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Page 15

by Barker, Freya

  “Are you in pain? Should I call a nurse?”

  I ignore her questions and ask my own. “Ouray still here?”

  “In the waiting room.”

  “Good. Don’t go anywhere without his say so.”

  I can feel the sudden frost coming off her in waves before her mouth forms the first word of objection. “Excuse me? I’m not an idiot, Trunk. I can figure out on my own I need to be careful, quite well, thank you.”

  She moves to pull back her hand but I hold firm. “Come here, baby.” I can tell she wants to struggle, but she bends closer anyway. “Need a kiss.”

  “Your face…”

  “My lips are fine.”

  I’m amused when she rolls her eyes, but still closes the distance. I move my hand to the side of her face when she brushes my lips with hers. I’m frustrated when she pulls back, but I keep her close.

  “Gotta bear with me, James,” I whisper, my swollen eyes on her clear blue ones. “Was picturing your face when I thought I was done for. Means something your face was the first thing I saw just now, when I woke up. I like that face. I wanna see a fuckofalot more of it. Lose my mind to think of something happening to you. Lose my mind knowing I’m in here with no way to protect you.” I see understanding grow in her eyes and I push my point. “I trust my brother to do my job until I’m able to, Little Mama. Can you give that to me?”

  At some point the tears started rolling again, but she smiles when she looks at me. “I’ll do my best.”

  “That’d be good.”



  “I think I like you.”

  I can’t control the chuckle, but wince at the same time: that fucking hurts.

  “Think we passed like a while back, James.”




  I chuckle as River gnaws on my jaw.

  I love my early morning cuddles with my baby. Waking up to his little warm body snuggled up to me in bed this past week has been an unexpected bonus to staying with Ouray and Luna.

  Their house is gorgeous, and not at all what I would’ve expected from the president of an MC. Big windows, large open spaces, a stylish interior, and a beautiful view. I’d been reluctant to leave the hospital, I would much rather have stayed right by Trunk’s bed, but I’d promised him I’d let Ouray look out for me. Clearly he took that job seriously, drove me to pick up my son and brought me to his home. Mom had been invited too, but she opted to stay with Evan’s mother.

  A temporary situation while my house is being put back in order.

  Every day, either Ouray, Kaga, or Paco, drive me over to Joan’s to drop River with her for a few hours before taking me to the hospital to see Trunk. He’s doing much better, and yesterday there was talk he might be coming home. Although, where that might be is up in the air.

  I’m starting to feel guilty for my lack of productivity since we got back from New York, but T keeps reminding me that with Mens Rae out on the shelves, we don’t have anything pressing for the moment. Still, with the email notification of the payroll deposit in my account last night, guilt flared up again.

  Seems that’s all I do these days, feel responsible. There’s a whole laundry list to feel guilty for, impacting a lot of people. Luna mentioned a few times they weren’t even sure any of it has to do with Rob, they haven’t found anything concrete to connect him with any of it yet, but I know better.

  I should probably get out of bed. River is getting restless, climbing all over me and his diaper feels heavy.

  “Come on, buddy. Time to get this day started.”





  I look up to find Tony Ramirez approach us in the hospital parking lot.

  “Ramirez,” Ouray rumbles in greeting.


  “I was just in to see him. He looks a lot better,” Tony shares. “Sounds like they might be cutting him loose today.”


  “That’s what I hear. Perfect timing too.”

  “How’s that?” Ouray wants to know, but Tony directs his answer to me.

  “Benedetti mentioned this morning your place is ready. Clean up is done, new window is in, and the security system is up and running.”

  I knew the place had a security system before they had the fire, Ollie mentioned that herself before I moved in. At the time, I didn’t feel it necessary to go to the expense of having it rewired, and I’d forgotten about it since.

  “Good.” Ouray’s response makes me wonder if he knew they were working on that. “Greene monitoring?”

  “Yup. Live feed to the station as well.”

