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Resurgence: Green Fields book 5

Page 42

by Adrienne Lecter

  The sun had set by the time I pulled away from him, my body still shaking slightly with emotion, but my mind starting to clear up.

  “What are we going to do now?” I asked, low enough that my voice didn’t carry over to where the rest of our crew stood loitering between the cars, desperately trying to give us some privacy. “This here, this is a bust. We haven’t found a single scrap of paper. No leads, no maps, no anything. The only connection that we have are the idiots guarding the settlement, but I doubt any of them even know any names, let alone who else is connected to this.” I paused, thinking. “Ethan, from the Aurora lab, was here, too, but it was obvious that he wasn’t working with them anymore. Said he got a promotion. I guarantee you, if we get anywhere close to Aurora, they’ll be waiting for us. They’ll kill us. Except for that, we have nothing.”

  Nate considered my words for a second, the fact that he wasn’t protesting my assessment not exactly comforting. Frustrated, I let out my breath in a harsh sigh, staring up into the darkening sky. A falling star streaked overhead, almost making me laugh. Yeah, not even that would grant me my wish.

  “Maybe there’s another option,” Nate said. When I glanced at him, I saw him still staring up into the sky where that small meteor—or more likely, failing satellite—had found its end in the earth’s atmosphere.

  “The satellites,” I muttered, realizing what must have crossed his mind just then. “Didn’t they tell us at the Silo that they’re constantly recording every feed that they manage to get?”

  Nate nodded, the hint of a smile appearing on his face, if a grim one. “They did. Cleaning out a complex this large takes time. And people.”

  “And vehicles,” I jumped ahead. “Vehicles that need to come here, stop to be loaded, and then they leave.”

  “Traceable for days, if you can check the recordings,” he agreed. “We have the coordinates, and we have the approximate timeframe. And except for us coming up from the south to reach Halsey from the strategic point in the east, no larger convoy has likely crossed this part of the country. They may be gone for days, too long for us to catch up to them immediately, but they won’t be able to just up and disappear without leaving us the exact route that they took.”

  I knew that there was still the possibility that we were grasping at straws—but it was a lot more than we’d had just moments ago. It certainly was enough for me to cling to, and that was all that I needed right now.

  Turning around to face our group, I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope ignite deep inside my chest. “Get ready,” I called out to them. “We’re going to hunt us some assholes!”

  To be concluded in Green Fields #6 - Unity

  (Coming Fall 2016)


  As much as I love reading these end-of-book notes, it can be tantalizingly hard to write them. Promise, the last book in the series will have a more extensive one. ‘Resurgence’ has been a wild ride for me, and I hope the same is true for you, dear reader. So much has happened, and now I need to gather up all the many plot strings and tie them up within the space of a single book. No pressure, right?

  It means the world to me that there are so many of you out there, reading my books, loving my characters. If you have a moment to spare, why not drop me a line to let me know what your favorite moments were so far, and what you’re still yearning to see? Or just chat for a bit. If you want to help and support me (or any other Indie author out there) please spread the word about my books, and if you’re so inclined, leave an honest review.

  As always, I have my share of people to thank. Foremost, the guy in my life, who never complains when I end up looking more like a zombie than human at wrapping up a book. Again. This is a thing now. You better get used to this!

  Also my editor and cover designer, because they make this madness look downright professional. Tanya and Susan, for helping me pick out the last remaining flaws. But most of all, all the great people who love my books and let me know via email, facebook, and all the other ways they manage to track me down. Thank you for hanging in with me. I hope you’re chomping at the bit for the last book in the series!

  About the Author

  Adrienne Lecter has a background in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, loves ranting at inaccuracies in movies, and spends increasingly more time at the shooting range. She lives with the man and two cats of her life in Vienna, Austria and is working on the next books in the Green Fields series.

  You can sign up for Adrienne’s newsletter to never miss a release and be the first to know what other shenanigans she gets up to:



  Twitter: @AdrienneLecter


  Books published

  Green Fields

  #1: Incubation

  #2: Outbreak

  #3: Escalation

  #4: Extinction

  #5: Resurgence

  #6: Unity (Fall 2016)

  Thank you!

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  Or if you’d like to drop me a note, or chat a bit, feel free to email me or hit me up on social media. I’ll try to respond as quickly as possible!



  Twitter: @AdrienneLecter





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