The Billionaire Rancher She Married

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The Billionaire Rancher She Married Page 5

by Marian Tee

  When she had convinced Mary Beth to help her get Devon to the altar, Jill thought she had it made. But no – the plan had backfired, hideously, and now her father had forced her to get engaged to a lowly doctor. She, Jill Bartwell, the most beautiful girl in San Antonio, to marry a nobody while this – this plain and dowdy woman was going to have Devon Montgomery.

  The thought got Jill so riled up she moved to strike the girl down, her hand already raised in the air. But suddenly Devon was there between them, capturing her wrist and forcing Jill to lower her arm.

  “Don’t even think of hurting her,” Devon warned in an ominously soft tone.

  Jill wanted to howl in outrage at the words. She just couldn’t take how protective Devon seemed towards this nobody. But like those who loved selfishly and blindly, Jill couldn’t make herself quarrel with Devon so instead she transferred all her loathing to the woman standing behind Devon.

  “You’ll regret marrying him soon enough,” Jill jeered.

  “Shut up, Jill,” Devon snapped. While staying in between the two to ensure Hilary’s safety, he took out his phone and called George, his right-hand man, to relay his orders. He wanted Jill gone from his property – the sooner, the better.

  Harry shook her head. “I don’t understand---”

  Jill laughed harshly. “Of course you don’t. I can see why he is marrying you, but haven’t you wondered why he’s marrying someone like you when he could have me?”

  Devon glared at Jill in warning as he pocketed his phone. “Speak again and you will regret it your entire life.”

  Jill knew Devon meant it. He always meant what he said, but right now she didn’t care. She just didn’t care. Devon had ruined her life! He had ruined all their lives by not being smart enough to figure out she was the one meant to be his wife.

  “He chose you because you’re an idiot – a sucker who probably thinks he’d be the perfect husband for you. But he won’t. He can’t. When you marry him, you’ll be the mistress of Primrose Ranch, but guess what, sweetie pie? That’s all you’re going to be. The mistress of this house, and a mistress, too. Because Devon’s true love is the ranch and he will never love----”

  “That’s enough.” The cold fury in Devon’s tone was such that even the intoxicated Jill was cowed into a sulking silence.

  George and his men finally arrived, and Devon tersely ordered them to escort Jill back to her car and drive her home.

  Harry remained quiet, trying her best to forget Jill’s words and telling herself that there was nothing to worry about. But still questions and doubts raced in her mind, and her heart became heavier with unease.

  Devon cursed silently when he caught a glimpse of Hilary’s stricken face. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “Who is she?”

  “A neighbor’s daughter. That’s really all there is to us since I’m much closer to her father, who had become my mentor when my father died and I needed to learn about managing the ranch. She’s deluded herself into thinking that we’d one day marry even if I never did or said anything to make her think I was interested in her.”

  “B-but are you?”

  Devon’s words became clipped. “No. What I want is you.”

  She shivered even as he suddenly pulled her close, and Harry knew it was more of a reaction to the other woman’s outburst than the cool evening breeze that danced around them and made the leaves of the magnolia trees flutter. High above them, a full moon glowed brightly in the starry sky, but its light was more melancholic than magical.

  For some reason, Harry was unable to shake off the other woman’s words from her mind even though she also knew instinctively that every word Devon spoke was the truth. Maybe, maybe there was nothing about Devon and the woman Jill that she had to worry about. But what if the other things Jill said were true?

  What if Devon would never be able to love her?

  Devon was suddenly cupping her face. “Look at me, Hilary.” When she did, he said emphatically, “I swear on my father’s grave. Nothing ever happened between me and Jill Bartwell.”

  She whispered, “I know.”

  “Then what are you worried about?”

  She lied, “N-nothing. I’m just nervous.”

  They gazed at each other in silence after, Devon grim, Harry tense. She held her breath when he started to move, and her lips parted in wonder when she felt Devon’s lips touch her forehead in a tender kiss.

