Dominic answered. “I’ve told her everything. Trust me, Ms. Peebles, I would not harm your daughter or coerce her into anything. Right now we’re just good friends.” He gave Dannie an affectionate smile.
Mia heard a harrumph, glanced up and saw Tiffany walk out of the doctor’s suite. “I just heard the last of that.” She glared at her sister then Dominic. “Sorry, dude. That dog’s not hunting for me.” To Mia, she said, “I caught them early this morning in Christian’s break room making out like two teenagers under the bleachers. I reckon his parents must have too just now. At least they seem to have enough sense to recognize a train wreck in the works.”
Dannie turned on her sister, fury in her eyes. “You big, fat, tattletale. This is none of your business or anyone’s for that matter.” She shared an equal dose of that emotion with the rest of the gathering.
“Simmer down, girls. We don’t have time to worry about this now. Nathan has helicopters on their way to take us out of here within the hour. Gather Chelsie, go upstairs and pack your things.” Both of her daughters blinked at her. “Now, young ladies. Go!”
She rarely raised her voice to her girls, but when she did, they knew she meant business. Both left without a word, retreating to their shared quarters. Moments later the three emerged and headed for the elevator, trailed by two guards.
Once they were gone, Julia said, “I am so sorry, Mia.” She gave her son a reproving look.
Mia waved her hand, dismissively. “Right now this is the smallest fish in our fryer. One catastrophe at a time. We need to get ready to leave too, Julia. Where’s Jazerra?”
Once she had Dannie alone, away from Dominic, she’d have a good talk with her. Vampire males had a sexual aura surrounding them capable of making any red-blooded female’s head swim. Plus Dannie was very naive where men were concerned. One way or another, she’d get through to her.
“Sleeping, I believe. I’ll go wake her.”
As Julia departed, Mia turned and headed toward the elevator, intending to go upstairs and pack her own things.
“Stop!” Dominic shouted.
Mia spun. Both men’s eyes were wide with fear. A split second later she realized why. She heard the unmistakable sound of rounds being fired in the distance, but they were muted because they were underground. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed. The girls were upstairs!
Dominic and Dimitri snatched up their rifles, leaning against the wall and sped down the hall into the stairwell a short distance from the elevator. Mia had been instructed repeatedly by every male vampire in the house to remain downstairs no matter what she heard occurring beyond this level. She couldn’t do it.
Mia ran after the two men, leaping up the stairs, three, four at a time, a feat she wouldn’t have been capable of as a teenager. She heard more shots being fired inside the house. Fear propelled her to vampire warp speed.
Mia exited seconds behind the men. They all rushed into Christian’s great room, filled with armed forces, human and vampire. Isabella stood at the base of the hearth, holding Dannie in front of her.
All guns were pointed at Isabella and Dannie. Mia’s heart fluttered wildly then literally stopped for a few brief seconds. Every person, sound, voice faded into the background in that insane second. Mia’s purpose became tunnel—to save her child.
Chapter 16
Once Mia had gone downstairs, Nathan made his way through the doctor’s house to go outside and listen for the choppers. He walked into the great room and found La Mond standing in front of the fireplace, staring at the huge, bull elk mount over the mantle.
The doctor’s gaze slashed his way, saturated with resentment. “What do you want?”
He had a pretty good idea what sparked his attitude. Nathan had won saw no reason to be cruel. Had he lost Mia to him, he’d have been far more snarly at the moment than La Mond. “She has great respect for you.”
He snorted. “I know that.”
Nathan knew he’d been hoping for far deeper emotions than respect from her. He couldn’t blame the man for his anger and knew exactly how he felt. “I’m sorry.”
He let out a ragged breath and faced him. “Just make her happy.”
Nathan nodded.
La Mond’s eyes widened a mere second before he spun toward the front of the room. Nathan heard what captured his attention; the sound of approaching vehicles. The doctor took off toward one of the front facing windows. Nathan trailed him.
“We have guests,” the doctor announced through gritted teeth.
