Page 5
Kaya was beside herself as she listened to Owen speaking. If she understood what he was saying correctly, then the stolen magical core powered the Afflicted's life. She found herself wondering what would happen, what the horrific and painful existence was exactly, if an Afflicted was not able to find a core to absorb. She didn’t have to wonder for long.
“There are three stages to the transformation an Afflicted will suffer without magical absorption. The first is the stage of weakening. This occurs around the fourth month without magical absorption. The Afflicted becomes ravenous for a magical patch, but their ability to use wrought has fled, so they must be more tactical in their hunt and bring down their prey by sheer force. If they are successful, then their health returns,” Owen explained.
“OK that is not cool, not to mention scary. So what happens if they aren’t successful,” Kaya asked trying to shake off the chill she’d caught as Owen was talking.
“If they are not successful, then during the second four months, they lose their strength and ability to assume their full animal form. If the process gets to this stage, known as dissension, they are pretty much doomed because it makes a successful hunt almost impossible,” Owen explained but then paused to see if Kaya had any questions, and when she didn’t, he continued.
“Finally, in the last four months, they lose their ability to move. At this stage, they emit a strong and foul scent a Natural Lycan can smell from miles away. It is like a homing device any Natural Lycan in the vicinity can’t help but follow. It is an instinct we can’t fight even if we tried. It draws us in with one solitary task in mind, to destroy the creature before the cycle is complete. However, if they make it through this stage, known as rebirth, without being found and killed, then they are reborn, but not as an Afflicted.”
“Well is that a good thing then,” Kaya asked as she rubbed at the goosebumps that insisted on covering her skin.
“No, the Afflicted becomes what is known as a Cusith—a horrible, evil manifestation that is a wolf-like, shadowy creature in appearance and a bringer of death. They are truly immortals to the best of my knowledge and cannot be destroyed. No Afflicted wants that fate—it is said to be worse than death. The Cusith are dark creatures who serve the purposes of death. Something that is not widely known is when the Cusith is created, it seeks out its original creator, the one who turned them Afflicted in the first place, and either pledges their loyalty to them or kills them,” Owen said, pausing to gage Kaya’s reaction.
Kaya stood motionless as the information sank in. She never in a million years would have believed such a tale before she’d manifested. It just sounded so farfetched. But then, if she had not seen Kenneth transform right before her eyes, she’d have been skeptical, but not completely disbelieving. She knew her parents and aunt were “special”, but that all changed when Kenneth had proved her wrong. He’d shown her that there were other’s just as “special” as her family was.
“To make it plain, they will no longer be among the living, but will still walk the earth, impossible to destroy. They terrorize and hunt the Gnáth world, scaring their victims to death and claiming their souls in a series of three barks or howls. My Irish ancestors claim you can seek shelter in the safety of sacred ground as long as you make it there by the third bay from the Cusith. If not, you are damned and the Cusith rips away your soul,” Owen told her.
Kaya would never admit it, but Owen’s information scared her to death. It was the kind of fear that made you believe there was a monster under your bed, and even though you knew it wouldn’t help you’d still hide under the covers and suffer in the humid heat your own breath created until morning came. She hadn’t felt that kind of fear since she’d believed in the boogey man.
“I have never witnessed this for myself, nor do I desire to. As long as the stolen magical core is recharged, the Afflicted Lycan can live and walk this earth indefinitely unless, of course, they cross paths with someone or something who knows how to end them. A Natural Lycan has a slightly longer life span than any Gnáth, about one-hundred-seventy years or so. It doesn’t matter what type of magical being it is the Afflicted Lycan hunts, as long as a magical core is intact and healthy. Unfortunately for them, the magical energy only stays in their fiber for a limited amount of time. The duration of time depends on the strength of the one they killed. The stronger the core, the longer the effect will be,” Owen said as he regarded Kaya.
“So if I understand this correctly, my core would sustain an Afflicted for a long time?” Kaya asked Owen.
