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In the Dark: A Thrilling Romantic Suspense Novel (The Dark Series Book 1)

Page 26

by Danah Logan

  The voice that initially kept telling me how wrong all this is has subsided. Being with Rhys has turned out to be more natural than anything else in my life.

  Then, Friday happened. Rhys was supposed to meet me at home after school, but he didn’t show up. At five, I got a text that something came up with Wes, and he’d be home late. The whole thing felt off, but after the incident with Katherine earlier this week and me going all insecure-jealous girlfriend on him, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He came to my room around eleven-thirty. I was half asleep when he slid into bed behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was holding on so tight, nuzzling my hair as if I’d disappear at any moment. His behavior intensified my suspicion that my initial gut feeling was correct after all. But I have to believe that he would tell me if something was bothering him.

  Spence must sense what I need, because five minutes into the warm-up, he announces we’re sparring instead of working on specific moves. And sparring we are. He disappears for a few minutes and comes back with body armor for both of us, including a full face shield.

  "Holy cow, are you going to beat me up?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

  "I got these babies a few weeks ago and have been dying to try them out." He sounds giddy like a little boy.

  By the time my hour is up, I am a sweaty mess and riding on an endorphin high. I take the shield off, and my hair looks like I just stepped out of the shower. I grin from ear to ear, which in return makes Spence’s face shine with pride. Despite being so much older, he’s been a good friend and mentor to me for years, and I enjoy spending time with him.

  Leaving the workout room, I feel lighter and more relaxed than when I walked in. I head to the general area Denielle and I always meet up at when someone falls in step beside me. I’m so startled that I trip over my own feet, and an arm shoots out to steady me. I instinctively pull away and take a step back. After the incident with Den a few weeks ago, I try to suppress my impulse to defend first and think later until I actually assess the danger.

  When I turn, I meet familiar hazel eyes, and my mouth falls open. Up close, he’s even more striking than from afar or behind glass. The blond guy Denielle had pointed out to me before, and later had watched me train, is smiling down at me genuinely. "Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you."

  "Uh." He is indeed an inch or two taller than Rhys, and I have to crane my neck to get a good look at him.

  I compose myself and put some distance between us. "No, it’s okay. I just didn’t expect, uh...anyone." No reason to tell him that I have a psycho kidnapper stalking me, and I’m on constant high alert. I start walking again, and he matches my stride easily.

  After a few steps, he says, "I wouldn’t want to meet you in a dark alley."

  That brings me to a dead stop once more. "Excuse me?"

  He laughs at my confused look. "I watched you sparring. You’re good."

  His compliment catches me off guard, and my cheeks heat. "Oh, um, thanks, I guess?"

  "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just admire when a girl knows how to handle herself."

  Is he flirting with me? I cock my head to the side and look him up and down. No, I don’t think so. He doesn’t give off a flirty vibe, just polite small talk.

  I eye him skeptically, and he reaches his hand out. "I’m Nate Hamlin."

  I take it. "Lilly." I omit my last name on purpose—trust issues and all.

  "It’s nice to meet you, Lilly."

  Still holding my hand, he glances toward the treadmills. "Your friend is staring."

  I follow his line of sight, and sure enough, Denielle is standing there with her water bottle halfway up to her mouth, gaping.

  I smirk. "Ha, my best friend has no shame."

  Nate snorts. "That’s probably why Todd is so attracted to her."

  Ah, so his friend’s name is Todd. I’m sure Denielle will like to know that fact. I turn back to Nate and smile. "I gotta go. It was nice to meet you."

  Nate nods at me and starts moving backward. "I’ll see you around."

  When I reach Denielle, she has lowered her water bottle but still stares at me like I sprouted a third eye.

  "Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

  I shrug. "What?"

  She hooks her arm around mine, and we start toward our usual treadmills. I swear, whenever Den is around, people scatter from the equipment as soon as we approach. She is the female version of Rhys, commanding the room the second she enters.

  "Well, for starters, you have not had interest in the opposite sex for, um, EV-ER. Then, you score the hottest guy in school, and now this dude—what did he want?"

