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Cougar Bounty

Page 4

by J. A. Rawls

  “I’d like that very much, but are you sure; I mean after all we’ve slept together maybe working together isn’t such a good idea. I do have another iron in the fire.”

  “I’m aware of your other iron and I’ll match that offer and beat it. Sleeping with me will give you no advantages if you don’t do the job I hired you to do.” She watched him raise an eyebrow. “If I find you can’t do the job, I’ll personally show you the door, regardless of your prowess in the bedroom. Do we understand each other?”

  Marshal eyes registered surprise at her directness. “Yes, but I have one other question.”

  “Okay, one more question and then we’re done talking about work.”

  “What could I expect as a starting salary if I agreed to come to work for you?”

  “Let’s leave it like this. Whatever salary you can get Craig to offer you in writing,” she laughed knowing Craig hated putting anything in writing, “yes, in writing, I’m willing to match and I’ll raise by $10,000. So come and talk to me personally when you’re ready.”

  He looked like the cat that ate the canary. “Ma’am I’ll do that.”

  “If you call me ma’am again the offer will be off the table forever,” she laughed.

  “Baby, I’ll do anything you ask.” He leaned over, kissing her softly on the cheek.

  Jana pulled back from his scratchy face. “Then don’t call me ‘Baby’ either. I’m not ma’am and I’m not your baby, do we understand each other?”

  “Yes, I think we do. How about the weekend, do you want to come with me down to Kaiserslautern and spend the next two days seeing the local sights?”

  “I’d like to spend the weekend with you, but I’d like to stay in Frankfurt and go to places around here. If you need to check in at the base we can go down and do that too, but I’d prefer to stay here. But you have to do something first.”

  “I don’t have to report in until Monday, so staying here this weekend sounds fine to me. What about Charlie?”

  “I think he’s made arrangements with Anna, and if not he’s on his own, he’s old enough to find his own date. I still have something else you need to do for me.”

  “Yes, what’s that?”

  Laughing, Jana handed him a razor, “Shave please.”

  Marshal sprang from the seat and rushed to the bathroom. Within minutes he was back, clean shaven and refreshed. As the pilot came over the intercom advising the passengers that they had begun their descent into Frankfurt, Marshal took her hand in his. He smiled and whispered, “I’m glad you’re not mad at us.”

  “I’m being purely selfish. I didn’t want to give you up either. Don’t wake me if I’m dreaming.”

  “Believe me you weren’t dreaming. This has been the best flight of my life and I wouldn’t change it for anything, well maybe I’d have made it last a little longer if I could have.” He winked at her.

  “You’re incorrigible, do you realize that?”

  “Insatiable maybe, but very corrigible; I hope I can satisfy my need for you this weekend. or it’s going to be a long six months in Iraq.” Marshal took her hand and intertwined her fingers with his.

  The plane landed and everyone began to rise and get their baggage together. Marshal took Charlie’s bag out of the overhead and noticed he had done the same for him. Jana retrieved her items and stepped into the isle. She pressed back against Marshal, feeling him tremble as she deliberately rubbed her body against him.

  “Behave yourself, or I won’t be responsible.” The line started moving and they began to exit the plane.

  Once in the terminal Charlie caught up with Jana, “I’ll meet you at the airport on Monday.”

  Jana watched Charlie walk away, hand-in-hand with Anna. “I guess it’s just you and me.” When Marshal didn’t respond she looked at him, “Marshal, you don’t have to stay with me if you have other plans. We had fun on the plane, it was great, but I don’t want you to feel obligated to be with me.”

  “Lady, you really have this all wrong.” He pulled her out of the surge of passengers moving through the terminal, turned her toward him and kissed her with unbridled passion. “Jana, I want to be with you. I’ve wanted to be with you for over three years. This weekend is a dream come true and I intend to take full advantage of the time we have together. The plane ride was the ultimate and the weekend will be my greatest fantasy come true. I want to be with you. I want to learn everything I can about you. But most of all I want to make love to you continuously for the next couple of days.” Taking her hand he placed it once again on his erection. “Every time I think of you or remember what happened on the plane I get hard. We need to get our luggage, get through customs and get to a hotel as soon as possible, agree?” His eyes were pleading with her for agreement.