  “Excuse me…” I hold up my index finger. “Who is Greene, and what live feed to what station, exactly?”

  The men exchange a look before Ouray turns to me. “Jasper Greene is Luna’s team member and the FBI tech specialist. He’ll be keeping an eye out, along with Durango PD.”

  “Easier to have you all covered in one place,” Tony adds.

  I shake my head to clear it. “Okay, so am I to deduct from that I’m going back home? Does Trunk know about this?”

  “Maybe you should talk to him about it,” Tony suggests, looking a little uncomfortable.

  “Maybe you should just answer the question,” I fire back, more than a little annoyed at being handled. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it’s my house—my life—we’re discussing here.”

  I resist shaking off the hand Ouray places on my shoulder. “Trunk’s idea, Jaimie, and it’s the one that makes most sense.”

  “That may well be, it still doesn’t give any of you the fucking right to be making any decisions without my involvement.”

  Pissed, I start walking toward the main doors at a good clip, ignoring the curious glances thrown my way from innocent bystanders. I wasn’t exactly whispering. I don’t know if the guys are following me or not and, at this point, I frankly don’t care. Anyone who tries to mess with me when I’m this fired up is at least going to get damaged in the process. I barely acknowledge the nurse coming out of his room and barge right past her.

  He’s sitting up in a chair by the window, dressed in street clothes. I try not to be affected by the dimpled smile on his face when he sees me walk in, but it disappears fast when he catches my look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “When I conceded to stick with Ouray so you could have peace of mind, it wasn’t an open invitation to take over my life.”

  “Keeping you safe,” he counters immediately.

  “Is talking behind my back in any way helping to keep me safe?”

  “I wasn’t—”

  “You were.” I cut him off, poking a finger in his chest. “Justify it all you like, but you totally were. You ask me to put my faith in you, but apparently that’s a one-way street.”

  “James…that ain’t true.” I don’t even bother responding to that, I simply raise an eyebrow. He’s not a stupid man, he’ll clue in. “Fuck,” he finally mutters, dropping his head.

  “This isn’t gonna work if you shut me out.”

  “I hear ya.” He reaches out with his free hand and grabs mine. “Little late, but you good with me stayin’ at your place? Had the guys look into making sure your house is secure. I can stay at the clubhouse, but I’d rather stick close to you. Besides, that way it takes less resources to keep everyone safe.”

  “Now was that so hard?” I tease, seems I’ve blown most of my steam.

  He tilts his head and looks up at me, a twitch at the corner of his mouth. “You bustin’ my balls, James? I’m just used to taking care of things.”

  “As am I,” I return, smirking back.

  “Point taken. Now we got that outta the way, how about a proper hello?”

  Nothing but a hint of amusement and a whole lot of warmth in his deep-brown eyes, so I lean down to kiss him.


  “Much.” I get a glimpse of the dimple before his face straightens out. “I’m a work in progress, Little Mama.”

  “Don’t mind the work, Titus Maximus Rae, as long as I get my progress.”


  Jesus, it’s good to be out of that place.

  I lift my feet on Jaimie’s coffee table and relax back into the pillows. Listening to her and Sandra talking softly in the kitchen, I close my eyes.

  It was noon before I walked out of the hospital, with sheets of instructions and an appointment for a follow-up with the orthopedic surgeon five weeks from now. Ouray drove us home, and Tahlula arrived shortly after, with Sandra and River, who had to be held back from climbing all over me.

  Gonna be the longest five weeks ever, with my useless right arm in a cast. No rides for me in the near future, which is gonna seriously suck. Especially since the club is planning the first ride of the season for next weekend.

  This is the one we hope will drum up some new prospects, since it’s open to motorcycle enthusiasts. It’s a day-ride, hitting all of the Four Corner states before cruising north to Moab, where the Mesa Riders are hosting a club party before the shorter ride home the next day. Undoubtedly Yuma’s doing. Guess he’ll get his time with Red and Ginger after all.

