Forever and a Night

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Forever and a Night Page 24

by Lana Campbell

  All of them converged on Dannie’s unconscious body. Mia knelt beside her, sobbing, tears streaming down her cheeks as she caressed the girl’s head. La Mond knelt on the wound side. He, Dominic and Dimitri at her head. La Mond put his hand on her neck and pressed. To Nathan, it seemed to do no good, because blood squirted through his fingers like he held the end of a garden hose.

  “Oh God, do something, Christian,” Mia pleaded.

  “I will, but I need to get her to surgery.”

  “What can I do?” Dominic asked, his tone tremulous.

  “Lift her so I can keep pressure. Slowly, though.” He glanced up at Mia and said, “Reach into my back pocket and get my phone. Scroll the contacts for Asa. Call him. Tell him I said to get here now and be ready for surgery.”

  Mia didn’t hesitate, nor Dominic. As Dr. La Mond and Dominic took her out of the room, Mia cast glances between them and the phone. She was shaking so badly, Nathan knew her fingers weren’t going to accomplish the task. “Here, love.” He took the phone from her hand and made the call. He gave the man a very brief explanation, but the doctor assured him he’d arrive within twenty minutes. Nathan just prayed La Mond could keep Dannie alive without this other doctor’s help.

  Nathan’s gaze settled on Isabella. He didn’t have to be a doctor to realize she was dead. His relief was profound. He looked at Tiffany, staring at Isabella’s body with a sneer. Amazingly, out of everyone present, vampires and soldiers included she looked the least affected by the insanity which had just ruled this room.

  The girl was a force of nature. God forbid she should ever become vampire. With her temper and determination, she’d dominate her universe and every poor soul orbiting in it.

  Tiffany leaned the bow against the fireplace, then walked over to her mom. She hugged her, pulled back and said, “Dannie’s gonna be okay. Right?” There was a thread of uncertainty in her tone, but her facial confidence didn’t waver.

  Mia forced a shaky smile. “Of course she is. Christian is an amazing doctor. She’ll be fine. We should go and see if we can do anything to help though.” She lifted her chin and tried for a brave smile, which grieved Nathan because it didn’t even come close. She was a mess.

  He went to her and pulled her into his arms. “You’re the prayer warrior here, love. If anyone’s voice could reach God, it would be yours. Do now what you do best.”

  She nodded and closed her eyes, squeezing out tears which trailed down her cheeks. Nathan closed his eyes too and prayed. He could sense everyone’s else’s in the room centered on them. Tiffany’s most of all, because she had no idea about the two of them yet.

  Dannie mattered now. No one else.

  Chapter 17

  Mia rushed out of the elevator into the hospital level of the building, followed by Nathan, Tiffany and Dimitri. Julia and Jazerra stood at the end of the hall speaking. They spotted them and their heads jerked their direction.

  Mia ran toward them. “Do you know anything yet?” Fear had been pumping through her system so long now, her heart felt near to exploding and her legs barely held her, she shook so bad. This fear was worse than any she’d ever known. Her daughter’s life could be slipping away this very moment, if it hadn’t already.

  “No, my darling.” Julia’s face was wrought with worry and trepidation. Jazerra’s too. “Christian just took her into surgery a few minutes ago. You’re daughter Chelsie volunteered to help since Christian sent home the staff before all of this. I know Christian will save her, Mia. Have faith.”

  “She will survive one way or another. I intend to see to it,” Dominic growled as he shoved through some swinging, metal doors right of them. There was blood spattered across his camo wear, some on his face and hands.

  Mia swallowed back a wave of nausea and blinked at him, confounded by his staunch statement. The hurt and determination in his emerald gaze was an instant eye opener. Basically, he was saying he would do for Dannie what Nathan did to save her life. Make her vampire.

  No one said anything to that. What could they say? Not one of them, least of all herself would choose death for Dannie over life as a vampire. Any one of them would have offered their blood.

  A short time later, after they’d settled into chairs outside the doors leading to the surgery area, a tall, blonde man, a bit larger than Christian and Nathan burst through the stairwell entry next to the elevator. He rushed past them with vampire speed, sparing none a glance as he entered the doors that led to wherever Dannie was being treated.

