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Savage Heat

Page 7

by K. L. Ramsey

  “What makes you think he’ll help us? Dallas questioned.

  “Because no matter how much he ignores me, I know he felt the same things I did.” Savage thought he was losing his mind. He had only seen Bowie around the base a few times and they had spent just one night together, but Savage had feelings for the guy and he knew Bowie felt the same way. He could see it in his eyes when Bowie stormed into his bar and found him and Dallas together. He’d help them because that was the kind of guy Bowie seemed to be.

  “What now?” She asked.

  “Now, we find Bowie and enlist his help,” Savage said. He knew where to find Bowie. Hell, he knew where the guy lived and he had been a coward not to go to his apartment and confront him. Truthfully, Savage worried that Bowie would push him away and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle Bowie’s denial.

  “I need to know if you’ve given it any more thought,” Savage said. “You know, about the possibility of the three of us—together?” It was all he was capable of thinking about since the three of them discussed it a couple of weeks ago. Actually, it was less of a discussion and more of him spitballing, but the image of the three of them together had played through his fantasies each night since.

  “Honestly?” Dallas asked.

  “Please,” he said.

  “I can’t stop thinking about it,” she admitted. “At first, I was a hard no, but now that I’ve given it some thought, I think I might like it. I’d want to spend some time with Bowie, of course—you know, get to know him. But, if you trust him then he must be a good guy. Do you have a plan?” Dallas asked.

  He had a plan, alright. Telling Dallas about it wasn’t an option because she would definitely have a problem with the fact that he planned on leaving her and the girls with Bowie while he handled his club’s problems with the Dragons. Yeah—if she knew that, he’d be in the doghouse.

  “Not really,” he lied. “I figure we show up at Bowie’s place and ask for his help. He’s a standup guy and we’ll take the girls with us. No one can say no to those faces,” Savage teased.

  Dallas giggled, “As far as plans go, that’s not half bad. I’ll feed the baby and we can head out.” For the first time in weeks, Savage felt a hopefulness that he had forgotten was possible and he had to admit—he liked it. Now, all he had to do was just get Bowie to agree to help keep his family safe.


  Dallas hated feeling as though she had to constantly look over her shoulder but knowing that someone was out to hurt Savage and everyone involved in his life, she couldn’t help it. She must have checked the mirrors for the millionth time and Savage grabbed her hand, pulling it over to his lap.

  “You know I’ve got you, right?” he asked. She did, but that didn’t stop her from worrying. According to Savage, they were almost to Bowie’s apartment and then things would either go as planned or go horribly sideways. Both girls were in the back seat and had fallen asleep on the drive over to Bowie’s. She was beginning to rethink everything she and Savage had talked about in his kitchen. But, being wrapped up in his arms again did strange things to her ability to think straight. She wasn’t lying when she told Savage that she had given her and the two guys tangled up together in bed a whole lot of thought. She had dreamed of nothing else night after night, waking up to find her body wet and needy from every dirty thing her mind conjured up. Now, Savage was hopefully going to make those dreams a reality and she had to admit she was curious as to how it might all work out.

  She already knew that Savage was a handful in bed. He was demanding and a total control freak. He dominated her body in every way when they were together and she wondered if it was the same way with him and Bowie. Both guys seemed to be pretty damned alpha and she shivered at the thought of them both controlling her every need.

  “I know,” she said. “I’m just worried that Bowie won’t want anything to do with me or helping us. I saw the way he looked at me that night at the bar when he thought you and I were hooking up. He hates me and I can’t blame him. I showed up in your life with a baby and basically ended things between the two of you.”

  “You didn’t end shit,” Savage disagreed. “Bowie chose to walk away from me and that’s on him. I’ve called and texted, begging him to just talk to me and he’s refused.”

  “What makes you think he’ll want to see or talk to us now?” Dallas asked.

  “Because Bowie is a decent guy, whether he wants to admit it or not. I’ll just remind him of that.” Savage seemed so certain he’d be able to get through to Bowie and convince him to help them, but she was less sure.

  “Let me go in to talk to him first and you and the girls stay in the car. I don’t want him to feel like we’re crowding him or trying to push him into helping us,” Savage said.