Nathan looked through the window and his gut clenched when he saw two, white SUV’s roll to a stop at the end of the long drive. Seconds later all four doors on both vehicles opened and men began piling out. Then Isabella emerged and looked toward the house.
Damn it. She’d gotten past road security. Nathan feared those men to be dead. What he feared more was who would be next.
He saw her pointing their way and speaking to her men; fledglings he was sure. All wore dark-tinted sunglasses. They were dressed for battle; black military wear, and possessing serious weaponry. Even Isabella sported a similar outfit, but no gun. She was too certain of her abilities to consider needing one.
Seconds later gunfire exploded from above. The snipers on the roof managed to take down four of the fledglings. Her remaining ones returned fire. His heart sank, sick with fear and he prayed to God, they’d missed his men.
Isabella’s attention snapped toward the house and Nathan could tell by the fact she didn’t move and no more shots ensued, that she enchanted the men she could see. Seconds later she took off toward the house with preternatural speed, her six remaining fledglings behind her.
Both he and La Mond moved just as fast to the wall where the automatic rifles he’d brought rested. A few of the guards inside the house, obviously having heard shots, rushed into the room. All raised their weapons and took aim with mere seconds to spare. The double oak doors burst from their hinges and fell to the floor with a boom.
Nathan started firing, La Mond and the other men with him. One of them managed to take down a fledgling who had tried to step inside, but the spent rounds were few. The weapons flew out of their hands upward, some crashed into solid objects behind them, one hit something glass. He heard whatever it was shatter, but didn’t dare divert his gaze.
Isabella walked in, across the fallen doors, flanked by her five remaining men all bearing arms. He couldn’t see her eyes for her sunglasses, but he could tell by the tight line of her mouth she was pissed.
“I am so very exhausted with these hide and seek tactics of yours, Nathan. It is apparent you are not as intelligent as I gave you credit, if you think your little army of puny humans and infant vampires will win you your way.”
“You’ve witnessed far more battles than I, Isabella.” Battlegrounds in the aftermath often became a feeding frenzy for ferals and their fledglings. That’s how Isabella found him that night his human life ended in Shiloh. “Meaning you should know a weaker army possessing will, determination and the grace of God can often thwart a stronger foe.” The moment those words were spoken, he knew he’d just poured fuel on the fire of her rage. Her expression tightened with hatred and fury, yet he only partially regretted his tongue. He refused to die a coward.
She shook her head, teeth clenched. “You’re a fool, Nathan, and your stubbornness will be the death of everyone here. Starting with you. Because of your mulish behavior, watching you die will please me far more than enjoying a life with you. Kill them,” she ordered. The fledglings lifted their rifles and took aim. A moment later, she raised her hand, “Wait!”
Nathan scented Mia’s three girls behind him, seconds before he heard footsteps. He knew with a sinking heart, they’d just walked into the room and Isabella’s attention riveted on them. She pulled off her sunglasses and stepped forward, sniffing.
“What have we here? Ah, you’ve provided refreshments, Nathan. How thoughtful. And they smell delicious.” Her grin and ensuing laughter was a parody of mania.
r /> Nathan struggled for a plan around the chaos of emotions flooding his mind. He’d been in many battles, but never had the potential casualties meant as much to him as the people in this house.
He took a step toward her, hands lifted in a defensive gesture. “Listen to me, Isabella. You’re right. I have been foolish and stubborn. Surely, you can understand. I’ve been independent of you for over a century and a half. Did you really think I wouldn’t fight for my freedom? Would you have even wanted me had I caved to your demands so readily? You said yourself the chaos that would exist between us would be enjoyable for you.” He swept his arm across the room; the gesture encompassing the totality of his security. “Have I not provide the very bedlam you requested?”
Nathan paused there to gauge her expression, which seemed contemplative.
“You’ve won, but the security stays to make sure no one else becomes a victim of one of your mercurial mood swings. I’ll go with you now if you back off your men and promise no one else dies.”
