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The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10

Page 20

by Jacqueline Druga

Dean snapped his finger. “Excellent idea. Joe, it’s excellent. Not that I like the idea of Ellen traveling back and forth, but it would be good for her and Bowman. I’m sure they don’t have the technology we have or the medications.”

  “We don’t,” Hal said.

  “Joe, we can have Ellen set their doctor up. She can teach him about our meds. She can be his link and his answers when he needs them. Because I’m gonna tell you, Joe, if there’s an infection, Andrea and Jason will shoot from the hip, upping the medication until it works. Ellen, she’ll examine it under a microscope, run it through the programs here that she knows, test it and pin point what they need. She can do that.”

  Joe leaned back in his chair. “If I do this, when you get back, he has to break from her research with you and dedicate time to helping Bowman no matter where they are. They have more people than us. That will be her job.” He saw Dean nod in his agreement. “If I get agreement from council, she will be a research doctor only with minimal patient contact. She has zero bedside manner with anyone she knows. With strangers, she’s good.” Joe paused in silence. “I’ll get a hold of Andrea and Henry and get Jason to advice on this also. Can you be here in an hour?”

  “Absolutely.” Dean smiled. He laid his hand on a sitting Hal’s shoulder. “Thanks for your input.”

  “Hey, we need help in Bowman too. I’d like to have some security in the fact that we may not have to send our people here for everything.”

  “Dean.” Joe spoke up. “Let me ask you this. You’ve never brought this up before. Ellen did once and you laughed. Why the change?”

  “Honestly?” Dean spoke softly. “I’m proud of her, Joe. I looked at her today and I realized how proud I was of her and everything she learned. And I guess another part of me want to be secure in the fact that if this town loses one Dr. Hayes, it certainly will have another Dr. Hayes standing right by.”

  Joe took in Dean’s words and to Joe, no more needed to be said.


  Beginnings, Montana

  Ellen didn’t hear Dean coming. She wouldn’t have. Unless Dean was running in the halls of the clinic, those high top canvas tennis shoes barely made a sound. It was evening. Perhaps Ellen was too engrossed in Jeremy who was still sedated following his surgery. She checked his IV and vitals then turned when she heard the clearing of a throat. “Hey.” She smiled and saw Dean standing in the door way, leaning on it in his usual ‘one hand in the front pocket of his jean’ stance.

  “El.” Dean’s hand ran slowly through his hair. “It’s almost seven. You think you might want to come home.”

  “I’m sorry. Didn’t Josh tell you. I had work to finish up at containment. In the cryo I started, well, the specimens on . . . you know and, I wanted to check him.”

  “He told me.” Dean walked in and up to Ellen. He kissed her on the cheek. “I just came to get you. I thought we’d walk home together.”

  “That would be nice.” Ellen grabbed Jeremy’s chart.

  “How’s he doing?”

  Ellen handed him the chart. “Good I guess. I bet he feels neglected. Me, Patrick and Melissa have been the only ones who have checked on him.”

  Dean reviewed the chart. “I see you’ve been in here three times.”

  “Yeah. Sorry. I figured with Cindy having the miscarriage complications, Andrea was wrapped up in that. Wasn’t that awful? She really wanted to have that baby.”

  “Yeah it was. Tell me why he was given a sedation at one and then at six.”

  “Um. Sorry. No one was around and he was agitated with the tube.” Ellen indicated to her own neck. “He kept touching it and seemed uncomfortable. I thought a mild sedation would help instead of having him cause more damage than I already did. Sorry.”

  “Not a problem. Ready?” Dean closed the chart.


  Dean carried the chart as they left the room. He laid it at the nurses’ station and walked side by side with Ellen as they left the clinic.

  Once outside, Ellen felt Dean’s hand slip into hers. She smiled, thinking how teenage and nice it was. It was a little bit chilly out, but a nice evening walk home.

  Dean stopped with Ellen at the front door. He faced her. “How tired are you?”






  Dean smiled. “Forget it.” He laid his hand on her cheek and kissed her.