  Dallas hated the idea of not being a part of the conversation. She was a part of all this and sitting in the car awaiting her fate felt wrong. Dallas trusted Savage with both her and Greer’s lives now and if he wanted them to wait in the car, she would.

  “Fine,” she agreed. “I’ll give you ten minutes and then I’m coming in,” she warned.

  “Well, it’s good that I’m a fast talker,” Savage teased. Dallas worried that Savage was keeping something from her. She didn’t know him very well, but she had spent enough time with him to know that something was up.

  “You sure you’re okay, Savage?” she questioned. Savage looked out his window, almost as if he was trying to avoid making eye contact with her and nodded.

  “Yeah,” he said, smiling back at her. “I’m just a little off-kilter with everything happening and the Dragons coming after my family.” Hearing Savage call her and Greer his family did crazy things to her heart. “I’ll be back soon—you three stay put.”

  Dallas watched as Savage made his way up to Bowie’s second-floor apartment and in just a few minutes, had an invitation into his place. She smiled, knowing how persuasive Savage was when he wanted to be. Apparently, his charms worked on more than just her.

  Savage was gone for about fifteen minutes and Dallas was beginning to worry. She thought about going up to Bowie’s apartment and insisting that she be a part of whatever they were discussing. She had been more than generous waiting him out an extra five minutes. After all, she did tell him that if he wasn’t back in ten minutes, she was going to go looking for him. Although, Dallas was pretty sure that would do her no good. She checked the rearview mirror to find Chloe watching her from the back seat. “Daddy’s not coming with us,” Chloe whispered from the back seat. Dallas turned in her seat to find the little girl awake.

  “Hey, Chloe,” she whispered. “Did you have a bad dream?”

  “No,” the six-year-old admitted. “I heard Dad talking to Uncle Ryder and he told him that he was going to send us away to keep us safe.” Dallas suddenly felt as panicked as the little girl looked.

  “Tell me what you overheard, Chloe,” she said. “It’s okay, I’ll take care of everything.” Chloe seemed torn about what to do.

  “I don’t want Daddy to be mad at me for spying on him again,” Chloe cried.

  “Oh Honey, he won’t be mad. It can be our little secret. I just need to know what you heard,” Dallas said. She hoped Chloe would be able to tell her what was going on. Dallas had a feeling that Savage was up to something, but she wanted to believe all the pretty promises he was making her about them being a family and the three of them trying to find something that looked like a relationship. God, she was a fool to believe that he would want to share her with Bowie and why would either of them want her in the middle? Three was a crowd and she was an idiot for believing otherwise.

  “Daddy said that it’s not safe for us and he told Uncle Ryder that he was going to send us away,” Chloe admitted.

  “Okay, Honey,” Dallas soothed. “I’m going to figure this all out. I need you to come with me—can you do that? I’ll need help with your sister if she wakes up and is scared. Can you be brave and help me?”

  “But, Daddy said for us to sta
y in the car,” Chloe challenged. There was no way that Dallas was going to sit in Savage’s truck while he ditched her and the girls. She knew he’d go off and do something stupid like try to take on the Dragons and probably end up getting himself killed.

  “I know sweetheart, but I think Daddy needs our help,” Dallas said. “Can you help watch your little sister so I can help your dad?” She knew that toting a baby and an unwilling six-year-old up two flights of steps was going to be a challenge. It would be so much easier if Chloe agreed to go willingly.

  “Okay,” Chloe said. “If he won’t get mad.”

  “He won’t, Honey,” Dallas promised. She got Greer from her car seat and took Chloe’s hand to help her out of the truck. “I’m not sure which apartment your dad went into, Chloe,” Dallas said. “Did you see where he went?”

  “That one,” Chloe said pointing up to the second-floor apartment on the corner.

  “Good girl,” Dallas praised. “Let’s go find your dad and I’m sure everything will be fine,” she promised. The problem was Dallas worried she wouldn’t be able to keep her promise and then what? She trudged up to the second-floor apartment and found Bowie standing in his doorway, door wide open, waiting for her and the kids.

