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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

Page 61

by Dee, Cassandra

  But the men chuckled hoarsely again.

  “Naw pretty girl,” grunted Tyler, popping off a tit once more and making me squeal. “You gotta get stretched first. Ain’t no virgin pussy ready to handle us.”

  And at that moment, Kane’s big digit slipped up my channel. Oh my god, it was incredible. With Mason working my clit with his tongue, Kane’s finger toyed slowly with my lips, circling the little hole where their dicks would go before snaking its way up.

  “Ummh!” came my helpless moan, muffled by his lips on mine. I writhed on the couch, my body a feast laid out for these men. “Ummm!”

  And Kane wiggled his finger inside then, testing my smooth walls.

  “Aw fuck she’s tight,” he ground out. “Real tight. It’s gonna take more.”

  And slowly, without missing a beat, Mason slid his finger in right next to Kane’s. That’s right, during my second sexual encounter, I had two men sliding their fingers into my vag simultaneously. Not one in, and then one out, but rather two fingers from two different men stroking my inner channel, coaxing the cream to run even faster and harder.

  “Unnnh!” came my wild moan, brown curls tossing this way and that as I writhed on the couch. “Unnnh!”

  But the billionaires meant business. It was important to get my pussy in shape for a fucking, otherwise this was all gonna be for naught. So slowly, they began a series of exercises. They stirred my pussy clockwise, then counterclockwise. Then came a series of scissor-like motions, stretching that virginal hole. And then came the serious finger-fucking. Both digits in, hard, before sliding back out, then in once more, making sure I could take the penetration.

  “Ahhhhh!” came my wild scream, back almost arching off the couch. “Ahhh!” I was gonna burst into a million colors and shapes, exploding into a rainbow of sensation.

  “That’s it,” ground out Kane. “Let that pussy fly.”

  “Keep with it,” urged Tyler. “Let’s get you loosened up.”

  And then Mason jumped into the mix. Because as Kane and Tyler worked my pussy hole, the third billionaire slid down covertly until his index finger pressed against my anus. I jumped reflexively, my pleats closing on themselves. No one’s ever touched me there before, not even my own fingers. That place is taboo.

  But Mason grinned, his touch gentle but insistent, stroking my sensitive rim.

  “That’s right, honey. It feels weird, I know, but a lot of virgins love getting some ass play too. It helps loosen your cunt if both holes get stroked, know what I mean?”

  In fact, I had no idea what he meant at all. There were three men diddling my holes right now, going like nobody’s business between my legs. How could this be happening? It was so wrong, so taboo, and yet so right.

  And finally, they deemed me ready. With slow sucking sounds, Kane and Tyler pulled their fingers out, the digits emerging from my vaginal channel shiny and glossy with juice.

  “Mmm,” growled Kane, sucking his fingers, blue eyes never leaving mine. “She’s sweet like a ripe plum.”

  “Yeah,” grunted Tyler. “This pussy juice is filled with vitamins.”

  I almost melted then, sliding right off the sofa. But then Mason did something so nasty that every muscle in my body went stiff, nerves going haywire. Because the big man didn’t just stroke my rim. He pushed his thumb inside, sampling my rectum, and then pulled that thumb out and held it to his nose. Blue eyes bored into mine as he sniffed deeply.

  “Oh god!” I screamed, mouth open, eyes shocked. “Oh god, no!”

  Because was he going to? Was he really going to?

  Oh yeah, he did.

  Kane popped that thumb into his mouth, savoring my musky ass taste, loving the sensuousness of my back end.

  “There’s no part of you that’s off-limits,” he rasped hoarsely, gaze devouring mine. “We own every inch of this delectable body.”

  “Yeah,” added Kane. “Every inch of you is ours. Now up, pretty baby. Up because you’re gonna ride.”

  My limbs were like jelly as the men watched me expectantly, huge tits quivering, a river running between my legs.

  “Up?” came my weak gasp. “What do you mean, up?”

  By now, Mason, Kane and Tyler had lined up, three massive forms standing, their dicks protruding outwards, the tips so wet that they dripped onto the floor.

