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Hearts on Fire: Romance Multi-Author Box Set Anthology

Page 10

by Violet Vaughn

  “They’re emeralds set in fourteen-karat gold.” Blaine’s smile is huge, and I think he’s genuinely happy. I feel as though he just gave me more than a gift of earrings.

  I remove the earrings from the box and put them on. “How do they look?” I stretch my neck out for him to see.

  “Gorgeous, just like you.”

  I scamper off to the bathroom for the mirror. I call out, “I love them!” I turn my head from side to side and admire them. I almost skip back to the kitchen, thinking about how happy he makes me.

  Blaine is cooking the eggs, so I wrap my arms around his muscled chest from behind and lay my head against his back. I breathe in his musky scent. He turns around with a spatula in his hand and kisses the top of my head. “Happy birthday.”

  I reach up and kiss him. “Thank you. I may never take them out.”

  I hop my butt up on the counter to watch him cook. Just as I smell bread burning, two slices pop out of the toaster. Blaine prepares the toast and begins to cut it into shapes.

  I ask, “What are you doing?”

  He smiles mysteriously. “You’ll see.”

  When he arranges the toast, I squeal. “It’s a house! How cute is that?”

  “Ah, but wait, there’s more.” He squeezes ketchup to spit out of a bottle in swirls coming out of the chimney. “For your eggs.” Blaine raises his eyebrows at me because he thinks it’s strange that I like ketchup on scrambled eggs.

  “You’re so clever. You’ll be such a great dad someday.” Watching him, I picture little kids at a table with Blaine making them breakfast. I imagine they’ll have blond hair and his icy-blue eyes. Or maybe one will have my green eyes. Perhaps curls too?

  We sit down to breakfast, and I savor the slightly salty flavor of my eggs as I focus on Blaine. His face has strong, angular cheekbones, and I watch as his full lips move with his chewing. His eyes are the color of faded denim, and the stray locks of hair make my fingers long to touch them.

  “You’re staring at me,” he says. “What are you thinking?”

  I’m thinking I want to have your babies and spend my life with you. I’m thinking— “I love you, Blaine.” My voice is soft. My heart is bursting, and a silly grin covers my face.

  His fork clatters against his plate as he sets it down to reach for my hands. “I love you too.”

  * * *

  “I’m in love.” Walking home from Blaine’s, I text Gretchen.

  “OMG, really?”

  “Yup, dreaming of our babies, too.”

  “Don’t you have to have sex for those?”

  Damn it, good point. “We’ll get there.”

  Crap. I’m in love with a man who’s barely gotten past kissing me. Me, the girl with a teenaged boy’s sex drive. Perhaps sex ed with Casey isn’t such a bad idea after all. I cringe when I think about the wine fiasco. It seems like it was so long ago, and maybe it was. I decide I need a better plan, and this time I think straight-out honesty is the way to go. Just talk when the opportunity presents itself. Armed with this thought, I hope I have the courage to do it.

  I remember I wanted to run more after Blaine and I finished, so I decide to add a two-mile loop to my walk home. When I get into the zone, my heart pumps a strong rhythm, and my lungs drink in oxygen with each breath. I take long strides, and the muscles through my torso stretch while the steady sound of my feet making contact with the pavement hypnotizes me. Up ahead is an intersection, and I notice a truck. I look for the driver to wave me by and hesitate until I see the hand motion for me to go.

  The driver hits his car horn just as I’m in front of him. “Shit!” Feeling the quick surge of adrenaline from nearly jumping out of my skin, I glare at him. He’s laughing, and I see it’s Jason. Jerk.

  I walk over to the window as he lowers it and says, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Didn’t you even know it was me?”

  I punch him in the arm. It’s hard against my knuckles, but I’m not giving him the satisfaction of rubbing my sore fingers. “No. I was in the zone. You scared the crap out of me.”

  Jason scans my body with his eyes as he says, “I’m on my way to the job site. First day.”

  I take in his appearance as well. He looks good. Too good. I glare at him as I say, “Welcome to Breck.”

  “Thanks. I don’t want to be late on my first day. Gotta go.”

