The Billionaire Rancher She Married

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The Billionaire Rancher She Married Page 4

by Marian Tee

  “They are waiting for us.”

  “But why would---” She stopped speaking. There was only one reason the employees would line up like this, and it was to welcome their master, who happened to be…

  “I think I’m going to faint,” she whispered. Harry no longer understood what was happening. All she knew was that Devon was definitely not the simple ordinary rancher she thought he was.

  Devon’s face softened. “Don’t be afraid, Hilary.” The truth was, he had not planned this type of homecoming for her at all, but after just a few minutes in Hilary’s company, he had found himself texting his right-hand man. He wanted everyone present to greet the ranch’s future mistress. He wanted them to see that he was proud of her –

  And vice versa, Devon thought as he looked down at his future wife.

  “This is where I live…and where you will live with me.” A soft gasp escaped her at his words, and he smiled. Curling a protective arm around her waist, he then turned her around gently so they could face his people together as he declared with quiet authority, “The future mistress of Primrose Ranch.”

  Everything was a bit of a daze after that, with Harry doing her best to memorize names and faces as Devon introduced his people to her one by one. And then he was taking her inside the “house”, which was really more like a mansion in the middle of the desert. The receiving area had high ceilings and huge windows that showed the rest of the ranch. The furniture was a charming blend of modern and rustic, leather and wood furniture next to state-of-the-art technology like a huge razor thin TV mounted on a brick wall and a kitchen so wonderfully equipped it looked like it was designed for an award-winning chef.

  “What do you think of your new home?”

  “It’s…nice?” The moment she blurted out her answer, Harry wanted to groan out loud. She had been – and was still – so overwhelmed she couldn’t think of anything else to say. This house looked like it was designed for a Town & Country feature, and all she could say was that it was nice?

  But thankfully – and strangely enough – Devon appeared incredibly satisfied with her answer. Before she could ask why it was so, Devon’s head had lowered and Harry immediately forgot everything the moment his lips touched hers.

  His kiss was deep and drugging, and the way his tongue moved inside her mouth so overwhelmingly possessive that she could only cling to him, her arms going around his neck as he kissed her more passionately, to the point that he had her almost bent backwards at the waist.

  Nice. His sweet Harry thought his mansion – which had cost millions of dollars to build – was nice. She really didn’t have a single gold-digging bone in her body, and this made him want her even more, and only Devon’s hard-earned control allowed him to reluctantly pull away before he ended up taking Harry’s virginity in the middle of his damn living room.

  When Devon finally broke the kiss, Harry could only gaze at him dazedly, unable to comprehend the magnitude in which he had turned her life upside down with his announcement.

  All she had wanted was to belong to someone, to live a simple, happy life and have a loving family to care for. But instead, she found herself engaged to a passionate and powerful man and about to become the future mistress of a place that appeared more like a small kingdom than a mere ranch.

  There was the sound of the doors behind them opening, interrupting her train of thought. Beside her, Harry heard Devon curse under his breath.

  “Am I late? Is that your beautiful fiancée, Devon?”

  Devon reluctantly turned to face his mother with Hilary still clasped at his side. “Mother, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to my soon-to-be bride, Hilary White. Hilary, my mother, Mary Beth.”

  Harry suddenly found herself lost in a fragrant hug and masses of blond hair. When the other woman pulled away, Harry got her first good look at Devon’s mother, and her jaw dropped. “You look too young to be his mother,” she blurted out without thinking.

  Devon smirked at the way his mother beamed. For all of Mary Beth’s frivolous chatter and actions, she, too, was a wise judge of character. Devon knew that one look at the wide-eyed surprise on his intended’s face was all that was needed for Mary Beth to know Hilary meant every word.

  Devon’s mother curled her arm around Hilary’s. “I can just tell, sweetheart,” she cooed. “You and I will get along just fine.”

  Chapter Five

  A few hours later, Harry was freshly showered and well-rested after a good nap. Devon’s mother had only come for a quick visit, and shortly after Mary Beth left, Devon had taken her straight to her bedroom. The room was three times the size of her old flat, the walls painted a pretty shade of lavender while the curtains and carpet were in royal blue. There was also a huge four-poster bed, an elegant writing table made of marble and glass, and a door that led to her private bath with its own walk-in closet. It was a room fit for a queen, and she had a hard time believing that the room was really hers.

  Someone knocked on the door just as Harry finished clipping her earrings on. They were costume pearls, but they were better than nothing. She was nervous when she opened the door, but there was no one outside. There was another knock, and that was when she realized the sound was coming from another door---

  She whirled around, in time to see a door next to the bed open and Devon stepping inside. Following this was the realization that their rooms were connected, and the intimacy of it made her swallow.

  Devon had changed into something formal, a black polo shirt and charcoal-gray trousers. In a shirt and jeans, he had already seemed to Harry the most elegant individual but now he was devastatingly sophisticated. It made her self-conscious about her own dress, which, together with the red one she wore earlier, were the only two she had ever owned in her entire life. Harry had bought it at a thrift shop for five dollars. At that time, the ivory-colored dress with half of the back made entirely of lace seemed beautiful, sexy, and elegant in her eyes. Now, surrounded by so much wealth and Devon’s powerful presence, she felt terribly inadequate in it.