  “There’s nothing to be worried about. Marry me tomorrow, Hilary, and I will make your dream come true. Marry me, and you will always be mine.”

  The words were spoken with quiet strength and promise, and they served to push away her fears. When Harry whispered, “yes”, Devon let out a low growl of approval before he was pulling her again into his arms and kissing her in a way that felt like his conquest of her had already started.


  It was a gorgeous late summer afternoon when Hilary White and Devon James Montgomery were married in a simple and intimate ceremony held at the garden of Primrose Ranch, attended by everyone working at the ranch and their special guests including Charlotte Carmichaels, the owner of Heart’s Match, and Mary Beth Montgomery, who dabbed her eyes repeatedly even though no tears actually fell.

  Devon was strikingly attractive in a black suit while Harry was resplendent in a gown of white silk, with real pearls and diamonds encrusted on its full gown and a long veil attached to her head with a tiara of flowers.

  Earlier, she had woken up to a beautiful surprise from Mary Beth, who had sent her wedding dress – already custom-fitted to her specifications. This is my wedding gown, Mary Beth had written in her note, and I would be greatly honored if you were to wear this on your wedding day.

  Devon had offered Hilary the choice of postponing the wedding in favor of planning something grander, but Harry had insisted on going through with it. There was something inside her that feared delaying the wedding could prevent it from happening at all, and she did not want that.

  She liked the feeling of belonging to someone, and it was a very addictive feeling. More terrifyingly, she could barely remember the days when she had not belonged to Devon. If he ever left her, Harry knew it would destroy her completely.

  “You may now kiss the bride…”

  The words had Harry blinking. She had not realized that the ceremony had already ended. And then Devon was lifting her veil. As they looked at each other, the fierce possession and joy in his eyes quieted the fears in her heart.

  Perhaps Jill was right and for Devon, his work was his first priority. But that could change, the way Devon had changed her life so beautifully by choosing to marry her.

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, a silent and shy invitation for his kiss.

  The invitation was accepted and the moment their lips touched, her fears melted away.

  Applause had them breaking apart, and Harry was unable to keep herself from laughing as cheers broke out and a crowd of ranchers and their families surged forward, showering them with rose petals as Devon took her hand and together they walked back to Primrose Ranch, the first place in her life she could truly call home.


  “You must convince my son to allow me to throw you a party,” Devon heard his mother whispering not-so-subtly to his bride across the table.

  “You and I both know that I can hear you, Mama,” Devon said dryly.

  Harry tried to stifle her smile as Mary Beth protested her son’s words. In truth, however, she was relieved that Devon was not keen on the idea of having a party in honor of their marriage. She was still getting used to the idea of being a wife to someone like Devon. Just the thought of meeting his friends – who all probably led privileged lives like the Montgomerys did – terrified her.

  Mary Beth sniffed. “Very well.” She turned back to her daughter-in-law and said, “At least promise that you will visit me in the city soon.”

  “Of course, Mrs. Montgo---”

  “You must call me Mama
now for I am also your mother.”

  Harry’s eyes started to sting. I’ve never had a Mama before,” she said tremulously. Even her own foster mother had asked Harry only to call her by her first name.

  Hilary’s disarming honesty had Mary Beth blinking rapidly as well. Devon’s mother knew herself to be vain and unemotional, a trait that she accepted without qualms. But her son’s wife was just so wonderfully sweet, Mary Beth couldn’t help feeling a little less vain and a little more caring.

  “You made my Mama cry, Hilary,” Devon said with amusement. “I believe that’s a first.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Mary Beth muttered crossly. But when Hilary gasped and started to apologize, Mary Beth waved the words away. “Don’t mind my son. He’s just like me, not wanting to be emotional.” She gave Devon a sly look. “He won’t be an easy man to love, my dear---”

  “Mama,” Devon said warningly.