  I won’t be able to go, at least not on my bike. Maybe if I can convince Jaimie to come with me, we could drive up just for the party.

  “Are you hungry?”

  It takes me a few seconds to clue in where I am. Jaimie is sitting next to me, her hand on my face. “How long was I out for?”

  “Too long if you ask River.” I turn my head to the dining table where he’s sitting in his high chair, smacking a spoon on the table. “A couple of hours. Deceptive, isn’t it? You think you’re all good in the hospital and then you crash hard when you get home.”

  “No shit.”

  “Wanna sit at the table with us? Or should I make a plate for you.”

  She’s cute as fuck, playing nurse. I hook my good hand behind her neck, pulling her toward me to plant a kiss on her. “I’ll come sit.”


  “Hey, Little Man.” I bend down to kiss his forehead as he smiles up at me. “You gettin’ any of that in your mouth? You’re making a mess.”

  Dinnertime is as comfortable as it was the previous two times I was over here for a meal. I look over at River, who looks to be getting tired again. He’s a lucky kid. Can’t remember many times I had dinner at a table with my family. Mostly my sister and I scrounged around for something to eat while our mother was off somewhere, or passed out on the couch. So different from these two women who, despite the shit life throws at them, will do anything to make sure that little boy has a normal life.

  They have no idea they’re doing the same for me. Making me believe a normal life is even possible.

  “Not hungry?” Sandra’s voice breaks into my thoughts, and I look up to find her warm eyes on me.

  “Starving,” I tell her, my voice thick.

  We’re just done with dinner when Joe Benedetti knocks on the door.

  “Thanks, but I’m not staying long,” he tells Sandra, who offers him a beer, before he turns to me. “Ouray says he’ll have someone outside overnight?”

  “Yeah,” I grunt.

  I wasn’t thrilled when Ouray told me he’d arranged that, but seeing as I’m not exactly in fighting form, I couldn’t argue with him. I figure I’ll be on my feet soon enough.

  “I’ll let my guys know. They’re gonna do a few extra drive-bys, wouldn’t want them to think one of your boys is a bad guy.”

  “That’d be good. Any news on those tires?”

  The only usable evidence they found at my house was a set of tire prints along the road, just south of my driveway. As luck would have it, the ground had been soaked with the runoff, so the prints were a decent quality. Still, that kind of evidence is only useful if you have something to compare it to.

  “They’re Goodyear Premium All-Terrain. The size for a large truck. Pretty distinct and not cheap. You wouldn’t put those on an old clunker.”

  “Great, so we’re looking for a newer truck. That’ll be helpful.”

  “Not so fast; one of the neighbors down the street remembers what he thinks was an F250—extended cab, dark blue or black—drive past his house at a high rate of speed that morning. If we work from the assumption the same people were responsible for the damage here; that might be helpful. We’re keeping an eye out.”

  My mind immediately starts filing through all the trucks I know, but I can’t recall a dark, newer F250 crew cab. “I can’t think of anyone who owns one, but I’ll ask around.”

  “Sounds good.” He looks at Jaimie. “Ollie says she’s doing a grocery run tomorrow. She’ll swing by before she goes, if you want to get a list ready for her.”

  “She doesn’t have to do that,” Jaimie protests.

  “It’s not a problem. She wants to help. Afraid you won’t be able to talk her out of it anyway,” he says, grinning. “Let me get out of your hair. I’ll be in touch.”

  Sandra shows him out and immediately excuses herself to her apartment.

  I watch some news until Jaimie’s done cleaning up the kitchen. She walks in with a glass of water and comes to sit beside me, handing me a few pills.

  “What’s that?”

  “Ibuprofen. It’s what they’ve been giving you at night at the hospital. It takes the edge of the pain so you’ll be more comfortable sleeping.”

  I don’t bother telling her, I haven’t taken anything since day two in the hospital. Don’t like pills of any kind, but I have a feeling that wouldn’t satisfy her.