  Devon smiled with genuine approval when he caught sight of Hilary. He liked how she held herself with such calm dignity. Here was a real lady, and because she was so, she made whatever she wore look like a thousand dollars even though he knew right away it was not.

  First thing in the morning tomorrow he would take her out shopping, Devon decided. Not because he was ashamed of her, but because someone like Hilary deserved to be adorned with beautiful things.

  “You look lovely,” he murmured as he reached her side.

  “T-Thank you.” She ended up squeaking the word out because by then, Devon had lifted a lock of her hair away and was now nuzzling her neck, his breath tickling her skin as he inhaled her scent.

  “You smell good, too.” He said it not just because it was true, but also because he wanted to see her blush. She did, and Devon’s lips curved at the sight of it.

  Unable to resist the temptation, Devon turned her face towards him and once again took her lips for a kiss. Her lips were sweeter than he remembered, causing his body to react strongly to her nearness. He wanted to take her then and there, his desire to feel her naked flesh against his so great he ached with it.

  Maybe they wouldn’t go shopping tomorrow, after all. He had a feeling that his first taste of Hilary’s sweet curvy body would not be enough to slake his need of her.

  With an effort, Devon gently broke the kiss and when he looked down at Harry, he was amused but also triumphant to find her eyes still closed, her lips parted as if waiting for another kiss. Gently, he traced her lips, causing Harry’s eyes to blink open.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, darling Hilary, I will not be responsible for my actions.”

  It took a moment before Harry understood what Devon was saying, and when she did, she gasped, blushed, and tried to pull away. But Devon’s fingers had encircled her wrist, and he used it to keep her near.

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly, “if I keep mauling you every time we
meet.” While he had no intention of making a promise not to do so again, he did mean every word of his apology. Hilary was just so sweet and innocent, more than anyone he had ever known, and he found himself unable to read her mind when he most wanted to.

  Harry swallowed. “I…don’t mind.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Are you saying you enjoy my kisses?”

  Unable to lie when he was looking at her like that but too shy to speak of the truth, Harry could only nod.

  The light in his eyes gleamed more brightly, as if her answer was what the man in him wanted to hear. “I’ll do my best to keep my hands off you until our wedding. But after that…”

  Her eyes widened.

  Devon deliberately left the thought hanging. He pulled her closer, his arm going around her waist. “Let’s have dinner.”

  The restaurant to which Devon took her appeared expensive. Actually, it was no different from any of the fancy restaurants in Miami, which made her feel like she was not in Texas at all. When Devon asked if she would like him to order for her, Harry was happy to say yes. She had never been to a place like this in her whole life. All her money went back to her foster parents, and she only always left just enough for herself to get by.

  She waited until the first course was served before asking the question that had been burning in her mind for quite some time. “Why did you have to order for a…” She stopped before she could end her sentence. It was only that second Harry realized everyone in the restaurant was staring at them.

  And they were whispering, too, Harry realized with a start.

  Seeing the confused look on Hilary’s face, he said firmly, “Ignore them.” When it was clear she was having a hard time doing so, Devon slowly looked at the other patrons one by one, and all of them turned red and looked away, doing their best to appear busy.

  Harry saw it all, of course, and the speed in which everyone responded to Devon’s silent command took her aback.

  Devon reached out for her hand, and he frowned at finding it cold and clammy. “Relax, darling,” he murmured soothingly.

  She managed a smile. “I’m sorry for being…I’m just not used to this.”

  Devon’s lips twitched at the way she spoke. It was as if she was confessing a crime. “To be frank, I’m not fond at all of places like this either. I only thought to bring you here to celebrate our engagement.”

  Around them, glasses crashed to the floor. Devon expected it, since he had not really tried to keep his voice low as he said the words. She started to turn at the sound, but he forestalled her easily. “Hilary…” For some reason, he did not want her to realize just yet the extent in which he was known here. Now, she only knew he was the master of Primrose Ranch, and her treatment of him had not really changed, which was a good thing. He was hoping and he had reason to believe that she would not change either once she learned that he was not just the owner of a very productive ranch but was also head of a billion-dollar property development corporation.

  A millionaire was a dime a dozen these days, but a billionaire? He was not ready yet to test Hilary’s ability to resist the lure of material wealth. It would be incredibly disappointing if she turned out to be as mercenary as the rest of them.

  “Do you want me to answer your question earlier?”


  “About why I had to arrange for a mail order bride.”

  The huskiness of Devon’s tone made her shiver, while the raw desire in his eyes had her gulping hard. In the end, all she could do was mumble, “If it’s alright with you, yes, please.”

  “It’s quite simple, really,” Devon murmured. “None of the women I knew was fit to be my wife.”

  Her eyes widened. “None?”


  She gaped at him. “None?”

  This time, he was unable to stop himself from smiling. “None except you.” In a voice low enough for only Hilary to hear, he lied, “Everything that I wrote in my letter still remains true, Hilary.”


  The words came to her, as easily as she had just read them a moment ago, the words flowing like they were her heart’s treasure.