  “Agree!” They headed for the passport control and baggage claim. Finally clearing customs, Jana watched Charlie getting into a waiting cab with Anna. He waved and smiled giving her a thumbs-up. Shaking her head she turned to Marshal. “I’ve got reservations at the Steigenberger, Hotel Frankfurter Hof.”

  “Sounds kind of up-scale, Jana, I don’t have the type of clothes for a place like that. Are you sure we shouldn’t stay somewhere else?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, we’ll be spending a lot of time in our room,” she smiled. “We’ll go down to the walk platz this afternoon and get you a nice shirt and tie you can wear to dinner tonight. I won’t take no for an answer as you’re my guest. Please, Marshal let me do this for you, it’ll be fun. Then we can go straight to our room after dinner.”

  “Okay, but you need to let me pay for some of this.”

  “You can buy lunch. There’s this little restaurant off the hotel called Oscar’s. They have some great Hasenruckenfilet and their fried potatoes are to die for. I really love the fresh meats the Germans raise for their restaurants. I also like their salads and fresh vegetables.” Her eyes lit up, “The beer isn’t bad either, especially the Weizen beer. I have to tell you, before I visited Germany; I didn’t drink beer or coffee. After spending some time here I learned how excellent both are. I used to have friends who visited here bring me coffee; now of course I can find it in some of the local specialty shops.”

  “You’re kidding right? Beer is beer…coffee is coffee.”

  “I’ll make you a bet, if by the end of this weekend you don’t agree with me about the beer and the coffee; I’ll give you a $5,000 signing bonus.”

  “What makes you think I’ll be honest with that kind of offer sitting on the table?”

  “Because I know you’re an honest man and I know you won’t lie to me. You’ve already proven that.”

  “How could you know that for sure, we only met a few hours ago?”

  “Actually we’ve known each other for three years and with what’s passed between us within the last few hours, I’m sure I have a pretty good idea how to make you tell me the truth.” She leaned in pressing her hand against his groin.

  “You don’t play fair.” He groaned taking her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. He opened her door to the cab and gave the driver their destination. Pulling from the curve Marshal looked her in the eye and smiled longingly. “How far away is the hotel?”

  “Not far,” she whispered brushing her lips across his.


  Entering their room, Jana threw her purse on the bed. “I need to take a shower and freshen up. I can’t go to sleep, even though I’d like to, or I won’t sleep tonight. Then we can go get something to eat. I’m really hungry, how about you?”

  Marshal pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck, “I’m starved, but not for food.”

  “I’m going to take a bath, would you like to join me.” Jana seductively removed her skirt and blouse and walked naked to the bathroom. I need to get my panties back from this guy before I leave on Monday.

  “Be right with you,” Marshal muttered as he quickly removed his clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor. The bathroom was filling with steam as he pulled back the curtain
and eyed Jana from head to toe. “Woman you are beautiful, you have the most voluptuous body I’ve ever seen.” His hands cupped her breasts, kneading them, smiling as her nipples hardened in response. Leaning down he kissed one, then the other. He lowered his hand, slowly circling her lower abdomen, easing into her pubic hair, letting his fingers enter her slowly, first one, then two. He felt her muscles tighten around them. Spurred on by this encouragement he added another finger.

  “Can I do something for you?” she murmured, her head fell back, her eyes closed.

  “Jana, feel how hard I am,” he guided her hand to his erection.

  She wrapped her fingers around the girth, feeling it gain firmness with each caress.

