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Danny (Downton Cowboys Book 1)

Page 12

by Miley Maine

  In spite of the weather growing colder, I noticed that Danny was actually going out more. Every day, he would eat lunch at his office with Michael, come back home for dinner, then go out again to meet his friends at the bar. He would come home late at night, just in time for sleep.

  One Saturday morning, I hoped we could spend the day together. Much to my disappointment, he had launched upstairs immediately after breakfast and proceeded to undress.

  “Where to?” I subtly strained, forcing a smile.

  “Jared’s horse ranch in town.” He dropped his bottoms.

  “What for?”

  Pulling his jeans up, he stared out of the window. “He has a couple o’ stallions that need breakin’”

  “Does it have to be you?”

  “I volunteered.”

  “How come?”

  When he turned around, I saw a slight shadow of sadness that soon disappeared. “You know how much I love horses.”

  “Yeah,” I mumbled in the middle of a sigh.

  “I’ll see you tonight.”

  He planted a quick peck on my cheek before scurrying downstairs.

  While I didn’t mind him enjoying his time and doing what he wanted, a part of me screamed that it was all really just to get away from my mother. I couldn’t blame him, since she was doing what I was afraid she would all along—slowly poison our marriage.

  Danny had been used to being independent. He was his own man, and her constant nagging with instructions and comments on everything was definitely getting to him.

  If I were him, I’d escape, too.

  As I was constantly kept busy with Billy, my mind didn’t exactly have the capacity to search for a solution for our little debacle. Between the baby’s needs and my own attempts at becoming a good mother, I didn’t know what else to do.

  I was mentally and emotionally crippled.

  And I began to let it all out in writing. Yes, I had slowly started writing again, and with every page, I felt like myself. Working on a new piece of fiction gave me the escape I, myself, needed every day.

  As the words flowed once more, my relationship with my father was magically resuscitated. Once again, we found topics to discuss and musings to explore every evening.

  Mom was starting to familiarize herself with the town, and every day, she would take the baby out in his stroller for a walk around the places she visited or wanted to see. There was a park there that she seemed to especially enjoy, and she made it a habit to take Billy there every Sunday.

  One sunny afternoon, the cool breeze was softened by the uninterrupted glow of a clear sky. Mother wrapped up Billy in a big blanket and softly settled him down into the stroller.

  “I’m going to introduce him to the Millers in town,” she excitedly announced.

  “The Millers?” I put down my coffee. “Who own that restaurant?”

  “Yes. Their daughter has a baby almost Bill’s age.”

  “Billy, Mom.” I insisted.

  She dismissed it with a quick shake of her head. “Yes, Billy’s age. I think it would be nice for a baby to see another baby. Maybe even smile at her.”

  “How sweet. Where are you meeting?”

  “The restaurant has this huge backyard. And because of the nice weather, Nancy’s holding a little get together.”

  “Would you like me to come with?”

  “No, that’s fine.” She waved a hand. “You sit here and work. We’ll be back to start dinner.”

  “Okay.” I picked up my mug again, sitting back on the couch. “Have fun.”

  Yes, she was slowly and progressively spending more time with my own son than either me or Danny.

  But how could I object?

  The woman was doing everything. From changing him to burping him to picking out his clothes to spending hours familiarizing him with the house and the ranch and even new people.

  It had all left me with ample time to regain myself once again. I started to go for runs in the morning, reclaiming my pre-baby shape. I resumed my skincare and haircare routines without interruptions. I even learned how to do my own nails.

  And most of all, my sleeping patterns were returning back to normal.

  What more could I ask for?

  Every now and then, I would feel a tinge of guilt toward Danny and how he was forced to spend most of his time out of his own house. But then again, I would remind myself that he was doing things that he loved. He didn’t appear agitated or upset.

  “How was your evening?” he asked me one night after coming late to bed and finding me awake with a book.

  “It was good. How was yours?” He smelled of wild flowers and bourbon.

