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Big Warm Welcome

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by Cheryl Ryder

  Big Warm Welcome

  by Cheryl Ryder

  Copyright © 2015 Cheryl Ryder

  All rights reserved.

  Big Warm Welcome

  Book design by Cheryl Ryder

  For more sensuously taboo stories, visit Cheryl Ryder on Amazon at:

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Table of Contents

  Big Warm Welcome

  More from the Author Getting Dirty

  Modeling for Him

  About the Author

  Big Warm Welcome

  College was so exciting. Everything was so different and new. At home, my family was always close, especially my stepfather, Mark. My mother married my stepfather when I was young and even though I was already in school he always treated me like his own little girl. Growing up he was always watching out for me, and while we had our disagreements in my teen years, he would always say to me “Pam, you’re the best daughter anyone could ever have.” He never called me his step-daughter. I loved having him around.

  This made the first few months of college a big adjustment. The bustle of classes, dorms, and making new friends kept me busy. I turned 19 a couple of months later and by the time the weather started getting really cold, I found myself thinking of my father, Mark—I had never thought of him as a stepfather, either.

  At first, he’d simply appear in my dreams. In my sleep, I would just be spending time with him, just like we always did at home. But as I progressed through my first semester, my dreams started changing. In the dreams I would find myself in danger and he would always come to my rescue like a fairytale prince. Sometimes, just before I woke up, I would reward his gallantry with a kiss.

  When this happened, I always woke up confused. I loved my father dearly and we’d certainly played make-believe before. Between tea parties that he patiently join in with me, he rescued me from imagined dangers although sometimes the tables were turned and I rescued him. But we’d never actually kissed the way they do in fairy tales. Still, I never really bought into the idea that dreams have hidden meanings and so I dismissed them, although I did find myself daydreaming of him during the more boring classes I was stuck in.

  I wasn't considered extremely attractive in high school. Guys would grudgingly admit that—at least in a girl next door sort of way—I wasn't so bad, but my curves were not the curves of a supermodel. And so I decided that what away from home what I was really feeling was loneliness. Since I’d been too shy to date my mind was obviously filling in the heroic rescuer with someone I knew and loved. Luckily I was doing well enough in my classes that I felt okay with dating. But my inexperience betrayed me. I didn’t really know what I should be looking for in a date and I was never really sure if the nice guys I studied with were in to me or not. So as winter fast approached I was starting to feel depressed that I hadn’t had one date.

  Before I knew it, we only had one week before winter break and I was feeling really down. I confided in my girlfriends that I was interested in dating, and the night before I was due to fly back home they took me out to a bar. There we drank apple martinis and flirted with guys. I had never been so bold and the excitement of being more daring plus the martinis definitely made me giddy. I danced with a couple of guys and in the end I excused myself from my friends to sit at a table with a man named Mickey.

  As I drank yet another martini I laughed at his jokes and stared into his eyes. His black hair stood in contrast to my father's blond hair, but they had the same green eyes and warm smile, and I felt comfortable with him. Before long, he invited me back to his apartment. I thought everything was moving very fast, but in two days I would be flying home, and I let myself be swept away in the moment. We went outside and Micky flagged down a taxi.

  Inside the cab he put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. His hand caressed my cheek and he told me how beautiful I was. I thought I felt myself blush but it would have been invisible in the dark cab. He lived very close and in a couple of minutes he was helping me out of the cab and walking me into his apartment.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” he said, as he helped me out of my coat. The warm interior of his apartment was a welcome change from the snow outside and he turned on some soft music before he disappeared into the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and looked around. I had never seen art hung on the wall before and it was impressive. Mickey reappeared with two glasses of wine and joined me on the couch. He raised his glass and said “To a beautiful and wonderful girl.” I blushed again and we each drank our entire glass. Then he took my glass from me and set them both on the table. He leaned in and I could smell the cologne he was wearing and faintly the wine on his breath. I moved in to meet his lips and as we pressed together he pulled me against him.

  My heart pounded as we made out. It seemed as though our lips were made for each other, and his hands ran across my back as I held on to him and felt his chest against my breasts. He kissed my neck and nibbled my ear and I felt a fire kindle inside myself, between my legs. I felt an unfamiliar sensation and realized that my panties were wet. His hands moved around from my back and felt my breasts which sent shivers down my spine. And the kissing just continued. I ran my hand down his chest and felt his stomach which was firm and strong. I could tell he took good care of himself. I couldn’t wait to see it. I started unbuttoning his shirt and he slipped his hand under my blouse. I moaned as his fingers ran over my bra and across my hard nipples.

  I felt his manhood stretch out and come to life inside his pants and I gasped at the thickness of it. I hadn’t seen a man naked in my life and wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. His manhood pushed against my hand as though it had a life of its own. He slid his pants off and pushed me down on the couch, his rigid member straining against his boxers as he wiggled between my legs and started humping against the crotch of my panties. Even through two layers of fabric I could feel the incredible heat of his pole as it pushed against my vulva and tried to tear right through our underwear.