  They silently touched each other, until he simply had to be inside her. He placed her hands on his shoulders as he lifted her, positioning her, easing his erection into her inner passage. He caught his breath, pausing to savor her narrow entrance, but somehow she maneuvered herself to take him fully in a single stroke. The warm water cascaded over them and their sexual heat flared as she rode his magnificent cock. They reached their orgasms simultaneously, and he quickly felt her second orgasm begin, so he didn’t slow his assault. Within minutes he felt her body tense again as another orgasm overtook her. He peaked, releasing himself into her, and taking her lips in an earth shattering kiss. He eased out slowly, realizing he was still erect, and entered her several more times with utter determination. She met him, stroke for stroke. He again lowered his head to take her nipples, first one and then the other, into his mouth, hearing her moan softly. Marshal knew she could go longer, but he needed a break. He gently lowered her to her feet. Taking the soap from the tray he began to wash her, concentrating on her breasts and swollen mound.

  “I think those are clean,” she grabbed the soap from him, “let me return the favor.” Her soft, soapy hands massaged his cock and balls, the sensual ministrations making him collapse against the shower wall.

  “I’m starting to prune up,” she laughed as she stepped from the shower, “rinse yourself off lover boy.” She dried herself, “I’m still hungry, actually more so if that’s possible. Let’s get dressed and go down to Oscar’s.”

  “Works for me, I’ve definitely worked up an appetite. After lunch we can walk down to the walk platz and enjoy a beer and maybe desert. Sounds like we’ll be spending the rest of the day eating, doesn’t it?”

  “Not only eating and drinking, I was promised sex on this adventure, and that better be a big part of your plans,” she teased as she handed him a towel.

  “Yes, sex, definitely–sex and more sex, as much as I can physically accommodate.” He stroked her backside as he stepped around her making his way to his suitcase.


  Looking into the store window Jana found the perfect shirt for Marshal. It was a soft teal with a matching tie. It would be gorgeous with his dark hair and hazel eyes. Being a good foot taller than she was didn’t hurt either. In fact he was perfect, broad shoulders, narrow hips and a willingness to please her insatiable appetite for sex. She couldn’t have asked for a better plan for her weekend if she’d planned it herself. As she had suspected he looked fantastic in the shirt. Adding the tie only made him look more sophisticated. Jana eyed a beautiful green German jacket. God, Marshal would look so good in this. She nodded to the clerk and immediately the right size appeared. “Try it on Marshal; I want to see it on you.”

  “Jana, I don’t need a jacket.”

  “I know, but try it on anyway. Do you like the teal shirt, or would you like a different color?”

  “Truthfully, I’d like something in a more neutral color. I would really like to think I’d wear it more than once, but I can guarantee you I wouldn’t with the teal.”

  “Understand,” Jana nodded, “Do you have this in a soft yellow, beige, or blue color?” The clerked confirmed she did and Jana indicated she’d take one in each of those colors as well as the teal. “Can you have it delivered to the Steigenberger, Hotel Frankfurter Hof this afternoon?” The clerk assured she’d take care of it personally, and Jana and Marshal left the store in search of a beer at one of the outside cafes.

  “You had all those shirts and the jacket sent to the room didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I did.” The waiter approached and Jana ordered them each a Wiezen beer and apple strudel.

  “I didn’t need four shirts or a jacket.”

  “Need had nothing to do with the buy Marshal. I bought those things for you for two reasons; one I can, and two, because I wanted to. You look good in them; I couldn’t pass them up. Besides, you’ll be able to wear all of them when you come to work for me. You’re not always going to be in the military you know.”

  “True, but in the meantime I’m going to have to carry all this extra stuff all over the globe.”

  “Four shirts and a jacket don’t weigh much. I think a big strong man like you can handle it. But if it’s a problem, I’ll have them sent back to my place in the States on Monday morning and you can pick them up when you come there to work. How does that sound?”

  “I guess that’s also an option. Not a bad one all things considered.” He held up his beer, “You think of everything.” He smiled as he took a drink, “This is really good.” Jana’s right, this beer is a lot better than the Budweiser or Miller at my dad’s place.