  Mia looked at Nathan. “He must be Christian’s partner, Asa.” She let out a shuddered breath, grateful for the medical re-enforcement.

  Nathan nodded and threaded their fingers together. No one said anything. Words would have been a shallow comfort at this critical moment. Her baby girl’s life hung in the balance. Mia closed her eyes and prayed for her child and the doctors tending her. Chelsie too. She wanted to be a doctor more than anything, but Mia didn’t want to even imagine what Chelsie might be seeing happening to her sister right now.

  Mia opened her eyes and looked to her left at Tiffany seated in the chair next to her. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she stared at the doors Asa had just passed through with a hard, angry expression. Her stomach clenched with another rancid bout of fear, this one for Tiffany. She’d just killed a person. As thankful as she was Tiffany had put an end to Isabella, she knew the girl couldn’t possibly be unscathed by the incident.

  Mia scooted forward in her chair and laid a hand on her daughter’s knee. Tiffany’s frigid gaze slashed her way. “Are you okay, honey?”

  Tiffany snorted. “Are you frickin’ kidding me? Until that pretend ex-husband of yours gets his ass out here and tells us Dannie’s going to make it, there ain’t a one of us gonna be okay.”

  Mia nodded once because that was certainly true. “Tiffany, there is nothing we can do right now, but pray for Dannie.”

  She snorted again and shoved Mia’s hand off her knee. “You know God doesn’t answer every prayer. If he did, not a one of us would be sitting here right now waiting to find out if Dannie is dead or alive. All of us would be back in Missouri where we belong.”

  That comment hurt Mia because she hadn’t been able to make things right for Tiffany, for any of them. Daniel made his choice and that choice had been Reanna. “You know better than that, Tiffany. God answers every prayer, but the results might not always be to our liking. You did a brave thing upstairs and no doubt saved many lives. Your sister’s included. Get ahold of yourself and pray. Dannie needs our prayers, our positive thoughts.”

  Tiffany shot a vicious look Nathan’s direction. “You caused all of this and you know it. If Dannie dies, you’ll be wishing for the quick death I gave that vampire bitch.”

  “I’m so sorry, Tiffany. You’re right. I placed all of you in danger. I would say take your best shots at me, but I have to agree with your mother regarding positive thoughts and prayer. You’re sister’s life is all that matters now.”

  Julia added to that statement. “You’re mother and Nathan are both right, cher. We must set aside anger, differences and continue to pray for Danielle.”

  Tiffany bolted to her feet and shared a hateful look between Nathan and Julia. “What would you frickin’ blood-suckers know about prayer? You’re all disgusting perverts. As far as I’m concerned you can all die and go to hell and join that sick, twisted bitch I sent there.” She shot the entire company of them a nauseated glare, then stalked off to the elevator.

  Tears welled in Mia’s eyes. Her heart ached for Tiffany. She wanted to go after her, comfort her, but she wasn’t about to leave this spot until she had information about Dannie.

  Nathan took hold of her hand and Mia looked at him. His expression was riveted with grief and sorrow. “I’m so sorry. Your daughter’s right. I am the catalyst in this disaster.”

  Before Mia could answer, Dimitri spoke. “Isabella is the only one to blame.”

  Julia added, “You were correct, cher. God does not al
ways answer prayers to our liking, but he always provides them.”

  Before Mia could consider a reply, Christian shoved through the doors Dominic had exited. He wore surgery gear and his front and hands were covered with blood. Dannie’s blood. Everyone stood. Mia’s heart pounded as she met his gaze. The sorrowful look in his eyes told her everything.

  She started shaking her head. “Oh no. No. No. Don’t even, Christian.” She slashed her arm toward the doors he’d exited and pointed. “Get back in there and do what you have to to save her. I will accept nothing less.”

  Christian stepped toward her. His tone was soft, but firm as he said, “She’s gone, Mia. Her wound was worse than yours. It was arterial. No human can loose that much blood and survive. I stopped the bleeding and have been pumping units of blood into her since I got her in there, but it wasn’t enough. Her heart stopped and I can’t get it started. Asa is still giving her CPR, but Mia, she can’t be revived as a human. You have less than a minute to make a choice.”

