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Battle of the Soul

Page 23

by Carl Alves

  Andy felt beyond exhausted, both physically and mentally. “It’s over. The demons won’t ever bother you again.”

  “I know.”

  “Come on, Kate. We just beat the Prince of friggin’ Darkness. You should muster a little more enthusiasm than that.”

  “I’m happy, but I’m sad too.”

  Andy had to blink the blood away that was dripping from his brow. “What could you possibly be sad about?”

  “Now that I’m all better, I won’t see you anymore.”

  Andy ran his fingers through her hair, which was stained crimson. “Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t get rid of me that easily. I live just across the bridge, and I fully plan on being a part of your life. I can babysit, fix things around the house, plus I’m really good at board games.”

  “So you’re not going to leave us?”

  “Not unless you and your mom get sick of me.”

  Kate smiled. “I’ll never get sick of you.”

  Andy held out his hand, and Kate grabbed it. “What do you say we make our way home, sister?”

  “You got yourself a deal.”

  Chapter XXXIX

  Holly wheeled Monsignor Curran’s wheelchair out of the elevator and to the lobby. He looked up at her. “Thank you for making sure the hospital staff took good care of me.”

  Holly smiled. “I guess it helped that I’ve worked with a couple of the nurses and physicians here. Mostly, it was because of your charming personality.”

  “It’s about time I return to Our Lady of Good Hope,” Monsignor Curran said. “It’s been a week since I’ve been there. The place is probably falling apart.”

  Andy put his hand on Monsignor Curran’s shoulder. “I was just there yesterday. They were doing fine. The place practically runs itself.”

  “I’m concerned that everyone will treat me like a fragile old man. They’ll probably try to stop me from doing anything strenuous, or worse, engaging in fun activities.”

  Two days after they had admitted Monsignor Curran to the hospital, he was checking out. His doctor had diagnosed him with a concussion and internal injuries. His recovery progressed well, so he was discharged sooner than expected. As with Andy, the cause of these injuries was unknown. His physician prescribed him pain medicine and told him to avoid heavy exercise and strenuous activity for the next two weeks. He was also to schedule a follow-up visit with his primary care physician.

  They drove in Holly’s car back to her house. On the drive, Holly brought up the subject that to this point they had been avoiding. “Andy, so why didn’t you say anything about staying behind with Kate after the rest of us left?”

  Andy looked out the window. How could he say this without Holly thinking less of him? “You guys were so on top of the world, thinking it was all over. Well, Monsignor Curran was half dead, but you and Lucas were sure that the job was done and were ready to get home. Kate and I knew otherwise. We could both feel his presence. The only way Kate would be free of Lucifer’s clutches forever was if I defeated him in single combat in her soul. We agreed to stay and finish it.”

  “But I’m Kate’s mother. You should have consulted me.”

  Andy shrugged. “Maybe you’re right, but this is something that had to be done. I can’t describe it to you. It was just a feeling we shared. I’m sure Kate told you as much.”

  Holly nodded.

  “Not to mention, it was my fight. He’s my father. I had to confront him. I appreciate you guys being there, and I couldn’t have killed off the unholy trio without your help. But this was my own private affair. Kate’s as well. I couldn’t have beaten him without her there. She saved my life.”

  Holly sighed. “I guess I can’t be mad at you. If it wasn’t for you, she would be dead. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for us. I’ll never, ever forget it.”

  Nobody spoke for a time until Monsignor Curran broke the silence. “I think that after this experience I will be officially retiring as an exorcist. Having participated in this exorcism gave me a new perspective. I don’t think I could do what you do on a regular basis.”

  They arrived at Holly’s house where Lucas and Kate were waiting for them. They had decorated the house with balloons and welcome signs for Monsignor Curran. They had even baked a cake, which Andy dug into heartily.

  After dinner and cake, Lucas packed his belongings into his car. He said goodbye to everyone, then asked Andy to come to his car with him.

  “Don’t feel bad about Lucifer telling you about your potentially awesome power in the topside world,” Lucas said. “He is the Father of Lies, after all. Not to mention, having that type of power might not be such a good thing.”

  “Because with great power comes great responsibility,” Andy said.

  Lucas grinned. “Sure. Remember that deal we made. I told you I would protect you from anyone trying to kill you, and you would cut the gambling and stop getting into trouble. You have quite a gift. Don’t squander it.”

  Andy smiled. “A deal’s a deal. You did your part, and I’ll do mine.”

  “You also remember the part where you mentioned me being your sidekick?”

  “Yeah, I remember. You weren’t exactly down with the idea.”

  Lucas shrugged. “This whole experience changed the way I think about a lot of things. It was eye-opening. What I’m saying is that if you ever find yourself in a jam, and you need help, call me. I would be glad to help you, and I would be honored to be your sidekick.” He handed Andy a card with a phone number and email address.

