Book Read Free

A Lie Unraveled

Page 10

by Constance Masters

“I slept all night without any covers,” she said. “I could have gotten pneumonia.”

  “It was warm last night, Soph,” Destiny said. “Hop up and have a shower and see how you feel.”

  “I know how I feel now, I feel sick.”

  Destiny felt sick herself, not because she was sick, but because she had to do something that she really didn’t want to do. Unfortunately, it was time for her to be an adult. What she would have loved to do was climb back into her bed with Soph, watch movies and cuddle until they both felt better. It was very probable that Sophia was feeling very wary about going to school and facing the daddy who had been, in her mind so mean to her the night before. Destiny wasn’t feeling very happy about Justin either but she knew that what he did, he did for reasons that would only benefit their daughter. The best way to conquer a fear was to face it. She’s had to do that enough in her life, like when they moved back to this small town. Destiny sat down on the end of her daughter’s bed. “Can I be honest with you, Sophia?” she asked.

  The little girl nodded. “You used to always be honest with me, at least I always thought you were.”

  “I think that you’re scared to go to school and face Justin because of what happened here last night.”

  “I don’t like him,” Sophia said. “He’s mean.”

  “I don’t really think you think that. I don’t think you wanted him to hear you acting the way you were acting. I think you were mad at yourself because you didn’t say sorry to me when he told you to. You lost all your stuff because you were being stubborn.”

  Tears filled Sophia’s eyes. “What can I to do now? I have nothing!”

  “I don’t think you have nothing and I don’t think you’ll be without your stuff forever.”

  “I don’t not love you anymore, Mom,” Sophia said miserably.

  ‘I know you love me,” Destiny said. “Go have a shower and then come downstairs.”

  Reluctantly, Destiny picked up her phone and called Justin. “I think you need to come and resolve this with your daughter before she goes to school,” she said.

  “Already on it,” he said. “We’re in the driveway.”

  * * *

  Destiny was about to go and see what was keeping Sophia when she saw her daughter peeking down from the top of the stairs. Interestingly, she had a clean and clear face, no trace of make-up of any description, not even lipstick. She beckoned her mom to come to the stop of the stairs. “Why are they here?” She whispered.

  “They brought breakfast.” Destiny answered. “And your dad wants to talk to you.”

  “What about?”

  “Really, Sophia? I think he wants to clear the air before school. Come down and eat and talk. You’ll feel better.”

  “I don’t need to have their breakfast; I could just have left over pizza.”

  “So I see you’re still feeling sick then?” Destiny grinned. “They’ve brought hotcakes and sausage.”

  “Syrup?” Sophia asked.

  “And hash browns, they brought all your favorites.”

  “Is he still mad at me?” Sophia asked nervously.

  “I don’t think he was ever mad at you, Soph,” she said.

  “That’s right, I wasn’t,” Justin said from the bottom of the stairs. “I was just making you accountable for your actions. It’s what fathers do. Come on, come and eat before it goes cold.”

  Sophia followed her mom down the stairs and into the kitchen where Lily-Grace was perched on a kitchen stool. “Hi, Soph, we’re having pancakes,” she said excitedly. “Come sit next to me?”

  “Sure, I like pancakes.” Sophia sat up next to Lily-Grace and started tentatively on her breakfast but was soon tucking in.

  “So, last night,” Justin said.

  Sophia stopped chewing.

  “I’m not going to talk about that now but you and I need to have a long talk. So, I was thinking, as it’s Saturday tomorrow, if it’s okay with Mommy, we might do a little swap.”

  “What kind of swap?”

  “Well, I would like to spend the day with you, to talk and get to know each other. On the other hand, your sister has never in her whole life had a pedicure. I thought your mommy might like to spend the day with Lils.”

  “You’ve never had a pedicure?” Sophia asked.

  Destiny was more than happy to take Lily-Grace for a pedicure and do anything else with her that she would like. How would Sophia react, that was the question? “Would you like that, Lily?” she asked.