  Still shaken from my scare and a little pissed he checked me out, I say, “Don’t let me stop you.”

  “I’ll text you later.”

  “You do that.” I take off running. I’m so over him. I’ve got Blaine now. I envision our children I imagined earlier, and a grin covers my face. Blaine’s going to make a great father.


  The bell on the door announces my entrance to the bike shop. A head pops up from behind the counter. “Can I help you?”

  “Is Blaine here?”

  A shaggy-haired guy too skinny for his pants answers, “He’s test-riding a bike right now.”

  “Oh, tough job you guys have.” I smile at him so he knows I’m teasing.

  “It’s not bad.” He shrugs his shoulders as he saunters out from behind the counter. I think he’s trying to find his inner cool to impress me. I’m dying to hitch up his jeans for him as he asks, “Are you looking for help with your bike?”

  I decide to relieve him from possible embarrassment. “No, I’m Blaine’s girlfriend. I just wanted to know if he could have lunch with me.”

  “Oh.” He fiddles with a bike’s handles and avoids my gaze as he says, “He should be back soon.”

  “I’m just going to look around a bit, thanks.” The bike shop is a ski shop in the winter. The carpet is threadbare by the door and over near the benches where people sit to have boot work done. It has an odor of smelly feet, which right now seems out of place. I love coming to a shop like this in the winter because it usually has the aroma of melted wax they use on the bottom of skis to keep them sliding on snow. Likely a smell only skiers love, I miss it right now.

  I need to tell Blaine about Jason being here, but with someone around, I think that might not be a good idea.

  Shaggy is back behind the counter, working on a bike that is secured to the worktable. I go sit on a bench and pull out my phone. I half expect to see a text from Jason. I don’t.

  “Hey, pretty girl.” Blaine has come in from the back and approaches the counter. His hair is windblown, and a breeze comes toward me.

  “How was the ride?” I stand up and put my phone in my back pocket.

  “Nice.” He looks hot in his shorts and T-shirt. He has skin that tans with just a touch of sunshine and hair that bleaches almost as quickly. My heart skips a beat when he gives me a quick kiss. “What’s up?”

  “I thought maybe you could have lunch with me,” I say. “Can you leave? Or should I go get us something?”

  “I should stay. Subs?”

  “Sure.” I whisper, “What’s that guy’s name?” I point at Shaggy.

  “Oh, sorry. Hey, Chris!” The guy looks toward us. “This is my girlfriend, Casey.” Chris gives us a nod and goes back to tinkering.

  “Chris, I’m going to get subs for me and Blaine. Do you want anything?”

  “Yeah.” He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a crumpled ten. “Roast beef, everything on it, and a cola.”

  Blaine takes the money from him and straightens it out before he hands it to me. “Thanks, Case.”

  The sub shop is just around the corner, and I enter into the aroma of fried onions and peppers. There are two girls in line waiting their turn, so I step behind them and listen to their conversation. My ears perk up at the mention of the bike shop.

  “Oh, my God, you have to see him. He is H-O-T, hot!” The blonde talking pulls out her phone. “Look, I took his picture this morning when he thought I was talking to Chris.” The brunette looks and says, “Smoking hot. I think I may need a little work done, if you know what I mean.” They laugh.

  Hey, hands off my guy. But I smile because he
’s all mine.

  After I have lunch with the guys, I leave. Since I couldn’t tell Blaine about Jason being here in front of Chris, I return the shop as he’s getting out of work. “Almost out of here?”

  “I am. Are you done for the day?”

  “No, I have to go photograph a few more shots for a house. But I need to talk to you alone.”

  He gives me a questioning look. “Sure.”

  I sit on a bench, waiting for him to finish, and say, “I overheard a conversation about you today. Two girls were discussing how hot you are.” I lean back on the bench and stretch.

  “Really?” His cheeks turn pink. I’m not sure I’ve seen him blush before.

  “But don’t worry,” I say. “I threatened their lives if they touch you.”

  “You did?” Now he frowns.

  I grin at him. “Of course not, but I was thinking it.”

