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Changing Places

Page 32

by Colette Caddle

  ‘Oh Rache, I’m so sorry.’

  Rachel shrugged as she dabbed at her wet cheeks. ‘C’est la vie. My situation is probably true of a lot of women. When you’re working, the job, the company, the deal, it all seems so important. Once you’re at home with kids you think, So what? So I know that when Gary came home and told me about his problems at work I probably didn’t seem interested. Hell, I wasn’t really interested! I can’t complain if he went elsewhere for company, can I?’

  Before Anna could reply, Jill was back. ‘It’s no use, I can’t get through to him. He’s not answering his mobile or his house phone. Sorry, girls, but it looks like I won’t be able to keep my part of the bar—’ She broke off as her mobile trilled in her hand. She looked at the display and then back at her cousins. ‘It’s him.’

  ‘Answer it,’ Anna urged.

  Jill pressed the button and jammed the phone against her ear. ‘Hello? Yeah, Andy, hi, how are you?’ she stood up as she talked and made her way back outside.

  ‘Sorry, Jill, I was in the shower.’

  Jill closed her eyes, imagining him naked, wet, dark hair glistening and damp on his chest . . .

  ‘Jill? Are you still there?’

  ‘Yes! Yes, I am. Oh look, Andy, tell me to get lost if you want to, I’d understand perfectly, but I was wondering if you’d like to come out for a drink tomorrow.’


  ‘You’ll probably tell me where to go and, like I said, no pressure but—’

  ‘Jill, I said yes.’

  ‘Oh! Right! So, how about four o’clock in the bar at the Yacht?’

  ‘See you there,’ Andy replied.

  Going back inside, Jill was confronted by two expectant faces.

  ‘Well?’ Rachel asked.

  Jill nodded. ‘Sorted.’

  Anna reached out and grabbed her hand and Rachel put her hand over theirs. They sat still, staring at each other, silenced for the first time that evening.

  Chapter 37

  Anna paced the small sitting room, occasionally pausing to look out of the window. It was five to four and her stomach was in a knot as she waited for her husband to arrive. She felt exhausted as she’d had precious little sleep. To compensate for the amount of wine she’d consumed last night, she’d started drinking coffee and when she finally climbed into bed in the small hours of the morning, she was wide-awake.

  Jill had stayed the night and Anna had smiled as she’d listened to her cousin snore in the next room. She was hoping her reunion with Andy would be successful. Certainly, of the three of them, Anna thought that Jill was the most likely to have a successful outcome today. Talking to Rachel, Anna had been shocked at how bad things had got between her and Gary, and as for her and Liam – well, Anna just didn’t know.

  Leaving the window, she went to the fireplace and stared at her reflection in the mirror over the mantel. She felt she’d aged ten years in the last couple of weeks, and looking at her sunken eyes and white face, she looked every day of it. Anna jumped as she heard Liam’s key in the door. Going to the sofa, she sat down and waited for him to come and find her. She clasped her hands in her lap, aware that her palms were sweaty, and tried some deep breathing to try and settle her nerves.

  ‘Anna?’ she heard him call from the kitchen.

  ‘In here.’

  He came into the room and stood there, looking awkward and out of place. He was wearing the camel-coloured sweater that she’d bought him last Christmas with clean, faded jeans. His face was clean-shaven and he smelled faintly of cologne. He looked gorgeous. ‘Hi.’


  ‘How are you?’ he asked.



  Anna took a deep breath. ‘Why don’t you sit down?’ When Liam was sitting opposite her on a sofa, she spoke again. ‘We were supposed to talk about Tara when I got back from Spain and I know you’ve tried to have that conversation with me a few times since . . .’

  ‘Yes!’ Liam nodded eagerly.

  ‘Right, well now I’m ready to listen.’

  ‘Okay.’ Liam hesitated for a moment and then began, looking her straight in the eye as he talked. ‘Well, it began when I was made redundant and I started calling over to Mum more in the daytime. We’d pass the time of day at the garden gate, just chit-chat, the usual thing. Then one day, Tara asked me to take a look at a tap in her bathroom.’

  Anna rolled her eyes. ‘That was a bit obvious, wasn’t it?’