  "Eww." The thought of her insinuating anything with Nate makes me shudder. "Nothing; he complimented me on my session with Spence and introduced himself." I have the urge to tell her that there is absolutely nothing flirty between Nate and me, but she probably wouldn’t believe it.

  "He introduced himself. What’s his name?"

  "Nate." Shit, what was his last name? "Hamin? No, Hamlin."

  Denielle pulls her phone out and starts typing. She clicks and scrolls around until she puts her phone away, and I raise my eyebrows. "What’s the verdict?"

  She shrugs. "Nate Hamlin, born in New York, grew up between New York and Los Angeles, and works at the new hotel in the city—the one that rich dude opened up a few months ago. Remember the article we discussed in journalism? Anyway, nothing juicy. Kind of a bummer; he’s so hot." Her disappointment is apparent. She’s a sucker for gossip, and whenever there is a new face around—one that is this handsome—it could mean there is an interesting backstory.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder. "Aww, I’m sorry the new guy doesn’t live up to your expectations. Now let’s go, we have a few miles to cover today." I purposefully omit the fact that I know the friend’s name. Den would totally make me search for Nate to get Todd’s last name.

  We’ve reached the treadmills, and I put my headphones in, hit the quick start button, and end the conversation.

  Sunday morning, I walk into the kitchen to Natty helping Heather pack a small cooler.

  "What are you guys up to?"

  Natty turns to me, beaming. "We’re going to the museum with Gemma and her mom."

  Her excitement is contagious, and I can’t help but grin back at my little sister. "That sounds awesome. You’ll have so much fun."

  "Mark is on a business trip, and Nathalie asked if we wanted to join her and Gemma since Dad is gone as well. Make it a girls’ day," Heather explains.

  "He’s gone more than usual, isn’t he?" I remember Heather mentioning another business trip the other night when we cooked together, and from what I remember, Gemma’s dad is a financial advisor at one of the banks in town. Since when do they travel so much?

  Heather frowns. "Yes, Nathalie is not happy."

  I leave it at that. I don’t feel like gossiping about one of Natty’s friend’s parents—especially in front of Natty. Who knows what’s going on there?

  I busy myself with heating water in the kettle when Heather comes from behind and hugs me around the waist. "You want to join us?"

  Several things register at once in my mind. Her touch does not make me flinch. I don’t have the urge to pull away anymore. I would actually enjoy a day with Heather and Natty. We haven’t done that in a long time, even before my life was turned upside down. But the next thought is what makes me almost drop my tea mug—Rhys and I will be alone in the house. All. Day. My mouth turns dry, and I swallow several times.

  "Um, uh, I think I’ll lay low at home today. I still have eight episodes to catch up on."

  Not counting the ones I have to re-watch because I made out with your son.

  Oblivious to the beads of sweat starting to appear on my forehead, Heather places a kiss on my temple. "Sounds good. If you see Rhys, let him know we’ll be back around seven. It’s so nice having him home more these days."

  "Will do," comes out as a squ
eak. Does she know anything? Oh my gosh, I might as well hold a neon sign with rotating blinking lights that reads I’m making out with my adoptive brother over my head.

  Thankfully, Heather’s attention is back on Natty. They finish packing, and I move to the living room with my tea, turning on the TV.

  Once they’re out the door and I hear her pull out of the garage, I glance toward the ceiling. Rhys is still sleeping. We’re alone in the house. I could walk upstairs and join him in his bed without anyone noticing.

  Why is my mug all of a sudden so slippery? And did Heather turn the heat up before she left? I shimmy out of the sweater I slept in. The cool air feels good on my flushed skin.

  I’ve made out with guys, but I’ve never let it go further. If a guy pushed for more, I would put on the brakes, and that was that. I never had the urge to go to the next level, but with Rhys, I’m actually entertaining the thought. We’ve made out whenever we were alone in my room. A lot. Hands wandered, but our clothes—most of them—always remained in place; Rhys made sure of that. My mind starts drifting again. His calloused fingertips gliding under my tank top, cupping my—ugh, I need to stop before I’m forced to fully strip down in the living room or risk my body spontaneously combusting.