  “Fun,” he nodded, though his eyes didn’t reflect the satisfaction he conveyed in his voice. “Tanner and Mandy are engaged; we drank to that.”

  “Oh, I should call them.” As he proceeded to change, a trace of want began to grow within me.

  “Yeah.” He slid under the covers, immediately letting his head drop onto the pillow.

  “Are you tired?” I whispered into his ear.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  Shifting, I leisurely moved my weight onto him. “Right now.” I kissed his chin. “Just this.” My lips made their way up to his.

  He let out a low grunt as his hand reached to the small of my back. I could feel the tips of his fingers digging their way through the fabric of my nightgown. “I have an early day tomorrow,” he murmured into my lips.

  “You always have an early day.” I frowned before I kissed his eyelids. “Maybe I should be quick.”

  “Hmm.” Fidgeting underneath me, I felt his body react to my touch.

  Following an invisible trail downward, my mouth traced an imaginary line through the middle of his chest. I propped myself up on my palms that rested on either side of him, letting my hair tickle his chest as my head descended.

  “You smell good.” I thought I heard him say.

  My right hand worked its way to the band of his bottoms, pulling them over his hips as my lips and tongue lightly flirted with his skin.

  “Gigi—” His breath sounded heavier as he momentarily squirmed.

  Was he resisting my advances, or was he truly too tired? He wanted it, I could tell. He just wasn’t actively pursuing it.

  “Shh…” I exhaled onto the hairs that rose in reaction. “Allow me, Mr. Cowboy.”

  “Uh,” he sharply exhaled. “You haven’t called me that in ages.”

  I felt his excitement materialize under the tip of my chin. “Mmm,” I smiled. Tilting my head downward, I let my lips graze his skin, softly nibbling as I moved.

  “Quit being such a tease.” He writhed, his fingers ruffling my hair as his hands sought to get a grip. “You said you’d be quick.”

  “Is that what you want?” I raised my voice an octave, challenging him to admit that he desired what I was offering.

  “Yes,” he audibly exhaled, hot and craving.

  Not wanting to wait any longer, I thought about sweet fruit and overflowing juices. I loved him more than to let anything come between us, and if a release was what he needed, then in that moment, it was what I aspired to offer him.

  As every cell in my body worked to give him something he wouldn’t forget too soon, I closed my eyes and really tasted him.

  I reveled in the motion and sound of our collective bodies, dreamily basking in the groans and moans that sprang through his lips.

  The effect I had on him mirrored what he did to me since my very core responded to his every whisper. While I held the strings of control, my mouth summoned his passion, higher and louder.

  Perhaps what he failed to identify in that heated instant of a momentary lapse of judgment was that I, too, was struggling to deny my own release. The mere sight of him right then and there, completely and utterly surrendered to me in the haze of the moment, set my insides on fire.

  Determined to wait until he ultimately let go, I marveled in aspects of him my mind had pushed back into a dark corner
. The twitch of a muscle, the crease of a bend, the wisp of hair that touched his forehead, the wick of his lower lip that ignited my thirst.

  He was far too alluring for me to overlook.

  His breathing began to hasten, and as his pitch began to change, I altered my pace.

  When he finally let go, a drawn-out “Fuck” escaped his lips from between strained exhales.

  Without speaking or complicating anything, we fell into a deep sleep with my head over his shoulder, and our limbs intertwined. The rhythm of his undisturbed breathing sent me back into a peaceful slumber whenever my eyelids parted open throughout the night.

  I believed that my relationship with him was not sorely affected by the bigger picture of our living arrangement. But let’s just say that our alone time together had shrunk to a minimum. Yet, it was all about quality and not quantity, and neither of us had openly complained.

  Things seemed to settle into a new routine, and we both seemed to be growing used to it.

  Or so I had thought.