  Lily-Grace nodded with enthusiasm. “I would love to have a pedicure.”

  “It’s great! You can get glitter or a French tip, you can even get stickers.” Sophia said.

  “So you don’t mind spending the day with your father?”

  “No, I don’t mind,” Sophia said.

  Destiny smiled. Her daughter’s lips weren’t giving much away, but her eyes were shining. Maybe this was the medicine she needed to heal whatever was hurting her. “Looks like we have a plan.”

  * * *

  “Am I forgiven?” Justin asked. He’d made sure the girls were safely in the car and doubled back to talk to Destiny.

  “For what?” Destiny smiled. She planned to ignore the fact that she hadn’t acknowledged his many missed calls for the night before.

  “Don’t play dumb. You were angry at me last night I could tell. I’m not blind.”

  “I struggled with last night. You have to understand I love Sophia more than anything and it isn’t easy for me to see her suffer.”

  “I know what you mean, it wasn’t easy for me to see either of you suffer.” He kissed her and then shrugged. “Things will get better, wait and see.”

  “I hope so.”

  * * *

  After an uneventful day at school and night at home to reflect, both Destiny and Sophia were up early on Saturday, eager to start the day. Much to Destiny’s amusement, Sophia seemed a little nervous and eager to please Justin. It was certainly a turnaround from the other night. “I think either would look nice,” Destiny said.

  “I won’t wear makeup because Justin said it ruins your skin for when you're older.”

  “Did he just?” she asked. “When did he say that?”

  “Yesterday at school, he said it. He said I looked even prettier without it.”

  “Well, that’s good, isn’t it and very true I think. You have a very pretty face.” Apparently Justin had plenty to say at school yesterday; no wonder he didn’t drop in for lunch.

  “But he said it’s what on the inside that counts the most.”

  “That it does,” Destiny smiled. “If you don’t get dressed though, he’s going to have to take you out in your pajamas. How embarrassing would that be?”

  “Pretty embarrassing,” Sophia babbled happily. “Where are you going to take Lils besides to get a pedicure?”

  “Oh, uh,” Destiny was taken aback and over the moon with the natural slip of the pet name. Did this mean that Sophia was also ready to embrace her sister? “I don’t know, what do you think she’d like to do?”

  “Do you know that Lils has never ever been to build-a-bear either?” Sophia asked. It was obvious that she found the concept inconceivable.

  “Really, well then maybe that’s what she’d like to do.”

  “I think she would,” Sophia said.

  * * *

  “Soph, I thought we’d go to a book store first. I want you to show me what kind of books you like to read,” Justin said.

  “Do they have magazines?”

  “Well, not all magazines are bad but I was thinking of an actual book. What do you like to read in a magazine?” Justin asked.

  “I don’t really read them,” Sophia said. “I like to look at the fashion and I love it when you get a free lip gloss or bracelet or something. Those issues are the best.”

  “Okay, I can see that. What I don’t think you get about a book is, it can carry you away,” Justin tried to explain. “Well, not literally carry you away but take you to the place you
’re reading.”

  “Okay, I think,” Sophia said. “Books are kind of for school though. It’s like when you come home, you don’t want to still be at school.”

  “What if I could help you find a book that you thought you would watch if it was a show or movie on television?”

  “I don’t know; I guess I could try it.”

  “Good girl, I’m impressed. Now tell me what you think you’d like to find in a story; princess, normal or rich girl?” he asked.

  “Normal,” she answered.

  “Okay, would you like to read; books that your mom might have read, books that your grandmother might have read or books that are from this century?” So he may have been setting her up a little but he had a pretty good idea what would hold her interest, he was a teacher after all. The key was to make her think that it was totally her idea.

  “Well, that one’s easy, books from this century.”

  “Good, good, now we’re getting somewhere,” he said with a smile. She smiled back which was encouraging.

  “Would you like to read something that is magical, scary or funny?” Justin asked.