  I cried out in pleasure and as my mouth opened he was right there to put his mouth against my open lips. Immediately I felt his tongue enter and run along the roof of my mouth before entering again and licking my tongue. I let my body relax as my tongue reached out for his. I felt his member push hard against my panty-covered vulva, shoving the fabric into the cleft. He breathed in hard. Our lips were locked together and I felt him breathing air through my nose. Then his manhood stabbed against my crotch again and suddenly I could feel the tip side against my now bare labia. Involuntarily my body jerked and I arched my back.

  Mickey gasped. “Oh god, oh god, please wait!” he cried and pushed his upper body off of me. But that just pressed his rod harder between my cleft and rod throbbing. Suddenly a white hot feeling spread between my legs and then he lifted himself up. His boxers had come open and his manhood had escaped. I barely had time to process this when another jet of white liquid shot out of the tip and landed on my stomach, then another shot straight up as he leaned back on the couch and it came down and fell on him, and he grabbed his erect member as though trying to control it as three more gushes of white goo slid down his hands.

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Pam!” he said. “It was just too much at once, I wasn’t expecting to rub directly on you.” My hand reached down and felt the sticky hot fluid between my legs. I started to realize what had happened. Mickey got up and ran into the bathroom, shoving himself back into his pants. He came out with a washcloth and started wiping my thighs. “This has never happened to me, it must’ve been the beers earlier.”

  “Mickey, Mickey, it’s all right,” I said. I didn’t know why he was so upset or how to comfort him, but I was still t
urned on and desperate for more. “Everything’s okay. We’re off to a good start.”

  “Look, I need to clean up. I’m really sorry. I’ll call you a cab,” he said. I couldn’t persuade him to change his mind, and so still horny and very confused, I rode back to my dorm alone.

  Back in the warm room I took a hot shower, which didn’t do anything for my horniness, and slid my fingers between my legs. I loved the feel of my fingers gliding through the soap suds but I was afraid to indulge myself until I knew I had washed any of the impatient seed off of my body. So I took the sponge and scrubbed my body and went to bed. What the hot shower didn’t do for my horniness, the relaxing warm water and the earlier alcohol did for my sleepiness and I was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.

  I woke up the next morning with a headache and realized that I never got Mickey’s phone number. I wrote down what I remembered of his building name and started packing my bags.

  That afternoon at the airport, I thought of Mickey as I waited in line at security. Boarding the plane I found my seat and my thoughts turned to my family. I hadn’t seen them since school started and I missed my parents. As the plane took off, I watched the world speed by through the window. As the flight attendants came down the aisle with the drink cart, I asked for a coffee.

  Despite the sweet smell of caffeine, the noise of the engines lulled me to sleep and I dreamed of Daddy as I glided in the air towards home. In the dream I was being held hostage by terrorists—the kind with fake Russian accents, like the cheesy 80’s movies that Daddy always talked about watching as a kid. He showed up just in the nick of time, dressed in a stunning tuxedo, armed with a pistol and dispatched the evildoers. As he untied me, I looked into his green eyes, and we kissed. I felt his tongue push into my mouth. I opened my lips wide and suddenly I felt his hot, sticky seed all over me. I looked down and we were both naked. His member was spitting out cum in a constant stream as an ever expanding puddle spread on the floor. I stood transfixed, watching the hot white cum pour out, when he grabbed my shoulder and shook me. “It’s spilling everywhere!” Daddy cried.

  Suddenly, I was in my seat in the airplane, with my coffee cup knocked over and still pouring off the seat tray and into my lap.

  “What’s your problem?” the man in the row in front of me growled.

  The man beside me scowled. “You threw your seat back and knocked her coffee over, you asshole!”

  “Hey, I have a right to put my seat back! I paid good money for my ticket and I can put my seat back if I feel like it!”

  Two flight attendants appeared instantly and tried to calm the situation down. Under the threat of being arrested at the terminal if he didn’t calm down, the man in the other row gave me and my neighbor a death stare, and one flight attendant gave me a towel and helped me get my carry-on bag out from overhead storage so I could change in the bathroom. They found me another seat that wasn’t wet and took my apology to my former neighbor on the plane.

  The rest of the flight passed quickly although I couldn’t sleep again. I read for a bit and watched the earth float gently by until the pilot came over the intercom and started announcing the weather at the airport. When the plane landed I had never been happier to be home.

  I only had the one carry-on, so I texted my father as soon as my phone was on and let him know I was on my way. I wheeled the bag through the airport and out past security again, where Daddy was waiting for me. He stood in such a confident manner that I forgot all about the last two days immediately. I ran over to greet him.

  “Hey, my girl!” he said, and wrapped me in a bear hug. His strong arms squeezed me against his chest and lifted me off the ground. I felt him breath deeply as he held me in a hug, then he put me down again. “Geeze, Pam, what’s university doing to you? Are you taking coffee topically or something?”

  I blushed and said, “There was a spill during the flight. I changed but...”

  Daddy’s laugh interrupted me. “Wow, we have plenty of coffee at home. Just don’t hurt anyone trying to get it.” He was always teasing me.

  In the car, Daddy filled me in as he drove. “So while you were in the air, we got a call from Great Aunt Janice. Her husband fell and is going to be in the hospital a couple days.”