  As I was getting ready for breakfast one morning, Danny came out of the shower, all wet and sexy. I couldn’t exactly keep my eyes off of him. He, on the other hand, was preoccupied with some work documents that he had brought home the night before.

  “Good morning, sexy,” I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

  “Mornin’, Babe.” His eyes on the print didn’t falter.

  I approached. “What are you up to today?”

  “The usual.” Half-heartedly, he kissed me on the temple before going back to the pages. “You?”

  Frustrated, I let out a sigh. “Same.”

  “How’s that book coming along?”

  “I’m finally getting my momentum back.”

  “That’s great.” His tone lacked the enthusiasm.

  My eyes aimlessly wandered. “Yeah.”

  “Where’s Rita takin’ Billy today?”

  “I think she said something about the market in town.”


  “Do you not want him to go?”

  In a semi-shrug, he lifted one shoulder, raising a pair of narrowed eyes at me. “Would it matter?”

  “Of course, it would.” I was taken aback.

  “No, Honey. It wouldn’t.” He tossed the file onto the dressing table, and I could see the mounting agitation he had been holding back. “Let’s be frank, shall we?” Sitting with one side of his bottom on the edge of the table, he crossed his arms. “Rita decides…everything…when it comes to your son.”

  “Our son,” I strained. “And no, she—”

  He mildly hissed. “Your denial is amazing to me.”


  “No, no.” Raising both hands, he exasperatedly scoffed. “I don’t wanna fight, Gigi. I’m just stating facts here. Rita deals with Billy like he’s your son and your son only. I don’t even know how involved you actually are at this point in raisin’ him, but I sure am out of the picture by now.”


  “Let. Me. Finish.” His index finger shot into the air. “Do you know what happened the other day? Did she tell you?”

  Completely oblivious to what he was referring to, I tilted my head, blinking.

  “You were in the shower. I was gonna take him on the rounds with me. Wanna know what she said? That it was no place for a baby. It was a man’s job to provide for his family. And that if I wanted to keep ‘im safe, I’d keep ‘im away from “horses and other monsters.” Those were her exact words, honey. You think Art is a monster?”

  Shocked, I shook my head. “I—”

  “Fine. Let’s humor that thought.” He straightened up, taking one step closer. His voice deepened. “Do you think I’d put Billy in danger? Any kind of danger?”

  “Of course not.”

  “And she had the nerve to tell me: “I’m only saying that for your own good.” Can you believe the audacity?”

  “Danny, I—”

  He shut me up with a raised palm. “I’m only tolerating this because you’re happy with the way things are,” he whispered, taking another step toward me, shrinking the space between us. “If you wanna leave everything to her, I’m on board.” His fingers touched my cheek, reminding me of tender times we had shared. “But I am not happy.” His whisper faded as he lowered his gaze away from me. “And I’m willing to postpone my happiness for you.”

  Desperate to kiss him, I froze in place. His essence of white musk and soap invaded my nostrils, prompting my heart to race.

  But it wasn’t the time or place. He was standing right there, yet miles away from me.

  He was angry.

  He wasn’t helpless, but he had been restraining himself for my sake.

  He despised my mother and her meandering ways of manipulating our lives.

  And once again…I couldn’t blame him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  As the months went by, Rita and I reservedly learned to rub along. Oftentimes, our interactions didn’t lack a touch of abrasiveness, yet we tried—I tried my best—to let things slide for Gigi and Russ’s sake. And of course, the reason behind everything…precious little Billy.

  Taking Russ’s advice to heart, I taught myself—with a great deal of restraint and self-control—to accept Rita’s rude interference in the child’s upbringing.

  On a daily basis, I reminded myself of my real place in his existence. I was his mother’s husband, that’s all.

  It took superhuman strength for me to not throw Rita out of the house sometimes for reminding me of that fact. I took deep breaths and carried on for my Gigi.

  Against my own fatherly instincts, I endeavored to live with it all. It wasn’t easy, but I was succeeding.