  Mia knew exactly what he meant and didn’t even need a second to make the decision. “Do it. Can you use my blood?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll do it,” Dominic said.

  Everyone’s attention focused on him. He swallowed hard and said, “She is my life-mate. It should be my blood. No one else’s.”

  “Then, come on.” Christian turned and went back through the doors, Dominic at his heals.

  Mia was on such a terrifying emotional trip, breathing was an effort. She glanced between all of them, her gaze settling on Julia because she wore a wisp of a smile.

  “She will live, Mia. Just as you did. You know now this life is better than death. Danielle will too. She will be grateful, trust me. My son will see to it.”

  Mia clamped a shaky hand over her mouth and nodded. She’d had zero time to consider the burgeoning relationship between Dannie and Dominic. This life-mate thing still held much mystery, but apparently when the males knew it, they were solid in their convictions. Her gaze locked with Nathan’s, which bore surprise.

  “I didn’t realize something transpired between the two, but I’ve known Dominic since he was a child. Nearly seventy years. I trust him explicitly. You’re daughter couldn’t ask for a better husband.”

  She lowered her arm and said solemnly, “I just hope she gets one.”


  Mia had been at Dannie’s side since the moment Christian allowed it. Dominic’s blood had saved her life along with Christian and Asa’s resuscitation efforts. Her human life was gone, but she lived and that’s all that mattered to Mia.

  Chelsie, Tiffany and Dominic also surrounded her hospital bed. Mia glanced at Christian standing off to the side. He’d gathered them all here for her awakening and told them the presence of those she loved would be emotional re-enforcement for the memories that would trail her slide into consciousness.

  Mia winced. She completely understood what her child would face the moment she woke. She had never wished anyone dead in her life. God forgive her, but she was so grateful Isabella’s soul roasted in hell.

  Mia looked over the gathering, feeling bad for the absence of one important person in Dannie’s life. Her father, Daniel. Despite all that had happened between her and Daniel, they’d continued to work together for the sake of their children. Under normal circumstances, she would have called him immediately if one of their kids were in the hospital. Daniel could never know about this or any of Dannie’s friends. The secrecy of this new life she and her daughter shared was a bit daunting.

  Dannie made a little groan and began to stir. Moments later her eyes fluttered. The turning had made them amber, just like hers. She smiled down at her daughter and caressed her head.

  “Mom? Where am I?” she asked in a rusty voice.

  “The hospital. Don’t be frightened. You’re fine and I love you. You’re sisters and I are here for you.”

  She frowned and looked around the room with a groggy expression. Mia knew personally that the morphine Christian had been pumping into her, still had Dannie’s body and mind confused and weighted. However, Mia knew she would remember some very bad things really quick. To her utter surprise, Dannie gave Dominic a sleepy smile and reached a hand toward him. He instantly approached her and took it.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “Really?” She appeared so happy and astounded. “I love you too, Dominic. But what happened?”

  The smile he returned to her was filled with such love Mia’s mouth popped open. She knew emotions were simmering on medium high between the two, but she had no idea they were at this level of commitment. It sort of scared her, but at the moment Dominic’s presence seemed to be a stabilizing factor.

  “It doesn’t matter, baby because you’re going to be just fine. How do you feel? Can I get you anything?” His gaze raked over her with concern.

  “Weird. I’m sort of seeing double.” She paused there and her eyes flashed wide. “Oh God! I remember that woman. What she did to me.”

  Dominic squeezed her hand and replied, “She is no longer a threat to anyone. You’re completely safe.”

  She heaved in a ragged breath and glanced at Mia, then her sisters. Mia followed her line of sight. Chelsie gave her a bolstering smile. Tiffany tried for one, but it was so forced, it bordered on scary, then her gaze darted between the couple with disapproval.