  “Hi, Chloe,” Bowie said. “How about you go on into my apartment and find the cookies and milk I’ve left for you? Your snack is in by the television.” Chloe looked up to Dallas and she nodded, knowing that Bowie had a reason for sending Chloe into his place and judging from his knowing smirk, she wasn’t going to like it.

  Chloe disappeared into the apartment and Dallas could tell the exact moment the six-year-old found the cookies from her excited squeal.

  “Where is he?” Dallas whispered. Greer squirmed in her arms and began to cry. Bowie stepped aside as if inviting them in.

  “He’s not here,” Bowie said. “But, I’m guessing you’ve figured that out by now, Honey.”

  “I’m not your honey,” she challenged. “How about you answer my question—where is he?” she repeated.

  “He asked me to keep you and the girls safe,” Bowie said. “Savage had some loose ends to tie up and then he said he’d meet us.”

  “Meet us where?” Dallas asked. She started nursing Greer, trying to calm her fussing.

  “I’m taking you and the girls to my place in Texas,” Bowie said.

  “What? I’m not going to Texas,” Dallas protested.

  “Savage said you might give me a fight, but he also said to get you and the girls to my place by any means necessary.”

  “What the hell does that mean? I can’t just pick up and go with you to another state,” Dallas said. She was trying to keep it together for the girls. Chloe was watching her and Bowie, even though she seemed to be watching television. Dallas knew Chloe picked up so much more than she usually let on. It’s how she knew Savage was going to bail on them before Dallas caught on.

  Bowie sighed, “Listen, Savage knew you wouldn’t go for him sending you with me while he takes care of club business. But, he wanted me to remind you to think about the girls and keeping them safe. He said to ask you to help him take care of your family.”

  “That’s not fair,” she whispered.

  Bowie chuckled, “If you haven’t figured it out yet, our guy doesn’t play fair.”

  “What made you change your mind, Bowie?” she asked. The last time she saw Bowie, he stormed out of Savage’s house pissed because he had gotten the wrong idea about her and Savage. “You said you didn’t want anything to do with me or Savage,” she reminded him.

  “Yeah well, like I said, our guy can be pretty persuasive and he doesn’t play fair,” Bowie teased.

  “If you expect me to trust you enough to get into your car with the girls and let you take us to Texas, I’d appreciate a straight answer.” It really wasn’t a matter of her trusting Bowie—she already did. If Savage believed he was a standup guy, then she was in. Still, she wanted to know how Savage convinced him to help them out.

  “Let’s just say that Savage reminded me that I’m not the kind of guy to stand aside and let people be hurt. I have some time off and I’m actually looking forward to a trip home to Texas,” he admitted.

  “You have family there?” Dallas asked.

  “Yeah,” he admitted.

  Dallas smiled, “I’m from Texas too,” she said.

  “Let me guess—Dallas?” he asked.

  “Yep,” she said. She knew that pushing him for any more answers wasn’t going to get her anywhere. His answer was just going to have to be good enough for her because he was right—she would do just about anything she needed to in order to keep Chloe and Greer safe. Even getting into a car with a virtual stranger and traveling to another state. She trusted Savage and if that was what he wanted from her, she’d do it—even if she had a million questions and poor Bowie was going to be on the receiving end of every one of them since Savage took off.


  They had been on the road for almost four hours and little Greer was starting to get fussy. He knew that they were going to have to pull over soon so Dallas could feed the baby, but he was hoping to get a little further down the road. Honestly, he had never traveled with kids before, let alone an almost four-month-old baby.

  “I need to feed her,” Dallas said. “We also need to pick her up some diapers.” She shot Bowie a disgusted look and he couldn’t help his laugh.

  “I said I was sorry about that, Honey. But, we couldn’t stop back at your place or Savage’s. They are both being watched by the Dragons.”

  “I’m hungry,” Chloe said from the back seat.

  “We need to stop and pick up some supplies and food,” Dallas demanded.

  “Alright,” Bowie agreed. “But we can’t stop for long. We have just enough time to pick up a few things and then we get right back on the road.”