  ‘Probably,’ he admitted, ‘but then you know I’m not good at picking up on these things. Anyway, I fixed the tap, drank my coffee and left. Honestly. After that, I had coffee with her from time to time. Just coffee,’ he emphasized. ‘I enjoyed her company. She’s a very good listener and as a businesswoman she was able to give me some sound advice as well.’

  Anna felt a lump in her throat. It seemed Tara had been doing all the things for Liam that she had wanted to do.

  ‘Things were getting worse between you and me,’ Liam continued, ‘and I suppose I just wanted someone to talk to.’

  ‘But why didn’t you talk to me, Liam? I was there, remember? I wanted to talk, wanted to listen. But you didn’t want to know.’

  Liam moved over beside her and took her hand. ‘I know, love, and I’m sorry. I suppose you were just too close.’

  Anna shook her head. ‘I don’t understand that. I’m too close so you go off with another woman.’

  ‘I did not go off with her,’ Liam objected.

  Anna put her head back and looked him straight in the eye. ‘Tell me you didn’t fancy her.’

  Liam held her gaze. ‘I can’t.’

  Anna slumped back in the chair and closed her eyes. ‘Well, thanks for your honesty, I suppose.’

  ‘I did fancy her, Anna, and I was very flattered by the attention – any man would be. But I don’t want her, I want you.’

  Anna raised her eyes to his. ‘Did you have sex with her?’

  ‘No, I didn’t.’

  It was on the tip of Anna’s tongue to ask him if he’d been tempted and then she thought of Charlie and said nothing.

  Liam lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly. ‘I love you, Anna. Tara actually did us a favour. Spending time with her made me realize just how much I love you. I’m sorry, Anna. Sorry for not talking to you, sorry for shutting you out. But losing my job was the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me. I felt completely worthless and useless. As the time went on and I still couldn’t find a job, I got more and more afraid and, to be honest, I felt I was letting you down. I felt too ashamed to even look you in the eye sometimes. I knew how much you wanted a family and because of me, that had to wait.’

  ‘But I didn’t mind that, Liam,’ Anna protested. ‘And I don’t believe I ever said anything to make you feel ashamed. I love you!’

  ‘You didn’t do anything to deserve any of this, Anna. I’m afraid I was just torturing myself.’

  ‘So it was easier to be around Tara?’

  He nodded. ‘Yes. And I have to admit something else.’

  ‘Oh?’ Anna braced herself.

  ‘I was jealous of you going off to work every day. And I hated taking money from you.’

  ‘But that’s ridiculous! We’re a team, we work together and we get through the bad times together. When you have money, you pay the bills, when I have it, I do. That’s always the way it’s been.’

  ‘Yes,’ he agreed, ‘but this time you were the one who always had the money and I was the one with nothing. I’m sorry, love, but I don’t like taking handouts, even from you.’

  ‘Then what hope is there for us? The reality is I’m working and you’re not. I’d change places with you tomorrow if I could, Liam, but I can’t.’

  He smiled at her. ‘It’s not going to be a problem any more.’

  Anna searched his face. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You’re looking at the new Factory Manager of Elektrix. I start next Monday.’

  Anna flung her ar
ms around him. ‘Oh Liam, that’s wonderful! Oh my God, I can’t believe it!’

  He hugged her tightly. ‘Neither can I. And as for those bills, I’ll be able to pay my share again. The salary is thirty thousand a year more than I was earning in Patterson’s.’

  Anna drew back from him, her eyes like saucers. ‘Thirty thousand! Jesus, you’re rich!’

  ‘I don’t know about that. Aren’t babies very expensive?’

  Anna blinked. ‘Babies? You want to start a family?’

  Liam gazed at her, his eyes tender. ‘I seem to remember that being the plan before all hell broke loose.’

  Anna turned away slightly, letting her hair fall across her face. ‘Oh Liam, I don’t know what to say. This is all a bit much to take in.’

  ‘Take your time, love. I’m not trying to rush you into anything. I just want you to know that I’m back and I’m sorry for everything that’s happened.’

  ‘I’m sorry too,’ Anna replied, allowing him to fold her into his arms and shutting her eyes tight.