  “Honey,” rasped Kane. “You’re gonna ride the dick wall. We need you to do it because this is your first time. We need you to push yourself back on us, breaking that pretty pussy on your own.”

  My mouth dropped. No way could I do it. Most girls hold still the first time, flat on their backs, while the guy does the honors right? It’s easier that way because there’s pain and straining, blood that’s gonna run.

  And yet, I was in a completely different situation. I was gonna have to push myself backwards onto three huge shafts, impaling myself onto monster dick times three. No way. No way could it happen. I’d melt into a puddle, or give up after the first one, collapsing into a mess on the floor.

  But three pairs of blue eyes bored into mine, electrifying in their intensity.

  “You can do it,” growled Kane. “You can absolutely do it.”

  “Just try,” added Mason, gesturing to his shaft. “Try it pretty girl, it’s not so bad.”

  “We need you to,” finished Tyler. “Because virgins don’t do three guys at once, not usually. So we need to be sure you want it. And by pushing yourself back on us, you’re telling us yes.”

  I couldn’t move for a moment, trembling like a deer in the headlights. But suddenly it all made sense. These guys wanted me to be in control. They wanted me to feel like I was the woman in charge, that it wasn’t three alphas pushing themselves into on a virgin. So this was how they did it. I was going to break my hymen of my own free will, driving backwards of my own accord until that special tissue was gone.

  And suddenly I wanted it. I wanted to be the new Katie, the one who owns three men, billionaire alphas kneeling at her feet. I wanted to show them that I was adventurous, wild, and hot as sin, able to perform with the best.

  Because I am that woman now. I’m the girl who took them three on one in a public space, at a wedding reception no less. I’m the one in their hotel suite now, who just had her pussy and ass sampled. And I wanted to be the girl who enjoyed this encounter to the max, letting herself get dicked times three.

  So on wobbly legs, I walked to them, huge tits jouncing, before bending over in front of Tyler. My brown curls almost brushed the floor, fingertips trailing the ground. And slowly, my head turned so that I could catch his eyes with my own.

  “Like this?” came my slight murmur. “Like this, big boy?”

  Tyler growled possessively then, blue eyes flaring, big hands on either side of my waist.

  “Just like that,” he grunted, letting his dick tip brush my hole. “Just like that sweet thing. Now back up onto me. Show me how much you want it, baby girl. Push.”

  And with that, it began. His glans nudged my sweet spot once more, and closing my eyes, I went with it. My hips moved backwards, catching that purple helmet in my small hole. But I stopped for a moment, pausing.

  Because it felt heavenly. My pussy was drenched, and the big man’s cock pried me open, lodging just within my channel before slowly moving upwards, stroking my sweetest spot.

  “Ahhh!” came my involuntary cry, eyes falling closed. “Ahhh, ahhh!”

  But again, the men wanted me to assume the driver’s seat.

  So Kane growled from his position by us.

  “Push yourself back, baby girl. Don’t let him do the work. Shove backwards honey, take that dick into yourself.”

  And gripping my ankles tighter, I did it. At first, it was more of a lean as that thick shaft tunneled into my sopping cunt. But then it happened. His tip brushed against something deep inside, sending a twinge through my pussy, making me shiver.

  Tyler grabbed my hips again, whispering hoarsely.

  “That’s right, baby girl. We’re
there. Do it, honey, do it.”

  And with a scream, I obeyed. I pushed back forcefully, impaling myself onto that monster cock, breaking my hymen in one sure stroke. And a growl rose up from the men then, melodic and uniform, as my pussy tasted cock for the first time.

  “Ahhhh,” they roared. “Aw fuck!”

  But I’m a slut now, and once wasn’t enough. So I rocked forwards again, letting Tyler slip out, before pushing back once more, fucking him sinuously, my big boobs swaying this way and that.

  “Oh oh oh!” came my desperate cries. “Oh!”

  I was ready to burst right now. And sensing the rising waves, Tyler pulled out then, his dick dripping and glossy with pussy nectar.

  “Not yet, sweet thing,” he rasped. “Not yet. Kane,” came that deep command.

  And the second billionaire took his place behind me, that thick dickshaft tickling my hole once more.

  “Back up,” the deep voice coaxed. “Just like the first time.”