  “But,” Mary Beth continued, “---once you’re able to find the key to his heart, he will be the best husband you can hope for.” For a moment, her eyes took upon a vague look, as if she had lost herself in a faraway memory. “In that sense, he is very much like his father.”

  Devon was startled and just a bit discomfited. It was the first time Mary Beth had spoken of his father that way. Memories came back to him all of a sudden, and his face shuttered for they were memories he did not like to remember.

  Mary Beth sensed the way Devon withdrew into himself, and her shoulders drooped a little. She knew exactly what Devon was thinking – or had started to think about – and she knew that she would never forgive herself for it.

  Someone touched her hand, and Mary Beth realized it was Hilary.

  “I promise you, Mama, I will do my best to be a good wife to Devon.”

  A good wife was exactly the kind she had been unable to be one to her own husband, Mary Beth thought sadly, and Devon had known it. Not looking at her son, she murmured, “That is my greatest wish, Hilary. My son deserves a good wife, and I know you will be that to him.”

  When Mary Beth left and the servants had been dismissed, Devon surprised his bride by sweeping her up in his arms before climbing the stairs.

  Harry was stiff in Devon’s arms, clueless on what to say or do in this kind of situation. Her arms had automatically gone around his neck but she did her best to keep her hold light, afraid she would end up strangling him.

  Devon pretended to drop her, and he smiled at the way she shrieked and tightened her arms around his neck.

  When Devon chuckled, Harry realized that her groom – her husband – had only been teasing her. “What an awful trick to play,” she protested.

  “But it worked, didn’t it?” he countered easily. “You were being too stiff.”

  “I can’t help it,” she answered helplessly. “I don’t know what to do. I feel like…I still feel like this is all a dream---”

  Devon cut her off with his mouth covering hers in a quick hard kiss. “Now,” he said as he lifted his head, “Does that still feel like a dream?” Although his bride was quick to shake her head, there remained a panicky expression on her lovely face, and he asked quizzically, “What are you nervous about? Are you worried that I’ll hurt you later?”

  Harry gasped. “Oh, not that. I’m not...” She shot him an embarrassed look. “I’m not that clueless. I know that the pain of…that---”

  “Sex,” he supplied helpfully.

  Her cheeks turned rosy even as she said hastily, “Yes, I mean that. I know doing that for the first time will hurt, but I know it’s not…fatal.”

  “Then what are you worried about?”

  Unable to answer him right away, Harry found herself reaching out to play with the collar of his shirt, all the while waiting for him to tell her to stop doing it.

  But he did not.

  He only waited for her answer patiently, not seeming to care at all about the way she fussed unnecessarily over his collar, and this…awed her. How had this happen? How could she have the right to be this man’s wife and touch him whenever and however she wanted?


  Knowing that she owed him the truth, she mumbled, “I’m just worried I won’t please you.”

  Devon stilled at the words. How sweet she was, and her innocence and purity so rare it was like the finest ambrosia in a field of weeds, something to be cherished and locked away lest one was tempted to steal it.

  “There is nothing for you to worry about,” he said finally.

  Harry bit her lip. “You truly mean that?”.

  “I only had to kiss you once,” he said gruffly, “and I knew that you would always please me.”

  The words, as sweet as they were unexpected, had her impulsively kissing him on his cheek. When she pulled back, the first thing she saw was the surprise that flickered in Devon’s icy blue eyes…which then turned into a hard glitter of lust.


  Devon’s growl was her only warning, and then his mouth crushed his in another toe-curling kiss just as he carried her into his bedroom and kicked the door shut behind him. Their lips remained fused as Devon lowered her to his bed, and she shivered in nervous excitement when Devon settled his body over hers. His hands cupped her face as he kissed her more deeply, his tongue sinking into her mouth again and again as he was starved and thirsty for the taste of her.