  “I knew it.”


  “It was a sex question thing, wasn’t it? It was your way of . . .”

  Dean’s hand covered her mouth and he opened the front door.

  Ellen slid her hand from his as she stepped inside. Joe, Robbie, Andrea, Hal, and Henry were there along with all the kids. “What’s going on? What happened?”

  Dean closed the door. “You can say a family dinner.”

  “Oh.” Ellen giggled. “That’s what you meant outside. Dean that’s OK, My family can be here anytime. If I don’t want them to, I’ll tell them to leave. Hey, Joe.” Ellen walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. As she went to step back, he grabbed her hand.

  “Ellen.” Both of Joe’s hands held her. “I want you to know how proud I am of what you did today.”

  “Thanks. What did I do?”

  Joe rolled his eyes.

  Andrea spoke up. “With the survivor. Saving him and performing the emergency surgery.”

  “Oh.” Ellen nodded. “Thanks.”

  Joe motioned his head to Hal and Hal stood from the couch.

  “El” Hal said, “you know Beginnings is so lucky to have the medical technology it has. Bowman needs that. We have a doctor, but we can use the help. Another doctor, especially with our men that we send here.”

  “Dean will be happy to help. Andrea’s great too.”

  “Actually.” Hal scratched the bridge of his nose. “I was hoping you would tell me you would be able to make some trips here and there down to Bowman to help out and come down with me when I go home to get us set up with the meds and such.”

  “Um.” Ellen shifted her eyes. “I’d be happy to but I’m not a doctor. I can help though. What about Jason? He really doesn’t do much around here except play with his time machine and help occasionally at containment and the clinic.”

  “I would like you,” Hal said. “It would be great to have my ‘sister’ visit me.”

  “O.K.” Ellen shrugged. “If Joe lets me. I have to warn you, my recent trips beyond the wall have been disastrous, so I may insist Robbie escort me.” She winked at Robbie. “He makes me feel safe. No offense to you, Hal.”

  “None taken.”

  Ellen went to turn back to Joe to ask if it was all right and was surprised when Dean neared her with a small wrapped box. “What’s this?” She tilted her head in question.

  “For you.”

  Ellen held it. “Why am I getting a gift? It’s not a anniversary.” She started to shake the tiny box that fit in her hand. “I wonder what . . .”

  “Ellen!” Joe yelled. “Open the goddamn gift.”

  Immediately Ellen unwrapped it and exposed the small velvet box. “I’ve seen this box before. Where?” She flipped open the lid. “Now I know.” She raised her eyes to Dean. “Your medical insignia pin. Why are you giving it to me?” She held it up. “It’s yours.”

  Dean shook his head. “It’s yours. I want you to have it.”

  “Like an engagement ring? Oh.” She smiled. “How original.”

  Joe’s moan was the loudest. “Ellen, aren’t you getting what we’re saying or implying here.”

  “Yes.” Ellen said. “We’re having an engagement party.”

  Everyone tossed their hands up.

  “Ellen.” Dean laid his hands on her shoulders. “You have been a nurse for a really long time. You have been my research assistant since we’ve got here. Lately over the past two years you have become my research partner. I have worked with doctors with so
much education that didn’t know half as much as you.”

  “Aw.” Ellen smiled. “That’s sweet. Isn’t he sweet? Thanks, Dean. That’s a hell of a compliment. Thanks. Is that why I got the pin?”

  “Yes,” Dean answered. “Because none of us can give you the sheet of paper that says degree in medicine. That is the symbol that you have, in a sense, a Beginnings degree in medicine.”

  “What . . .” Ellen was lost and afraid to assume what they meant until she saw Dean with a small name tag.

  “When I would be on leave and intern for my father, he had this made up for me because, to him, I wasn’t supposed to be an officer in his clinic. I was supposed to be a doctor. Back then I thought how generic it looked. But now I’m glad it was, because you, Ellen, can wear it . . .well in at least five more days.” The short white name tag with the black letters was placed in Ellen’s hand. Two words were etched on it. ‘Dr. Hayes.’