She pursed her lips, irritation claiming her features. “Now where would the fun be in that? I will promise you nothing because I will get what I want from you, make no mistake, but I can’t possibly start off our marriage with you thinking you can control me. And that is best case scenario providing you do nothing more to fuel my ire. Otherwise, everyone here dies.”
The reasoning hour had expired. He shot a quick knowing look over his shoulder at La Mond and nodded. Together they spun and with the speed of their kind, grabbed Mia’s girls around the waist and bolted. He had Danielle and Chelsie, La Mond had Tiffany who fought him and cussed a blue streak. He and La Mond had just reached the rear hallway when Dannie was snatched from his grip. He made a swift backward glance. Isabella had her by the throat.
“Get them out of here,” he shouted and shoved Chelsie at the doctor. He whirled and rushed Isabella. A futile effort, but had to try. With a mere glare, she sent him careening across the room. His body hit the wall with such force, it took a few moments to clear his head and gain his feet.
“Let her go, Isabella, or it will be all out war.” The punctuation of his statement came with gunfire. Absolute perfect timing. The remaining men he’d hired, rushed into the room from various entry points and unloaded their clips on the fledglings. They dropped like flies. None of the rounds hit Isabella, because she’d darted to the fireplace, using the stone hearth to cover her back and Dannie for a frontal shield.
The poor girl’s eyes were wide, riveted with fear. Her body trembled and her breaths came harsh and erratic around little sobs and mewls.
Every armed man had their rifle sights honed on them. Each had been instructed to protect the women at all costs. Hopefully, none would chance a shot because they all had been briefed on Isabella’s capabilities. She could deflect bullets. However, if one did venture a shot, Nathan also knew Isabella would make any bullet coming her way root in Dannie’s body. He turned, glanced over his men and held up his hand.
Before Nathan could contemplate his next move, La Mond, Dimitri and Dominic ran into the room, bearing assault rifles, Mia right behind them. The horror in her expression when she saw the scene was an echo of the same emotion pumping through his system. He knew what she was going to do before she did it.
“No!” she screamed and with vampire speed lunged for Isabella.
Nathan caught her mid-air, and spun her around. She went wild, flailing, scratching him, screeching for him to let her loose. Her emotions were rocket fuel for her strength and he could barely hang onto her.
Stop, Mia! This isn’t the way.
He wanted to offer explanations, but he could feel Isabella in his mind. He glared at Mia in a way he hoped she’d comprehend. She nodded, but continued to breath hard and glare at Isabella and Danielle. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Dominic flash by, straight toward Isabella.
“You warped bitch, let her go,” he yelled.
Isabella hissed at him and sent him flying. The results were the same for him as his own previous episode. Danielle screamed as Dominic hit one of the wood, Adirondack sofas full force. The piece of furniture crumbled on impact, and his gun went off, bullets spraying across the ceiling, creating a dotted serpentine line in the oak beams. The young man was far more dazed than he’d been. He groaned, his gun falling to the floor beside him.
“Let her go, Isabella!” Rage had Nathan seeing red. He wanted to sink his fangs into her throat and rip, but knew he would have never penetrated her mental shield.
Isabella shot him a vicious look. “Tell your men to lay down their arms, or I’ll do it for you, however, I’ll make sure they unload their clips first. And the fledgling in your arms will be their first target.”
The tension, the evil engulfing the room was so thick, Nathan struggled for air. He glanced at Dimitri who nodded once and laid his rifle on the floor. “Do what she says,” he commanded the men. Reluctantly, they obeyed, but held their posts. Nathan spared a quick glance over them. Their expressions were like any warrior surrendering arms. Pissed and defeated.
Nathan hadn’t a scrap of an idea how he’d get any of them out of this alive, but his brain filed through notions at computer speed. Finally, he plucked one he hoped Isabella would entertain. “What kind of wedding would you like, Isabella? It can be anywhere, anything you want. Do you want the President there, the Queen of England, Hollywood stars? Name it. I’ll get on the phone right now and have it done, but only if you agree to not harm one person here. Those are my terms. If you choose vengeance over sensibility, then we all die together.”