  He walks over and sits next to me, and his grip is firm when he takes me by the shoulders. “You know you have nothing to worry about, right?” He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my face toward him to lean down and kiss me. It’s the kind of kiss that gets me a little flustered, and I hear Chris say under his breath, “Dude, you are so whipped.”

  Blaine breaks away to wink at me. “I am.”

  We walk out of the shop hand in hand, and I say, “So, Jason’s in town.”

  “Jason, the Vermont Jason?”

  I look out at the mountain; its sheer presence continues to amaze me. “Yeah. I saw him this morning after I left you and was running alone.”

  “Okay. Was that it?” He sounds relieved.

  “Yeah.” I think about how upset Blaine was the last time I saw Jason and say, “I’m trying to learn from my mistakes.”

  “It’s all good.” I can’t tell if he means it and decide to stroke his ego a bit just in case.

  I stop walking and pull him toward me by his hand. In a soft voice, I say, “Do you have any idea how great you are?” His chest is warm and hard under my palm, and I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. When I step away, I notice a truck has just passed us, and I see it has Vermont plates.


  It’s moving day, and I’m waiting for Blaine. Lately, I’ve felt like things are off. I know I attach a lot to sex, but I have a hard time believing I’m completely wrong about that. Since the night before Tim died, we haven’t even had a make-out session. Kisses are brief, and hands stay put. Not even sexually charged comments are made. It has me second-guessing myself.

  The biggest question in my mind? Why hasn’t he made a move to do more? I thought we were almost there before the avalanche. I have no doubt Blaine loves me, but I’m seriously frustrated. I wonder if he just doesn’t find me sexually appealing, and it’s messing with my insecurities in a big way.

  I decide to give Gretchen a quick call to sort this out. “Hey, Gretchen! How’s the man candy?” She is dating a new guy and is smitten.

  “Oh, girl, he makes my toes curl! How’s your sex life? Sorry, low blow. Ha! Get it? Low? Blow?”

  I giggle. “It’s so good to hear your voice. I miss you so much.” I never did give Blaine that blow job. Maybe that’s what I need to do.

  “Uh-oh, what’s going on?”

  “I need a little Gretchen advice. I’m having a real problem with my non-existent sex life. Do you think maybe he just isn’t attracted to me?”

  “You’re one of the most sexual people I know. I can’t imagine any guy not being attracted to you. You ooze do-me vibes. They smell it and don’t even know why they want you, just that they do.”

  “I’m flattered?” I chuckle.

  “I’ve got to say something you need to hear, so please don’t be mad and promise me you’ll think about it.”

  When she starts this way, it’s always something that hurts. But damn it, she’s usually right. “Got it. My eyes are closed. Hit me with your best shot.”

  “Sweetie, take a long, hard look at why you love Blaine. Because I’m not so sure it’s him. It may be the idea of a family with him, or it may be that he checks all the boxes on your fucking list. But guess what? You forgot to add the intimacy box. You’re a passionate woman and won’t survive without it.”

  There is silence for a few moments. “Casey?”

  “Yeah?” Anger is making me reel as I counter everything she said in my head.

  “Just make sure you aren’t seeing only what you want to see. Okay?”

  I know Gretchen cares about me, but I think she’s wrong. I sigh. “Okay. Blaine just pulled in. Gotta go.”

  “Love you. Call later if you want. I’ll always answer for you. Always.”

  I have a quick vision of her in the middle of something, naked and answering the phone. I smile. “You might be sorry you promised that. Love you too, Gretch.”

  * * *

  When everything you own fits in or on a car, moving is easy. We manage to pack and get my things to Clara’s in a morning. I’m in the bedroom, sorting my clothes. Blaine sits on the bed to watch and make comments about my fashion sense.

  I say, “Listen, Mr. Flip-Flops Are Dress Shoes, I do need four pair of black heels. Deal with it.” I smile because, honestly, shoes aren’t up for negotiation with any guy.

  Teasing me, he holds up a pair of pink thong sandals and says, “Fine, but they do make these in black, you know.”

  At least he sees the humor.

  “Nick texted,” he says. “He and Megan can make it tonight.” Blaine looks at his phone and taps out a message.

