The Bad Guy
Page 33
“Fuck!” He stayed his hand and, instead, slammed his fist into the ground next to my head. He let out a roar, guttural and full of pent up rage.
He let my hands go and sat back, crushing my thighs. His head was thrown back, as if he were pondering the shape of the lazy white clouds above instead of thinking about how to hurt me. I lay still, once again blinded by the sun.
“You’re killing your father.” He brought his head back down slowly. His face was calm again, as if some switch had flipped.
“N-no.” My breaths were finally evening out, though my head pounded from the adrenaline and lack of food.
“Yes, you are.” He leaned down over me, bringing his face only an inch from mine. His erection was hard against my thigh. “If you had escaped, what do you think I would have done? Nothing?”
“I-I didn’t think—”
“Exactly. That’s your problem.” He drew a hand up and fastened his palm around my throat.
I tried to pry his fingers off, scratching him and pulling. He didn’t move, only squeezed harder the more I fought. It was as if he were pinching my windpipe, stopping even the slightest flow of air. When the edges of my vision started to dim, I relaxed.
“I thought I made it clear upstairs. I guess I didn’t. What do I have to do to get through to you? Hurt you more? Take more?” He ran his free hand down my side, my stomach, and finally to the vee of my thighs.
I whimpered as he rubbed against the seam of my jeans, right over my clit.
“I will, if that’s what you want, if that’s what it takes for you to understand how completely I own you.” He rubbed harder, building a heat inside me. My stomach clenched. I didn’t want his pleasure, not like this, but my body wasn’t discriminating.
“Is that it, Stella?” He eased his mouth closer to mine as his fingers continued to work. He was so close I could feel his warm, minty breath on my lips. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you. Before I even planned on making you my Acquisition. What do you taste like? I wonder. I’ve wondered it for quite some time. Would you like me to find out?”
His fingers continued their maddening pace, forcing desire to swell where there should have been none, where there should be terror and anger instead. I couldn’t stop the breathy sound that erupted from my lips.
He laughed, low and husky. “You would like for me to taste you, wouldn’t you?”
My hips rose toward his hand of their own accord, wanting more from him. He froze and blinked, as if realizing what he was doing.
“Shit!” He rose up and fell back as if I’d burned him. He sat in the grass at my feet, looking at me like I was a live grenade.
I sat up, blood rushing to my cheeks at how I’d reacted to his unwelcome touch. I saw movement behind him. I shielded my eyes from the glare of the sun and saw a young man, late teens or early twenties, walking up. He had sandy blonde hair, much lighter than Vinemont’s, and his features, though similar, were softer, friendlier. He waved.
I dazedly returned it, not knowing what to do. Vinemont turned and saw the newcomer.
“Teddy, go back inside.” It was a command, but lacking Vinemont’s usual viciousness.
“What’s going on, Sin?” The young man kept on his path until he stood at Vinemont’s back. “Who’s she?”
“She’s none of your concern.” Vinemont stood and faced him. “Go on in. We’ll be in for breakfast in two minutes.”
Teddy looked from me and back to Vinemont. “You sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. It’s nothing. Trust me.”
Teddy’s gaze landed on me, no doubt taking in my disheveled appearance. “Okay, Sin, if you say so. It’s nice to meet you, um…”
“Stella. Her name is Stella Rousseau.”
“I guess I’ll see you at breakfast, Stella.” Teddy wrinkled his brow, but eventually took Vinemont at his word. I was glad to see I wasn’t the only one who made the same mistake.
Vinemont ruffled the boy’s hair as he turned to trudge back to the house.
Are you shitting me? A hair ruffle from Vinemont?
“Up, Stella. Now.” A growl for me.
I could either keep fighting and running or acquiesce. Vinemont had already threatened my father again. I believed him. He was serious, lethal. The thought of my father in prison grounded me, reminded me of what I had to do.
I had no choice. I’d signed it away. Running had been instinctive. Now, I needed to calculate, to somehow figure a way out of this mess and keep my father and myself alive.