“Don’t be foolish, Nathan. All of you collectively couldn’t overpower me.”
“Don’t be so sure. The one thing you’ve never understood about the bonds of our kind is their eternal depth, whether they be friends, life-mates, or parental ones. Every vampire in this room will give their lives for each other and the humans too. If one soul in this room dies, I’ll fight you to my death. Then what have you gained?”
Her expression turned thoughtful. For a few brief moments he’d hoped he’d gotten through to her, until her gaze slid to Mia, then swamped with hatred. She glanced between Mia and Dannie. The calculating smile that crept across her face told him he’d failed.
Her attention narrowed on Mia. “Is this your child, fledgling?” she crooned, her voice deceptively saccharine.
Mia wisely held her tongue, but Nathan could feel her trembling, sense the rage and terror boiling inside her.
“No need to answer. Your actions and the resemblance between you is proof. Had Nathan not been distracting me, I would have realized it before now.” She grabbed Dannie’s hair and jerked her head back, then began to scent her neck as her fangs extended. Dannie screeched and struggled in her hold.
Mia wrangled out of his arms. “Let her go! You want another piece of me, fine. She has no part in this.”
“Oh, but she does, Cara. Nathan is correct. You each would give you’re lives for those you love. Death is quick and easy. Living with the knowledge you could do nothing to save someone you love lasts forever. I like that notion much better.”
Dominic had revived and approached Isabella. “Don’t be stupid, bitch. If she dies then you do. You’re outnumbered and you know it. She is the only thing standing in your way right now from the gates of Hell.”
Mia put an exclamation point on Dominic’s words. “And if you think death is easy, I have a shock in store for you. All the dark forces you’ve played with for however long you’ve lived will be here to collect your black soul to take it to the deepest pit of hell teaming with demons. When you get there, your vampire abilities will be stripped from you and you’ll know fully what it’s like to be powerless.”
Isabella let out a sharp snort and raked her black gaze across her. “Intriguing speech, fledgling, but I don’t believe in such foolishness. What I do believe in is retribution. And you most definitely have this coming.” Before anyone could draw their next breath, she yanked Dannie’s head back again and bit, gro
wling, ripping skin, tearing into her throat like a wild beast.
Every vampire in the room converged on her. They each hit her mental block like a brick wall. All were propelled backwards crashing into objects, the walls or the floor with the brutal force of their efforts.
At last she released Dannie, and her little body fell in a heap. Blood literally sprayed in a thin stream from the ghastly wound on her neck. Mia screamed and made another attempt to get to her daughter, but Isabella sent her hurtling backward before she gained five feet of distance. He and Dominic were an instant behind her. Same results.
His men had regained their weapons and opened fire, but the bullets just ricocheted off her mental barrier like ice pellets against a window pane. Obviously, realizing their efforts were both futile and dangerous, they stopped firing.
Nathan opened his mouth, ready to plead, get down on his knees to beg for the girl’s life, but he heard a soft `whoosh’ sound. There was a moment of stunned silence as all of them stared at a fiberglass arrow protruding from both sides of Isabella’s body.
Shock seeped into Isabella’s features as she stared across the room. “You! A human?” She coughed and blood sputtered from her lips, draining down her chin and throat.
Nathan’s gaze followed her line of sight. Across the room Tiffany stood next to the broken cabinet that stored the doctor’s bows. She held a recurve, now resting at her side. Somehow she managed to look angry, tough and relieved all at once.
“Yeah, I’m human, bitch, and you won’t be messing with my family no more.”
Isabella’s hand fluttered helplessly above the projectile in her chest. She wobbled on her feet once, then crumpled to the floor.
For a brief moment everyone just stared at her body in stunned silence. Nathan could only fathom Tiffany’s luck stemmed from the fact, Isabella had been too engrossed in the vampires and guns threatening her to give a thought to an unarmed human. She’d failed to create that telekinetic barrier. This was the second time she’d underestimated a human. That it had been her downfall was sweet, poetic justice for all the human lives she’d ravaged.
Forever and a Night Page 23