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The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10

Page 51

by Jacqueline Druga

  Robbie cringed in the painful memory.

  “Yeah. All was forgotten. It’s up to you what choice you make. It all hinges on whether you still want him as your friend or not. He’ll find someone else to do that sort of thing with. There are plenty of men in Beginnings who are willing. But if you want to stay friends with him, you’d better damn well make it clear, you’re not one of those men, unless there’s something about you I don’t know.”

  “Dad.” Robbie shook his head. “I like Jess . . . . not that way, but I like him. I want to be friends with him.”

  “Then you know what to do.”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Dad.” Robbie gave a smile to his father and started to walk away. He stopped and faced Joe. “Wait a second. Why am I thanking you? You could have stopped this whole thing from ever getting to this point.”

  “And ruin seeing you in this state.” Joe snickered. “Never.”

  Grunting like his father, Robbie waved his hand once and walked away toward his house.


  Jess stood up from the sofa the moment Robbie walked back into the house. “Everything O.K. with El?”

  “Um . . . yeah.” Robbie closed the door.

  “How was she with it?”

  “Jess . . .”

  “We should have told her. It was only right knowing the history between you two. Maybe I should be the one to talk to her tomorrow. What do you think?” Jess held Robbie’s drink to him.

  “I think I need that moonshine.” Robbie took the drink and brought it to his lips, taking a long drink. “Jess. Sit down.” Robbie motioned to the couch.

  “She was mad, wasn’t she?” Jess sat down at the same time as Robbie. “I’m so sorry. I’ll explain it to her.”

  ‘There’s no need. I did already.” Robbie set down his drink. “We have to talk.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I think . . . I think there’s been a bit of mis-communication between us.” Robbie grabbed his drink and finished it. “I like you, Jess.”

  “I like you too.”

  “No.” Robbie held up his hand. “I like you as a friend but not in any other way.”

  Shock took over Jess’ face. “But I thought . . .”

  “I know what you thought and I’m sorry you thought that way.”

  “See.” Jess shook his head. “You came to me after Trish told you everything.”

  “Trish left out some very important details. Some very important details.”

  “Oh God.” Jess stood up. “I’ll pack up and leave. I’m sorry. I am really sorry.”

  “Jess.” Robbie stood from the couch.

  “I thought we were close. I thought you needed that extra closeness as much as me.”

  Robbie hid his cringing. “I . . . really.” Robbie closed one eye looking at him. “I really get that extra closeness when I need it, trust me, but I can always use a good friend.”

  “I have to leave this house, Robbie. There is no way we can stay friends now.”

  “You don’t want to be friends with me?”

  “Oh I want to, but do you know how hard it is to be friends with some you’re . . . you’re in love with.” Jess walked to the steps

  Bam. Robbie didn’t expect to hear that. “Yeah, I do Jess. Yeah I do. I know exactly what it’s like to see the person you love every single day, to want them, to want to be with them, but to have to stay behind a friendship wall, because that is the way it has to be. I’m there. O.K.”

  Jess nodded. “Same boats, different situations?”

  “Yes,” Robbie said. “But you stay friends and the one with more feelings deals with it. You deal with it if the friendship is that important.”

  “But I kissed you. Do you know how embarrassed I feel at this moment for putting you in that position?”

  “Get over it,” Robbie told him. “I will and it will be forgotten.”

  “Can you forget?”

  Robbie fluttered his lips. “Yeah . . .” He snickered. “If Ellen lets me. Look, if you want to move out and stop being friends there’s nothing I can do to stop you. But if you wanna stay, stay. We can be friends still.. I like being your friend.”

  Jess walked away from the steps. “Only if we kill Trish tomorrow.”

  Robbie laughed. “Oh most definitely. We will kill Trish tomorrow.”


  Quantico Marine Headquarters

  The night air was filled with only one sound. George didn’t need to see it to know what it was. The firm sound of boots marching in unison. The voice of Sgt. Landers carried in synchronization with them. George smiled as he stepped away from his window and released the curtain he held back. Things were going well. Dean was in Binghamton. Frank didn’t get his memory back. And his new brigade of CME troops were now on their way there as well.


  Beginnings, Montana

  “Robbie.” Ellen spoke seriously, laying on her side, in bed, her back to Robbie who was reading. “I let you sleep in here because Henry is camping in the living room. Shut out the light please.”

  “Thanks for the book, El.”

  “Shut out the light.”

  “El.” Robbie set the book down. “Can we talk?”

  “We talked.”


  Ellen rolled on to her back. “Is this another Robbie paranoia calming session.”

  “Yes.” Robbie moved to his side to face her. “What if . . . what if I’m gay and I don’t know it.”

  “God, Robbie.”

  “Seriously, El. My Uncle Jerry turned gay at my age.”

  “I remember when Uncle Jerry moved out on his wife. I knew he was gay before that. Everybody did. You are not gay.”

  “O.K. But right now, I’m scared.”

  “Are you having feelings for Jess.”


  “A twinge of excitement when you think of the kiss?”

  “El, no. Stop.”

  Ellen snickered. “Sorry. I can’t help it. You’re just being paranoid again. Let it go. You’re fine. You’re just a very attractive man that’s all.”