Vinemont offered his hand with an irritated sigh.
7 Stella
Farns greeted us at the door. He didn’t say a word as we walked by, but he gave me a kindly smile. I followed Vinemont past the now familiar stairs and into the main hallway that led deeper into the house. We passed the dining room from the night before and kept going, the smell of bacon and biscuits increasing the farther we went.
“Try and behave yourself for once,” he grated, and turned left into a sunny breakfast room. The table here was smaller than the dining room’s, able to seat only twelve. Teddy, the young man from the yard, sat toward the far end and chatted with a pretty maid. When we walked in she stiffened and scurried away.
“You know that’s not allowed, Ted.”
“What? Talking to the staff is a bad thing?” He grinned.
“Talking, no. Anything else, yes. You’re a Vinemont. You can’t lower yourself.”
Teddy rolled his eyes. “C’mon Sin, I was just getting to know her a little. No big deal.” He forked a piece of pancake and stuffed it in his mouth unceremoniously. He pointed the tines at me and mumbled something around his food that could have been “who’s this?”
“I told you. Stella Rousseau.” Vinemont motioned for me to sit across from Teddy while he took the seat at the head of the table.
The young maid from earlier brought in two plates already piled high with grits, pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs.
“If you’d like more of anything, or something different, please let me know.” She curtsied and smiled, showing a youthful beauty. “Would you like coffee, tea, juice, or water?”
“I’d love some coffee.” My system needed a jolt of caffeine to recover from the run.
“Yes, ma’am.” She left and promptly returned with a coffee decanter and cups for both Vinemont and me. She asked my preferences on cream and sugar, but didn’t ask Vinemont. She already seemed to know his desires. Once done, she gave Teddy a small smile and returned through the door behind him, to what I supposed was the kitchen. Teddy winked at me. He was a flirt, for certain.
“Okay, now we’re alone. Tell me what’s going on. You’ve never brought a woman to breakfast. Honestly, I don’t think you’ve ever brought a woman to the house.” Teddy stuffed another piece of pancake in his mouth and smiled.
“If you must know, she’s my Acquisition.” Vinemont took a long swig of the coffee, even though it was still far too hot.
Teddy sputtered around his pancake before swallowing hard and almost choking. His face reddened, his eyes watering. “That’s us? It’s us this year?”
I listened intently as I sampled the array the maid had provided. The food was delicious and much needed. I felt like I hadn’t eaten in days. The information flying back and forth was even more satisfying.
“It is.” Vinemont ripped off a piece of bacon and chewed slowly.
“What is it, really? I know sort of what it is, but not the whole thing.” Teddy looked at me, all his prior flirtation gone.
“I’m not going to discuss this right now. I’m the eldest brother so it falls to me to take care of it. You don’t have to worry about it. Needless to say, I want you to treat her with respect, and also to respect my decisions as they pertain to her. Understand, Teddy?”
He put his fork down. “What does that mean?”
“That means you may disagree or even hate some of the things you see or hear, but she is my responsibility and these things must be done.”
bsp; “Why?”
Vinemont pinched the bridge of his nose. “Because they must.”
“Okay, but why?”
“Goddammit, Teddy!” Vinemont slammed his fist down on the table.
Teddy jumped and seemed genuinely uneasy. Had he never seen his brother act like this? I could give him a lesson or two about the real Vinemont.
Vinemont placed both palms flat on the table and took a deep breath. He seemed as if he were trying to hold himself together somehow. “Let me give you an idea of what I mean.” He turned to face me. “Stella, take off your clothes and stand on the table.”
I stopped mid-chew. “What?”
“You heard me.”
I looked at Teddy. His eyes were wide, the blood fading from his face as it did the same from mine.
“Don’t look at him, Stella. You’re not his. You’re mine. You will do as you’re told or you will be punished. Strip. Unless you’d like me to call Judge Montagnet?”
His threat spurred me into action. I stood.
Teddy did, too. “No, Sin.”
