folks know that I’ve extended my trip.” I needed any excuse to get up and disappear in that very instant.

  Putting down my cutlery, I pushed my chair back and stood up, marching toward the phone and away from the most charming cowboy I had ever met.

  “Hello, Mom,” I spoke into the phone receiver upstairs in my room.

  “Hi, sweetheart. Any luck?”

  “Uh, yeah. Actually, I’m staying a few more days.”

  “How come?”

  “I made a new friend—the rancher who’ll sell me everything, actually. He invited me to stay and write at his ranch house.”

  “That’s odd,” She tittered.

  “Not really. He’s a real gentleman, and when he heard that I’ve traveled all this way…I guess it’s just his simple way of apologizing for the mix-up at the town’s hotel.”

  “But, Honey, are you sure?”

  “Positive. Look, Mom, he’s perfectly nice. Besides, I could use the inspiration for my new book.”

  She sighed. “Well, I can’t stop you, Gigi. If you like it there and you think it’s safe…”

  “I do.”

  “Just be careful, okay?”

  “I am. I got my own room with a lock and everything.” I giggled.

  “That’s comforting.” Sarcasm was evident in her tone.

  “Mom.” I tried to be stern.

  “Fine. Fine. Just phone us every day.”

  “I can do that. Kiss Dad for me.”

  “Will do.” She paused. “Hang on, what’s the gentleman’s name?”

  “Downton. Danny Downton.”

  “Danny Downton. Alright, Sweetheart. Have a good time, and write a good story.”

  “Counting on it.”

  Hanging up, I wondered if he had forgotten about my awkward blushing session earlier. I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure like I looked normal again.

  It was such a peculiar twist of events.

  When I went back downstairs, Danny had already cleared the table and started doing the dishes.

  “Oh, no. You’re stealing my thunder.” I tried to playfully grab the plate from his hand.

  “You’ve done enough. After all, you’re my guest.”

  I titled my head. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously.” His strong, soapy hands washed the plate clean, and I had to look away.

  “What did your folks say?”

  “Well.” I walked back toward the counter, leaning against it. “They’re happy when I’m happy.”

  “And are you?” He didn’t turn around.

  “I’m happy to be here if that’s what you’re asking.”

  He scoffed. “Let’s say that it is.”

  We spent the rest of the evening talking about literature and fiction. He told me all about the list of books he wanted to read when he had the time. I was beginning to see, much deeper now, that there was far more to that man than met the eye.

  The next morning, I decided to go out shopping in town, since I hadn’t packed enough clothes for a longer stay. When I went downstairs, ready to go, I was surprised to see him in the living room, drinking coffee.

  “Good morning. No work today?” I proceeded to put on my boots.

  He shrugged. “I managed to move some things around.”

  “Ah,” I giggled. “The perks of being the boss.”

  “Where to?”

  “Well.” I straightened up, pointing at my outfit as I sighed. “I need to buy some more clothes.”

Can I tag along?”

  “You don’t strike me as a man who enjoys women’s shopping,” I teased.

  “Not always.” He stood up, casually stepping into the kitchen to leave the mug in the sink. “But I’ve been racking my brains for something to buy you. A new friendship gift, if you will.”

  “Oh?” I hadn’t seen that coming.

  “You can pick it out yourself.”

  “That’s very generous of you,” I smiled. “What do you have in mind?”

  He had already made his way over to stand next to me by the door. I could smell his cologne, picking up notes of cedar and bourbon along with the spicy tang of black pepper.

  Holy shit, he smelled good.

  “Something feminine?” He extended his hand to grab the doorknob.

  I forged a gasp. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “That…” He faked a pensive gaze as he opened the door. “I know you’ll look fabulous in a dress?”

  My, my, my. Mr. Downton was flirting with me; it was plain as day. Perhaps I could find something more playful than my travel jeans and long-sleeved shirts. Something more…appealing.

  Why did I want to turn him on? Because he was driving me wild, and at certain moments, I wished I could undress him. Because every inch of him was beautiful to me, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

  If he wanted to see me in a dress, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. If something more womanly was bound to remind him that I was, indeed, a woman, then be it.

  He gestured for me to lead the way, and as I stepped ahead, I could feel his eyes burning into my backside.

  What if he was thinking what I had been thinking for the past couple of days? Was he feeling what I was feeling?

  With a spring in my step, I approached his massive truck, unable to suppress the smile on my face.

  Chapter Five


  During the drive to town, Gigi quietly looked out of the window. Every time I glanced in her direction, I saw her eyes drinking in every detail of the landscapes that hugged the isolated path.


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