  And again, the stretch was incredible. Kane was just as big, and my pussy is small. Never mind that they’d helped me relax, that I’d just had a cock in there a second ago. It’s always incredible, and I let out a low, throaty moan as once again, I impaled myself onto a second massive dick.

  “Unnnh!” came my inarticulate cry, boobies bobbling as I got fucked. “Unnnh!”

  “Aw shit, she feels so good,” was Kane’s harsh rasp. “So fucking good.”

  “Savor it brother,” came Mason’s low growl. “Savor it because I’m up next.”

  And using his moment in the spotlight to the max, Kane pushed in and out a couple times before withdrawing completely. I almost cried, my hole was so empty now, vaginal chamber clamping and clenching, begging to be filled.

  But Mason was ready. In a flash, the big billionaire nudged my pussy hole with his dick, leaning over my back to whisper sweetly.

  “Last time, baby girl,” was his low assurance. “And trust me, you’re getting spunk this time. Lots if it.”

  And with a wild cry, I did it. Pushing back, my pussy swallowed that massive shaft whole, loving the deep penetration, savoring the experience.

  “Yes!” came my shriek. “Yes, yes!”

  Because this was beyond my wildest dreams. I’d just taken three cocks into my virginal body, my hymen broken by my own accord. I’d just harbored three giant, massive fuckshafts, coating them with female juice, branding them with my own personal scent.

  And they loved it. The billionaires loved it, watching me get fucked, staring hungrily as those thick poles disappeared into my sweet snatch, coming out with traces of red on the sides.

  Because yeah, it hurt a little. There was a tiny sting in my pussy deep inside, like a pinprick. But it was already dissolving, and going for it, I launched into action.

  “Fuck me!” came my scream. “Fuck me Mason! Fuck me Tyler! Fuck me Kane!”

  And Mason sprang into action then. Grabbing my hips, he began pummeling my pussy, fingers tight on my flesh as his dick did its business.

  “Aww fuck,” was his bitten-out cry. “Aw fuck fuck fuck. You’re so tight.”

  “I’ll say,” rasped Kane, watching with avid eyes as my butt bounced and jounced with each hard pound. “Give her the deep dicking she needs.”

  And Tyler reached over then, all the while stroking his fuckshaft. With one clever finger, he stroked my anus as Mason pummeled me in back.

  “Let go, little girl,” came the command. “Let go and let us see you explode.”

  I had no other choice. I had to obey, there was no other way. And like a fireworks display, it happened then. Release rushed through my frame, cunt exploding in a shower of sparks as I screamed wildly.

  “Yes!” was my belted-out cry. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  And with that, my pussy and ass clamped wildly, squeezing on the hot shaft within. Mason came immediately, jerking once, then twice, before releasing a hot stream of spunk deep within.

  “Fuuuck!” came his roar. “Fuck fuck fuck!”

  But before he finished, the big man pulled out, letting Kane take his place.

  And in one swift push, Kane was inside once more, coming like a fire hose.

  “Milk it,” he gasped, pumping deep within my recesses, spraying my vaginal chamber with hot man seed. “Milk my cock sweetheart.”

  I cried out again, the spasms in my cunt unstoppable, electrical jolts running all the way to my fingers and toes. The top of my head was gonna blow off, I was going to dissolve into a puddle right here, right now.

  But there was one more billionaire, and Tyler wasn’t missing his turn, no way no how. Because after Kane let out a few great spurts, he withdrew, and suddenly Tyler was deep within, blasting me with baby batter.

  “Unnh,” the billionaire grunted. “Unnh, unnh.”

  Oh god, this was so dirty. I could literally feel Tyler’s penis as it pulsed, the veins on the side hot and throbbing as he jerked and sprayed within my inner chamber, pumping me full of virile sperm.

  And it only caused me to go buck wild all over again.

  “YES!” I screamed to the heavens, “Yes!”

  And that’s how I lost my virginity. It’s wrong, I know. I took three cocks within the space of five minutes. I let three men sample my insides, breaching my tiny hole, pumping me full of sperm as they saw fit. And I should be regretful. I should be shocked, I should feel dirty and unwhole, like a handmaiden forced to wear a scarlet letter.

