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Battle of the Soul

Page 20

by Carl Alves

  Andy tried to force a smile, but couldn’t. “I know. Look, I don’t have any family.” Not in this world, anyway. “And I’ve only known you guys for like a week, but I’ve never cared about anybody more than Kate in my entire life. And, well, you too. If something bad happened to you, it would rip me in two. I…I…” He wanted to say that he loved her, but didn’t want to make an ass of himself, figuring she wouldn’t reciprocate the sentiment.

  “It’s okay, Andy.” Holly hugged him fiercely.

  Andy felt so good in her embrace. He never wanted this moment to end. Unfortunately, it did. Andy went to bed shortly thereafter, thoughts of Holly not far from his mind as he fell pleasantly to sleep.

  Chapter XXXV

  Andy spent the next day on edge at the safe house. It was a matter of time before Kate lapsed into demonic possession. Even Kate seemed to sense it. She stayed home from school since they couldn’t risk this happening while she was in class. She had barely been in school since all of this started. Normally, they had a good ole time playing games and doing fun kid stuff, but she seemed distracted.

  Holly went to work at the hospital that morning. Jeremiah escorted her and was going to keep a watch on her. Although Legion had only gone after Andy thus far, it was distinctly possible that they would target Holly to get to him. Even though Holly argued against it, Andy felt better knowing Jeremiah was guarding her.

  Andy became progressively more restless as day turned into night. It was a relief when Holly returned from work. Kate showered her with kisses. Andy was glad to be near her. The memory of the previous evening still lingered in his mind. It probably meant nothing to Holly, but being in her embrace had sent his world spinning.

  Monsignor Curran made an awesome stir fry dish for dinner, which Kate barely picked at. Andy, on the other hand, never let anything affect his appetite. He tore into the noodles, vegetables and beef like it was his last meal. Monsignor Curran always made extra-large portions of food when cooking for Andy.

  After dinner, they watched television. There was little conversation. It seemed like everybody was waiting for the demons to take Kate. The last time it had been so jarring to see Kate go from a sweet, pretty little girl to the dreadful thing she became when the demons invaded.

  Before she went to bed, Andy read more of the Harry Potter book to Kate. This time Holly joined them, and they both tucked Kate into bed.

  After Andy shut the bedroom door, he tilted his head against the wall and closed his eyes. “You know, I almost wish it would just happen. This way we can finish this once and for all. The waiting’s killing me.”

  Holly began to tremble.

  Andy was unsure what to do. He wanted to provide her comfort, but she would probably think he was making a clumsy pass at her. “You all right?”

  Holly shook her head. “No, I’m not all right. I’m sick with worry. I’m so scared. Not about the possibility of facing these demons, but that she’s never going to get better. That this is going to kill her.”

  What the hell, Andy figured. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I’m scared too. Funny thing is I was never like this before. Well, maybe my first exorcism when I was still in high school. After that, man, I was on top of the world, going from being this big loser in the real world to being an invincible super powerful warrior in the world of the soul. After the first few times, I had supreme confidence that no matter what happened, I was going to win. I kept smashing demon after demon. Line ‘em up and mow ‘em down. Sure, some put up a good fight. Malachai, Baphomet, and Asmodeus were always tough bastards, but I still finished them in the end. I had no reason to be scared. Now…Nothing like getting your ass handed to you to give you a little humility and fear.”

  “I didn’t think you were going to live the last time you tried to exorcise Kate,” Holly said. “I hoped and prayed that you would snap out of it, but I didn’t think it was going to happen. Then where would I be with Kate?

  “You know something? Monsignor Curran’s right. You may not think much of yourself, but you’re a good person, Andy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. After that first time in Kate’s soul, you could just as easily have never come back. I didn’t know what to think. Of course, I had no idea what was really happening with Kate. After it almost killed you, not to mention the three attempts on your life, I’ve come to realize what you have inside you. You’re a good man. Maybe someday you’ll realize that.”

  Andy grinned. “Well, it helps when you say it.”