“Teddy, sit down. You need to learn how things are done. I’ve coddled you for far too long.”
Teddy backed away from the table as I lifted the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head with shaking hands. Tears burned behind my eyes, at the back of my throat, but I did what he said. I couldn’t risk not obeying.
“No, Sin, make her stop!” Panic filled Teddy’s plea.
“Sit. Down.” Vinemont’s jaw was tight.
Teddy obeyed. Just like I did. Just like everyone under this roof must.
I unbuttoned my pants and drew down the zipper before shimmying out of them. I took a deep breath, hatred burning in my breast for Vinemont, even though he wasn’t looking at me. He was focused on Teddy, where the real battle for control was being waged.
Now only wearing my bra and panties, I put a foot on the nearest chair to climb onto the table.
“I said all of it, Stella, or did you not hear me?” Vinemont’s cold voice was quiet.
Bastard. A sob tried to escape, but I wouldn’t let it. I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, a single tear sliding down my face. My mind was screaming, roaring, crying. On the outside, I was placid. Only the uneven fall of tears gave me away.
I pulled my bra off and dropped it in the chair where I’d been sitting moments before. Teddy darted his gaze away. With shaking fingers, I pulled my panties down and kicked them aside.
“Look at her, Teddy.” Vinemont fixated on Teddy. “Look!”
Teddy turned his face to mine, his kind eyes now fearful.
“Up on the table. Stand there.”
I pulled a chair back and stepped into it before climbing up onto the table. The polished wood was slick and cold beneath my bare feet.
“Face me, Stella.” He still stared down Teddy, forcing the boy to watch my every move.
More tears escaped, landing on my breasts and rolling down to my stomach. I dropped my head, fixating on the table beneath me. Humiliation flowed through me like blood, or maybe more like gasoline, fueling my hatred yet explosive at the same time.
“Do you understand now, Teddy? Is it clear?”
“Good. Now finish your breakfast.” Vinemont took another long swig from his coffee and attacked his food.
Teddy picked at what remained on his plate. “Are you just going to make her stand there?”
“I can make her do more, if you’d like.”
Teddy slammed down his fork. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“This is necessary. It’s what has to be done. Get used to it.” That was the Vinemont I knew, cold and unforgiving. Maybe he was right. Maybe the sooner Teddy realized his brother was a monster, the better.
Vinemont still hadn’t looked at me. Coward.
A whistle sounded at my back. Vinemont’s head whipped up, but he didn’t look past me. Instead, he focused on me, taking me in, taking everything from me. His expression turned from anger to something else. He stood and froze, tension rolling off him in waves.
“Lucius, glad you could join us.” Vinemont’s gaze travelled my body. His stare was possessive, desirous.
I wanted to cross my legs, cover myself somehow. I knew he wouldn’t allow it. So I stood, letting the degradation wash over me.
“So this is the Acquisition?” A man, his voice similar in tone to Vinemont’s, yet silkier.
“Yes.” Vinemont’s gaze was still on me, as if he didn’t want to give me up.
I maintained eye contact, damning him for doing this to me. I hoped he felt every flame of my rage. I hoped it charred his already black heart to ash.
A hand running up the back of my leg startled me and I jumped away. My foot tripped over the edge of the table. I hurtled down.
Someone caught me and set me on my feet. Vinemont pressed me into him, my face lying against his hard chest. For once, I was happy to be near him, happy to be at least somewhat covered. His hands were warm on my skin, his palms damp. Had he been sweating my forced exhibition?
“She’s skittish, huh?”
I whipped my head around. Lucius was tall, lanky, and had similar tattoos as Vinemont. He wore a blue plaid shirt, the buttons at the top casually undone and the sleeves rolled up. His hair was a tousled brown, slightly lighter than Vinemont’s and darker than Teddy’s. Another brother?
“She’s mine, Lucius. I was just teaching our little brother that lesson.” Vinemont’s voice rumbled against my ear.
Lucius arched an eyebrow before snagging a piece of bacon from my plate and devouring it. “I think all you taught Teddy was that a wanking is absolutely necessary ASAP.”