  “I’d definitely like a funny book. Life’s tragic enough sometimes isn’t it?”

  “Oh definitely,” he said, this time forcing himself not to smile. “It’s all too much to think about sometimes isn’t it?”

  “Now you’re making fun of me,” she said.

  “Nah, I’m just joking. We’re having fun aren't we?”

  “Yeah we are,” Sophia agreed.

  “Okay, here we are in the bookstore.” Justin was excited to be the one to introduce his daughter to the world of books. By nine, so many of her likes and dislikes had already been developed and he’d missed them all. Now was his chance to share a first. “I have an idea about something I think you’d like. Let’s go to the kids’ section.”

  “How do you know where you want to go exactly?”

  “It’s all in alphabetical order so it’s easy to find the author you’re looking for,” he explained.

  “Has Lils read this book yet?”

  “No, not yet; this book is a bit too old and maybe hard for Lils. I thought this book or actually series of books, is more to your mindset.”

  “Thanks,” she said, obviously over the moon with the compliment.

  He handed her the first book in the series Dear Dumb Diary. “I think this will give you a laugh,” he said.

  “It looks okay,” she said. “May I look inside?”

  “Of course you may. Why don’t you take it over there and sit down and give it a try?”

  “Okay,” she said, planting herself on a seat.

  He went to the counter and ordered coffee and a smoothie for Sophia. When he looked over, he was pleasantly surprised to see that she’d moved. She was curled up on one of the softer sofas with the book; she was smiling. “Yes,” he said, grinning at the confused girl who was waiting for his money.

  * * *

  “So Miss Lily-Grace, what color do you think would be nice to have on your nails today?” Destiny asked. She was enjoying watching Lily-Grace. The little girl hadn’t stopped smiling since they left the house.

  Lily-Grace looked down at her newly scrubbed feet and the toes that were set into pink rubber dividers keeping them separated. “Could I have pink?” she asked.

  “You can have whatever color you like, honey,” Destiny said. “You know what’s really pretty? Little flowers.”

  Lily-Grace nodded enthusiastically.

  “Then that’s what we’ll have. Once we’re finished here, we have somewhere else to go and then, I have a great idea for lunch. Today is our special girly day.”

  Chapter Eight

  “I have an idea, Sophia,” Justin said. “Why don’t we go to the market and pick up some things, then we can cook dinner for the others?”

  “We could, but you know what would be funner?”

  “More fun, what would be more fun. What’s that?” Justin was extremely pleased that Sophia was finally opening up to him. He’d been hesitant about the day, wondering if they were going to end up staring at each other, unable to find any kind of conversation that would link their worlds.

  “We could barbecue. There’s a grill out back but Mommy doesn’t like it,” she said.

  “Mommy doesn’t like to use it or she doesn’t like to eat food that’s been cooked on it?” Justin asked. There was a big difference between disliking char grilled food and having a reason for not touching the barbecue itself.

  “She doesn’t like to cook out there. I don’t know why,” Sophia said. “She just doesn’t ever do it.”

  I know why, Justin thought. When they were young it had been her family’s thing to sit and barbecue on a Saturday night. Her dad used to wear his mother’s apron that said kiss the cook, and a chef’s hat. What Soph had just dropped out in conversation had told him a whole lot. The woman was still pushing away grief. Maybe it was time to help heal that or at least show her a way forward. Sometimes facing our fears helped to move things forward. “Okay, that sounds perfect to me. Let’s get some burgers and buns.”

  “And chicken wings?” Sophia asked.

  “We can do chicken wings,” Justin said. “Any other requests?”

  “Maybe, just one,” Sophia said. “Your mom, I’d like it if we asked her to come and eat with us.”

  “Your grandma?” The fact that Sophia wanted to include his mom was an open acceptance of sorts. He could have yelled with excitement but he decided to play it cool.

  “Yeah, isn’t she lonely now that you and Lils spend so much time at our house? Why don’t we ask her? I don’t like to think of her being home all by herself.”