  Holly laughed. “Then I’ll keep saying it.”

  “Holly, you got to promise me that if this thing actually works and you can travel into Kate’s soul with me, that you won’t try anything stupid. Leave the dangerous crap to me.”

  “I don’t have any idea of what I’m going to do. This seems so unreal. If you would have told me something like this was possible a year ago, hell a month ago, I would have told you that you needed serious psychiatric help.”

  Andy frowned. “You still haven’t promised me anything.”

  “Fine. I promise you I won’t do anything really dangerous or stupid.”

  “Just keep in mind, it’s me they want. Not you or Kate or Monsignor Curran or Lucas. If it comes to giving myself up to save the rest of you, that’s what I’m gonna do. Kate’s my top priority. You guys are next.”

  “Andy, you can’t let them have you.”

  “It’s not like I plan on it. I’m going in there to destroy them. All four of them. I’m just saying, if it doesn’t work out…”

  Holly gently kissed his lips. “Shh. Don’t even think about that.”

  Andy felt like his knees were going to give out on him. “You know, Lucas made the argument that you should be there because you have the most motivation, and I’m not gonna question that or nothing, but I don’t see how I could possibly have any more motivation than I have right now.”


  That morning, Andy took Lucas aside. “What’s the deal with the nurse from Legion? You guys find out anything?”

  Lucas shook his head. “No luck. Either he knows nothing other than he was given the assignment of assassinating you in the hospital, or he’s one tough son of a bitch. We’ve put him through hell. He may be telling the truth. Legion usually has about three of four layers separating the decision makers from the henchman. Don’t worry. If he knows something, we’ll eventually break him.”

  Monsignor Curran must have sensed their need for a diversion. That morning he suggested a fishing expedition on the lake bordering the property of the safe house. Kate seemed excited about it. They had a few rods in the basement, and they dug up worms for bait.

  Holly wasn’t working and volunteered to prepare a picnic lunch for everybody with food Elijah bought at a grocery store ten miles down the road.

  Kate seemed to have more luck at fishing or at least was a quick learner. By the time she caught her third fish, he still had not caught any. He made a feeble attempt at casting his line, and it barely landed in the water.

  Kate put down her rod. “You’re doing it all wrong, Andy. Let me show you.”

  She cast his line for him. She must have done something right because five minutes later he had his first fish.

  By mid-afternoon, they were all fished out, so they packed their stuff and walked to the safe house. Monsignor Curran offered to cook up the day’s fishing bounty, which he carried in a bucket. Andy carried Kate’s rod for her.

  “So, Kate,” Andy began, “I figured we could watch a movie tonight. You got to pick last time, so I was thinking The Amazing Spider Man. Did you ever watch…”

  Andy felt a sharp stabbing pain in his leg. He screamed at the sight of Kate biting him.

  Holly screamed. “Kate! What are you doing?”

  Wasting no time, Lucas grabbed Kate by the shoulders and wrenched her away from Andy. As he did so, a chunk of Andy’s flesh came along with her teeth. He stared in horror at his bloody leg, knowing full well what had happened, but not wanting to ackn
owledge it.

  Kate snarled, blood dripping from her mouth. She leaned her head back and howled like a wolf. Her eyes had turned orange. Even as she stood there, her pigmentation was turning a dark shade of blue.

  Andy could only stare at her. He had never seen the possessed transform, only the aftereffects. The possession didn’t always manifest physically, and when it did, it was usually more subtle than Kate’s transformation.

  Kate threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, I so enjoyed that, Andrew Lorenzo. Quite tasty. It would be even better with a glass of Merlot.”

  A great sadness passed through Andy. Even though he had known it was coming, it still pained him horribly to see Kate go through this. Holly sobbed out of control. Monsignor Curran put his arm around her for comfort, but it seemed to do little good.

  Kate turned to her mom. “Quiet down, you stupid cunt, or you’ll be next.”

  Andy gritted his teeth. “Leave her out of this, Asmodeus.”

