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Bunnygirls 2

Page 32

by Simon Archer

  “Arranging the Final Blood Moon was a matter of endurance.” The Utmost Highest answered the dead question. “I had yet to gather the necessary strength to take advantage of the Blood Moon’s true purpose before now. By keeping the Wolves distracted, they would retain the presence necessary to disrupt the mana channels until I was ready. Revealing the illusion to the populace too soon risked the empire collapsing, which would have allowed her to reemerge and strike me down. Now that I have achieved the required state of being, it is inconsequential whether or not the empire is in place, and your knowledge no longer affects what will come to pass. Even now, this revelation is a gift born out of convenience.”

  “W-why is it necessecmmm…?” Boneclaw stuttered, finally managing to close his mouth at the very last minute.

  I could feel a strange haze over my mind. My will to be silent was strangely absent as if I couldn’t hold in any of my thoughts. What had affected me had affected the whole room of Wolves, by the look of it. I had never felt this way before, and I figured that it was another of His Utmost Highest’s powers, compelling our truest thoughts and feelings out to the surface. What a strange and powerful ability. No one was able to present any falsehoods in his presence, and He could never be tricked. Who could have stood against our Wolf god?

  “Why is it necessary to disrupt the channels?” I said as if it were just a breath, “I thought that we needed to have more mana. It seems like increasing flow would only help.”

  “I am expecting company,” he answered though he didn’t kill us as I thought he might. “However, my metamorphosis was still incomplete, and I couldn’t afford a rushed invitation. Now that I have evolved into the ultimate being, I am prepared. When the Final Blood Moon comes, we will no longer need mana channels. I will become the source of mana itself.”

  “So, then, that really would be the Final Blood Moon!” I nodded my head as I wrapped it around the idea. “We’d never need another one. We wouldn’t even need bunnies! You’d have all of the mana!”

  “It will be mine to give to my faithful.” He took two booming steps and faced me, bringing his talon hand up and facing its palm at my forehead. “All others will be disposed of.”

  “What about the Hunter?” Boneclaw asked, “What are you going to do about him? If he’s really been taking cities left and right, what’s going to stop him from coming straight here afterward?”

  “You all will serve as a distraction for him.” He addressed the whole room. “You are to keep him as far away from the Citadel as possible. Of all things, the Citadel must remain intact when the portal opens.”

  “How are we going to do that?” I sheepishly questioned him, “We couldn’t beat him last time. He’s not going to go easy on us now, and he knows what we can do. Do you have a plan?”

  “I have a gift for all of you. Use it well. Slaughter any Rabbit you find.”

  From His body, tendrils of dark ooze shot out, piercing the necks of everyone in the room. I felt my organs burn with a searing pain within me, forcing me upon the ground. My body felt bulbous and disjointed. My hands began to itch, but it hurt to scratch them in the sharpest pressure I’d never felt there before. As I gazed upon my palms, a host of eyeballs blinked into existence at the insides of the knuckles and the center. My focus blurred, blending my eyes with the vision from my hands as I saw through them. My ten new eyes looked at my petrified face as I shrieked in torturous horror.

  Author’s Note

  Hey, if you got here, I just want you to know that you’re awesome! I wrote this book just for someone like you, and if you want another one, it is super important that you leave a review.

  The more reviews this book gets, the more likely it is there will be a sequel to it. After all, I’m only human, and you have no idea how far a simple “your book was great!” goes to brighten my day. Also, if you want to know when the sequel comes out, you absolutely must join my Facebook group and follow me on Amazon. Doing one won’t be enough because it relies on either Facebook or Amazon telling you the book is out, and they might not do it.

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