  “Oh my God.” Ellen grinned. “This is so great. You guys are acknowledging me as a doctor now. Oh my God.” She gripped the tag. “Oh wow.”

  Though the moment was supposed to be a joyous one, Joe couldn’t let it lay without adding a little bit of Joe to it. “And you have to take this seriously, Ellen. I mean it. Not like that course I dished out four thousand dollars for so you could become an acupuncture specialist.”

  Dean looked more shocked than anyone. “What?”

  “Yeah, ask her,” Joe said. “She was twenty-three years old. She and Pete were just starting and didn’t have any money. She swore this is what she wanted to do instead of working for Doc Breyer. She cried because she could only get two thousand on a student loan so I forked up the rest. She went to this special school and dropped out after four months. She said it wasn’t what she thought it would be. What the hell did you do with all those needles anyhow, Ellen?”

  “I have them.” Ellen stared at the name tag. “They’re put away.”

  “Now Missy Jane.” Joe had an instructional tone to his voice. “Bowman is yours. You’ll make frequent trips there to help their doctor out. You’ll be in charge of any Bowman residents that end up here. They are yours. And . . . so is the survivor you saved. He’s your patient.”

  “Really?” Ellen smiled. “And the UWA soldier? Does he become my patient too?”

  “Yes,” Joe reluctantly answered.

  “Oh boy.” Ellen looked at Dean and Andrea. “You do know my patients will think I’m the coolest.” She pinned the name tag on herself. “Look, I’m Dr. Hayes or will be when Dean and I get married. And I promise Joe, unlike the acupuncture, I will take this very serious. Besides, I don’t think Dean will let me not take it serious.”

  “No, he won’t,” Joe said, “because if you screw up, it’s on him. He’s the one that brought this whole thing up in the first place.”

  In such a shock, Ellen looked at Dean. “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly. “Thank you.” She whispered jokingly in his ear, “You’ll just do anything this week to get laid, won’t you.”

  “Oh yeah.” Dean kissed her and broke from the embrace. “Let’s eat.”


  Binghamton, Alabama

  There must have been thirty files stacked upon Frank’s desk. A light burned on the desk top while he read from them with a lit cigarette dangling from his mouth. He knew it was late and he expected the intrusion, but somehow he expected it earlier. Perhaps Lt. Merrick waited until his muscles started to hurt before he came. But he did and he had attitude.

  “This is not right.” His voice nearly blasted Frank after his entrance into the office.

  Frank only raised his eyes. “I suggest you take that tone and leave this office.”

  “From sun up this morning to sundown I have been doing nothing but . . .”

  “I suggest.” Frank raised his voice more. “You take that tone and leave this office.”

  “You’re not listening.”

  Frank sprang up. His huge hands slammed on the desk with a thunderous crash. “And you are not listening. Do not come in here and talk to me like that. Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?”

  “Someone that is not doing what they are supposed to be doing.”

  Frank’s facial muscles tensed up. “I’m not going to tell you again. Leave the office before I throw you out. And be forewarned, I will not be gentle with you.” As Frank lowered himself into his chair, he watched Lt. Merrick walk to the door. “Another thing, Lieutenant. The UWA soldier interrogations that you have been handling, you aren’t handling them correctly. From now on you are relieved of that duty. I will handle them. No one but me.”

  Lt. Merrick turned around. “Yet another thing you’re doing.” He had such anger in his voice. “Aside from running your staff into the ground, I heard what you were saying to the men about training. That is not the way I was told to train them.”

  “Perhaps that is the reason these soldiers suck. Make no bones about it, soldier, this is my detail, my battalion and I will run it and train it as I see fit without any questions asked. Is that understood?”

  “I’m letting the President know what you are up to.”

  “You do that. You go right ahead and do that. Now, that will be all.”

  “You don’t think I . . .”

  “I said!” Frank blasted. “That will be all!”