  “Still the best looking man in Beginnings in your eyes?”

  “Still the best.” Ellen leaned into him and kissed him softly. “Goodnight.”

  “El, do that again.”


  “Kiss me.”


  “Please?” Robbie moved to her. “Just kiss me and make me get to . . . well, the point that I know women still turn me on. Please.”

  “You want me to kiss you until you’re aroused?” Ellen asked.


  “Well, seeing how you’re a Slagel, this should take three whole seconds.” Ellen moved to him pressing her lips softly to his.

  Robbie laid his hand on her cheek, keeping the kisses soft, yet intense. He kissed her and kept kissing her. Then he grunted, pulled away and in frustration laid on his back. “Nothing.”

  “Robbie.” Ellen held back her laugh.

  “No, this is terrible. Nothing.”

  “Maybe it’s me.”

  “No, you’ve always done it before. It’s me. I’m gay.”

  “Robbie.” Ellen moved to him. “Come here.” She took hold of his shoulder, rolling him her way. She moved her body, nearly touching his. She kissed his neck and grazed her fingers tips oh-so-lightly up his thigh, tickling across is boxer shorts, and to his chest. Her hand laid flush against his chest hair as her lips moved to his and began to part his with intensity. A few seconds into the kiss, she felt his lips tense up, and widen into a grin. Ellen pulled away slightly. “Feel better?”

  Robbie bit his bottom lip with an ornery smile. “Yeah. Thanks, El.”

  “No problem. Goodnight.” She inched away from him, rolled on her side, and pulled the blanket up. “Shut out the light now.”

  Robbie reached for the lamp and turned it off. He adjusted the covers and grew comfortable in bed. “Hey El . . .”

  “Night, Robbie.”

  “But you know what? Now could be the perfect opportunity . . .”

  “Goodnight Robbie.”

  Robbie smiled, slid down further and closed his eyes. “Night, El. Thanks.”



  September 26

  Beginnings, Montana

  There was a certain amount of awkwardness between Jess and Robbie as they lifted off, just before dawn, for their scouting mission. Robbie talked. Jess was quiet, which totally surprised John Matoose, because he had it pegged as Robbie not saying anything, especially after what Jenny told him when she came to say goodbye. How she heard Robbie chasing Ellen up the street, and how, because she was bored, she followed and eavesdropped. John Matoose found himself listening to the conversation, trying to find the hidden messages they sent to each other regarding the lovers’ quarrel. The sordid affair that Ellen busted. Actually John Matoose wanted to hear anything at that moment that didn’t have to do with the scouting mission, because hearing anything at that moment would make him less nervous. And John Matoose was nervous.


  It was early and Joe wasn’t due in Distribution just yet. Not wanting to alert anyone to his checking out George’s things in warehouse ‘A’, Joe decided to wait until daybreak to do so, instead of at night when the lights would be seen. The streets of Beginnings only had those who worked early and headed to their shift, mainly security and field workers. Joe reviewed the checklist in his mind as he made his way to the warehouse. First thing was look through George’s things. Second was to locate Henry and find out what the hell he had been doing as leader because Joe had to assign security positions while Robbie was making the flight. That was a task Henry told Dan he’d prefer not to handle and to speak to Joe.

  Just about at the entrance to warehouse ‘A’, Joe heard his name being called, not seemingly for anything, more so a good morning hello. Joe, holding out his keys, turned to see Jason.

  “Early start?” Jason asked.

  “Yeah. You too, I see.”

  “Josephine had heart palpitations all night. I stayed there till I sent her home.”

  “Is she all right?” Joe asked.

  “Nothing serious. She’s fine. I think, my professional opinion, she has a bit of withdrawal. She tried to quit drinking,” Jason explained. “And, well, you and I know she can be quite the lush.”

  “What made Josephine decided to give up the bottle? Her health?”

  “A man.”

  Joe nearly choked on the laughter that blurted out. “A man made her quit?”

  “Actually she’s trying to impress him. Forrest.”

  “And what was your doctor advice to her?”

  “I told her to drink again. Forrest drinks as much as she does and I told her, at eighty-some years old, why quit now.”

  Joe was a little surprised by Jason’s unconventional advice. Had it been Dean, Dean would have had her in his new detox program. “Awfully unorthodox advice for a doctor.”

  “Yeah well, her heart won’t take the withdrawal symptoms, Joe, so let her go. Hell, her liver is still in great shape. She may still be skipping around here twenty years from now. Anyway I’m off. Wanted to say hi.”

  “Where you heading, Jason?” Joe asked, taking in that Jason had approached him behind all the town’s buildings. “Odd that you’re back here.”

  “Nah, I cut through this way to get to Mechanics. It’s easier. I have a req to turn in..” He started walking away then he stopped. “Oh Joe.” Jason turned back. “I wanted to ask you something. You can tell me it’s none of my business, but how’s the search for the Society insider going? I figured that’s what you were doing by asking for the history of the time machine.”

  “It’s going.” Joe held up a finger slowly. “Let me ask you a question, Jason.”


  “You said something to Dean and Henry. You said ‘another person’ working for George. As if you knew of one.”