  I hold up my fingers one by one as I count. “Kaleb, Tara, Nick, Megan, you, me—that’s six of us. We’ll need at least nine burgers. I’ll text Megan about what she can bring.”

  “Nick just replied. Megan will bring a salad. He said to tell you that she’ll bring wine coolers too.”

  “What are the guys drinking?”

  “Beer and maybe some kind of manly shot.” He chuckles, knowing I’ll react.

  “Manly?” I slingshot a lace thong his way.

  He catches it and holds it up to see what I threw. He holds it up and twists it around as he frowns.

  I think maybe he doesn’t know how it’s worn and say, “It’s underwear. Didn’t any of your old girlfriends ever wear one?”

  Blaine combs his hair with his fingers and glances away. “Um. I guess. I just never noticed.”

  Wow, maybe he is a virgin. “I’ll take that as a challenge.” I wink at him, and he blushes. I wonder if I just scared him and I sigh. I think it’s time for some honesty.

  I ask, “Can I ask you a personal question?” I climb on the bed across from him. He sits up as if he needs to brace himself for something and says, “Sure.”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  Relief floods his face as he says, “No. But I’ve only been with one girl.”

  I nod my head. That explains so much. “Thanks for being honest.”

  I take another big breath, because it’s time for me to be honest too. “I would like us to take our physical relationship further. I...” Damn, this is scary. “I’m ready for us to make love.” Actually, I’m ready for sex. Lots of hot, sweaty, lust-filled sex.

  He tilts his head, and a slow smile covers his face. “I want that, too.”

  Wow, this is huge for us. I’m tempted to act on this, but I guess he doesn’t want it right now. Sweet Jesus, I’m like a guy. I need to control my urges and make it right for him.

  I kneel up and kiss him on top of the head. Then I grab the pile of dresses behind him. “Here, put these on hangers for me? I’ll get started on the bathroom.” And maybe take a cold shower. I smile to myself as I walk out of the room.

  I’m ready fifteen minutes before people are due to arrive. Blaine’s getting the food, beer, and ice and still hasn’t returned. He texted me to say he was running late and please don’t worry, that nobody will come at six anyway. While I know it’s true, it still makes me crazy, and if I were a nail-biter, that’s what I would be doing. I’ve checked everything that could be

  I take a final look in the bedroom mirror. I’m dressed in a teal scoop-neck tee that has little crystals around the neckline that sparkle when the light catches them right. And of course, I have on my emerald studs. My jeans are tight in all the right places, and I even did cat-eye makeup tonight. I feel quite sexy.

  The front door squeaks open. “Casey! I could use a little help.”

  “Coming!” I jog to the living room and see Blaine precariously loaded up with bags. I grab a few before he drops them and carry them to the kitchen counter and ask, “Want me to get more from the car?”

  “No, I’ll get them. You go ahead and get started setting things up. Sorry I’m late. I know what that does to my terminally early girl.” He places a quick kiss on the top of my head.

  I spend the next few minutes ordering him around while I frantically organize food for the table. Finally, everything is in place. “Whew.” I flap my shirt, and air is cool on my damp skin. “We’re ready. Thanks, Blaine. I know I can be a bit of a control freak.”

  I walk over to wrap my arms around his waist. Let’s get this party started. I reach up and kiss him as I slide my hands under his shirt and around to his chest. Hair is coarse under my fingers, and I move down to trace the ridges of his six-pack as his stomach trembles beneath my hands. I break away from his mouth to start on his neck and taste the salty musk of him. My hand reaches down, and denim is rough under my palm as I rub his crotch. The promise of something grows.

  He breaks away. “Whoa, people will be here soon.”

  Is he afraid? I gaze up into his eyes and try to see what’s there. He doesn’t look lusty right now. He looks uncomfortable. Maybe he’s not ready after all.

  “Let the party begin!” Tara bursts through the door, breasts first. She’s wearing a tight shirt cut so low even I can’t help but stare. She gives me air kisses. In her hands is a huge platter I guess is from The Wine and Cheese Shop. The pungent smell of Muenster sneaks into my nose, and I notice my favorite whiskey-aged cheddar. Tara tilts her head toward the dining room. “On the table?”


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