  When he finally pulled away, her entire body was awash with sensation and she could only stare at him with wide, unblinking eyes as he slowly stripped himself of his clothing. “Next time,” he said huskily, “you will be the one undressing me.”

  This had Harry gulping, and her husband smiled at the sight of it.

  It was her first time to be in his bedroom. Every inch of it was imposingly masculine, but Harry couldn’t really concentrate on the design, not when her eyes were hopelessly glued to Devon as he revealed his impressive form bit by bit. He was bare-chested now and down to his trousers, making Harry gulp again as she saw the way his tight muscles rippled on his arms and the sculpted perfection of his abs.

  Oh, oh dear. Harry felt faint as he padded towards her, his footsteps silenced by the carpeted floor.

  “May I undress you?”

  She could only nod, and her throat went dry as he pulled her to her feet. Again, she was beset with nerves as Devon made her turn around so he could work on the row of buttons at the back of her gown. It was over before she could draw another breath, the gown slowly sliding down to the floor. Her entire body shook as she placed her hand in his before stepping out of her gown, and she could feel herself turning pink all over when his heated gaze swept over her flesh, now only covered with lacy lingerie.

  “You look good enough to eat, darling.”

  She mumbled under her breath, “I’m not thin.”

  “No. You’re not. You’re all womanly curves, and that’s what I love about you.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her close so she would stand between his knees. “You’re all woman, all lush curves, and heaven to touch…”

  His whispered words were a seductive caress made potent by the sweeping movement of his hands, and Harry trembled as his hands shaped her sides, starting from the curves of her breasts, moving down to her waist and then on to her hips.

  She held her breath when his hands went up again, this time to unclasp her bra from the back. She didn’t move a muscle as she felt the bra falling down to the floor a moment later. Even with her staring fixedly at the wall behind Devon, she knew he was staring at her breasts, which she had always felt were too big for her body, and an unbidden whimper slipped out of her mouth when Devon finally cupped her breasts, his hands large enough to hold all of them.

  Devon waited for Hilary to look down at him, and when she did, that was when he squeezed one breast and took one nipple into his mouth. She gasped, her body stiffening, and as he sucked on her succulent nipple, he kept his gaze on her, enthralled by the way pleasure transformed her face into one of seductive beauty.

  He sucked harder on her nipp
le, and a moan slipped out of her parted lips, the sound clearly shocking and embarrassing her. But for Devon, it was an exquisite sound. Momentarily letting go of her breast, the nipple popping out of his mouth, he held her by the waist to pull her closer before sucking on her other nipple.

  Harry couldn’t stop herself from gazing at the way her husband sucked on her breast. It was such an erotic vision, and it made her body feel so strangely heavy. Between her legs, she felt something become throbbing and wet. She wondered dizzily how much more pleasure her body could take if this was what one kiss to her breast had already reduced her to.

  She stiffened when she realized that Devon’s hands had gotten busy again, moving down until they stopped on the hem of her lacy panties. Her hands unconsciously settled on his rock hard shoulders, nails creating crescent marks on his smooth golden skin as she felt his thumbs graze over her lace-covered flesh. She bit her lip hard as Devon traced her folds with one finger, the lace becoming wet with his strokes. Between this and his mouth sucking on her nipple, Harry was made powerless, swaying weakly on her legs.

  Devon’s manhood was aching hard against his trousers, telling him that he would not last a long time. Reluctantly, he released Hilary’s nipple, leaving one soft kiss on each breast before he focused on pulling her panties down her legs.

  Completely naked now, Harry clenched her arms against her sides as she felt Devon stare at her. Her shyness faded when she saw the hungry look in his eyes. It was almost as if he wanted to devour her – and not stop doing it.

  This made her gulp, and she gulped once more when he took her hand and guided her to the bed. He took his time arranging her, placing a pillow under her head and parting her legs so he could settle between them. She sucked her breath when he moved lower, and she couldn’t help whispering his name when she felt his breath caress the most sensitive part of her body.


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