Teddy stood. “I can’t take any more of this mindfuck. I’m going into town for the day.”
He fled the room in a huff. I envied him.
Lucius kept his gaze on my ass, the one piece of me that wasn’t pressed against Vinemont. “She’s definitely a prize. Think you’ll get to be Sovereign? I’m still not clear on all the rules, by the way.”
“Only the firstborn knows the rules. You’re just guessing,” Vinemont growled.
The tension in the room took on another dimension, thickening the air like invisible smoke.
“Then tell me already.” Lucius pointedly licked the bacon grease from his index finger as he continued staring at my exposed rear.
Vinemont released his hold and pushed me behind him. I was beginning to agree with Teddy about the mindfuck. First he wanted to exhibit me and now he wanted to hide me?
“That would be breaking the rules. You aren’t a firstborn.”
I peeked around Vinemont.
“Fine.” Lucius shrugged. “I’ll just enjoy the show. I know enough from what Mother told us. This should get entertaining pretty fast. When’s the ball?”
“You mean tomorrow? Damn. You waited pretty late to collar your Acquisition.” He sprawled in the chair next to mine. “Laura!”
The pretty maid hurried in but stopped as soon as she saw me. Vinemont put a hand on my hip, possessive. She recovered far more quickly than I would have in this situation and poured Lucius a cup of coffee before fetching a plate of food for him.
“Thanks, babe.” Lucius grinned at her.
She retreated, but not before casting another worried glance in my direction.
“I trust you’ll stay out of my way as far as the Acquisition is concerned?” Vinemont’s fingertips dug into me.
“Yeah, what do I care? It would be nice if you’d share, though you’ve never been particularly good at that.”
The pressure increased, his whole hand palming my hip. “Just stay out of my way.”
Lucius waved his fork in the air. “Fine. Carry on with your sadism. Ignore the man behind the breakfast plate.”
“Get your clothes.” Vinemont removed his hand, the warmth gone and leaving goosebumps in its wake.
I crept from behind Vinemont. Lucius watched every move inte
ntly as he chewed. I darted around behind him and snagged my jeans, shirt, bra, socks, and shoes, but I couldn’t find my underwear.
I pulled the shirt on over my head and hastily yanked on my jeans. Once covered, I peered around the base of the chairs looking for any sign of my wayward panties. They weren’t where I’d left them, and I couldn’t find them on the floor.
“Lucius, give them up,” Vinemont said.
“Give what up?” He shrugged and turned to me. His eyes were lighter than his brother’s, sky blue instead of the dark depths of Vinemont’s. Lucius gave me lascivious wink.
I didn’t think it was possible to like someone less than I liked Vinemont. I may have been wrong.
Vinemont stabbed his fingers through his hair and let out a particularly vile curse before turning toward the door. “Come on, Stella.”
I followed Vinemont, but before I left the room, I turned. “I haven’t had a shower yet today. Just so you know.”
Lucius smiled. “Mmm, I like it best when they’ve soaked a bit.”
“You’re only encouraging him.” Vinemont pulled me down the hall.
“Get your hands off me.” I yanked my arm away from him.
“Fine,” he snarled. “Just go the fuck upstairs. I can’t deal with this right now.”
“You can’t deal with this? Are you kidding me?”
“Stella, I’m warning you.” He advanced, crowding me back into the wall.
“I’m not afraid of you.” I tried to put the force of my conviction into my words. It was a lie. I was scared, confused, and more alone than I’d ever been.
His hand was at my throat in an instant. “You and I both know that’s not true. Get the fuck upstairs. Stay there until I come for you.” He squeezed for emphasis before letting me go.
I slipped away from him, stumbling over the edge of the hall runner before righting myself and hurrying away. I looked over my shoulder. He stood perfectly still and watched me. I got the strange feeling that I was one wrong move away from him pouncing on me.
He was a predator by nature.
Right then I knew. If he acted on instinct, he would rip me to shreds.