“Your magical core radiates strongly, Kaya, which is why you are a desirable target. It would sustain an Afflicted for a long time, possibly years. Those who possess a natural core will be rendered defenseless due to the Afflicted Lycans’ ability to use wrought. This makes any gifts, talents, abilities, or traits useless to the hunted, making them easier prey. Natural Lycans are immune to wrought. So, while a Natural Lycan’s core can be consumed, it would be far harder to acquire than from others who are not Lycans.”
Kaya thought back to when she had talked to her parents in her sleep. Her father had briefly touched base on this trait— the Afflicted possess. She got the distinct feeling she was about to learn a whole lot more about it.
“Wrought is the only trait specific to the Afflicted, and can only be used on one target at a time. It is something that is invisible because it is a trait brought forth from within the mind. It takes a degree of concentration on the Afflicted’s part. The strength of the Afflicted dictates the effective range and strength of their wrought. So, if you are dealing with one who has just recently been turned Afflicted, their wrought will prove weak and their range short, maybe a few yards at most. But if you run into an older, more seasoned Afflicted, their wrought will be stronger and harder to resist or break free of. The range will be considerably further as well, as much as a football field’s length. When a stronger Afflicted’s wrought takes hold, it can temporarily stun you, making it hard to move,” Owen said.
The more Kaya listened to Owen, the more uncomfortable she felt. She knew wrought would make her helpless against an Afflicted. She’d be a sitting duck. For the first time since this speed lesson had started, Kaya shook with fear knowing that these creatures were actively hunting her. Her heart raced and her head spun as she thought about not being able to use her new found powers to defend herself
“Afflicted Lycans are sterile. They cannot reproduce at all in any form. So you will never run into an Afflicted Lycan child…unless they were turned as a child. If you were to ever see an Afflicted child, I would be surprised. They also have incredibly bad hearing as opposed to a Natural Lycan’s heightened sense of hearing. The Afflicted hunt those with an active core. A magical being’s core does not even become active until puberty, so running across an Afflicted child would most likely be the product of an Afflicted’s twisted sense of humor. The Afflicted Lycan is not as strong or fast as a Natural Lycan. However, they do have the ability to blend to their surroundings much like a chameleon. It makes them virtually undetectable in a large crowd. They can change their human appearance to look like any within their sex. Born Lycans cannot do this. Afflicted Lycans are completely lacking of moral fiber. When they are turned, they lose almost all trace of their humanity despite the fact they can still look like a human. They will take on the attributes of the attacking Lycan, meaning their animal form will be the same as the one who attacked and turned them, right down to the color of their fur. The only thing they do not take from the one who changed them is the yellow to orangish hue our eyes take on when there is a spike in our emotional balance. An Afflicted’s eyes are instead a sickly, almost neon green color. Please understand, while a Pure Form is generally a wolf, there are certain rare cases where some other mammals are depicted. I am one such occurrence, with my Pure Form being a black bear.
"Afflicted Lycans are violent, not to mention bloodthirsty. They also tend to feed on Gnáths. Rather than consuming a magical core, they consume their life fo
rce, which is like an unsatisfying snack at best. Our kind are a lot like Gnáths in that sustenance is a daily requirement. And our diet is that of an omnivore, whereas the Afflicted Lycan is, technically, a carnivore. Natural Lycans do not feed on humans. However, if we are spotted in our Hybrid Form and fear is sensed, we will instinctually give chase. It takes supreme control to not give into this instinct in the Hybrid Form. For us, it is like a dog that’s chasing a chicken, knowing good and well he shouldn’t, and then when the dog gets a hold of the chicken, he shakes it around in its mouth, effectively killing it, but does not eat it. It was exactly this type of situation that brought around the first Afflicted Lycan a few millennia ago. We possess moral fiber and eating Gnáths goes against it. That will not stop us from chasing one down and maiming them, but it is more of a dominance thing than actually wanting to kill. I hope this brings the differences more into perspective for you,” Owen finished.