  I place my empty mug in the sink and slowly make my way up the stairs, taking one last look at my sweater draped across the back of the couch. At the top of the stairs, I take a few calming breaths and wipe my palms on my pajama pants before easing Rhys’s bedroom door open slowly.

  Rhys is sprawled diagonally across his bed. He’s on his back, one hand behind his head, the other one on his stomach. His comforter is hanging half off the bed, and his shirt is all twisted, the lower part of his taut abdomen peeking out. My breathing immediately accelerates at the sight, and I bite my bottom lip. I can’t seem to look away from his abs and have the urge to slowly trace each muscle with my tongue.

  Has his room all of a sudden gotten hotter as well?

  Once I get a grip on myself again, I slowly move into the room toward his bed. For a few heartbeats, I marvel at how this boy is mine and that there could have been a chance of me never knowing.

  I carefully lower one knee onto the mattress, followed by my trembling hands, until I’m on all fours. Rhys shows no sign of waking up, and I crawl until I am right next to him. Lowering myself down, I make sure not to startle him. When he still doesn’t move, I exhale a shaky breath. Inching closer, I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck, wrap my arm around his waist, and place a kiss underneath, slightly behind his ear. The remnants of his shower gel invade my nose, and I inhale. His scent alone makes my core come to life.

  That gets me a reaction, and he mumbles, "Cal?"

  Rhys’s head is angled toward me, and I take the opportunity and capture his mouth with mine. His eyes pop open immediately, and he pulls back an inch, glancing between me and the still-open door. " I dreaming?"

  I grin deviously at him. "Does it feel like a dream?"

  "Umm..." His eyes dart to the door and back to my face again. "No?"

  My poor guy is still half asleep. I place my hand on his face, slowly sliding it to his neck while pulling him slowly back to me. One leg hooked over his, I’m halfway on top when I say, "Then let me kiss you good morning already."

  I have no clue where my bravado comes from; I barely recognize myself. Walking in his room and seeing him there, sprawled out, mine for the taking, all hesitation has left my body, and a new sense has taken over—unrestricted desire. I want him.

  Rhys smiles against my lips, and I can feel his body responding to mine. He pulls on me until I’m draped on top of him and mumbles against my lips, "Mhmmm...I like that kind of wake-up call."

  Lilly taking what she wants from me is such a turn-on that I can’t stop myself from pulling her on top of me and deepening the kiss. When her lips part ever so slightly, all bets are off, and my primal instincts take over. My tongue invades her mouth, and she reciprocates in kind. I can taste the bergamot orange on her tongue. She’s already had her tea.

  When did kissing become better than sex?

  If kissing her is this good, I can’t even think of—that’s when she nips on my lower lip, and a guttural groan escapes me. With one move, I reverse our position, and she’s under me, caged between my forearms resting on each side of her head. My hips press against her center and, moaning, her eyes roll back. Focusing back on me, she holds my gaze and slowly slides her hands under my shirt, up my back. Her soft fingertips ignite my skin, and I can feel the path she is making burning all the way into my muscles. My dick is already painfully hard, and I can’t stop myself from rocking into her. The whimper escaping her confirms that she can feel my hard-on pressing against her core. I can barely contain the urge to strip her. But maybe some dry humping?

  No, stop that right there.

  When Kat and I had started our arrangement, it didn’t take more than three days before we ended up in the back of my car together. And the entire school knew about it the next day. Kat made sure of that. Even at the stage of wanting to forget everything about Lilly, I knew that it was wrong. It felt wrong. But this...Lilly, even mostly clothed, gives me more than the wildest sex in my past. And the difference is...I love her.

  When she braces her feet against the mattress and presses herself against my throbbing cock, I finally pull back. We’re both panting, and if we keep this up, I’ll have to get a clean pair of briefs soon. I see another cold shower in my near future and groan inwardly.

  Breathing heavily, I touch my forehead to hers and huff out a laugh. "Babe, what are you doing to me? Who are you?"

  Lilly blushes. "Honestly, I’m not sure."