  Dear Miss White,

  I only desire a woman who would take pride simply in making a house a home, who would understand my need to work for a living, and one who would, in the future, happily bear my children and be a loving mother to them.

  “Would you be able to be that woman still, Hilary?”

  Slowly, she nodded.

  “Then you are the only woman who can be my wife.” His hand tightened around hers. “I will do my best to be a good husband to you.” He paused, not speaking while the waiter came to their side and began to serve the second course of their meal. When the waiter left, Devon asked in a quiet, serious tone, “And you, Hilary? Why did you choose to say yes to me?”

  She debated with herself whether to speak of the truth. It was hard to ignore the childish fear of rejection inside her, but Harry found the strength to push it away. This was her new life, she reminded herself. In choosing to marry Devon, she had chosen to put her trust in him – to belong to him. It was time she learned to think and act accordingly.

  She told him of her life in an orphanage and how the foster parents who had later taken her in made Harry feel obliged to return every single penny they had spent on her. “Neither place had felt like home to me, and when I got your letter, I realized I could…that my dream could come true if I…married you.”

  He did his best not to sound cynical as he asked, “And what’s your dream?”

  She said simply, “I want someone to belong to.”

  The way Hilary spoke the words made Devon feel uneasy and ashamed of his cynicism. It really had been the longest time since he had been with someone this innocent, Devon thought broodingly, and for one moment he found himself questioning his decision.

  He had ordered a bride, thinking it was the most uncomplicated way to get married. For then it would merely become a business arrangement and meeting of minds. But Hilary’s words alone told Devon that she was not looking at their upcoming marriage the same way.

  She wanted someone to belong to.

  If he had any ounce of goodness left in him, Devon knew he should end things now. He should just give her money to get by – maybe even a million dollars since that was only a drop in the bucket for him – and walk away.

  But he could not.

  God help him, but he could not.

  And so he said, “I want you to belong to me, Hilary.” It was only when the words rolled past his lips that Devon realized he meant it.

  The words were the sweetest anyone had ever said to Harry. It brought her perilously close to tears, but she fought them off, not wanting to make a scene at such a swanky restaurant. She whispered, “I am yours.”

  The rest of the night proceeded like a dream, Harry feeling like she was floating as she and Devon enjoyed their romantic candlelight dinner. The other patrons had gradually returned to staring and talking about them, but for the life of her Harry hadn’t been able to make herself care. Life was perfect, now that she had someone to belong to.

  Home, Harry thought when the beautiful sight of Primrose Ranch’s main house rose in the night like a glittering jewel amidst a blanket of ebony silk. The glowing chandeliers made its windows sparkle, and a feeling of warmth spread through Harry as they came closer and closer to the house.

  That was home from now on.

  After years of living alone in her cold and lonely flat, she now had a beautiful home, one she shared with the incredible man next to her.

  After slowing the truck to a stop in front of the house’s main doors, Devon switched the engine off and turned to Hilary. She looked at him in askance, and he asked quietly, “Will you marry me tomorrow, Hilary?”

  Her heart swelled with joy at the words. He really didn’t have to ask since they had already signed the papers. But he was asking her, as if he wanted her to know that his desire for their union had become even g
reater after meeting her.


  He bent his head, and as he leaned towards her, Harry closed her eyes, her senses tingling in anticipation for his kiss. She loved his kisses. It was as if they spoke of his deepest feelings, and all of it told her that he really did want her to be his.

  But the kiss never came.

  Instead, someone rapped hard on her window, the abrupt noise causing them to break apart. To her shock, Harry found a woman right outside her door, glaring at her with hatred.

  The woman screamed, “GET OUT OF THE CAR!”

  Chapter Six

  “Get out of the car,” the woman screamed again, kicking Harry’s door hard and making her jerk in her seat. She was a lovely young woman with long blond hair and green eyes, but anger had twisted her face into something unattractive. By the way she was swaying on her feet as she shouted and kicked noisily at the door, it was obvious to Harry the other woman was heavily drunk as well.

  Devon’s face darkened in disapproval at the sight of Jill Bartwell. The quickest way to get rid of Jill would be to call Jim and have her own father take her away. But Jim was an old man, and the sight of his daughter at this moment would only hurt him.

  “Who is she?” Harry asked anxiously.

  His lips tightened. “No one important. Please stay here while I talk some sense into her.”

  Devon was already out of the truck before she could answer. Harry knew the good thing to do was to obey Devon’s command. This was none of her business. But even knowing that, she couldn’t help it. She unlocked the door and followed Devon as he forcibly dragged the other woman away. Something inside Harry told her that she had to hear this. She tried to keep her footsteps quiet, but the crunch of rocks under her shoes gave her away. The woman’s head turned to her sharply, and Harry went still, stunned at the hatred on the girl’s face.

  Jill had never felt more furious in her entire life. She had been incredulous when she heard the rumors about Devon going out with his new fiancée for dinner. She knew every eligible woman in this part of Texas, and not one of them would have dared poach on her territory. Ever since she was a little girl, Jill had known Devon James Montgomery was meant to be hers. She just had to make him realize the same thing.


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