  ‘I have my bag with me,’ Liam said into her hair. ‘Is it okay if I stay?’

  ‘What about Josie?’ Anna asked, pulling back to look at him.

  ‘She’s flying about on the crutches now, no problem, and her neighbour’s agreed to keep an eye on her and do any shopping she needs.’

  ‘Which neighbour?’ Anna couldn’t stop herself.

  Liam made a face. ‘The other one.’

  ‘You’re still going to be bumping into Tara all the time, Liam. I don’t know if I can handle that.’

  ‘You don’t have to worry. She’s moving.’

  ‘What? Where? When?’

  ‘I don’t know the details but a For Sale sign went up yesterday.’

  Anna looked into his eyes. ‘Had you something to do with that?’

  He nodded. ‘Yes, I think so. I think she believed that we had some kind of future together. I told her I still loved you and always would. Let’s say she didn’t take it very well.’

  ‘I suppose that’s why she didn’t ask Donnelly’s Real Estate to sell her property,’ Anna joked lamely as relief washed over her. She looked up into her husband’s handsome face. ‘Is this really what you want, Liam?’

  Liam nodded. ‘I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. And now I want to do something that I haven’t done for way too long.’

  Bending his head, Liam kissed her and Anna returned the kiss hungrily, enjoying the familiar feel of his lips against hers and his hands in her hair. After a moment, she reluctantly pulled away. ‘Sorry to do this to you, Liam, but I have to go out for a little while.’

  Liam frowned. ‘Is everything okay?’

  Anna kissed him again. ‘Very okay, but I have to go and meet Rachel and Jill. I’ll explain everything when I get back.’

  As Anna drove, she chewed over what Liam had told her and realized that they’d both gone through a similar crisis; while he had turned to Tara for comfort, she had turned to Charlie. Anna shivered at the thought of Liam and Tara together. Though she believed him when he told her they hadn’t had sex, she knew first-hand that things could still get pretty hot and heavy without actually going all the way. She felt sick with shame when she thought of that night in Paul Brennan’s house. Making a sudden decision, Anna pulled over to the side of the road and dialled a number. ‘I need to see you,’ she said as soon as the phone was answered.

  ‘This is a nice surprise.’ Charlie was at the door waiting for her when she stepped out of the car.

  Anna looked nervously around as she approached him.

  ‘It’s okay, Paul isn’t about to jump out of the bushes. I’m the official owner now.’

  ‘Congratulations.’ Anna turned her head so that his kiss landed on her cheek.

  Charlie grinned and led her into the hallway that was crowded with boxes. ‘I’m afraid it’s a bit of a mess. My stuff was delivered yesterday but I haven’t made much headway with the unpacking. Come into the kitchen. I think I can put my hands on a bottle of wine.’

  ‘Not for me,’ Anna said quickly, determined to remain in full control.

  ‘Coffee?’ he offered.

  ‘No, thanks, I can’t stay long.’

  ‘Oh?’ Charlie leaned casually against the worktop and watched her.

  ‘No. I just wanted to tell you, face to face, that Liam is home. We’re back together. Properly,’ she added, when his expression didn’t change.

  ‘Is that it?’

  Anna nodded.

  ‘Hey, don’t look so worried. I completely understand.’

  Anna smiled with relief. ‘Oh good, I was afraid that you’d be . . .’ She was about to say ‘upset’ but that sounded big-headed.

  ‘Annoyed? Upset? Look, Anna, it’s okay. I’m a realist. I didn’t really expect you to walk out on Liam.’

  ‘You didn’t?’

  ‘No, of course not; you obviously love the guy.’

  Anna nodded dumbly, relieved that he was making this so easy.

  Charlie moved towards her and looped his arms loosely around her. ‘As long as we’re careful it will be fine.’


  He chuckled. ‘Well, dining out in the village on a regular basis might not be such a good idea! But now that I own this place, you can come here; no one will know the difference. And Sophie won’t be around that much. Between school and her friends, and that pony of hers, I hardly see her these days.’ He ran his hands up and down her arms. ‘But I kind of like the idea of you coming by for a mid-morning shag. Hey, I’d even make you coffee!’

  Anna pushed him away. ‘You want me to have an affair with you?’