Kaya understood she was at the top of the Afflicted Lycan’s wanted list. Kenneth picked up on the fear she was feeling and tried to comfort her by pulling her to him and holding her. She felt awkward displaying affection in front of his father, so she swatted him away. The expression that crossed his face was utter pain at her rejection of him. Kaya thought he had to be able to pick up on how uncomfortable she felt about being affectionate around his father; he had been so in tune to every other emotion she felt.
“I’m sorry, Kenneth, it’s not you. I am just not comfortable being that way in your father’s presence. I was raised that it is disrespectful at this point in our relationship,” Kaya whispered.
That seemed to make him feel a little better. His father, who Kaya had totally forgotten also possessed supersonic hearing, decided to chime in.
“It’s OK, Kaya. I already know just what kind of bond my son has with you. Like Kenny, I pick up on raw emotion, and his emotions toward you are unmistakable,” Owen said.
Kaya was shocked by his sudden statement. She thought he might say more, but Kenneth shot him a look that said shut it now or else.
Owen hiked an amused brow at his son, chuckled, and went back to kneading his dough.
They stayed at the ranch house to eat dinner. Kenneth’s dad had cooking skills that rivaled Kaya’s Uncle Jed’s. That was saying something considering Di’s husband could more than likely go pro. Owen’s dinner featured fresh baked bread, a garden salad, and spaghetti with meatballs. Spending the better portion of the day with Kenneth’s father had done wonders to calm Kaya’s nervousness around the beast of a man. When night started to fall, Kenneth decided it would be a good idea to take her back home and his father agreed.
“Well, my dear, don’t be a stranger. My wife would have absolutely adored you if she were still with us today,” he said wistfully.
“I am sure you will be seeing much more of me, Mr. O’Connell,” she said to him with an appreciative smile.
“Now, young lady, our families go way back in our friendships. You just call me Owen. That is not a request,” he informed her with a warm, fatherly smile.
Kaya did not know how else to respond to that, so she simply nodded. But she got the feeling arguing the point with this man would be fruitless.
Once back at Kaya’s house, she noticed Kenneth was uncharacteristically rigid. Clearly something was bothering him. But it was more than that. Kenneth wasn’t particularly talkative, but he was being quiet even for him.
“Kenneth, what’s eating at you?”
“I’m scared for you. What happens if the Afflicted tracking you shows up and I’m not around? How am I going to protect you all the time? Staying here with you would be inappropriate. Not to mention your Aunt Di would not go for that in a million years,” he said, obviously feeling helpless.
Kaya wanted to get his mind off this train of thought, so she stepped in with a question she had been harboring all night.
“Why has your father never remarried?”
Kenneth slumped and his expression became distant and sad. His reaction instantly made her wish she had not asked.
“There is something you need to know about my kind, Kays. Lycans are the epitome of monogamous.”
Her arched eyebrow did a whole lot to amuse him. He issued a full bodied laugh. It temporarily lit up his face with humor.
“Monogamous as in we mate for life. My mother was my father’s one and only, and chances are there may never be another. Not to say he couldn’t fall in love again. It is just unlikely. The fact that my mother passed before him does not deaden the bond they had in the least for my father.”
“That is amazing. You know, the rest of humanity can learn a thing or two from Lycans. I believe there is that one special person for everyone, and my parents were living proof of that. I guess your parents were a shining example as well. It’s just sad that your father won’t let himself love again. He’s such a gentle soul,” Kaya said as she thought about Owen remaining alone for the rest of his life. “Well, I should probably get inside. I will see you at school tomorrow. This has been one insane weekend and I am ready to get some of the structure school brings into this craziness I call my life,” she said to him.
“Hey Kays, my birthday deal is next Friday. You will come to keep me sane, right?”
“Of course I will be there. I already got you a gift,” Kaya slipped, revealing the secret.