  Kate gave a wicked smile. “Wrong, Andy. It’s Malachai, you idiot.” In a sing-song voice, she said, “I fooled you. I fooled you.”

  In a low voice, Andy said, “I’m gonna enjoy killing you.”

  “Is that right?” Kate asked. “You and what army?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Well, now I’m frightened. Wait until you see what your father has in store for you.” Kate giggled.

  “Get inside the house, Malachai. We’ve got unfinished business to settle.”

  Chapter XXXVI

  With Malachai in control of her, Kate whistled as she stepped inside the house. “Nice house. Better than the other dump. I appreciate the upgrade in accommodations. Andy, you took the coward’s way out last time. Surprised us all. You’re quite resourceful. I’ll grant you that much. Nobody saw that fireball coming. Burned the skin right off me.” Kate chuckled. “It’s going to make your demise even sweeter. I think I may flay you alive before killing you. And let’s not forget, you die down there, you die up here.”

  “You done yet, Malachai?” Andy pointed to the kitchen table. “Sit down.”

  “After you,” Kate said.

  Holly clutched Andy’s arm. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “You don’t have to. I’ll save your daughter.” Andy was trying to speak with confidence he didn’t possess.

  Andy motioned with his head to Monsignor Curran and Lucas. They flanked him and Holly. Andy reached for Holly’s hand, and she took it. Lucas grabbed her other hand, and Monsignor Curran held Lucas’s free hand.

  Kate smiled. “Well isn’t this sweet. Moral support. Now get your ass in the chair and let’s finish this, Andrew.”

  Andy nodded and sat next to Kate. Still holding hands, the others sat as well. Andy put his hand on Kate’s left shoulder, while Monsignor Curran put his free hand on Kate’s right shoulder.

  Kate’s eyes went wide. “What are you doing? What is this?”

  Andy closed his eyes and entered Kate’s soul. This time he wasn’t alone.


  As Andy free-fell into the world of the soul, he was still holding Holly’s hand. To her right were Monsignor Curran and Lucas. It actually worked.

  “Grab my shoulders,” Andy shouted.

  “What?” Holly said.

  Andy leaned in toward her. “Hold onto me.”

  Holly clutched his shoulders.

  Andy reached over and unsuccessfully tried to grab Monsignor Curran’s hand. The ground was rushing at them quickly, so he thrust himself toward Monsignor Curran. Andy clasped his right hand. Monsignor Curran grabbed his waist. Meanwhile Lucas reached for Andy’s leg and began climbing upward until he had his hands on Andy’s back.

  By the time they were finally in position, there was hardly any time to brace for landing. Andy was hoping to glide in the way he normally would, but instead the landing was a disaster. They tumbled together, a mass of tangled limbs and body parts with Andy getting inadvertently kneed and elbowed in the process. They crashed through water, weeds, and high grass, finally coming to a halt after tumbling more times than he could count.

  Groans and moans came from his companions. Andy felt reasonably well despite the fall, feeling that massive surge of power and vitality whenever he entered the world of the soul.

  Andy helped Holly to her feet. “Are you okay?”

  She looked around, seemingly dumbfounded. “I think so. This is so surreal.”

  Still on the ground, Monsignor Curran had a shell-shocked look.

  “How about you guys?” Andy asked.

  Lucas stretched his arms and neck. “I feel good. Really good.”

  “What about you, Monsignor Curran?” Andy asked.

  He groaned in reply.

  “It’s all different here,” Holly said. “I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels like my senses are heightened. I feel stronger, more vibrant, more alive. Where are we?”

  Andy surveyed the landscape for the first time. As he expected, it was much different than his two previous visits. It was hard to see much of anything due to the dense, swirling mist surrounding them, but as best he could tell they were in a swamp. He was standing knee deep in water filled with high grass and reeds. The landscape had little in the way of dry land, although he could not see far.

  “We’re in your daughter’s soul,” Andy said. “It’s nothing like it was the last couple times. These demons can control it at will.”