  The door slammed loudly when Lt. Merrick raged out. Frank calmed himself and picked up the cigarette that was burning away. He stared at the closed door and thought of what Lt. Merrick had said and he realized Lt. Merrick was a problem, one Frank would have to deal with as soon as possible.


  September 16

  Binghamton. Alabama

  Frank’s lit cigarette twirled as he tossed it while waiting for the guard on the building where the UWA soldiers were held. He walked down the long hallway to the end where they were. It was cold and damp and the darkness of the place seemed to make it worse.

  “Keys.” Frank held his hand out to the soldier who guarded the door.

  A little nervous, he handed them to Frank. “Sir, you should wait until we have more men here to go in there with you.”

  “For what?” Frank asked.

  “For your protection, sir.”

  Frank nearly laughed. “I need no protection against these prisoners. You just watch the door.” Frank unlocked the door and handed the soldier the keys. He opened it, stepped inside, and pulled the door closed.

  Tired, thin and looking bad, Link, Kyle, and Jeff looked up to Frank upon his entrance. Frank just stared at them.


  Beginnings, Montana

  Joe walked with Robbie towards the clinic. They moved at a brisk pace.

  “Just make sure you keep track of anything you can find out.” Joe instructed Robbie as the neared the clinic. “No matter how minuscule.”

  “I know that. We’re gonna meet every Thursday for a Bible study.”

  Joe snickered. “Sorry. Do you need to borrow Andrea’s to brush up.”

  “Dad, please, it’s the Bible. How hard can it be?” Robbie opened the clinic doors for his father. “What time is this wedding today?”

  “Four. I’ll tell you, it couldn’t come at a worse time no matter how small it’s supposed to be. I move in two days and my house is a disaster. Thank God Jess is helping Andrea cook. I feel bad that it’s their wedding and we have to have the dinner there but . . .”

  “They have the biggest house.”

  “True. Why are you here at the clinic, Robbie?”

  “Helping Ellen out. Dean’s testing her today on her stitching. See, how serious those two are taking it when they’re both working the day of their wedding?”

  “It’s nothing new to them,” Joe said. “They’re just making it official for a while.”

  “For a while is right.” Robbie stopped in front of the examining room where he was to meet Ellen.

  “Well, I’ll leave you. I want to check that new guy. They’re releas
ing him to containment tomorrow. Have fun and don’t be late. It’s just our family there today and I’d like everyone to be there.”

  Robbie gave a thumbs up, watched his father move down the hall, and then he knocked on the closed examining room door. “El.” He opened it. “Hey, baby, I’m all . . .” Robbie slowed his speech when Ellen turned around with a huge syringe. “ . . . yours. Shit.”


  Quantico Marine Headquarters

  Stewart was a bit older then Jeremy, but was a face seen more often in the Society. Now he took Jeremy’s place as George’s right hand man. He stood as he watched George pace around the office, holding onto a phone. He watched George nod, smile, and then hang up.

  George laid the phone on the desk. “Jeremy is still out of commission there. He’s being moved back to containment.”

  “Even after he gets out, when will he have telephone access?”

  George shrugged. “There are community phones. We’ll have to wait and see. If he needs to get a hold of me, he will. That’s why he’s there, to take chances I cannot have my inside person take.”

  “Expendable?” Steward asked.

  “If he needs to be. Yes and so are you for that matter.” George sat down at his desk. “Wedding goes off today. The switching of leaders is in transition. Concentration is on the joining of the UWA and Beginnings. However Hal leaves and we now know where they are located.”

  “Are you thinking a full scale attack?”

  George shook his head. “I can’t right now. Not with Ellen going back and forth to there. Anything happens to her all deals are gonna be off with Dean and he has something I don’t want to chance getting. Put it that way. And I want Dean.”

  “So you no longer need the UWA prisoners in Binghamton.”

  George shook his head. “We can dispose of them. I should be hearing from Frank late this afternoon when Marcus arrives there.”

  “Why are you sending Marcus there? I thought you trusted Frank.”


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