  “Oh my god, is he all right?”

  “Yeah, it sounds like it. They have to run tests and all but Aunt Janice doesn’t have anyone to take care of her so Mom is driving up right now. She’ll be back in probably three days, and then maybe if you feel up to it we can all drive back up together and give them a visit. But until then it’s just you and me at home. Your mom feels awful about it. She misses you as much as I do.”

  I called up Mom and talked to her on the phone. She apologized for not being at home to meet me and the sound of her voice made me cry. I assured them that I understood and told them to drive safe. She asked me to make sure Daddy didn't starve before she got back. Forty minutes later, we pulled up to the house and we walked into the house.

  Everything was just like I remembered it, and when I walked into my room the posters on the wall of my high school crushes made me feel like a little girl again. For a moment it felt like time travel until I heard Daddy call from the hall.

  “Hey, I’m going to let you get settled while I figure out what to make for dinner, okay?”

  “Yeah, that sounds great, Daddy,” I replied.

  I opened my carry-on and got my clothes into the washer and hoped that the coffee wouldn’t stain permanently. Then I went into my room and undressed and got in the shower to rinse off. If even Daddy could immediately smell coffee, I figured I needed to wash up. I lathered up, sadly remembering the last shower as I rubbed peach-scented body wash along my lap, but I knew that I didn’t have time for any fun. I rinsed off the soap, stepped out onto the bath mat, and reached out for a towel when the door swung open and Daddy stood with his belt unbuckled and he was starting to pull his zipper down. We both jumped at the surprised and I was at a loss for words.

  Daddy was the first to speak. “Oh wow, I’m sorry, Pam. I had to pee and I got used to using this bathroom instead of sharing the other one with your mother.” His eyes darted down at my body. “Wow, you sure are grown, aren’t you?” he said, and I realized I was still naked.

  “What are you doing? Get out!” I hissed and pushed him out the door.

  “I just got used to not having you around. I’m really sorry about that!” he said through the bathroom door, and I felt my face burning. A moment later I heard the bedroom door close too.

  I turned around and leaned against the counter. I couldn’t believe my own father had barged in and seen me naked. It wasn’t like he had never given me a bath when I was little but at 19 there was a huge difference. And with all the dreams I’d been having of him lately the last thing I wanted was for him to look at me. But wait, he did look at me, didn’t he? I wondered if I was imaging his manhood swelling in size but I decided I just wasn’t used to seeing his underwear through his unzipped fly.

  I dried off and tried to calm down. I was really embarrassed at being walked in on, but I tried to convince myself it wasn’t really a big deal. After all, we were family and we were both adults. I worked up the courage to get dressed again and go out into the rest of the house. Daddy was in the kitchen cutting vegetables. When I walked in he looked at me and sounded really sorry.

  “I can’t apologize enough for walking in on you. I got distracted looking for food and your door was open and I just didn’t think that you’d be in the bathroom.”

  “You didn’t hear the shower running?” I asked, incredulously.

  “No, not with the washer going in the laundry room,” he said.

  “Well, look, it’s okay. It was just us and we’re both adults, right?”

  “I’ll say,” Daddy said and tried to suppress a chuckle. “And hey, I can tell you've been eating typical college freshmen food. But we have two weeks to take care of that. I’m making spaghetti, and you can help.”

re I could protest his comment on my body—or was it a compliment?—he handed me a carton of mushrooms. “Wash these and slice them for the sauce? I’m almost done with the peppers.”

  I sighed and got to work cooking. One thing that I really learned on my own was that for as much as it could be hard to make time for it, cooking really was relaxing. In no time we were chatting back and forth again as though nothing out of the ordinary had ever happened. Spaghetti’s really easy and quick to make, and as I carried the finished plates to the dining room I stopped when I saw the dining table.

  “What’s all this?” I called to the kitchen.

  “Oh, that... well, I felt bad that Mom isn't here for your first night back so I thought I’d make it up to you.” On the table were candles, two wine glasses, and a bottle of wine. Daddy walked in with bread and glasses of water. “I know it’s not super fancy. But it’s the thought that counts. The wine even cost $10.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You are so corny, Daddy!”

  “Hey, it’s even stopped with a real cork,” he said.

  He only poured a tiny bit for each of us anyway—it was mainly for show. Over dinner we caught up. Daddy asked if I was seeing anyone and I said I had gone on a date recently but it had ended up a little weird. I felt my face redden as I remembered the sexual experience.

  “You really gotta watch about about college guys. They’ll do anything to get you naked.”

  “Yeah, it seems to be universal,” I said.

  “Hey, are you still mad about that? Look, I said I was sorry. What else do you--”

  “Hey, I was just teasing. After all, you’re my dad. We could shower together.”

  “I—what? Really?” The look of confusion on his face was too much. I had to laugh.

  “No! You’re wrong. All men are alike!”

  “Man, baby, you’re really unbelievable, you know that?”

  “What’s unbelievable is that this wine doesn’t burn going all the way down. For $10 I thought maybe you’d bought oven cleaner by accident.”


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