  Monsignor Curran finally spoke in between gasps for breath. “How are we going to find Kate? I can’t see anything.”

  “Kate will call me. That’s what she did last time. When we find her, the demons will be waiting for us.”

  Monsignor Curran doubled over and began coughing.

  Andy patted him on the back. “You okay?”

  With his hands on his knees, Monsignor Curran nodded. “I’ll be all right. I’m just having a difficult time adjusting to this new environment. We’re not exactly in paradise.”

  Andy shook his head. “No. Of all the exorcisms I’ve done, I’ve never once been in a nice, bright sunny place. Demons enjoy creating misery.”

  Holly tried to wave away the mist as she walked. She was about ten feet from Andy when she began to scream.

  Andy went wide-eyed. “Holly! What is it?”

  “Something has me.” Holly shrieked. “My leg.”

  Andy fought through the marsh. Lucas and Monsignor Curran were struggling to get to Holly. She was in Andy’s sights and then a moment later disappeared.

  “Holly!” Andy looked around, but couldn’t find her. Something large moved toward him. It hissed. He dove and wrapped his arms around a creature that felt slimy and was covered with scales. He lifted it off the ground and could see that it was a serpent.

  It had wrapped Holly within its coils. He pulled on its scaly skin until he reached Holly, then ripped her out of its grasp. Monsignor Curran moved her away from the serpent, and Lucas grabbed its head. It dragged Lucas down to the surface, so Andy wrenched its body away, Lucas still holding on to it.

  “Hold it down,” Andy said.

  “I’m trying.” It seemed like Lucas was riding a bull as it whipped back and forth. When Lucas momentarily pinned it to the ground, Andy stomped on its head, causing the serpent’s body to shudder. He kept stomping on its head and thrashing body until it stopped moving. He then conjured a spear. Gripping it with both hands, Andy thrust the spear into its head several times to make sure it was dead.

  Andy ran over to Holly. Her shirt was torn, and she was bleeding from her shoulder.

  “What was that?” Holly asked

  Andy took a deep breath. “The welcoming committee. This is why I didn’t want you here. That serpent is the weakest of our potential foes. That’s nothing compared to the demons.”

  “Well, I’m here now.”

  Monsignor Curran examined her shoulder. “You look like you have a pretty good wound. Is there anything we can do about it?”

  “Sure. What you have to realize is th
at things don’t work here the same way as they do in the real world. I mean, I can take a lot more damage here. Hell, the last time I was in Kate’s soul, I would have died ten times over if I was topside. That might apply to you guys as well.” Andy turned to Lucas. “You patched my ribs that first time we met. What would you need to help Holly?”

  “Standard first aid kit,” Lucas replied.

  “No problem.” Andy closed his eyes and pictured the kit that Lucas used on him after the Legion goons had attacked him in his apartment. Moments later it appeared in his hand.

  Lucas’s eyes went wide. “You can make something materialize just by thinking about it?”

  Andy nodded.

  “That’s a helluva talent,” Lucas said.

  “It comes in handy.”

  Lucas began to clean Holly’s wound.

  Monsignor Curran looked out into the distance. There wasn’t much to see. The swirling mist created poor visibility. “This world we’re in is vastly different than the other ones you previously described.”

  “Sure is,” Andy said. “To a certain degree, the demons always physically alter the environment within a person’s soul. The more powerful the demon, the more they can control it. We’re dealing with three major demons and that other one. I’ve never seen this thorough a job before.”

  Lucas finished wrapping Holly’s shoulder. “That should contain the bleeding.”

  Holly rotated her arm and winced.

  “Is it feeling any better?” Andy asked.

  “I think so,” Holly said. “Do you normally heal quickly here?”

  Andy nodded. “But I have no idea how you guys will react.”

  “So how…”

  Andy raised his finger. A voice shouted in his head, calling his name. It was Kate. “We need to go.”

  “What is it?” Holly asked.

  “You can’t hear that?”


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