  “I’ll take them right before.”

  She glares at me through slitted eyes. “You’re not gonna take them at all, are you?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.”

  “Come here.” I grin at her, using what spare charm I have. “Come on, Little Mama.”

  With a dramatic sigh, she settles in against my good side while I flip through channels, settling on an old episode of Criminal Minds. It doesn’t take more than fifteen minutes before Jaimie is asleep beside me. I watch the end of the show before waking her.

  “Time for bed.”

  She stretches, almost hitting me in the head. “You can take the bed, I’ll take the couch. Don’t wanna risk bumping you in the middle of the night,” she mumbles sleepily.

  “Sleep best in a sitting position, James. I’ll stay here. You head up to bed, but kiss me first.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, baby,” I whisper when she leans close, her eyes heavy with sleep.

  She kisses me sweetly, before getting up of the couch and stumbling to the stairs.

  “Night, Jaimie.”

  “Night, Trunk,” she returns, yawning. “Love you.”




  Trunk turns at my voice with a flash of that dimple.

  “Just because I don’t, doesn’t mean I can’t.”

  I thought Mom had an early morning when I woke up a few minutes ago to sounds from downstairs—only five o’clock and River isn’t even awake yet—but it’s Trunk, shirtless in my kitchen. There is a God.

  “You know, now the cat’s out of the bag, you’re creating expectations, right?”

  “You haven’t tasted it yet,” he points out astutely, and I look at all the ingredients he has out on the counter.

  “What are you making?”

  He puts the knife down he’s one-handedly chopping vegetables with and turns around. “Think I deserve a good morning first, Little Mama.”

  I look a mess, like I do most mornings, but Trunk hasn’t run away screaming yet these past days. When I’m within range, he pulls me close with his free arm.

  “Morning, honey,” I manage before his mouth is on mine.

  The growl from deep in
his throat when my tongue brushes his raises goosebumps on my skin. He shoves his hand down the back of my flannel pajama pants and digs his fingers in my ass cheek.

  “Careful,” I caution, tearing my lips from his. “You drive me crazy enough, I’ll forget you’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine.”

  That’s been his standard answer all along, but I don’t trust it any more now than I did back in the hospital.

  “I can see that,” I tease, looking at the bulge behind his fly.

  “You lookin’ only makes it worse.”


  “Tonight I’m sleepin’ in your bed,” he growls, his dark eyes glittering.


  “Woman, I’m not gonna argue about it.”

  After five nights of him sleeping on the couch, I don’t think I want to argue about it either. In fact, I’m not in the mood for talking at all.

  I let my hands resting on his chest slide down to his stomach. His sharp inhale, as I trace my fingers under his waistband, puts a smile on my face.

  “Don’t tease,” his low voice rumbles.

  “Who says I’m teasing?” I whisper, sinking down on my knees in front of him.

  With quick fingers I have his fly open and his heavy erection drops in my hand. I stroke him once from tip to base, enjoying the feel of silk over hot steel, before closing my lips over the crown. He mutters a curse under his breath as his fingers slide in my hair.

  He’s beautiful: from the muscles bulging under his dark skin, to his gleaming, ebony cock. I tilt my eyes up to his face, taking him in with my fist, tongue, and lips working in concert. Seeing his eyes go hungry and his mouth slack, as I watch the effect I’m having on him, is an incredible turn-on. When I cup his balls with my other hand and lightly tug, his head falls back and he groans my name.

  “James…” His fingers clench in my hair. “Baby, I’m…”

  He doesn’t get to finish the thought before his body jerks and hot semen coats my mouth.

  “Jesus,” he hisses when I let him slip from between my lips. He immediately reaches down to hook me under my arm and pull me up, folding me tight to his front. “You knock me on my ass, Little Mama. Like no one else can.”

  A declaration of love, it’s not, but it makes my stomach flutter all the same.


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