  “I do,. Well, I think. I’m not sure, but I’m pretty certain of it.”

  “Who?” Joe asked.

  “John Matoose.”

  Joe tried not to let his shock be seen. “What makes you say John Matoose?”

  “History. I gave it thought when things were going against us, especially when we went back March 6th and it seemed so much like a set up. I figured John had to know about this place when he met up with you guys. He was with the President. I think John knew more than he should and George used that against him. John’s whole demeanor changed when George left. It was consistent with someone who has a lot of pressure. That’s why I think George used John’s knowledge to get John to do things, held it over his head. He snapped easily and so forth but the clincher came after the new plague. John all of the sudden was removed from any security work except for flights. Straight Mechanics and you have someone tailing him.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because I work odd hours and hardly ever sleep. John doesn’t see it. I do.”

  “If it is true and he is followed, you won’t . . .”

  “Say a word?” Jason held up his hand. “No. I figured the only reason John isn’t headless or out of here is because you’re probably using him for all you can get. I’d do the same thing. When the well is dry, fill it in.”

  “You’ve given this a lot of thought, haven’t you?” Joe asked.

  “Yes I have.”

  “As much thought to whoever else you think it is in Beginnings?”

  “Person or persons. I have several theories. I’ve been wanting to share them with you but a few are half baked.”

  “Well,” Joe bounced from heel to toe. “Let me tell you, they can’t be as half baked as some of the ones we’re dealing with.”

  “Then we’ll sit over a drink and talk about them,” Jason said. “Today, I’m gonna try to work in my lab. With Dean’s so-called disappearance, I’m pretty busy at the clinic. Maybe tonight or tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that.” Joe nodded once.

  “Good.” Jason stepped and stopped. “Joe, one thing. I know you’re looking at me as a insider for the Society. I don’t mind. I would too. But, with all honesty, I would like to tell you something.”


  “I may be guilty of some things in Beginnings, but working for George is not one of them.” Jason smiled partially and walked away.

  Joe watched Jason, wondering what he had mean by the last statement, and he figured he’d find out later. But at that moment, getting into the warehouse and looking through George’s things was top priority.

  Joe sat on the floor of the warehouse for maybe an hour, going through George’s things. He knew for certain his legs were going to kill him when he finally got out of the crouched down position. He looked differently than he had done before, because he looked with different knowledge. When he went through George’s books, he realized that was where he went wrong before. Like Henry had said, they were only looking for things to do with the Society. When they fine-tooth combed his things before, they were actually using a thick-tooth comb, because they merely skimmed over anything that was related to Beginnings. That was their major mistake.

  The book marks called to him, scrap paper, Beginnings made, placed neatly in the parts of the books where George left off. An avid reader and a man who read more than one book at a time, it wasn’t surprising to Joe that George used a marker. Joe even remembered him and Henry reading where George had left off in the books. They had glanced at the book marks but didn’t think anything of them. They were Beginnings paper, How much were they gonna tell them? How wrong Joe and Henry were.

  It was there, triple-folded long ways on page one hundred twenty-two of the book, ‘Poseidon Adventure’, with George’s handwriting on the smooth side saying ‘bookmark’ and a George drawing of a daisy. But when Joe unfolded it, he realized what it was. It was evidence they needed, but not evidence they wanted to admit. Someone from Beginnings really did try to warn George and Joe
read the proof he held in his hand. A note dated from the future to George in the past. ‘This is a warning. Do not continue on with the Society’s plan. I urge you. The virus is not infallible. I know this because I write you from a future that has gone bad. Signed, a friend.’

  Perhaps George kept the note as a reminder of his mistake for possibly scoffing at it all those years ago. There was only one problem. The note was not handwritten; it was typed. With no signature there wasn’t any way to know who wrote it. Or was there? Joe glanced down at the note again, looking at it instead of reading it and that’s when he noticed. All the capital letters were faded and cut off some at the top. A hint of blue ink, only a hint, could be seen. A typewriter fault? A Henry-made typewriter ribbon error? Whatever caused it, Joe quickly ran through his mind how many typewriters there were in Beginnings and who all had them. That was where Joe was going to start. Placing the note in his chest pocket, Joe closed the ‘Poseidon Adventure’ and began to pack up George’s things. He had a new direction, one he would get started on as soon as he could. It was a little clue, but a clue none-the-less.


  Binghamton, Alabama

  Frank kept watching, throughout his training and whenever he was in his office, for those six scientist to leave so he could go find Dean. When they finally appeared to be taking a morning break, Frank took advantage of it. He sneaked out of his building, stayed close to the walls, edged his way to the next, darted in and out of bushes, and tried, as if someone his size could easily be concealed.

  It dawned on Frank as he was making his mad dash to the doors of the lab building. Why was he hiding? He was C.O. of the base. Realizing this, he slowed down, stood straight, and walked in. He made his way to the main lab. The door was locked and he opened it with a key that Lt. Merrick had marked for him.

  Frank readied himself to scold Dean for not stopping by during the course of the morning to say ‘hi’. But he figured, like he was addicted to smoking, Dean was addicted to lab equipment or something.


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