  “You know, even though you saved my life, I thought you were a total dick when we first met, but I’ve come to realize that you’re a good dude. I’m glad I got the chance to work with you.”

  “Well, Andy, I wish I could stay longer, but I have another assignment. Don’t think we’re forgetting about you. Even though my team won’t be around anymore, the Vatican has arranged to contract out twenty-four–seven bodyguard service for you. You’re too important to go unprotected.”

  After they clasped hands, Lucas got into his car, and drove off.

  Kate was waiting for him sitting at the doorsteps.

  Andy sat next to her. “So, is your mom mad at me?”

  “Nah. She’s just happy it’s all over. I am too.”

  “You and me both.”

  Kate nuzzled close to him. “So now that this is over, you should ask my mom on a date.”

  “You think?”

  “I could convince her to say yes. I can get my mommy to do whatever I want.”

  Andy put his arm around her. “We’ll see.”

  The door opened. Andy turned and found Holly standing there, a sly grin on her face. “What are you two up to?”

  Kate giggled. “Nothing, Mommy.”

  “You two are as thick as thieves, let me tell you,” Holly said.

  “Don’t worry. We’re just conspiring to take over the world.” Andy winked at Holly.

  “So, Andy, what are you doing this Friday? I could use your expert babysitting skills with Kate. There might even be a nice homemade dinner in it for you.”

  “Let me look at my schedule,” Andy said. “Yep, I’m free.”

  “You know, it’s not easy being a single mom. I could use a little help from time to time.”

  Andy tilted his head and stared at the fading sun. “When I’m not fighting demons, there’s nothing in the world I would rather do.” He gave Kate a conspiratorial glance. “And there are no people in the world I would rather be with than the two of you.”


  By Carl Alves

  SAN Francisco homicide detective Kevin Russell has arrested serial rapists, murderers, and more sadistic thugs than he could remember. Nothing he has ever accomplished can prepare him for Conjesero, a supernatural serial killer who has been terrorizing the Americas for centuries. Conjesero—a creature with extraordinary intelligence and a vicious nature that has created a trail of bodies from Mexico t
o San Francisco—has always made law enforcement cower in fear and pretend that he doesn't exist. Only Kevin is willing to stand in its path. His desperation takes him on a journey inside the killer’s twisted world. There is nothing that he is unwilling to do, even if it means making a deal with the devil, to stop Conjesero or die trying.

  A well-rounded mix of mystery, action, and horror; the Conjesero is one of the most memorable and monstrous of evil killers written in years. — Eric J. Guignard, winner of the Bram Stoker Award and finalist for the International Thriller Writers Award

  Get your copy of Conjesero on Amazon.

  Reconquest: Mother Earth

  By Carl Alves

  SEAL Mitch Grace was among the first humans to see the aliens when they landed at the naval base where he was stationed, but like the rest of humanity, he was powerless to stop them.

  Five years later, Mitch awakens from his coma under the care of an alien physician to find that aliens control the planet. Starting alone, as a one man army, he rallies the surviving humans to build a resistance movement to take the planet back from the alien conquerors. After his capture by the aliens, Mitch is forced into intergalactic slavery to become a gladiator, fighting as the sole representative of the human species. Against all odds and far from home, he lays the plans for the reconquest of his homeland.

  Reconquest: Mother Earth is the thrilling combination of Red Dawn, Independence Day, and Gladiator. Get your copy on Amazon.

  Blood Street

  By Carl Alves

  BLOOD Street is True Blood meets the Sopranos set in the streets of Philadelphia.

  When vampires tangle with the Philadelphia mafia, one thing is certain - all hell is going to break loose.

  Alexei chose the wrong neighborhood to claim his latest victim, a member of Enzo Salerno's crime syndicate. Now Philadelphia mob boss Enzo Salerno is determined to hunt down the man who killed his associate in such gruesome fashion in his South Philly row home and serve his own brand of old fashioned Italian style vengeance.

  Perplexed by this unnatural murder, Salerno uncovers clues that lead him to believe that this was not a mob hit, and that a vampire was responsible for this death. Magnus, the leader of Alexei's brood, must use all of his resources to save them from both the mafia and the FBI, sparking a bloody war that plays out in the streets of Philadelphia. Who will survive on Blood Street?

  Get your copy on Amazon.


  Carl is the author of four published novels which span the horror, fantasy, and science fiction genres in no particular order. He lives in Central Pennsylvania with his wife and the two most awesome boys you have ever met. When not feverishly conjuring stories about monsters, aliens, and things that go bump in the night, he works as an engineer for a medical device company. Find out more about him by visiting his website at

  Table of Contents

  Chapter VIII




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