This time it was she who took the reins and leaned up on her tip toes to kiss him good-night. It wasn’t impassioned, but it wasn’t a peck either. It was his turn to stand there like he was caught in a trance as she walked to the door.
“Good night, Kenneth,” she said and closed the door.
She leaned her back against the door. That boy made her crazy with emotions. Unfortunately the crazy emotions died down when her mind began to wander back to what Owen told her earlier in the evening.
Kaya thought back on what she had learned from Owen. She felt like she had a firm hold on what the Afflicted Lycan was. Her parents had essentially been food. She was so enraged, she couldn’t think straight as she headed up to her room. She just couldn’t get past the fact that her parents had been treated like cattle, and now this crazed alpha Afflicted wanted Kaya to be her next meal.
Something changed in Kaya as she stood in front of her mirror that night. Where before she was starting to feel like she was finally coming to grips with her grief and sorrow, now it was replaced with an anger that spread like cancer. What had once been sadness and heartache twisted and evolved into a hatred that demanded revenge. She became darker, colder, and her thoughts became ruthless as she thought of how she could take this threat down. Somewhere deep inside her head, she was visualizing the slow, painful death she would inflict on this Senka character. Senka was responsible for the deaths of her parents, and was going to try and kill Kaya as well.
Kaya laughed, a dark sound bordering on evil. “She can’t kill me if I kill her first. She is going to die if it is the last thing I do. She’ll never orphan another child.” Kaya whispered to herself as the new found hate and revenge settled over her like an expensive, tailored cloak.
Crashing the Party
It was early evening on Friday. In just a few hours, Kenneth’s eighteenth birthday celebration would start. Kenneth and Kaya sat in a booth with Anissa and Josh, talking about nothing much, when Samantha walked through the door of the fifties-style malt shop and gently placed a box on the table in front of Kaya. She wore a mischievous grin that had Kaya cringing.
“Let the courting begin!” Samantha declared loudly. She spun happily on her heel and began her exit as quickly as her entrance. “You’re welcome, little brother. Next time, try to throw a dash of romance into your setting.”
Both she and her boyfriend, Paul, walked out of the building, laughing like lunatics. Kaya was about to tell Kenneth how bazaar his sister was when the box meowed at her. She eyed the box for a minute or so, and then she was certain she had heard right because the box meowed again.
Kaya slowly ope
ned the top. She did not want to startle what was inside. The kitten was a grey tabby with snow-white paws and a patch on its chest to match. She had curious golden eyes that stared at Kaya in wonder.
“Our barn’s mouse trap had kittens some weeks back and this one just reminded me of you every time her path crossed mine, all spitfire and opinionated. Do you like her?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his seat.
Kaya smiled and said, “I love her! Thanks, Kenneth. She is precious!”
She picked the kitten out of the box and it snuggled into the crook of her arm, purring contently. Kaya sighed happily and told Kenneth she had to call her aunt to come get her because pigs would fly before she strapped her new princess to the back of a motor bike.
“I think that’s her name, Princess,” Kaya decided.
Kaya called her aunt and twenty minutes later, she showed up to take Princess and Kaya home. Kaya leaned over and gave Kenneth a casual kiss goodbye and joined Di in the truck. Kaya spent the rest of the early evening getting ready for Kenneth’s birthday party and having her every move scrutinized by a pair of golden eyes.
Kaya examined her reflection in the mirror and felt like something was missing. She realized as she stood there it was a touch of make-up. Yup, the dreaded “M” word. Her mirror twin and she rolled their eyes simultaneously, sighed, and then did the unthinkable; called for Aunt Di to come help. After, Kaya saw a little did go a long way. She looked like herself, only a little older and prettier.
“Well, Kaya, was that so bad?” Di asked.
“No, Di, it was not bad. I kind of like it.”
“I don’t suppose you’ll let me take a picture?” Di said with a hopeful smile.
“Not on your life, Di!”
Di grabbed her keys, Kaya grabbed the present, and they were out the door.