  As massive as it was, my house felt increasingly tight, far too small to accommodate both of our forces, Rita and I. And so, I went out to town more often just to get away from her and the negative energy she was spewing in my direction.

  The suspecting looks she repeatedly gave me every time I left the house revealed her doubts. She clearly believed that I was doing something wrong. That I had another woman in town or some unlawful hobby that was bound to land me in jail.

  Or worse.

  Who knew what that wench was thinking?

  I was aware of her haphazard habit of taking Billy out and about, but what was peculiar on that particular Sunday was that she left the house immediately after I had stepped out.

  As I turned the key into the ignition, I glanced into the rearview mirror to find her fastening Billy’s car seat in the back of her vehicle. Unaware that I was watching, she got behind the wheel and started the engine.

  Driving on, I didn’t want to look in her direction. My hat and shades conveniently covered my eyes, and so I could observe where she was going so early in the morning with my baby.

  My baby.

  Shaking the thought out of my mind, I drove ahead, taking the first exit toward the town.

  She followed.

  In the small-town streets, I slow down past the restaurant, the bar, and the saloon before taking a right. In the mirror, I see her neck bend so far back she could break it as she stared at the saloon, especially slowing down at the front entrance before continuing to drive at my tail.

  Was that where she thought I was headed?

  I scoffed, slightly shaking my head as I, once again, wondered how that woman was the mother of my lovely wife.

  As per my plan, I headed for the horse ranch to meet Jared. Slowing down at the entrance, I saw her car decelerate before it stopped completely. She then threw her arm behind the passenger’s seat and proceeded to back up, getting back out onto the street.

  Afraid for Billy’s safety, I watched intensely as she maneuvered until her car was fully readjusted on the road before driving away.

  Marching into Jared’s, I was aware that it wasn’t even noon yet. That woman, however, had made me crave a beer more than anything in that instant.

  “What’s with you?” he immediately scoffed a
s he proceeded to coil a lead rope around his fist.

  “My mother-in-law.” Taking off my hat, I sighed as I lowered myself onto a wooden chair. “She’s a nightmare.”

  “Oh yeah?” he chuckled. “What’d she do now?”

  “She followed me here.” I said it matter-of-factly with a confident yet bitter smile.

  He shook his head, tilting it sideways as he examined the horses’ water. “Damn.”

  “Well, she must be madder than a wet hen now.”

  Furrowing his eyebrows, he shook his head at me with both hands in the air.

  “I ain’t with a chick. Ain’t at the saloon, either.”

  “With all due respect, Danny, she’s an idiot. Sun ain’t halfway in the sky yet, what chick would you be doin’ now?”

  “I never said she was bright,” I chortled, and he handed me a beer. “Readin’ my mind, buddy.” Raising the bottle for a second, I lowered it back to my lips and chugged.

  “Think Gigi would fall for any o’ that?” He patted his horse’s neck.

  “She loves ‘em too much to say anythin’. I know all Rita wants is for her to leave me, take the boy, and go back home.”

  “To do what exactly?”

  He didn’t know about Matt. Nobody did.

  “Well,” I shrugged, sitting back in my chair as I relaxed my legs ahead. “Marry a suit, I suppose.”

  Snorting, Jared exaggerated his own reaction. “Doubt that’s Gigi’s type.” He giggled as he threw an arm in the air, pointing in my direction. “Exhibit A?”

  Yanking my arm with the open bottle, I flopped a splash of beer at him.

  After a few hours with the horses, I decided to go back home and not go out that evening. I wanted to see how Rita was going to behave now that she had realized I had nothing to hide. That she couldn’t hold something against me. That in spite of her hatred, she couldn’t actually claim that I was dishonest.

  When I stepped into the house, Rita was already back and hunched over a pile of mail on the dining table. Russ was nowhere to be seen, while Gigi was by the kitchen counter, cooing at Billy’s smiling face.


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