  "You’re killing me."

  "Sorry?" She shrugs. But she’s not.

  I peck her nose. "Do you have any idea how much I want you right now? Fuck, you interrupted a pretty R-rated dream of yourself when you attacked me."

  The daring gleam returns to her eyes. "Oh yeah? Do tell."

  That makes me shake my head. And I thought I couldn’t be any crazier about her. "Uh, no, I already need a cold shower. I don’t want to add to the pain by talking about what we did in the car."

  "The car, was it?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

  Fuck me and my stupid mouth.

  I burrow my face in the crook of her neck. "Cal, I want to do this right, but if you tease me any more, I will strip you, and all bets are off."

  Her body tenses, and I draw back, leaning on my elbow. She is staring at the ceiling, and my heart sinks.

  "And if that’s what I want?" The question is just a whisper, but it’s like she’s stuck a knife in my gut. I never want her to think that I don’t want her. I’m ninety-nine percent sure she’s never had sex before.

  With my free hand, I turn her face until she is forced to look at me. "Calla, I love you. I want to do this right."

  The corners of her mouth pull up ever so slightly. "I love you, too." She’s not convinced.

  I gather her against my chest, and she wraps her arms around me. We hold each other for a long time before I say in a low tone, "Babe, you have so much going on in your life. That’s why I’m trying to take that part slow. I want to be able to take you on a real date before…you know..." I actually blush. I don’t think I’ve ever blushed talking about sex. Hell, last year, a guy from the team caught Kat giving me head in the locker room after a game, and I simply saluted him while she kept going. Word spread fast, and I just grinned, shrugged it off with a fist bump to everyone who commented.

  Lilly tilts her head up and places a well-aimed kiss on my neck, right underneath my ear. She’s already learned that this is my weak spot, and I growl at her.

  This earns me a genuine laugh. In a teasing voice, she says, "Won’t that get boring for you?" My mind immediately goes to the locker room incident again. I’m sure she caught wind about it, too. Bile rises in my throat at the thought of all the shit Lilly must’ve heard about me.

  I swallow and try to find the right wor
ds in my mind.

  "No, it won’t get boring for me. Do I want to see you naked? Hell yes." The implied duh is obvious. My enthusiasm makes both of us laugh, and I continue, "But we are a lot more than a make-out session and a quick fuck. We have a past and a future. Does that make sense?"

  I feel her shrug. "I think so, yeah."

  I breathe in her shampoo, let the smell take over my senses, and murmur into her hair, "And we can do a lot of other stuff besides me dipping my dick inside of you."

  I’m not a monk.

  Lilly cackles at that. "Oh, yeah? What do you have in mind?"

  It’s my turn to smile deviously at her. In one swift movement, I have her on top of me again and run my hands under her shirt and up her spine. Lilly shivers under my touch.

  "Like this," I tease.

  With my pulse speeding up, I reverse the motion and slowly ease my fingers under the waistband of her pajamas and cup her firm, round butt.

  "Or like this."

  Lilly rocks into me, moaning against my mouth, and I capture her lips with mine.

  Maybe we can push the make-out boundaries a little more than I planned.

  We spend most of the morning in bed, and the boundaries definitely get pushed farther than I intended. In the end, my shirt is off, and Lilly’s pajama pants are somewhere near the bottom of the bed. We’re covered in a sheen of sweat, and I’m pretty sure I came in my boxer briefs at one point. Okay, I totally did. But in my defense, so did she. There is only so much dry humping two people can do before it gets messy.

  I take in Lilly sprawled in my bed, only wearing a thin gray tank top and black boy shorts. Her hair is all mussed, and anyone walking in would be convinced we’d gone at it like rabbits. Though, I’d probably knock out anyone before they could get a good look at her.

  I mentally shake myself. What am I even thinking? I’m still waiting to wake up and find that everything is back to before. Before Thanksgiving. Before Lilly started to remember.

  We’re in a stare-down, Lilly with her back on the mattress and me kneeling to the side of her. The challenging gleam in her eyes tells me that she is not done yet. Challenge accepted.


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