  “I think that would be a really sweet thing to do, Sophia. Thank you for thinking of her.” Justin was really touched by Soph’s gesture.

  “Can I tell you something?” Sophia asked him.

  “Of course you can,” Justin said. “You can tell me anything you want.”

  “I miss my grandparents.”

  “I bet you do. Not that she would ever expect to replace your other grandparents but I know my mom is over the moon to be your grandma.”

  “Then you better call her and ask her if she wants to come.”

  “I’ll tell you what, I’ll write down the number and you can call your grandma yourself and invite her. I think she’d like that.” Oh my word, he knew she’d love that. His mom had just been quietly waiting in the wings for her opportunity to get to know Sophia better.

  “Okay, that would be great,” Sophia said a little nervously, “but would she know who I am?”

  Justin shook his head. If only this little girl knew how much her grandmother and Lils talked about her. Both were so happy to have her in their lives. “Of course she would silly, she hasn’t stopped talking about you since I took you over there.”

  Sophia grinned. “Write down the number then, please.”

  Justin had been right and his mom was touched and happy at her granddaughter’s invitation. He and Sophia were off to get supplies. There would be five hungry people to feed and they needed supplies. “First I think we need to make stop at Wal-Mart,” he said.

  “What for?”

  “Well, I checked out the grill and everything was fine, but I need a new apron. Would you like one?”

  Sophia nodded happily. “Does that mean I get to help?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “Maybe we should get an apron for Lils too,” Sophia said.

  * * *

  “This is how it works,” Destiny said. “You choose the bear you would like,” she explained. “Do you see anything here you would like to choose?”

  “Um, can I choose any one?” Lily-Grace asked.

  “Sure you can, honey, which one would you like?”

  “I would like to choose—” she walked up and down the aisle, seemingly struggling to choose. “Does Soph have a pony?” she asked.

  “No, honey, but this is for you,” Destiny tried to
explain. She couldn’t believe this child was so selfless.

  “This is for me, I want to give it to Sophia,” Lily-Grace said. “I have a sister now; I already got my present. Besides, I had my nails done, you took me to tea, we had all those yummy sandwiches and cakes. It was almost like I had a mom for the afternoon.”

  Destiny was taken back with the little girl’s generosity, and the compliment; in fact, she had to fight the tears that threatened. “You know what we’re going to do? You can choose a bear for each of you.”

  “Really?” Lily-Grace said. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure, go ahead, pick.” Destiny watched with absolute pleasure as Lily-Grace chose her toys so carefully, making sure that she picked what she thought was just the right thing for her sister.

  “Then I would like to pick two ponies please, I want mine to be the same as Soph’s,” Lily-Grace said happily.

  “You are the sweetest little thing,” Destiny said, giving the little girl a hug. “You choose which ones and then we take them over to the stuffing machine.”

  Destiny watched as Lily-Grace happily moved from station to station. She would have loved to know what her wish was before she kissed the hearts and slipped them inside the new ponies. “All done?” she asked finally when the ponies both had their new wardrobes picked out. “Ready to go home and see what the others have been up to?”

  “Yep,” Lily-Grace said. “I can’t wait to give Sophia her new pony. Do you think she will mind that mine is exactly the same as hers?”

  “No, I think she’ll be very happy that you were thoughtful enough to choose it for her,” Destiny said. If Soph is unhappy, I hope she keeps it well hidden, she thought. Judging by her morning chatter, somehow she really didn’t think that Soph would mind at all.

  “We’re here!” Lily-Grace yelled happily as they pulled into the driveway. “Hey, that’s Grandma’s car,” she said.

  “She must be paying us a visit.” Destiny tried to push down the worry that was building. Hopefully she had just decided to pay a visit and nothing was wrong. As she opened the door, she immediately felt relieved; there a distinct smell of a barbecue cooking. Dotty must be joining them for dinner.

  “I can smell barbecue,” Lily-Grace said.


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