  But instead, all I feel is good. Because Mason, Kane and Tyler care about me. After they finished unloading spunk deep inside, each of them kissed my pussy tenderly, licking deeply at the swollen folds.

  “You okay honey?” murmured one, lapping at the oozing slit. Oh god, oh god, he was literally tasting the cum of three men mixed together, the sweet and salty of various DNA. But they weren’t turned off at all. Instead, all three of them knelt in back of me, worshipping the sweet hole that had serviced them all.

  “I’m okay, I think,” was my trembling whisper. “I think I’m okay.”

  “Just okay or great?” teased Kane from in back of me, his tongue playing with my clit once more. “Good or great?”

  And I giggled breathlessly because suddenly, everything went alert all over again. Could it be? Was I really ready to play again, so soon?

  But it was true. Because Mason licked my asshole then, pulling apart the great white cheeks to get at my brownie, his tongue going up my rectum this time.

  “Ahhh!” came my scream. “Ah ah!”

  “Thought so,” he growled knowingly from behind. “Thought you liked it.”

  And that was the truth. I more than liked it, I loved it. I loved everything they did, everything they’d taught me. It was beyond my wildest dreams, yes. It was beyond reality, pushing me into fantasy-land, a crazy sequence of events that was beyond comprehension.

  And yet I adored this fantasy. I loved what had happened to me, here in this luxurious hotel suite, nude and trembling with pleasure even now. I relished how the billionaires made me feel, like a precious jewel, something to be cared for yet enjoyed. And in my deepest heart, there was always the truth that I wanted more. I wanted to see where this could go, and what can possibly become of an illicit relationship … with three men.



  Walking in the door of my apartment, things felt different. I felt different. The smile hadn’t left my face since leaving the hotel room. Mason, Kane and Tyler tried to entice me to stay the night, but I wanted the comfort and familiarity of my own apartment to process my thoughts and feelings about what just happened.

  My mind kept running over each moment of our illicit encounter. The billionaires had sent me spiraling over the edge into oblivion for sure. Making me purr with pleasure. Making me hum with a new awareness. Somehow, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to get enough. They’d made me feel desirable and beautiful, like Miss America times ten.

  Carelessly, I kicked off a heel and watched it sail across the room
, landing with a thud on the throw rug in the living room. Then the other one followed, landing a couple inches away from its twin. My mood was playful as I danced around my apartment, turning on lights. Humming some indistinguishable melody, I entered my room, fingers making quick work of the buttons on my blouse. Memories flooded me of Tyler’s sure hands unfastening the shirt and my body shivered.

  Next my skirt joined my blouse in a puddle of clothing on the floor. I padded to the bathroom naked and twisted my hair up into a sloppy bun.

  As the light came on, I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror and gasped. Was that really me? The girl with a flushed, healthy glow, a certain je ne sais quoi in those sparkling brown eyes? With the lips that were bee-stung and full, a happy, sated look on her face? Turning my chin this way and that, my eyes took in the new me. Yes, it was definitely me. The same girl who’d just had three gorgeous, alpha, billionaires take her virginity.

  “You loved every minute!” I murmured naughtily, grinning at myself in the mirror, before giggling with unabashed humor. Yes, I enjoyed every minute spent in their company. And seeing myself through their eyes made me appreciate my figure that much more.

  Because I was big then, and I’m big now. But studying my reflection, there were love bites on my breasts, the marks of teeth on the undersides of those full curves. There were fingerprints on my hips where they’d squeezed me tight, and oh god, a hickey on my throat. I was gonna have to wear a turtleneck tomorrow at work, otherwise there’d be wry looks and insinuations.

  But it was nice for a change. Real action had happened, instead of made-up stuff with a fake long-distance boyfriend. I actually looked well-fucked, instead of the shy, bumbling girl that was my usual persona.

  And stepping away from the mirror, I hummed merrily, turning the shower on, running my hand beneath the head as the water heated. Oh yeah, this was much needed. The warm spray from the nozzle hit my sore body as I stepped in. Would it always be like this? Would it always feel so good to take three men, letting them use my body, becoming their plaything?


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