  ‘Why not? We could have fun, and if we’re careful, no one will get hurt.’

  Anna stared at him as if seeing him for the first time. ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘But Anna . . .’

  She backed away towards the door, not taking her eyes off him. ‘Goodbye, Charlie.’

  He looked at her in confusion. ‘But you fancy me, I know you do.’

  ‘I did,’ Anna corrected. ‘But there’s a lot more to a relationship than sex – at least, there is for me. I’m going now, Charlie, and I won’t be back. And please, do me one favour. If our paths cross in the future, pretend that none of this ever happened. I sold you a house, end of story, okay?’

  Charlie sighed and shook his head. ‘We could have had so much fun, Anna.’

  ‘Promise me?’ she begged.

  ‘Oh, don’t worry, woman, I’m not going to stalk you!’ He waved an irritable hand at her. ‘Go on, get out of here. Have a nice, safe little life.’

  When Anna turned out of the driveway she drove straight to the Grand Hotel. She and Rachel and Jill had agreed to meet here after their encounters. It was nearly six o’clock. She wondered if she’d be the first to arrive.

  Rachel had been wandering around in a daze since Gary and Alex had got home. She’d received a one-word reply to last night’s text – OK – and she had seen from the expression on Gary’s face when he walked through the hall door at lunchtime that he knew this was a showdown of sorts. Alex gabbled on endlessly about the fishing trip, oblivious to the atmosphere. Rachel’s nerves were stretched to breaking-point and she had found it hard to talk to her son and behave normally. Luckily he was so thrilled to hear he was going over to his friend’s house, he spent much of the time leading up to it selecting the toys he would take with him. When Gary returned from dropping him off, Rachel was sitting at the kitchen table waiting. According to the clock on the wall it was 3.55 p.m. Close enough, she decided.

  ‘What’s all this about?’ Gary took the seat opposite her and started to fiddle with the salt cellar.

  Rachel recognized the defensive tone in his voice and her heart sank. ‘You’re seeing someone else, aren’t you?’ Well, there was no point in dancing around the subject.

  Gary’s face drained of colour. ‘What? What are you talking about?’ he blustered.

  ‘It’s true, isn’t it?�

  Gary said nothing, just sat staring at her.

  ‘I know it’s true. I’ve known for ages.’

  ‘You know nothing,’ he ground out, his grip tightening on the salt cellar.

  ‘Are you denying it?’ Rachel challenged and then her lips twisted in a bitter smile as he looked away.

  ‘It’s not what you think,’ Gary said dully.

  ‘How do you know what I think?’ she shot back.

  ‘How wouldn’t I?’ he shouted, standing up so fast that he knocked the chair over. ‘You’ve made it perfectly clear what you think of me. When I’m here, you’re nagging me, when I’m not here, you’re checking up on me. And don’t think I don’t know that you go through my pockets.’

  Rachel reddened. ‘Are you surprised? How could I possibly trust you after that night?’

  ‘That bloody night!’ Gary slammed his hand down on the worktop and then turned around to face her, his eyes furious. ‘It always comes back to that bloody night. And do you know something, Rachel?’ He bent down close to her so that they were eyeball to eyeball. ‘Read my lips. Nothing happened that night! I was at a dinner with Dan and some clients and then we went to a club. As God is my witness, that’s the truth!’

  Rachel nodded slowly. ‘I believe you,’ she whispered.

  Gary picked up his chair, flopped back into it and covered his face with his hands. Rachel should have felt relieved, but it was clear to her that he had a lot more to say. Bracing herself, she cradled her arms around her bump. ‘Tell me everything, Gary. Let’s get this over with, once and for all.’

  Gary took his hands away and looked at her, his eyes tortured. ‘I’m sorry, Rache, I didn’t mean it to happen.’

  She swallowed hard. ‘Go on.’

  ‘I wasn’t out looking for it, I wasn’t in pubs or in nightclubs, though you probably won’t believe that. When I said I was working late, I was. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and when I told you that I wanted to go out on my own, it wasn’t a vague silly idea. It was a very well-researched plan.’

  ‘Just tell me about Her,’ Rachel told him, working hard to keep her voice steady.


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