  Yesterday, Mia had a heart to heart with Chelsie and Tiffany about her and Nathan’s relationship and her take at the time on Dannie and Dominic’s. Chelsie took it in stride, but Tiffany not at all. Although she’d apologized for her outburst that night Dannie had nearly died, her view hadn’t changed toward the vampires who were now a part of her and Dannie’s lives. Mia couldn’t blame her. Tiffany trusted very few humans. Naturally, she wouldn’t trust vampires since she’d witnessed first hand what bad ones were capable of.

  Tiffany was such a dichotomy. Hard as nails on the outside, with a mouth and attitude that should have anyone with an ounce of sense scurrying from her path. It was all bravado. Inside, the girl was so fractured, Mia marveled she could appear tough and together to anyone who didn’t know her intimately. Oddly, at this critical moment, she worried more about Tiffany than she did Dannie.

  Mia’s gaze slid back to Dannie. The girl’s attention was riveted on Dominic. She knew they mind spoke by the loving, focused look in each of their eyes. Mia smiled, sensing Dominic would get her through this and help transition her into this world with much more ease than her own experience. In fact, she suspected Dominic may have already told her she was vampire. Logically, that should have terrified Dannie, but she was so centered on Dominic, the news probably hadn’t registered. Then again, maybe it would be good news to her daughter, based on the soppy look the two shared.

  She glanced up and caught Christian’s gaze. He smiled and hitched his head toward the door. She nodded. “Dannie, honey?”

  She turned her head and looked at her. “Yeah?”

  “Are you okay?”

  Dannie reached up and fingered the bandage on her neck and frowned. “It hurts, but yes, I’m fine.” Magnetically, her attention riveted back to Dominic.

  “Well, your sisters and I are going to leave the two of you alone for a bit. I’ll be back a little later with something for you to eat.”

  “Sure,” she said absently, grinning at Dominic.

  Once they were all in the hall outside Dannie’s room, she looked at Christian and shook her head. “She seems to be doing great, but I don’t know what to make of this between her and Dominic. She’s only known him for mere days.”

  Christian smiled. “Yes you do. We’ve had very long talks about the life-mate bond.”

  “But so quickly?” she argued.

  “With our kind it can happen that quickly. It’s not at all uncommon. You told me she’s never had a serious boyfriend. Unlike you, she doesn’t have the filter of bad life experiences to wade through to make a decision.” He hunched a shoulder. “I know a good deal abou
t Dominic because Julia has been my patient for years. I can assure you he’s as solid as a rock.”

  Tiffany huffed. “The last thing Dannie needs right now is some vampire dude, sucking common sense from her brain.”

  Mia turned to her and frowned. She knew the girl didn’t understand any of this, but she was fed up with her attitude. The soft approach had failed time and again. It was time for some tough love. “Shut up, Tiffany Jane. Dominic is exactly what she needs now.” She pointed a finger at her. “You will support her, as we all will. If you even try to give her lip or attitude where Dominic is concerned, I will hold you down and wash your mouth out with soap. Now I have the power to do it.”

  Christian and Chelsie started laughing. Tiffany gave them all a disgusted look, then turned and stalked off toward the elevator.

  Mia sighed and glanced upward. “Lord Jesus, what am I going to do with that child?”

  Christian took hold of her hand and squeezed. “Love her. You’re an incredible mother, but she’s hurt and angry. She’s had an extreme amount of emotional trauma to deal with this last week. Everyone deals in their own way.

  I’m confident you’ll get her through it.”

  Mia shook her head. “Christian, all of this is just icing on the cake for Tiffany. Her pain goes back years because of what happened between me and her father. I’ve loved her fiercely, yet made little progress over the last five years.”

  Chelsie said, “Mom, Tiffany and I talk about the past often. Honestly, I doubt she’ll ever forgive Dad, but I think she’s healing. Don’t say anything to her, because she doesn’t want anyone to know just yet, but she’s considering starting her own business. Web design, IT and such. I think it would be a great focus for her.”

  Mia smiled. Yes, it would. When she had the time and privacy, she would ponder ways to help her.

  Chelsie said, “I’d better go find her and try to simmer her down. Tell Dannie I’ll be back soon.”

  Once Chelsie entered the elevator, Mia took hold of Christian’s other hand and smiled at him. “You’re so amazing. How am I ever going to repay you for what you’ve done for both me and Dannie?”


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