  Jana felt her cell phone vibrate, It’s Liza; I wonder what’s going on. She noted the time difference made it ten in the morning back home. “Liza, what’s up?”

  “Mom there’s something going on with dad,” Liza blurted.

  “What do you mean, something going on? What are you talking about?”

  “Mom, dad came back from the doctor this morning, walked to his liquor cabinet, took out a bottle of Scotch and went and sat on the patio. He’s been drinking for over an hour-and he won’t talk to me.”

  Jana was concerned, even for Craig this was strange behavior. “Has he said anything at all? Have you tried to talk to him?”

  “Yes, mom. I’ve asked him repeatedly what happened at the doctor’s office, but the only thing he says is ‘I’ve got to get my affairs in order’ and then he takes another drink. Do you have any idea what is happening here? Hell, mom you were married to the man forever.”

  This wasn’t good. He got bad news about his cancer. Shit! “Liza, put your dad on the phone.”


  “Do you want me to find out what’s going on, or do you just want to guess?” Jana was losing patience with her daughter. She listened as Liza handed Craig the phone and told him it was Jana.

  “Jana, is it really you?” Craig asked hesitantly.

  “Yes, Craig; how are you doing?” She was already aware there was a serious problem, but tried to remain calm.

  “I’m fine, went to the doctor this morning.”

  “Craig, what did the doctor tell you? Weren’t you supposed to get the test results this morning?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  His terse answers created a tension over the connection. “Craig, damn it, tell me what the doctor told you.”

  “He told me to get my affairs in order.”

  “That’s all he said? Craig there had to be more than that; I want the details. What did the doctor tell you?”

  “Jana, will you marry me?”

  “No, Craig, I won’t. Now tell me what the doctor told you.”

  “I told you.”

  “Craig, you’re pissing me off. What did the doctor say? Do I have to call him myself to find out?” Her voice was rising, and she realized not only did she have Marshal’s undivided attention, but other guests at the outside café were watching as well.

  “I don’t have prostate cancer.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Actually no, it’s not. I have pancreatic cancer-and Jana-it’s spread to my liver. The doctor gives me maybe a month.”

  “But what about treatment? Surely there’s something that can be done.” She heard
the desperation in her voice.

  “Not really, the doctor said that it’s too advanced to do surgery, and that chemotherapy would not help at this stage.”

  “Oh Craig, I’m so sorry. Is Liza standing there?”

  “No, she ran in the house after my last comment.” He felt bad, but he was the one dying, not her. “I know I should have told her in some other way, but I didn’t know how. Crap, Jana, I’m a mess.”

  “Craig, I understand, do you need me to come home?”

  “No, finish your trip. You coming back won’t change what’s going on here. I’ll talk to Liza.” He looked up as his daughter approached.

  “Craig, you need to stop drinking, you’re scaring her.”

  Craig knew she was right, but he didn’t know what to do any more. As Liza approached he asked her, “Do you want to talk to your mom? Jana she wants to talk to you. Don’t worry we’ll work this out when you get back.” He hesitated a moment before giving the phone to Liza, “Jana don’t worry; I’m fine-under the circumstance.” He gave the phone to Liza.

  “Mom, what should I do?”

  “Nothing, you can’t fix this. Let him wallow in his Scotch bottle for a while. He’ll snap out of it. You’re dad’s strong; he’ll do what he needs to do, once he realizes he’s the one who owns this process from here on out.”

  “Mom, I’m scared.”

  “Me too, baby, but we both have to be strong for your dad. Give him a big hug and kiss for me and I’ll see you soon. Liza if you need to talk, call me any time, okay?”

  “Okay mom, I love you.”

  “I love you too. Liza, you need to get in touch with Jake. Let him know what’s happening, he might have some ideas for you.”

  “I will mom, talk to you soon.”


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