  “Will we get to your house by tonight?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Bowie breathed. “It’s not safe to stay anywhere else. I have a decent security system in place, at my house. Savage has ordered some groceries and they will be delivered tomorrow morning. He also said to tell you not to worry about clothes, he’s taken care of everything.”

  “Wow,” Dallas said. “He thought of everything.”

  “Yeah, I guess he did,” Bowie said. He wouldn’t admit it to Dallas, but he was worried about Savage. Bowie hated that he refused to let him help out with the Dragons. Savage told him if he wanted to help, he could take Dallas and the girls someplace safe. What was he supposed to do—say no? That wasn’t an option.

  “Do you still have family in Dallas?” he asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Subtle,” Dallas giggled.

  “What?” he questioned.

  “You seem to have mastered the whole change of subject thing,” she said. “And to answer your question—no. My parents are both gone. They died in a car accident a few years back and I don’t have any siblings.”

  “I’m sorry,” Bowie said.

  “Well, it’s not your fault they died. Unless you were the drunk behind the wheel who hit them and then took off,” she said

  “Shit—that sucks, Dallas,” he said.

  “Well, I’ve got Greer now and she’s got Chloe, so we’re doing just fine.” Bowie wanted to tell her that she had more than that in her life. But, they had just met and telling Dallas that he knew for a fact that Savage was falling for her wasn’t his place. It was in his eyes and the way Savage pleaded with him to keep his family safe—Bowie heard all the love Savage had for Dallas and his girls and God help him—even himself. Savage had fallen for them and there was no way Bowie wouldn’t help to keep them all safe, so Savage could take care of his club’s business.

  “Why did he just leave us?” Dallas whispered and Bowie wasn’t sure if she was asking him or just talking to herself.

  “He didn’t leave us,” Bowie said. “He’s doing what he has to do to keep you and the girls safe.” Dallas laughed and he knew it was going to take more
than his promises to convince her that Savage was doing what was right for all of them. He told Bowie about what happened with Dallas’ tires and his fears about the Dragons coming after his daughters. He saw the fear in Savage’s blue eyes and heard the desperation in his voice. There was no way he wouldn’t help him. Savage said he was worried that the Dragons wouldn’t stop with Dallas and the girls but come after Bowie too. He tried to laugh it off; tell Savage that he was quite capable of handling himself.

  “He could have done that and stayed with us. He’s going after the Dragons, isn’t he?” Dallas asked. He could tell she already knew the answer and lying to her wasn’t the way Bowie wanted to start off their relationship. Besides begging him to keep the girls safe, Savage had hinted that he wanted Bowie to keep an open mind about the three of them finding a way to make a relationship work. Honestly, since finding Savage and Dallas together a few weeks back, the three of them tangled up together was just about all Bowie could think about. And now, he had sexy Dallas sitting next to him in his SUV and his only thought was keeping her safe and finding a way to convince her to give him a fighting chance.

  “Listen, Savage knows what he’s doing and he’s asked me to keep you and the girls safe, so that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing.” Bowie reached across the console and took her hand into his, surprised that she allowed it. “You good with that?” he asked.

  Dallas sighed and he knew that she wanted to give him some shit but instead, she nodded her agreement. “Yeah,” she said. “I’m good with that and I appreciate you helping us out. But, I have to know, what’s in it for you? I mean, you don’t seem to like me very much—so why agree to help us?”

  Bowie wanted to laugh at the fact that Dallas believed he didn’t like her. He more than fucking liked her. “I didn’t like the circumstances we met under but I’ve never disliked you, Honey,” he admitted, giving her some small truth. “When I found you and Savage sitting in his bar holding hands, I admit—I was jealous. I couldn’t see past the fact that you were in his life and giving him things that I never could.” Bowie looked to the back seat of his SUV as if trying to prove his point. “But, then Savage came up with his crazy idea of the three of us and I don’t know—it’s all I can really think about.” Bowie needed to tread carefully here. The last thing he wanted was to clue in Chloe to what was going on. She was so inquisitive and he knew that the six-year-old was taking in everything they were saying, even if she seemed preoccupied with her video game.


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